Gmunden Grünbergseilbahn neu
Mit Seilbahn auf den Grünberg zum Laudachsee und retour - 071014
GMUNDEN - Grünberg - Baumwipfelpfad Salzkammergut 2018
Austria Gmunden -- Ausflug am Grünberg 01-08-2018
Test Baumwipfelpfad Salzkammergut , Sommerrodelbahn ...
Baumwipfelpfad Gmunden
Herzlich Willkommen bei einer weiteren Ausgabe von Wandern für Genießer. Wir zeigen diesmal den neu errichteteten Baumwipfelpfad am Grünberg in Gmunden am Traunsee.
Man könnte auch sagen, einzigartige Perspektiven hoch über dem Waldboden!
Vorbei an zahlreichen Informations- und Erlebnisstationen schlängelt sich der Baumwipfelpfad durch den Bergmischwald am Grünberg.
Höhepunkt des Pfades ist der 39 Meter hohe Aussichtsturm, der von der obersten Plattform des Turms einen atemberaubenden Blick auf den Traunsee, ins Salzkammergut bis zum Dachstein bietet.
Für den Besuch des Pfads sollte man etwa 1 Stunde einplanen.
Technische Details
Turmhöhe: 39 Meter
Pfadlänge gesamt: 1400 Meter
Pfadhöhe: bis 21 Meter
Holzverbrauch: ca. 1000m³
Stahlverbauch: ca. 260t
Tunnelrutsche (ab Saison 2019): 55 Meter
???? Videostudio: Apple Finalcut Pro X
???? Music: Reiny S.
???? Song: Along the River
???? from Album: Beyond the Horizon
???? Label: iMusician Digital
buy on iTunes:
???? Musicstudio: Apple Logic Pro X
???? Instruments: Alesis VI61, Yamaha Piano
???? PlugIns: Native Instruments, EXS24, Nexus2, Toontrack
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Music from Reiny S. on Soundcloud
Youtube Music Channel
#wandernfürgenießer #reinysmusic #reinyvarious
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Gmundner Höhenweg - Grünberg Seilbahn
Eine Stunde Gehzeit, mit schönen Ausblicken auf den Traunsee und die Stadt Gmunden.
Sommerrodelbahn Grünberg / OÖ bei Gmunden
Fahrt am 25.07.2016 leider teilweise im Regen
Der Baumwipfelpfad auf dem Grünberg in Gmunden
Auf Augenhöhe mit den Baumkronen spazieren, der Traunstein zum Anfassen nah. Barrierearm und familienfreundlich, lehrreich und spannend - das ist der Baumwipfelpfad Salzkammergut.
Grünberg above Gmunden, Austria
At 995m above sea level and high above the town of Gmunden, we find the Grünberg mountain and around it more than 20 km of well-developed hiking trails. One can access by foot but others may prefer the newly built Grünberg cable car which on the way up offers outstanding views of the town and lake and from which one can reach Laudachsee or the Traunstein.
Alternatively one can lay back on one of the reclining benches for two and just admire the view - see photo!
See the film for more details!
Salzkammergut: A Day in Gmunden, Austria
Visiting Austria's Salzkammergut on holiday? Don't miss beautiful Gmunden in the heart of Austria's Lake District! Here's everything you need to know for a great vacation day out in my new Travel Documentary.
Film by Deanna Allison.
Extract from the narration:
This is Gmunden in Austria, seen from the local cable car.
It’s a great view, isn’t it?
In this film I’ll show you around this great little town.
Gmunden, with a population of about 15000, is a town on the north shore of the Traunsee lake.
Now, it’s not surprising that the area around Gmunden attracts a lot of people because it is spectacularly beautiful.
Recreational opportunities here include winter sports, hiking, mountaineering and cycling. At the lake itself, Swimming and water sports are popular as is sailing. If you don’t own a boat, there are plenty of lake tours available or you can hire a small boat at the lakeside.
This part of Austria, the state of Upper Austria or Oberösterreich, is close to Germany and the Czech Republic and it’s just a couple of hours away from Vienna by train.
If you arrive at the railway station, ancient trams can carry you down the hill to Gmunden lakeside and its well worth the ride. They’re improving and extending the tram system but I hope they keep the old tram cars because they really do add to the charm of this place.
The Town Hall is well worth a look. Its stucco decoration dates from 1756 and the bells below its clock aren’t metal. They were actually made out of Gmundner Ceramics.
Next, we walked around the northern end of the Traunsee and at this boatyard we encountered a mute swan sitting on the bank with six cygnets. She took them away from us into the water as we walked past and her mate arrived shortly afterwards.
Note that despite their name, mute swans aren’t actually mute.
Our next stop was the Grünberg cable car, or Seilbahn, which we reached after walking for a few minutes more.
Each of the two cable cars holds up to 60 people and takes you from Gmunden town, which is about 425 meters above sea level to about 1000 meters at the top station.
I enjoyed the cable car ride - to me it feels a bit like being on a slow but very high rollercoaster.
As you ascend, there’s a great view of Gmunden, the lake and the Austrian countryside.
The dominant mountain here is the Traunstein which rises straight out of the Traunsee to a height of 1691 meters.
There are plenty of hiking trails on Grünberg.
The network of trails is about 20 kilometres long, with well-maintained routes.
They are well signposted and there suitable options for everyone, from easy routes to more challenging trails.
Those trails which are suitable for mountain bikes are also signposted.
Many of the trails are family and pushchair friendly and in fact some of the trails are quite wide and suitable for wheelchair users.
