Guanica Dry Forest Hike. Puerto Rico
Some highlights from an 8 mile hike in Guanica Dry Forest this past Sunday 5/21/2018. Guanica is considered a desert.
Bongo by KV Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 Music promoted by Audio Library
Guanica Dry Forest
While on the Island of Puerto Rico, I decided to eg tlost in the dessert for a bit...
GOPR0 Guanica Dry Forest Puerto Rico
Bosque Seco, Fuerte Caprón y Ruinas del Faro en Guanica. Turismo Interno Puerto Rico
El Bosque Seco de Guánica está localizado en costa suroeste de Puerto Rico y abarca los pueblos de Guánica, Guayanilla, Yauco, Peñuelas y Ponce.
Tiene una extensión de aproximadamente 11,000 cuerdas que incluyen 8 millas náuticas marinas y 21 Km. de costa. Para llegar a este bosque único en su clase, debemos llegar al municipio de Guánica y tomar las carreteras 333 y 334.
La falta de precipitación pluvial, altas temperaturas, suelos con poca acumulación de material orgánico y la ausencia de ríos permanentes hace de este ecosistema un lugar inhóspito. Por lo que la comunidad natural posee unas adaptaciones muy especiales para poder sobrevivir en condiciones tan adversas.
Esta Reserva tiene yacimientos arqueológicos y monumentos históricos. Se han encontrado petroglifos, algunos en muy buenas condiciones y fragmentos de cerámica entre otras cosas. También se encuentran estructuras de importancia histórica como el Fuerte Caprón y las Ruinas del Faro.
Disfruta de las bellezas de nuestro Puerto Rico. Comparte el video en las redes sociales y subscribase al canal para continuar las Aventuras en Puerto Rico.
GUAN - Guanica Forest, NEON Terrestrial Field Site | Puerto Rico
Located along the southern coast of Puerto Rico, the Guanica Dry Forest reserve is the largest remaining tract of tropical dry coastal forest in the world. This fieldsite covers an area of 28 square kilometers and consists of mostly upland deciduous forest, semi-evergreen forest and scrub closer to the shore. A 72’ flux tower collects meteorological data. Soil sensors collect below ground measurements and NEON scientists conduct field observations of plants and animals.
Suggested citation for this video: National Ecological Observatory Network. October 5, 2018. NEON's Guanica Forest - Core Terrestrial [Video file]. Courtesy: Battelle. Retrieved from
Bosque Seco, (dry forest) Guanica , Puerto Rico ..Oct. 25, 2019
Guanica - Dry Forest: The Cave
A nice cave in Guanica's state forest.
Guanica Dry Forest Environmental Science
Guánica PR / Dry forest, Lajas and Cabo Rojo
Un día de playa en el balneario Punta Ballenas en Guánica. Recorrido por uno de mis caminos favoritos en Puerto Rico.
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copyright musica @ La obra de marte
Guanica Forest
Violet Tree
#GVidz Ruinas Faro Guanica Puerto Rico
#GVid Guanica Puerto Rico
Driving in Puerto Rico - Guánica
I've come to Guánica numerous times throughout my life and I seem to fall in love with the view from above the bay. Guánica is known for its dry forest, calm beaches, mangroves and boating so it is perfect for anyone who enjoys the outdoors. The weather is hot and less humid than the rest of the island. The southwestern side receives far less rain than in the northern side which is perfect to remove the top lid of my Jeep or opening up your sunroof. :-)
Please enjoy the ride!!!
Thank you,
GeoAmbiente - Bosque Seco de Guánica: Bajo fuego (1/3)
Una de las mejores muestras de bosque seco subtropical que aun queda en el Planeta se encuentra en Guánica. En esta edición María Falcón nos explica cómo año tras año durante los meses más secos, cientos de cuerdas de terreno de alto valor ecológico son destruidas por decenas de fuegos que apagan la vida de este valioso sistema natural. Aprendamos a protegerlo.
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Dry Forest Guanica P.R. MTB Trail Granado Oct. 14 2012.
1 of many videos taken in Dry Forest Guanica P.R.
Puerto Rico Trees
When Hurricane Maria roared through Puerto Rico last October, it did more than rip off roofs, destroy the power grid and kill people. It also tore up the forests that cover over half of the island. Many trees were stripped of foliage and branches; others simply blown out of the ground or snapped in half. Lush landscapes were instantly converted to expanses of naked trunks; normally cool, shady forest floors were baked by the sun. In days after, the chatter of frogs stilled, dead birds littered the ground, and bees buzzed around crazily, looking in vain for flowers.
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Guánica Dry Forest (Heraclides aristodemus aristodemus)
Heraclides aristodemus aristodemus inhabits tropical dry forest in Puerto Rico. I captured video footage of individuals interacting with each other in the dry forest at Guánica State Forest.
Dry Forest Guanica P.R. MTB Trail long slope Oct 14, 2012.
6 minutes of pure descent
Puerto Rico (Rincon, Guanica, Cabo Rojo &Lajas) 2016 //prt.3
compilation of video clips taken during our trip to Puerto Rico :)
may 23- DAY 7:
-morning at the Sunset Hooch in Rincon: cooked bacon and eggs for breakfast, hiked around the area then said goodbye to this beauuutiifullllllllll treehouse that we will miss dearly :'(
-Tamarindo Beach in Guanica was unplanned- happy to have run into it!
-Pink Salt Flats in Cabo Rojo was an unexpected surprise as well, the viewing dock thing was sadly closed at the time
-Cabo Rojo lighthouse: beeeyootofuulll :')
-La Parguera at Lajas as a last minute night trip
DAY 8:
-Dry Forest in Guanica: morning hike to start the day well!
-Gilligan's Island: we were alone in the island and the water was so blue and everything was perfect T.T
-Camping at Aibonito (no clips of this in the vid though- we were too stressed to record anything LOL)
Guanica & Ponce, Puerto Rico
March 2007
Geocaching Puerto Rico - Fuerte Caprón - Guánica
This is our hiking to Fuerte Caprón at Guánica municipality to place a cache on this site. This fort is located at the Guánica Dry Forest Reserve and is at least 110 years old. Enjoy!