Botanical Garden Kyiv, Ukraine (2018)
Botanical Garden, Kyiv, Ukraine – I am interrupting the videos on Berlin to show you what spring looks like in Kyiv. The M. M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden is the larger of two botanical gardens in Kyiv. This was filmed on May 1st, May day. The Lilacs were in full bloom. It looked and smelled beautiful. I hope the nature lovers watching this enjoy this little taste of spring.
Link to M. M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden -
Welcome to Botanic Garden and Vydubich Monastery in Kiev, Ukraine
LINK = = Vydubich Orthodox Church Monastery in Kiev, September 2013, by Entomologist in Ukraine.
Vydubich Orthodox Church Monastery is located closely to M.M.Grishko National Botanical Garden, Vydubichi, the city of Kiev, the capital Ukraine.
my e-mail: ufensia (at)
Recorded by Viktor Fursov, Entomologist in Ukraine
Corruption park in Hryshko botanical garden in Kiev, UKRAINE | thekonst travel vlog
One of my favorite public spaces in Kiev, the M. Hryshko botanical garden, now features a corruption park, a EU-funded show to educate young people about corruption.
Ukraine ranks 130 out of 180 countries on corruption index and many people were raised in this system, used to bribes, thinking it’s normal. Without understanding how bad it’s really is there can be no support for anti-corruption reforms in the society, hence the park.
There is a tent shaped after the gold loaf of bread that was found in the house of the former president Yanukovich, and a confiscated $300k worth BMW. Lots of information about corruption in the tents, it’s free and worth visiting.
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Ботанический Сад Киев Украина
Национальный ботанический сад имени Н. Н. Гришко НАН Украины
National Botanical Garden named after N. N. Grishko NAS of Ukraine
Музыка Николай Осадчий - Осенние прогулки
Music Nikolay Osadchy - Autumn walks
Universum Guitars D.A.G model Grace II
Национальный ботанический сад имени Николая Гришко́ Национальной Академии наук Украины (укр. Націона́льний ботані́чний сад і́мені Мико́ли Гришка́ НАН Украї́ни) — научно-исследовательское учреждение, занимающееся проектированием и созданием новых ботанических садов и парков, разработкой научных основ озеленения и фитодизайна предприятий и организаций, а также многими другими отраслями теоретической и прикладной ботаники. В СССР официальное название было «Центральный республиканский ботанический сад Академии наук Украины» (ЦРБС АН УССР).
Ботанический сад входит в природно-заповедный фонд Украины и является объектом комплексной охраны, относится к землям природного и историко-культурного назначения, которые охраняются как национальное достояние государства.
Одно из главных заданий ботанического сада — проведения исследований в области охраны природы, создание базы для сохранения генофонда растений и всего биологического разнообразия, а также просветительская деятельность по вопросам экологии и использования растений.
Адрес сада: 01014, Украина, г. Киев, ул. Тимирязевская, 1. Директор — Заименко Наталья Васильевна — член-корреспондент Национальной академии наук Украины, профессор, доктор биологических наук.
По разнообразию коллекций живых растений, масштабам территории, уровню научных исследований занимает одно из ведущих мест среди крупнейших ботанических садов Европы. В состав ботанического сада входят 8 научных отделов; уникальный коллекционный фонд Национального ботанического сада насчитывает более 13 000 таксонов, относящихся к 220 семействам и 1347 родам.
На территории Ботанического сада находится главный храм, колокольня и келейные корпуса Ионинского монастыря, основанного в конце XIX века.
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Ukrainian National Botanical Garden of Mykole Hryshka National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine) - a research institution dedicated to the design and creation of new botanical gardens and parks, the development of the scientific foundations of landscaping and phytodesign of enterprises and organizations, as well as many other branches of theoretical and applied the botanists. In the USSR, the official name was Central Republican Botanical Garden of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (CRPS Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR).
The Botanical Garden is included in the natural reserve fund of Ukraine and is an object of comprehensive protection. It belongs to lands of natural, historical and cultural purpose, which are protected as a national treasure of the state.
One of the main tasks of the botanical garden is to conduct research in the field of nature conservation, create a base for the preservation of the gene pool of plants and all biological diversity, as well as educational activities on the ecology and use of plants.
Garden address: 01014, Ukraine, Kiev, st. Timiryazevskaya, 1. Director - Zalymenko Natalya Vasilyevna - Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Professor, Doctor of Biological Sciences.
According to the variety of collections of living plants, the scale of the territory, the level of scientific research is one of the leading places among the largest botanical gardens in Europe. The botanical garden consists of 8 scientific departments; The unique collection fund of the National Botanical Garden has more than 13,000 taxa belonging to 220 families and 1347 genera.
On the territory of the Botanical Garden there is the main temple, bell tower and cell buildings of the Iona monastery, founded at the end of the 19th century.
in ENGLISH CC - екскурсія по Києву - Kyiv Tour - Киев KIEV Київ Ukraine
экскурсовод Ирина Алексеевна
Legend has it that three Slavic brothers and their sister founded Kyiv. The eldest, Kyi, gave the city its name. The names of brothers Shchek, Khoriv and sister Lybid now appear in its topography. An iconic statue of the four siblings - the Foundation of Kyiv Monument - stands on the banks of the Dnipro River.
In 989 Kyivan ruler Volodymyr decided to forge a closer alliance with Constantinople, marrying the emperor's daughter and adopt-ing Orthodox Christianity. Kyiv’s pagan idols were destroyed and its people were driven into the Dnipro for a mass baptism - an event still commemorated during Epiphany. (Eastern churches, following the Julian rather than the Gregorian calendar, have celebrated Epiphany (or Theophany) in conjunction with Christ's baptism by John the Baptist and celebrated it on January 19.)
In 1240 Mongol raiders sacked Kyiv.
The city shrank to the riverside district of Podil, which remained its center for centuries. Only when Ukraine formally passed into Russian hands at the end of the 18th century did Kyiv again grow in importance, as tsar-ist policies encouraged Russian immigration. The city went through an enormous boom at the tum of the 20th century because of an upsurge in nearby sugar milling. Many new mansions were erected at this time, including the remarkable House of Chimeras.
Kyiv’s modern centre and old city are on the Dnipro River’s west bank - called the ‘right bank’ because it’s on the right as you travel down the river. If you were to sail downstream into Kyiv from the north, your first port of cali on the right bank would be Podil, which sits below the rest of the city on the river plain. Continuing south, the woodsy, park-covered hills of the Pechersk district rise up from the river, ex-tending south to Kyiv’s main attraction, the Kievo-Pecherska Lavra.
The commercial heart of modern-day Kyiv -vul Khreshchatyk and maydan Nezalezhnosti (Independence square) - is above Podil and the river, west of Pechersks hills. The cit/s ancient centre, located around Zoloti Vorota and St Sophia’s Cathedral, is perched on a long hill overlooking, and running parallel to, vul Khreshchatyk.
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Хрещатик Бульвар Шевченка Саксаганський
Театр Купол Київський вокзал Полководець Щорс
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