The Gremi citadel (Géorgie/Georgia)
Gremi is a 16th-century architectural monument -- the royal citadel and the Church of the Archangels -- in Kakheti, Georgia. The complex is what has survived from the once flourishing town of Gremi and is located east of the present-day village of the same name in the Kvareli district, 175 kilometers east of Tbilisi, capital of Georgia.
Gremi was the capital of the Kingdom of Kakheti in the 16th and 17th centuries. Founded by Levan of Kakheti, it functioned as a lively trading town on the Silk Road and royal residence until being razed to the ground by the armies of Shah Abbas I of Persia in 1615. The town never regained its past prosperity and the kings of Kakheti transferred their capital to Telavi in the mid-17th century.
The town appears to have occupied the area of approximately 40 hectares and to have been composed of three principal parts -- the Archangels' Church complex, the royal residence and the commercial neighborhood. Systematic archaeological studies of the area guided by A. Mamulashvili and P. Zak'araia were carried out in 1939-1949 and 1963-1967, respectively. Since 2007, the monuments of Gremi have been proposed for inclusion into the UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
The Archangels' Church complex is located on a hill and composed of the Church of the Archangels Michael and Gabriel itself, a three-story castle, a bell tower and a wine cellar (marani). It is encircled by a wall secured by embrasures, turrets and towers. Remains of the secret tunnel leading to the Ints'obi River have also survived.
The Church of the Archangels was constructed at the behest of King Leon of Kakheti (r. 1520--1574) in 1565 and frescoed by 1577. It is a cruciform domed church built chiefly of stone. Its design marries traditional Georgian masonry with a local interpretation of the contemporary Iranian architectural taste.[1] The building has three entrances, one facing west, one facing to the south, and the third facing to the north. The interior is crowned with a dome supported by the corners of the sanctuary and two basic piers. The façade is divided into three arched sections. The dome sits on an arcaded drum which is punctured by eight windows.
The bell-tower also houses a museum where several archaeological artifacts and the 16th-century cannon are displayed. The walls are adorned with a series of portraits of the kings of Kakheti by the modern Georgian painter Levan Chogoshvili (1985).
Georgia, Gremi Monastery - To the Caspian Sea ep13 - Travel vlog calatorii tourism video HD
Gremi is a 16th-century architectural monument – the royal citadel and the Church of the Archangels – in Kakheti, Georgia. The complex is what has survived from the once flourishing town of Gremi and is located southwest of the present-day village of the same name in the Kvareli district, 175 kilometers east of Tbilisi, capital of Georgia.
My trip to the Caspian Sea
Japan ambassador MR Toshio Kaitani was in Gremi, Kvareli, Georgia
სოფელ გრემში არსებულ საქველმოქმედო კავშირ თემს, იაპონიის მთავრობამ სოფლის მეურნეობის ტექნიკისგაუმჯობესების პროექტის ფარგლებში სათბური და სოფლის მეურნეობის ტექნიკა გადასცა. პროექტის გახსნის საზეიმო ცერემონიალს საქართველოში იაპონიის ელჩი ბატონი ტოშიო კაიტანი დაესწრო
Грузия - Кахеттия, Греми - 4К ( Georgia - Kakheti, Gremi)
Греми (груз. გრემი) — архитектурный памятник XVI века — царская крепость в грузинской исторической области Кахетия. Крепость с церковью Архангелов — это всё, что осталось от некогда процветающего города Греми.
Город Греми был столицей Кахетинского царства в XVI—XVII веках. В городе проживало большое количество армян. В 30-х годах XVII века, с посольством в городе побывал Фёдор Волконский, который отметил что в городе есть армянская церковь, армянский двор с каменной оградой, за которой находилась ещё одна церковь. Кроме, возле царского двора, имелось ещё до 10 армянских церквей. Основанная Леваном Кахетинским, столица была царской резиденцией и оживлённым торговым городом Великого Шёлкового пути, до тех пор пока её не сровняли с землёй войска шаха Аббаса I в 1615 году. С тех пор город никогда не обрёл былого процветания и в середине XVII века цари Кахетии перенесли свою столицу в Телави.
