August 23rd Artillery Battle Museum (Kinmen, Taiwan)
The August 23 Artillery Battle Museum / 八二三戰史館 is a museum in Zhongzheng Park, Jinhu Township, Kinmen. The museum was built in 1988 to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the 23 August 1958 Artillery War during the Second Taiwan Strait Crisis.
On the both sides of the museum main entrance are the carving of the names of the 587 ROC armed forces servicemen who lost their lives in the bombardment. On the left side are displayed the main air fighter used by the forces at that time and the main artillery piece. On the right side is one of the amphibious landing craft which played a vital role in transporting troops and materials during the battle.
The museum exhibits historical artifacts in 12 display areas for charts, photographs, documents, relics and models.
In 1958, Summer time as the worsening situation between Taiwan and China, in order to test the limits of the U.S.-Taiwan defense treaty, Mainland China planned to attack Kinmen and Matsu.
At 6:30 pm, on August 23, 1958, the Kinmen archipelago suddenly found them under massive artillery assault from Mainland China. When the Communists temporarily ceased fire on October 5, in just a short period of 44 days, 474,910 shells had landed on the islands. That calculated into an average of four shells per sq meter; the highest density in world record. It almost wiped out the entire Kinmen. The Communists officially stopped the war in 1978 when the United States officially recognized Beijing. The event is commonly referred to as “Battle of 823” in Chinese.
Kinmen Tourism Buses (Kinmen, Taiwan)
Kinmen has a bus service specifically for tourists. Day tickets are NTD 200 and include bus rides and guided tours at all destinations (Chinese only). Departure is from the bus station in Jincheng at 8:30and 13:30.
- Line A (morning): to Juguang Tower (莒光樓) and several sites in Shuitou, including traditional architecture, houses by returnees from Southeast Asia (including a Peranakan house) and the Zhaishan tunnels (翟山坑道) an underground navy installation.
- Line B (afternoon): to Guning, north of Jincheng, to several museums and sites related to military history and the battle of 1949 in particular, and a wildlife museum.
- Lines C and D start from Shanwai in the east of the island.
Public buses also go to all parts of the island, including the major sites, the ferry terminal and the airport (red 1 line, 紅一). Buses 7/7A/7B run from the Shuitou Pier, to Shuitou, and finally to Kincheng. Buses 9/10/11 go to the northwest part of the island, particularly the Shuangli Wetland Area and Guningtou Battle Museum. Bus fares are NTD 12 or NTD 24 for long distances (such as from Kincheng to the eastern half of Kinmen). For Little Kinmen, the fare is NTD 10. Understand that buses can be rather infrequent and many do not run late. Also, the bus drivers will skip a station if there is no one waiting there, so press the get off button when you want to get off. Jincheng has a major bus station with buses to many parts of the island and also has a very useful tourist office.
Taiwan Episode 12 - Guningtou militaty base
Day 2 in Kinmen continues. After a quick meal we go to Guningtou military base to attend an island tour, but while waiting for the tour to start we try to found something to drink (and visit the military base at the same time).
Watch carefully if you want to be able to answer the question at the end of the episode :)
Hope you'll enjoy!
Music by Joakim Karud
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The 70th Anniversary of Guningtou Battle
國軍莒光園地 古寧頭戰役70週年紀念特別節目
The 70th Anniversary of Guningtou Battle
Authorized by Political Warfare Bureau, M.N.D, Taiwan, R.O.C.
古寧頭戰史館1/2 戰地 Guningtou Battlefield History Museum - 福建,金門 Kinmen,Fujian
中國福建之旅2014.11.12第306集 一九四九年十月,共軍部隊分別乘坐了各種船隻二百餘艘出兵攻打金門.原本計畫由金門北岸的中蘭至後沙間登陸,為什麼會選擇這個地點是有理由的.這個地點是金門島中間最窄的部分,只要攻下這個區域,就可以將金門島中間切斷,使東,西半島不能相呼應,又可就近攻下太武山,取得制高點,如此就可以很容易的拿下金門.不料十月二十四日當晚啟航後,駕船的船伕,有的來自福州,泉州,他們對金門海域不熟,加上十月間強勁的東北季風的影響,使得船在海上行駛,方向不容易掌握.強勁的風將共軍的船向西吹,颳向嚨口,安岐至古寧頭一帶的海岸.等到天明船靠岸時,才發現登陸點與原計畫有出入,且船團已被散無法很快集結.但此時箭在弦上後退不得,只好強行登陸,將原本打散的軍隊且戰且集結,使這次戰役打得極不順遂,終於吞下失敗的後果.從嚨口到古寧頭北面的海灘,這一帶是地勢平緩,少曲折的砂岸.海岸外有從東北岸官澳,西園,洋山,中蘭,瓊林,後沙延續而來的蠔坪,平緩的沙灘礁石少,是容易登陸的地勢.如今海岸上早已不見任何當年所留下的遺蹟,只有後來幾十年內,島上守軍為了鞏固防線,在灘外遍插層層的軌條,一座座已將破損的碉堡,重要通道路口的管制哨,雷區內由於長期罕無人跡而雜草叢生,以及重要據點四周的壕溝.