The Laudachsee mountain lake was our destination for this hike. This idyllic small lake nestles in a natural hollow in the mountains and is 894 meters above sea level.
It’s popular with hikers and families. It’s also a good lake for swimming and maybe a picnic.
And the lake makes for a natural rest stop during a hike.
The lake is also small enough to walk around in 40 minutes or so at a leisurely pace.
This area is also a nature reserve and during our rest stop this butterfly landed on me and stayed with me for about 15 minutes. I think it’s either a False Heath Fritillary [Melitaea diamina] or perhaps one of its close relatives.
Before leaving Laudachsee, we stopped at the Ramsaualm, a restaurant above the lake. It was very busy there but our food arrived quickly. This is my beef soup with vegetables and shredded pancake. And it definitely helped to fortify me for the walk back to the upper cable car station!
Finally, it was time to ride the cable car back down. I particularly like the bit where you go over a pylon. The structure rushes at you and then you go over it with a lurch.
And of course the view on the way down is just as good as the view on the way up!
As you clear the second pylon you can see the cables running down towards the lower station - they seem improbably thin considering the load they are carrying and seem to disappear from view as they snake into the distance, carrying you home.
So - that's Gmunden.
It's well worth a visit - and if you’re visiting Austria it’s easy to get to!
We got there by train, starting our trip on the fast intercity line that runs between Vienna and Salzburg. We changed trains at Attnang-Puchheim and it was then just 20 minutes or so on the local line to Gmunden.
Now, before I finish, here’s a closing thought:
If you haven’t heard of Gmunden before now, you might have heard of Conchita Wurst.
The winner of the 2014 Eurovision Song Contest was born there in 1988.
Panorama Grünberg in Gmunden
Aussichtsberg Grünberg Gmunden mit neuen Carvatech Gondeln. Wunderschöne Aussicht auf Gmunden und dem Traunsee. Video: Sigi Huemer
4BGD Grünbergseilbahn Gmunden (1957-2010)
Die 1957 von der VÖEST erbaute 4er ZUB(Wallmannsberger-Lizenz) auf den Grünberg in Gmunden wird im Herbst 2010 durch eine Steurer-PB mit zwei 60er Kabinen ersetzt.
Die Aufnahmen sind vom 26.Oktober, dem letzten Betriebstag der Bahn.
Daten zur Anlage:
2025m lang
längstes Spannfeld: 1900m
3m/s schnell
Förderleistung: 260 Personen/Stunde
Kabinenanzahl: 25
Personen pro Kabine: 4
2001 wurde die Seilbahn von Garaventa und Carvatech modernisiert:
-Kabinenanstrich+Polstersitze+neue Fenster
-neuer Antrieb
-neue Elektronik
-neue Seile von Teufelberger
Die Grünberg Seilbahn - The Grünberg Aerial Tramway - cable car
The Grünberg Seilbahn (Aerial Tramway - cable car) is leading up to the Grünberg in Gmunden.
It was built in 1957 and had its last ride on the 26th of October 2010. It will now get replaced by a new and modern aerial tramway with only 2 big cars instead of the 26 small ones. This is a little nostalgic homage to the old cable car. We will miss it! RIP!
Grünberg-Seilbahn Revisionsarbeiten
Toller BTV-Bericht von den Revisionsarbeiten bei der Grünberg-Seilbahn in Gmunden am Traunsee.
Weitere Infos zum Grünberg in Gmunden:
Sommerrudel Bahn in Österreich Gmunden Traunsee Grünberg
Macht Sehr Spass, Mann fährt mit der Gondel hoch, mann kann auch runter fahren. Oder mann läuft runter macht richtig spass :)
#sommerrudel #gondel #österreich #gmunden
Grünberg Seilbahn-und Wanderung zum Laudachsee
Von Gmunden, OÖ Fahrt mit der Grünberg Seilbahn,
dann Wanderung zum Laudachsee.
Grünberg-Seilbahn, letzter Tag, Bergfahrt
One of the very last rides on the old cable car in Gmunden (built in 1957). The cable car will be re-built from scratch during winter 2010 / replaced by a modern cable car.
60-ATW Grünbergseilbahn, Gmunden
60-ATW Grünberg, Gmunden
Steurer 2014
Mountain coaster in Austria ????????. Sommerrodelbahn Grünberg-Flitzer, Gmunden, Austria
Summer toboggan run: enjoy a unique ride
High up on the Grünberg at almost 1,004 metres, you‘ll find the summer toboggan run, offering a fun and sporty leisure option for the whole family.
Grünberg am Traunsee
Imagefilm vom Grünberg in der Ferienregion Traunsee im Salzkammergut.
Grünberg: Modernde Seilbahn, Wanderregion, Sommerrodelbahn, Abenteuerspielplatz, Niederseilgarten, Paragleiten, Laudachsee, herrliche Panorama auf den Traunsee uvm.
Produced by BTV & SKG
Grünberg in Gmunden
Der Grünberg in Gmunden. Neue Seilbahn und neue Attraktionen wie Sommerrodelbahn Grünberg-Flitzer, Niederseilgarten, Abenteuerspielplatz, barrierefreier Generationenweg, Glücksplätze u.v.m. bieten Abenteuer, Erholung und Spaß für die ganze Familie.
Weitere Infos zum Grünberg in Gmunden:
Grünberg 09/2018 Austria Gmunden
a sunday trip shortclips from smartphone, grünberg, treewalk, laketime and back