Guirys Bar - Foxford - The Perfect Pint of Guinness
Pat Guiry pulling that perfect pint of Guinness and topping it off with the famous Shamrock
Guirys Bar
Guiry's Bar
Horan's men in Guiry's Foxford
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This is where we meet
Every Friday morning after collecting their pension's the bachelor farmers of the area around the small rural town of Foxford come to Guirys pub for a few pints. It is here they meet and chat. Most spend their time alone and isolated on their farms. These are the few hours they mix socially. I joined them for six weeks and this is their story.
The 'Bachelor farmer' is a residual effect of the great famine of the 1840's. A victim of social pathologies which affect both their farming and their social and personal life in negative ways. In order to prevent the farm being divided up into smaller holdings, the eldest son inherited everything. Other son's we're prevented from marrying until middle age or older in order for them to work on the farm and it was very common for them not to marry at all. The result is a strata of marginalized men.
The faces in this work are from a troubled but in many ways innocent generation. They are faces that are vanishing from Ireland.
Music by Nick Cave and Warren Ellis
Foxford Traditional Weekend
A Cultural Weekend of Music, Song, Dance & Storytelling for all ages ???? ????
We don't usually have organised music in Guiry's but for this special event we did ????
Highlights, Foxford - Camlin, 0-1
Fleadh Cheoil Session
A great old song in Guiry's Bar Foxford sung by Paddy Joe Tigue from Aughamore
Foxford - gone but never forgotten
Horans men sang in c2 nightclub the castlecourt , this will sound amazin in craggy park next week
via YouTube Capture
Hangin' on Crumpet and Foxford
Hangin' on Crumpet and Foxford
Horans Men Loving their Mayo Anthem
Performed by Gary O'Malley, Help us raise funds and lift the Sam...
Horan's Men by
Gary O'Malley
All proceeds go directly to
Mayo Roscommon Hospice
Here is the itunes link to the song download now
Foxford from above
Drone footage of Foxford, Co.Mayo.
Tom Collins Showreel
Tom Collins Showreel
Adrian pulling pints of Guinness
Just a dry run first young Adrian from Griffith NSW pulling pints of Guinness in The Bally Hi Pub Ballyporeen Co Tipperary.
Listen to those accents !!!!
Gary O'Malley and Horans Men
Mad Mayo fans for Sam 2013, Outstanding Reception Loving our Horans Men
Pulling the perfect pint of Guinness
Topping off a beer
At the Guiness Storehouse
Matt pulling the perfect pint of Guinness in Dublin
Pints of Guinness
The Perfect Pour
Horans men gone global
Early days of Horans men, lovely people but they not did not know the words so we had to get a new panel