古寧頭戰史館2/2 歷史 Guningtou Battlefield History Museum - 福建,金門 Kinmen,Fujian
中國福建之旅2014.11.12第307集 古寧頭戰史館落成於民國73年(1984年),乃金門居民為紀念古寧頭聖戰,特別在戰地建「古寧頭戰史館」. 外形雄偉的戰史館是一幢仿古城堡式建築,內陳列戰利品,戰事文件及有功將領玉照,還有一幅幅巨大的國軍作戰情形的油畫.
金城民防坑道 Civil defense tunnel under Jincheng - 福建,金門 Kinmen,Fujian
中國福建之旅2014.11.12第308集 全城最大的民用坑道,是1978年由金門民眾自衛隊出資興建,為了防禦砲戰的地下坑道.全長2500多米,入口處有一個關於坑道的展覽,出口位於金城市區的另一頭,距離入口有30多分鐘路程.坑道的部分地段還模擬了當年砲戰的轟聲及情境.
Kinmen Holiday Pt. 2.5
The second part of our second day on Kinmen island. The Guningtou battle museum. Guningtou was a critical battle that shaped the history and the future of modern Taiwan.
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Old Military Defenses on Kinmen, Taiwan
Kinmen was once on the front lines of the Chinese Civil War. Though it is all quiet today the legacy of the war lives on. The islands are still covered in military installations and defenses.
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Battle of Guningtou
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The Battle of Guningtou or Battle of Kuningtou , also known as the Battle of Kinmen , was a battle fought over Kinmen in the Taiwan Strait during the Chinese Civil War in 1949.The failure of the Communists to take the island left it in the hands of the Kuomintang and crushed their chances of taking Taiwan to destroy the Nationalists completely in the war.
About the author(s): Rolfmueller
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Author(s): Rolfmueller (
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Bloody Kuningtou Battle of Kinmen 1949 Review
Japanese General Nemoto & 1949 Battle of Kuningtou (Kinmen) against Chinese Communist Forces
1949 Battle of Kuningtou (=Guningtou / Kinmen) against Chinese Communism
※「この命、義に捧ぐ 台湾を救った陸軍中将根本博の奇跡 」
Red Chinese Battle Plan (ca. 1964)
Anti-communist US propaganda. (Public Domain)
Hujingtou Battle Museum / 湖井頭戰史館 (Little Kinmen / 小金門 / 烈嶼鄉)
The Hujingtou Battle Museum / 湖井頭戰史館 is located on the northeastern tip of Leiyu/ Little Kinmen / 小金門 / 烈嶼鄉. Its construction was completed in 1889. In addition to documents and data of war history, the museum has an observation station and a broadcasting station.
The documents and data in the museum contain records and information about wars at Little Kinmen. The observation station is equipped with binoculars. And the broadcasting station launches political warfare with the communists through music and calls.
水頭碼頭1/2 Shuitou port - 福建,金門 Kinmen,Fujian
中國福建之旅2014.10.27第005集 水頭碼頭位於金門縣金城鎮水頭村,面向金烈水道,為大小金門間的交通孔道.小三通開放後,漸趨擴建成為金廈兩門小三通的主要口岸.
北山古洋樓指揮所 Beishan Commanding Center (Western House) - 福建,金門 Kinmen,Fujian
中國福建之旅2014.11.12第305集 位於金門西北角的南山,北山和林厝合稱為古寧頭.而位於北山古厝群中,最著名的便是這棟遭受戰役洗禮過的北山古洋樓.民國38年古寧頭戰役期間,這棟中西合璧式的洋樓位居路口要衝,曾為共軍據為指揮所.稍後國軍反擊,雙方在此火拼.從洋樓彈痕累累的牆垣上,不難想像當時激戰之驚心動魄.民國75年趙萬富將軍接任金門防衛司令官,他相當重視環境美化與名勝古蹟的保存,因此便配合北山古厝的殘樓遺跡整建,立「北山村巷戰紀念誌」碑記述這段戰役歷史,以供後人憑弔.
20091024 金門古寧頭晚會 楊蒨時 Hawawa Yang - 練舞功&Lady Marmalade
Hawawa Yang performs Doing Exercises in dance & Lady Marmalade in Kinmen- 2009/10/24
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Guningtou Battle 古寧頭戰史館 英文版
慈湖三角堡 Triangle Fort, Cihu Lake - 福建,金門 Kinmen,Fujian
中國福建之旅2014.11.12第302集 慈湖三角堡位於慈湖西側,碉堡四周挖掘了類似「護城河」的壕溝,周邊海灘是圍了鐵絲網的雷區,防止敵人越雷池一步.三角堡具有堅固的造型與迷彩外觀,是由塊石與混凝土砌成,內有哨所可供士兵住宿,三個端點均設有瞭望哨與射口,有樓梯可上堡頂,堡上亦設哨站.隨著兩岸情勢轉變,三角堡因而空置,轉而成為追求和平與保育鳥類生態的文化地景.
Battle of Guningtou
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Battle of Guningtou
The Battle of Guningtou (simplified Chinese: 古宁头之役; traditional Chinese: 古寧頭之役; pinyin: Gǔníngtóu zhī Yì), also known as the Battle of Kinmen (simplified Chinese: 金门战役; traditional Chinese: 金門戰役; pinyin: Jīnmén Zhànyì), was a battle fought over Kinmen in the Taiwan Strait during the Chinese Civil War in 1949.
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