2017 Bourgogne Saint Moré Circuit des grottes & des falaises
Randonnée sur le circuit des grottes et des Falaises de Saint-Moré & du camp Cora
Drone Grottes de Saint-Moré | Yonne, Bourgogne [DJI Spark]
La Côte de Chair et ses cavités préhistoriques, Grottes de Saint-Moré (Yonne, Bourgogne, France)
Drone Footage DJI Spark 1080p 30fps
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Saint-Moré (89)
Saint-Moré est une commune française située dans le département de l'Yonne en région Bourgogne-Franche-Comté. Elle est connue en particulier pour ses grottes et le camp antique de Cora-Villaucerre.
François Leleu alias Le Père Leleu ancien Communard, s'installe par hasard en 1887 sur la commune de Saint-Moré. Après avoir été terrassier, il élit domicile dans la grotte qui domine la Cure, la Roche Percée. Il fouille les grottes et y découvre de nombreux vestiges préhistoriques.
Il exploite son cadre de vie de troglodyte, fait visiter ses appartements et exhibe des vipères vivantes.
Le 26 janvier 1913, son cadavre sera retrouvé à l'intérieur de sa grotte. Crime ou accident, le mystère demeure toujours, mais la légende reste.
Vidéos amateurs réalisées avec drone DJI Phantom 3 SE
Logiciel de montage Filmora
【K】France Travel-Bordeaux[프랑스 여행-보르도]생테밀리옹 2 암석교회, 모놀리트/Saint Emilion 2/Monolithic Church
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생테밀리옹 마을의 시초가 된 모놀리트 성당이다. 8세기에 '에밀리옹' 이라는 성자가 큼지막한 바위에 굴을 파서 사람들이 모일 수 있게 만들었다는 전설이 전해지고 있다. 성당 한 구석에 만들어진 무덤들이다. 죽은 자들의 영혼이 빠져나가 부활할 수 있도록 하는 통로다. “생테밀리옹 지역은 우거진 숲과 동굴 등으로 외부로부터 격리되어 있었습니다. 그러다가 750년경에 '에밀리옹'이라는 수도사가 이곳에 땅굴을 파서 수도생활을 시작했습니다. 시간이 흐름에 따라 그를 중심으로 차츰 하나의 공동체가 만들어지기 시작했고, 에밀리옹 수도사가 돌아가시면서 이 지역의 성인으로 추앙되었습니다. 그리고 이 마을의 이름도 그 분의 이름에서 따왔습니다.“ 성당 뒤뜰. 사람들을 따라 지하로 내려가 보았다. 이것은 다산을 기원하는 제단. 제단 옆에는 동전을 던져 행운을 비는 자그마한 샘이 있다.백 원짜리 동전을 던지고 나도 소원을 빌었다.
[English: Google Translator]
The sichoga a discrete monolithic cathedral of Saint Emilion village. In the 8th century saint named 'Emily Ong' keumjimakhan dug caves in the rocks and made people able to gather has handed down a legend. Built in a corner of the cathedral are the tombs. The souls of the dead are resurrected passage to escape. Saint-Emilion region was isolated from the outside such as forests and caves. Then, Emily Ong, also called monk tunnels dug here in 750 BC began a life. One of the community gradually began to create around him from time to time, simyeonseo Emily Ong has been hailed as an adult monk died in the region. And the name of the town also has His name derives from backyard cathedral. According to those who looked down into the basement. This altar to pray for fertility. Next to the altar lucky coin toss this little rain is Sam. I was throwing a bag of coins won a wish.
[French: Google Translator]
Le sichoga une cathédrale monolithique discrète du village de Saint Emilion. Dans le 8ème siècle saint nommé keumjimakhan Emily Ong 'creusé des grottes dans les rochers et a fait des gens capables de rassembler a rendu une légende. Construit dans un coin de la cathédrale sont les tombes. Les âmes des morts sont ressuscités passage d'échapper. Région de Saint-Emilion a été isolé de l'extérieur tels que les forêts et les grottes. Puis, Emily Ong, les tunnels aussi appelés moines creusé ici en 750 BC a commencé une vie. Un de la communauté a progressivement commencé à créer autour de lui de temps à autre, simyeonseo Emily Ong a été salué comme un moine adulte est mort dans la région. Et le nom de la ville a aussi son nom dérive de «cathédrale de basse-cour. Selon ceux qui ont regardé vers le bas dans le sous-sol. Cet autel pour prier pour la fertilité. A côté de l'autel de la chance tirage au sort cette petite pluie est Sam. Je jetais un sac de pièces remporté un souhait.
