Guelta d'Archei - Ennedi, Chad
Guelta d'Archei in Fada, Chad
The Guelta d'Archei is probably the most famous guelta in the Sahara. It is located in the Ennedi Plateau, in north-eastern Chad, south-east of the town of Fada. The Guelta d'Archei is inhabited by several kinds of animals, most notably the West African crocodile. Middle Holocene remains, as well as rock paintings, indicate that this species once thrived across most of today's Sahara Desert and in swamps and rivers along South Mediterranean shores. The small group of surviving crocodiles in the Guelta d'Archei represents one of the last colonies known in the Sahara today; the Tagant Plateau colony in Mauritania has likely been extinct since 1996.
It is a barren place, away from beaten paths; reaching it by land requires a 4x4 and at least four days' travel from n'Djamena, Chad's capital. The place depicted in the picture can only be reached by a 30-minute' trek from the nearest point a 4x4 can approach.
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Guelta d'Archei Amazing lake in Sahara Desert
Guelta d'Archei | Amazing lake in Sahara Desert
Guelta d'Archei amazing place in the heart of the Sahara Desert, It is located in the Ennedi Plateau, It is located in the Ennedi Plateau, in north-eastern Chad, south-east of the town of Fada. The Guelta d'Archei is inhabited by several kinds of animals, most notably the Nile crocodile, one of the last palace where Nile crocodiles are found in Sahara. The Middle Holocene remains, as well as rock paintings, indicate that this species once thrived across most of today's Sahara Desert and in swamps and rivers along South Mediterranean shores. The small group of surviving crocodiles in the Guelta d'Archei represent one of the last colonies know in the Sahara today; the Tagant Plateau colony in Mauritania has likely been extinct since 1996. The word Guelta means wetland, The reservoirs of this wetland is supported by groundwater. Guelta d'Arshey is surrounded by extensive desert areas, which make access to this awesome place.
Guelta Archei is a watering place for camels located in the Ennedi plateau. The guelta is also inhabited by a very small number ( between 1 and 7 there are only estimations) of the Nile crocodile. This is one of the last colonies of crocodiles in the Sahara. There is another colony in Mauritania. You can see the crocodile on the right edge
The Guelta d'Archei is the most famous permanent water source in the Ennedi region of Chad. Everyday, hundreds of camels are herded into the guelta in order to drink. That particular morning, one of the herdsmen was claiming that 850 of them were at once in the guelta. The value of a camel ranges between 250 EUR up to 800 EUR (and more). They are mainly raised for the milk they produce and as transport animals (not for the meat).
Tchad Ennedi, gouffre de Koboué
Une petite vidéo sur le gouffre de Koboué, au Tchad, le reste sur le site de
En attendant de vous retrouver sur ce voyage...un must dans l'Ennedi.
TAMERA au Tchad : Guelta d'Archei, Ennedi
© Tamera / Secret Planet • Film et montage : Julien Chatelet • Merci à Momo et Maïna • Musique : Punahele de Leonard Kwan et Raymond Kane • À télécharger sur
Guelta d'Archei | Amazing lake in Sahara Desert
Guelta d'Archei amazing place in the heart of the Sahara Desert, It is located in the Ennedi Plateau, It is located in the Ennedi Plateau, in north-eastern Chad, south-east of the town of Fada. The Guelta d'Archei is inhabited by several kinds of animals, most notably the Nile crocodile, one of the last palace where Nile crocodiles are found in Sahara. The Middle Holocene remains, as well as rock paintings, indicate that this species once thrived across most of today's Sahara Desert and in swamps and rivers along South Mediterranean shores. The small group of surviving crocodiles in the Guelta d'Archei represent one of the last colonies know in the Sahara today; the Tagant Plateau colony in Mauritania has likely been extinct since 1996. The word Guelta means wetland, The reservoirs of this wetland is supported by groundwater. Guelta d'Arshey is surrounded by extensive desert areas, which make access to this awesome place.
Guelta Archei is a watering place for camels located in the Ennedi plateau. The guelta is also inhabited by a very small number ( between 1 and 7 there are only estimations) of the Nile crocodile. This is one of the last colonies of crocodiles in the Sahara. There is another colony in Mauritania. You can see the crocodile on the right edge. Image by Flickr user Hannes Rada
The Guelta d'Archei is the most famous permanent water source in the Ennedi region of Chad. Everyday, hundreds of camels are herded into the guelta in order to drink. That particular morning, one of the herdsmen was claiming that 850 of them were at once in the guelta. The value of a camel ranges between 250 EUR up to 800 EUR (and more). They are mainly raised for the milk they produce and as transport animals (not for the meat). Image by Flickr user A.Bielecki
#Ennedi Archei par le haut
Arrivée sur la guelta de #Archei par le chemin de derrière après 1 heure de marche. Dans un premier temps, on arrive sur les points d'eau dans lesquels on peut apercevoir les crocodiles du Nil. Il faut poursuivre ensuite quelques minutes pour arriver à un point haut qui surplombre la guelta.