Город, предположительно, занимал площадь в 40 га и состоял из трех основных частей — церкви Архангелов, царской резиденции и торгового района.
Комплекс Церкви Архангелов расположен на холме и состоит из самой церкви Архангелов Михаила и Гавриила, колокольни, трёхэтажного дворца и винного погреба (марани). Комплекс окружён стеной, с башнями и амбразурами. Сохранились остатки тайного подземного хода, ведущего к реке.
Церковь Архангелов была построена по приказу царя Левана Кахетинскго в 1565 году и расписанна в 1577 году. Это каменный крестово-купольный храм. Традиционная грузинская каменная кладка, включает в себя местную интерпретацию иранских архитектурных вкусов. Здание имеет три входа — основной западный и два боковых — северный и южный. Купол храма лежит на углах алтарной апсиды и на двух опорных столбах. Барабан купола имеет аркатурный пояс и восемь узких окон. Фасад разделен на три арочные секции.
(Georgian: გრემი) is a 16th-century architectural monument – the royal citadel and the Church of the Archangels – in Kakheti, Georgia. The complex is what has survived from the once flourishing town of Gremi and is located southwest of the present-day village of the same name in the Kvareli district, 175 kilometers east of Tbilisi, capital of Georgia.
Gremi was the capital of the Kingdom of Kakheti in the 16th and 17th centuries. Founded by Levan of Kakheti, it functioned as a lively trading town on the Silk Road and royal residence until being razed to the ground by the armies of Shah Abbas I of Persia in 1615. The town never regained its past prosperity and the kings of Kakheti transferred their capital to Telavi in the mid-17th century. There was big Armenian population. The Russian diplomat Fedor Volkonsky, who was here in the 17th century, said: Armenians have own church and market behind one was other church. He also said about 10 Armenian churches near the palace of king
The town appears to have occupied the area of approximately 40 hectares and to have been composed of three principal parts – the Archangels’ Church complex, the royal residence and the commercial neighborhood. Systematic archaeological studies of the area guided by A. Mamulashvili and P. Zak’araia were carried out in 1939-1949 and 1963-1967, respectively. Since 2007, the monuments of Gremi have been proposed for inclusion into the UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
The Archangels’ Church complex is located on a hill and composed of the Church of the Archangels Michael and Gabriel itself, a three-story castle, a bell tower and a wine cellar (marani). It is encircled by a wall secured by embrasures, turrets and towers. Remains of the secret tunnel leading to the Ints’obi River have also survived.
The Church of the Archangels was constructed at the behest of King Levan of Kakheti (r. 1520–1574) in 1565 and frescoed by 1577. It is a cruciform domed church built chiefly of stone. Its design marries traditional Georgian masonry with a local interpretation of the contemporary Iranian architectural taste.
The building has three entrances, one facing west, one facing to the south, and the third facing to the north. The interior is crowned with a dome supported by the corners of the sanctuary and two basic piers. The façade is divided into three arched sections. The dome sits on an arcaded drum which is punctured by eight windows.
Греми, Грузия
Архитектурный ансамбль Греми в том виде, в котором он дошел до наших дней, был построен в XVI веке при царе Леване Кахетинском. Бывшая некогда торговым городом, и сейчас эта крепость и церковь Архангелов восхищают своим величием. С 2007 года археологическое наследие и исторические памятники Греми находятся в качестве кандидатов для внесение в Список Всемирного Наследия ЮНЕСКО.
Gremi is a 16th-century architectural monument – the royal citadel and the Church of the Archangels – in Kakheti, Georgia, founded by Levan of Kakheti. The complex is what has survived from the once flourishing town of Gremi, but it still admires with its greatness. From 2007 Gremi’s historical monuments are the UNESCO candidates.