■클립명: 유럽120-프랑스08-05 생테밀리옹 2 암석교회, 모놀리트 성당/Saint Emilion 2/Monolithic Church/Underground Tunnel/Fortune Praying
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 최세경 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2010년 11월 November
,유럽,Europe,유럽,프랑스,France,France,,최세경,2010,11월 November,아키텐,Aquitaine,Aquitaine,
Le Pont Du Diable // Hérault // Drone Mavic Pro 4k
Le pont du Diable vue du ciel.
Une nouvelle vidéo filmée par un drone montre de magnifiques images du Pont du Diable.
Le pont du Diable est une construction d'architecture romane située en France, dans la commune de Saint-Jean-de-Fos, dans le département de l'Hérault.
Situé à la fin des gorges de l’Hérault et vieux de plus de mille ans, il attire chaque année de nombreux touristes en été.
À proximité immédiate se trouvent les grottes de Clamouse et Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert, village médiéval classé parmi les plus beaux villages de France1 avec son abbaye de Gellone.
Le pont comprend deux arches et deux ouïes.
Le pont du Diable est un des plus anciens ponts romans de France. D'après le cartulaire de Gellone, la construction aurait eu lieu en 873 selon les dernières recherches conduites par l'université de Montpellier, suivant un accord conclu entre l'abbé d'Aniane et l'abbé de Gellone, donc probablement dans la première moitié du xie siècle.
Le pont doit son nom à une ancienne légende qui prétendait que lors de la construction du pont, le diable venait défaire chaque nuit ce que les hommes construisaient durant la journée. Un jour, les hommes (qui n'en peuvent plus de construire en vain) passent un accord avec celui-ci : il pourrait prendre la première âme qui passera sur le pont. Ainsi les hommes construisirent le pont. Mais aucun des hommes ne voulant donner son âme au diable, ils firent passer un chien en premier. Fou de rage, le Diable tenta en vain de détruire le pont sans y parvenir et se jeta dans l'eau, d'où le nom « le pont du Diable ».
Le pont du Diable fait l’objet d’une inscription au titre des monuments historiques depuis le 5 avril 19352. Il est également inscrit sur la liste du patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO au titre des chemins de Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle en France.
The Pont du Diable on the Hérault River is one of many bridges in France with this name. It is located over a steep-sided gorge, about 4 km north-west of Aniane in the Hérault département
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Grottes de Betharram
Les Grottes de Bétharram sont les plus belles d’Europe et certainement les plus curieuses à visiter : elles livrent aux visiteurs, par leur variété la clef de la formation de presque toutes les grottes mortes ou en pleine activité.
La Grotte de St Marcel d’Ardèche: The Mystical Cave Pools in France
La Grotte de St Marcel d’Ardèche was discovered in 1836 by a hunter whose ferret who found a cavity into the cave. What most captivated the early explorers were the fascinating pool formations known as gours and rimstone. During guided tours, guests can explore the beautiful halls which are housed within a 1,968-ft-long network. These illuminated pools in a French grotto look like something out of a fairytale - but can be visited if you know where to find them. The enchanting La Grotte de St Marcel d’Ardèche was first discovered in 1836 by a hunter whose ferret had disappeared into a cavity in the cave, according to a website for the attraction. What captivated the early explorers were the fascinating pool formations known as gours and rimstone, that were formed by accumulations of minerals and calcite. During guided tours, guests can wander through a series of beautiful halls and waterbasins which nestle within a 1,968-ft-long network. The different coloured lit pools look like they're part of a movie set, so it comes as no surprise that they have been featured in two French films, Les Deux Mondes and L'âge de Raison. Located in the south of France near Saint-Remèze, entry is just 10€ for adults, and 7€ for kids and more information can be found on the website.
La Pyramide de Falicon (en France) 1ère PARTIE
Les relevés effectués sur place étant amateurs et non-scientifiques...
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Musique: No more trouble de Bob Marley.
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En ce qui concerne les Gallo-Romains je voulais tout simplement parler des Romains vivant en Gaule à l'époque. Excusez l'erreur d'interprétation...