Chad / Tchad, Archei, Fiesta en Fada, Faya-Largeau
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Chad, Faya Fada Guelta Archei una y otra vez momentos de emoción
Tchad, de Faya-Largeau, Fada, la guelta d'Archéï, encore et toujours des moments d'émotion
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Boubacar Traoré-Adieu Pierrette, grabación de sonido administrado por: 1:44
Carlos Núñez-Morning Poem, grabación de sonido administrado por:
The Orchard Music
Kontor New Media
Fuente de you tube 04/03/2012, y laroutedusahara
[Wikipedia] Guelta d'Archei
The Guelta d'Archei is probably the most famous guelta in the Sahara. It is located in the Ennedi Plateau, in north-eastern Chad, south-east of the town of Fada. The Guelta d'Archei is inhabited by several kinds of animals, most notably the West African crocodile (Crocodylus suchus; until recently thought to be a synonym for the Nile crocodile, Crocodylus niloticus Laurenti). Middle Holocene remains, as well as rock paintings, indicate that this species once thrived across most of today's Sahara Desert and in swamps and rivers along South Mediterranean shores. The small group of surviving crocodiles in the Guelta d'Archei represents one of the last colonies known in the Sahara today; the Tagant Plateau colony in Mauritania has likely been extinct since 1996.
It is a barren place, away from beaten paths; reaching it by land requires a 4x4 and at least four days' travel from n'Djamena, Chad's capital. The place depicted in the picture can only be reached by a 30-minute' trek from the nearest point a 4x4 can approach.
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Чад, Эннеди, гельта д'Аршей. Chad, Ennedi, Guelta d'Archei
Guelta Archei (Ennedi, Chad)
Tuorism in Tchad - Ennedi
Guelta d'Archei, seconde visite
La mythique guelta d'Archei, hiver 2011/2012.
Voyage sur la bordure septentrionale de l'Ennedi.
Desierto del Ennedi (CHAD)
El desierto de Ennedi, situado sobre una gigantesca meseta al norte de Chad, es una de las regiones más inaccesibles del Sáhara.
Ennedi es una de las veintidós regiones que conforman la organización territorial de la República de Chad. Su ciudad capital es Fada. En este casi inexplorado desierto se alzan Increíbles formaciones de piedra arenisca, como delicados dedos de roca y centenares de arcos naturales, entre los que sobresale el gran arco Aloba, con una altura de casi 120 metros, sin duda uno de los más espectaculares arcos en el mundo. En las cuevas quedan vestigios de pinturas rupestres en muy buen estado que representan todo tipo de animales y reflejan la rica fauna que habitó estas tierras en épocas pasadas, cuando el Sáhara era un vergel y no el desierto que hoy conocemos.
En la zona sur de la Ennedi están presentes algunos gueltas (estanques del desierto). El más famoso es el Guelta d'Archei, cerca de la ciudad de Fada. El lago es una fuente importante de agua en el desierto y en él habita una pequeña colonia de cocodrilos del desierto que se alimentan de peces y, cuando pueden, de algún camello despistado.
Adentrase en el Ennedi conlleva dificultades increíbles: un clima atroz, carreteras y caminos que no existen y el caos de un país inseguro y donde muy pocas cosas funcionan, como es el Chad.
Pero, la recompensa es enorme: paisajes de colores turbadores, caprichosas formas geológicas la visión de las caravanas del desierto los pozos de agua y de las tribus nómadas, que se resisten estos extremos. Una pequeña muestra de todo ello, la tienes en este reportaje.
Miguel Ángel Corvinos /
Чад, Эннеди, гельта д'Аршей. Chad, Ennedi, Guelta d'Archei 2
Guelta d'Archei, troisième périple
La mythique guelta d'Archei, hiver 2011/2012.
Second voyage sur la bordure septentrionale de l'Ennedi.
É provavelmente o mais famoso OASIS no deserto do Saara.
musica: SCHILLER & MAYA SABA - I've Seen It All
Guelta d'Archei, permier passage
La mythique guelta d'Archei, hiver 2011/2012.
Voyage de Koboué.
TAMERA au Tchad : de N'Djamena à l'Ennedi
© Tamera / Secret Planet • Film et montage : Julien Chatelet • Merci à Momo et Maïna • Musique : Auwe! de Leonard Kwan et Raymond Kane • À télécharger sur
The Guelta d'Archei famous guelta in the Sahara
The Guelta d'Archei is probably the most famous guelta in the Sahara. It is located in the Ennedi Plateau, in north-eastern Chad, south-east of the town of Fada. The Guelta d'Archei is inhabited by several kinds of animals, most notably the Nile crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus Laurenti). Middle Holocene remains, as well as rock paintings, indicate that this species once thrived across most of today's Sahara Desert and in swamps and rivers along South Mediterranean shores. The small group of surviving crocodiles in the Guelta d'Archei represents one of the last colonies known in the Sahara today; the Tagant Plateau colony in Mauritania has likely been extinct since 1996.[1]