Gremi monastery , Kakheti , Georgia
Three monasteries and a winery Georgia
Heading towards Azerbaijan from Tbilisi we encounter 3 Monasteries and a unique winery. The video says it all.
Monastery 1.. David Gareji Monastery, Monastery 2 Bodbe Monastery, Monastery 3 Gremi Monastery, and the winery in the Gvirabi tunnel, Kvareli.
Gremi fortress / გრემის ციხე / Крепость Греми / - 4K aerial video footage DJI Inspire 1
Gremi (Georgian: გრემი) is a 16th-century architectural monument – the royal citadel and the Church of the Archangels – in Kakheti, Georgia. The complex is what has survived from the once flourishing town of Gremi and is located east of the present-day village of the same name in the Kvareli district, 175 kilometers east of Tbilisi, capital of Georgia.
Gremi was the capital of the Kingdom of Kakheti in the 16th and 17th centuries. Founded by Levan of Kakheti, it functioned as a lively trading town on the Silk Road and royal residence until being razed to the ground by the armies of Shah Abbas I of Persia in 1615. The town never regained its past prosperity and the kings of Kakheti transferred their capital to Telavi in the mid-17th century. There was big Armenian population. The Russian diplomat Fedor Volkonsky, who was here in the 17th century, said: Armenians have own church and market behind one was other church. He also said about 10 Armenian churches near the palace of king.
The town appears to have occupied the area of approximately 40 hectares and to have been composed of three principal parts – the Archangels’ Church complex, the royal residence and the commercial neighborhood. Systematic archaeological studies of the area guided by A. Mamulashvili and P. Zak’araia were carried out in 1939-1949 and 1963-1967, respectively. Since 2007, the monuments of Gremi have been proposed for inclusion into the UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
The Archangels’ Church complex is located on a hill and composed of the Church of the Archangels Michael and Gabriel itself, a three-story castle, a bell tower and a wine cellar (marani). It is encircled by a wall secured by embrasures, turrets and towers. Remains of the secret tunnel leading to the Ints’obi River have also survived.
The Church of the Archangels was constructed at the behest of King Levan of Kakheti (r. 1520–1574) in 1565 and frescoed by 1577. It is a cruciform domed church built chiefly of stone. Its design marries traditional Georgian masonry with a local interpretation of the contemporary Iranian architectural taste.[2] The building has three entrances, one facing west, one facing to the south, and the third facing to the north. The interior is crowned with a dome supported by the corners of the sanctuary and two basic piers. The façade is divided into three arched sections. The dome sits on an arcaded drum which is punctured by eight windows.
The bell-tower also houses a museum where several archaeological artifacts and the 16th-century cannon are displayed. The walls are adorned with a series of portraits of the kings of Kakheti by the modern Georgian painter Levan Chogoshvili (1985).
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zero-project- The crossroads of change
zero-project- The preparation
Gremi was the capital of the Kingdom of Kakheti in the 16th and 17th centuries.
Gremi is a 16th-century architectural monument – the royal citadel and the Church of the Archangels – in Kakheti, Georgia. The complex is what has survived from the once flourishing town of Gremi and is located southwest of the present-day village of the same name in the Kvareli district, 175 kilometers east of Tbilisi, capital of Georgia.
Georgian house located in Kutaisi (Géorgie/Georgia)
I have spent one night in this house. It was very clean and calm.