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SAINT-CIRQ LAPOPIE - Chemin de Halage de BOUZIÈS - Grotte du PECH MERLE
SAINT-CIRQ LAPOPIE is a commune in the Lot department in south-western France. It is a member of the Les Plus Beaux Villages de France (The most beautiful villages of France) association .
Its position, originally selected for defense, perched on a steep cliff 100 m above the river has helped make the town one of the most popular tourist destinations in the department, and the entire town is almost a museum.
After it was discovered by the Post-Impressionist Henri Martin, it became popular with other artists and the home of the writer André Breton.
PECH MERLE is a cave which opens onto a hillside at Cabrerets in the Lot département of the Occitania region in France, about 35 minutes by road east of Cahors. It is one of the few prehistoric cave painting sites in France that remain open to the general public.
Extending for over a kilometre and a half from the entrance are caverns, the walls of which are painted with dramatic murals dating from the Gravettian culture (some 25,000 years BC).
Some of the paintings and engravings, however, may date from the later Magdalenian era (16,000 years BC).
This area once had a great river flowing through it, cutting underground channels which were later used by humans for shelter and eventually for mural painting.
The cave art located in the deeper areas of the cave was discovered in 1922 by Andre David and Henri Dutetre, two teen-aged boys who had been exploring the cave for two years.
Like other children of the area, these two had been encouraged and assisted in their exploration by Father Amedee Lemozi, the curate of Cabrerets, an amateur archaeologist who had discovered other cave paintings in the region.
The walls of seven of the chambers at Pech Merle have fresh, lifelike images of woolly mammoth, spotted horses,] single colour horses, bovids, reindeer, handprints, and some humans.
Footprints of children, preserved in what was once clay, have been found more than half a mile underground.
Grotte de Rouffignac | France Sights | Trip | Tour | Travel
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The Rouffignac cave, situated within the French commune of Rouffignac-Saint-Cernin-de-Reilhac in the Dordogne département, contains over 250 engravings and cave paintings dating back to the Upper Paleolithic.
The Cave of the hundred mammoths, also known as Miremont cave, Cro des Cluzeau or Cro de Granville, is situated about 5 kilometers south of Rouffignac on a hill slope along the right hand side of the La Binche river, a left tributary of the Manaurie. Perched only about one kilometer farther east on the opposite side of the valley is the little village of Fleurac. The country rocks of the cave are flat-lying limestones belonging to the uppermost Coniacian; they are very rich in flint nodules. These rocks together with overlying Santonian rocks form the limestone plateau of Légal, the divide between the drainage basins of the rivers Lisle and Vézère.
The Rouffignac cave and the Villars cave possess the most extensive cave system of the Périgord with more than 8 kilometers of underground passage ways. There are 10 natural shafts that lead to a deeper level. It is astonishing that most of the artistic representations nearly always seem to be associated with these dangerous places. So far, a further 4 kilometers of passage ways have been explored in this deeper level. Below the deeper level exists a bottom level with a small underground rivulet. Visitors of the cave have to board an electric train that takes them about 2 kilometers into the interior.[1]
The plan of the cave reveals a fractal-like dendritic pattern that is not random but organized along certain preferred directions. Presumably the cave was formed during the Pliocene about 3 to 2 million years ago. Water had infiltrated the bedrock along certain zones of weakness and dissolved the limestone. Today this process has come to an end, the cave is mostly dry except for the rivulet along the base level.
** Source from Wikipedia **
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Grottes du Cornadore, St Nectaire 63, visite guidée durée 40 mn
Résumé d'1 minute de ma visite faites aux Grottes du Cornadore de Saint-Nectaire. Je m'attendais à autre chose. Même si c'est très intéressant, c'est un peu décevant car elles ont été en partie détruites.
Crées par les Romains, c'étaient des thermes à l'époque.
Magdalene Cave (Grotte Madeleine) Light Language Transmission from Sainte-Baume Mountains in France
Visit for more recordings.
This is a Light Language transmission of Love recorded in the Magdalene Cave (Grotte Madeleine) during my sacred journey to Cathar Country in southern France during the fall of 2018.
I'm not fully sure why but it was Mother Mary, not Mary Magdalene, who chose to reveal herself to me strongly during the days of my sacred pilgrimage. I don't have all of the details yet, but I trust that her energy was the most relevant and beneficial to me for what I was processing and releasing on the journey, i.e. issues of blame and my own right to speak and exist, which had reared their heads quite apparently and been with me for many lifetimes.