Грузия с детьми.Серия 19. Кахетия ნეკრესის სამონასტრო озеро илии монастырь некреси икалто алаверди
Перед посещением столицы Кахетии Телави сказад ДО СВИДАНИЯ Сигнахи, мы отправились на кругосветку по Кахетии, в которой посетили уже описанное ранее озеро Кварели, а также город Кварели , замок Греми, монастыри Икалто,Алаверди и Некреси.А такжедоброе и уютное озеро Илии. Обо всем по порядку. В Кварели мы проголодались и долго катались по городу в поисках кафе. Кафе там не очень много в отличии от любых других городов - нашли только на территории заводи Киндзмараули - главной достопримечательности города.Вкусно и недорого поев мы походили и пофотографирповались по территории. Везде стоят огромные квери - сушатся.Видели белесые гигантские цистерны в которых перегоняется и настаивается сок, превращающийся потом в прекрасный напиток - символ Грузии. Рядом с Кварели в 7 км по путеводителям нашли озеро Илии - которое является местом отдыха местных.Озеро прекрасно оборудованно - здесь детские площадки, лежаки, кафешки и весь сервис БЕСПЛАТНО.Там мы впервые в этом году искупались. Остыли, отдохнули и направились в Некреси.Здесь пришлось пересесть на автобус, так как 2 км до монастыря идет только специальный автобус с периодичностью раз в полчаса. Поднялись минут за 10 на нем и стали наслаждаться великолепными видами на Кахетию и Алазанскую долину.Некреси - самый высокий монастырный комплекс Кахетии.Нас поразил возраст сооружений 4-6 век!И в этом вся православная святая грузия.Потом были маленький но симпатичный монастырь Икалто - здесь обучались большинство просветителей Грузиий в том числе и в 12 веке Шота Руставели. А потом посетили самый огромный храм - Алаверди. По насыщенности и числу мест - это самый активный день был за нашу неделю в Грузии.
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Maranis & Kvareli's wineries (Géorgie/Georgia)
Kvareli is a town in northeastern in Kakheti Province, Georgia. Located in the Alazani Valley, near the foothills of the Greater Caucasus Mountains, it was the birthplace of Georgian author Ilia Chavchavadze, whose fortified house is preseved as a local museum.
The area is in the center of the Kakheti wine-producing region, and the town itself is known for its Kindzmarauli wine, a semisweet red variety.
Hotel Kvareli Eden - Kvareli, Georgia
Want more info or Booking?
Rkoni Georgia 4K
Aero filmography
Georgian hospitality (Géorgie/Georgia)
We've only been in Georgia a few days, but what we noticed immediately is the hospitality of the Georgian people.
A dream of Georgia - Tbilisi
Travels through Georgia, its capital and beautiful wine country.
Travel kvareli wine tunnel
Georgia Voyage - Dinner with folk program
Gastronomic Tour – Culinary Traditions of Georgia
Tour programme: Tbilisi – Mtskheta – Ananuri – Goudauri – Kazbegi – Ikalto – Tsinandali – Kvareli –Georgia Voyage Gremi – Tbilisi
Duration: 4 days / 3 nights.
Excursion Price – One person starting from $ 495.
Departure dates: on request.
Detailed information – Viber / WhatsApp +995 599 256519
Trip to Georgia Kazbegi - Kakheti (DJI PHANTOM 4)
Here are some of the shots, we captured during 3 day Georgian trip
კახეთში ატმისა და ვაშლატამას მოსავალს იღებენ
კახეთში ატმისა და ვაშლატამას მოსავალს იღებენ.
დღე-ღამის განმავლობაში 800-1000 ტონა ხილი იკრიფება. ბოლო მონაცემებით საქართველოდან 4000 ტონამდე ატმისა და ვაშლატამას ექსპორტი განხორციელდა.
მოსავლის აღებისა და დაბინავების პროცესს გარემოს დაცვისა და სოფლის მეურნეობის მინისტრის მოადგილე გაეცნო. ის ხილის სამაცივრე მეურნეობების მფლობელებს და ადგილობრივ ფერმერებს შეხვდა.
ეწვიეთ ჩვენს საიტს -
მოიწონეთ ჩვენი გვერდი -
გამოიწერეთ ჩვენი არხი -
ვიდეო წარმოადგენს საზოგადოებრივი მაუწყებლის საკუთრებას.
მისი გავრცელება შეგიძლიათ მხოლოდ ბმულის გაზიარებით.
დაუშვებელია მასალის ჩამოტვირთვა და სხვაგან ატვირთვა,
ამ შემთხვევაში მაუწყებელი უფლებას იტოვებს მიმართოს შესაბამის ზომებს.