I believe Mother Mary's presence of unconditional love was with me the whole time to reassure and strengthen my own worth amid the path's trials. I was so glad for it.
After entering the Magdalene Cave, I waited a few minutes, enjoying the calm and relative silence of the chapel inside. I could tell from the sounds of the water drops and murmurs of the visitors that the cave chamber was highly resonant. I felt compelled to tone and sing.
Everyone soon went out, leaving me alone with the cave. So I started humming.
As soon as I began, I could feel that Light Language would be coming through in song. It only took a few seconds. I was elated, as I had hoped for this chance from the moment I had entered the cave but wasn't sure time would allow visitors to leave before the chapel would close for the day.
Vowels and syllables quickly formed with Light Language that rang through me into the chamber. My voice felt alive and vibrant as the cavern amplified my intent in channeling the frequencies.
Never before had my voice sung out with such calmness and ease — and I have done a fair amount of singing in my life.
I felt great strength in singing the Light Language along with just as much softness and reverence. Divine Feminine power at work right there. (Thanks, Mary Magdalene and Mother Mary!)
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France Hydraulic central / France Aveyron Centrale hydraulique EDF de Couesques de Saint Hippolyte
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La Grotte du Yeti - Saint François Longchamp
Welcome in La Grotte du Yeti in St François Longchamp in France! Discover the bar : only for those who want to have fun with the coolest bar team EVER!
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Exploring France - Morgat Caves & Cap de la Chèvre
#TravelEurope #MorgatCaves #CapdelaChevre #Brittany #France
The Grottes Marines de Morgat are a group of sea caves on the Presqu'île de Crozon (Crozon Peninsula). There are four caves close together, in the cliff of the Cap de la Chèvre (cape of the goat) south of Crozon. There are two boat trips from the harbor of Morgat to the caves, which are offered during the summer days. The Circuit Jaune (yellow tour) takes 45 minutes and goes to all four caves. The Circuit Bleu (blue tour) takes one hour, includes only the Grotte de L'Autel but also visits Ile Vierge (Virgin Island) with its Mediterranean climate.
The Grotte de L'Autel (Cave of the Altar) is the biggest one, an 80m long cathedral, colored by iron oxides from the rock and algae. The Grotte Sainte-Marine (Cave of Saint Margaret the Virgin) is notable for its legend. It is named after Sainte Marine (Margaret the Virgin aka Margaret of Antioch). She was the daughter of a pagan priest named Aedesius in what is now Turkey around 300 AD. Her father scorned her for her Christian faith. When Olybrius, the praises Orientis (Governor of the Roman Diocese of the East), offered her marriage, she refused. She refused because she would have to renunciate Christianity. According to the Golden Legend, she was then tortured, during which various miraculous incidents occurred. While her historical existence has been questioned, she was very popular as a Saint since the Crusades. The Cheminee Du Diable (Devil's Chimney) was named after some huge daylights in the cave. They allow the light to enter the cave and give a special aura to the cave. The Chambre du Diable (House of the Devil) is completely dark.
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Les roches et grottes de Baume
Director: unknown | Production Country: France | Year: 1913 | Production Company: Eclipse (France)| FLM57538 | Film from the collection of EYE (Amsterdam) -
Travel film about Baume-les-Messieurs and surroundings in the French Jura.
Includes views of Pannessières, Baume-les-Messieurs, and the gate and the fountain of the old abbey and the caves.
Reisfilm over Baume-les-Messieurs en omgeving in de Franse Jura.
Te zien zijn (panoramische) opnames van Pannessières, Baume-les-Messieurs, de poort en de fontein van de oude abdij en de grotten.
This film is from the Jean Desmet Collection at EYE.
Jean Desmet (1875-1956) was one of the leading cinema operators and film distributors in the Netherlands from 1907 – 1916. The Jean Desmet Collection at EYE has more than 900 films, and is included UNESCO's Memory of the World Register.
Interested in licensing? For more information about this film and other items from our collection please contact sales@eyefilm.nl
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beach de Maupas, Saint-Raphaël, France
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Cave Diving in France legendary Font Estramar
This video about one of the best caves in the world. Legend of Eastern Pyrenees - Font Estramar. This video was made entirely in selfie mode, I was been like a filmmaker, cameramen and model in the same time. I invite you to enjoy all the beauty of the unique cave of Europe. Welcome to the Legend.
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