Best Attractions and Places to See in Banda Aceh, Indonesia
Banda Aceh Travel Guide. MUST WATCH. Top things you have to do in Banda Aceh. We have sorted Tourist Attractions in Banda Aceh for You. Discover Banda Aceh as per the Traveler Resources given by our Travel Specialists. You will not miss any fun thing to do in Banda Aceh.
This Video has covered top Attractions and Best Things to do in Banda Aceh.
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List of Best Things to do in Banda Aceh
Baiturrahman Grand Mosque
Lampuuk Beach
Aceh Tsunami Museum
Boat at Desa Lampulo
PLTD Apung 1
Aceh State Museum
Ulee Lheue Beach
Gunongan Park
Tailana Island
Rahmatullah Mosque
Gunongan - Gunongan, Aceh Province - Indonesia
Gunongan - Gunongan
Gunongan had erected by Sultan Iskandar Muda (1607 - 36) as a private playground and bathing place for this wife Putro Phang (From Malaysia). This whimsical architectural fantasy had access to the sultan's palace through the traditional 'Pintu Aceh', used by royalty only. This building likely functioned as an important recreational peace located in the Taman Sari Park for the Queen and other royal family members to climb. It is quite enjoyable to visit this place during the late afternoon or sunset...
Gunongan adalah simbol dari kekuatan cinta Sultan Iskandar Muda kepada permaisurinya yang sangat cantik, yaitu Putri Pahang putro phang berasal dari Pahang Malaysia
Wonderful Indonesia | Going around Banda Aceh city, The capital of Aceh province
Banda Aceh, formerly known as Kuta Raja, is the capital and largest city in the province of Aceh, Indonesia. The city covers an area of 64 square kilometres and had a population of 219,070 people, according to the 2000 census.[4] Banda Aceh is located on the northwestern tip of Indonesia at the mouth of the Aceh River.
The city was originally established as Bandar Aceh Darussalam Kandang[5] and served as a capital and hub for the Sultanate of Aceh upon its foundation in the late 15th century. The first part of the name comes from the Persian bandar (بندر) meaning port or haven. The city is also dubbed the port to Mecca, or the porch of Mecca (Indonesian: Serambi Mekkah) in reference to the days when hajj pilgrims travelled by sea from Indonesia and would make a stop over in the city before continuing their journey to Mecca.
The city rose to international prominence in the aftermath of the Indian Ocean earthquake in 2004, which struck off the western coast of Sumatra. Banda Aceh was the closest major city to the earthquake's epicentre, which lay 249 km off the coast.[6] It suffered great damage in the earthquake and further damage when a tsunami struck shortly afterwards. 167,000 people died as a result and many more were injured.[7][8]
The aftermath of the tsunami has seen a cessation of much of the conflict in the city and province, and domestic and international aid as a result has seen a major modernisation and reconstruction of the city over the past decade.
Banda Aceh is home to many landmarks important to the history of the Acehnese people and the sultanates.
Baiturrahman Grand Mosque
The Baiturrahman Grand Mosque, located in the heart of Banda Aceh, is the most famous landmark in the city. The original mosque was built around the 12th century during the Sultanate of Iskandar Muda (1607–1636). It was rebuilt in 1875 after it was burnt down in the Aceh war. The architecture and interior design of the mosque is notable for having seven domes and four smaller towers along with a main tower. The mosque can accommodate up to 9,000 people.
Gunongan Historical Park is a private playground and bathing place, built by Sultan Iskandar Muda, dedicated to his wife Putroe Phang. Gunongan was part of royal garden complex Taman Sari.[14]
the impact of the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami on the city. These include several mass burial centres such as the graves at Ulee Lheue, places where boats were carried several kilometres inland by the tsunami (PLTD Apung 1, or the Floating Diesel Plant, and the Floating Boat on the Roof), and the Tsunami Museum. The PLTD Apung 1 had been located near the Ule Lheu beach before being shifted close to the city centre by the tsunami. It has become one of the most important landmarks in Banda Aceh.
Dutch Kerkhof Poucut Cemetery is a Dutch military burial ground located near the centre of Banda Aceh, next to the tsunami museum. The cemetery name is a combination of Kerkhof (Dutch for churchyard or graveyard) and poucut or poteu cut (Acehnese for prince). The Kerkhoff Poucut is recorded as the largest Dutch military cemetery outside the Netherlands. There are around 2,200 graves of white Dutch soldiers as well as recruits from Ambon, Manado and Java, and several Dutch generals.[15]
The Aceh Museum is one of the oldest museums in Indonesia. The original museum was established almost 100 years ago. After Independence in 1945 the museum became the property of the regional government. In 1969 the museum was moved from the original site at Blang Padang to the current location in Jl Sultan Alaiddin Mahmudsyah. The museum contains a wide range of artefacts relating to the history and cultural life of Aceh.
Cut Nyak Dien Museum. The museum is a replica of Aceh's hero, Tjut Nyak Dien. was a leader of the Acehnese guerrilla forces during the Aceh War. Following the death of her husband Teuku Umar, she led guerrilla actions against the Dutch for 25 years. She was posthumously awarded the title of National Hero of Indonesia on May 2, 1964 by the Indonesian government.
Besides its landmarks, royal heritage sites, and attractive beaches, Banda Aceh is also famous for its keudè kupi (coffee shop) where specially brewed coffee is served. There are two kind of brewed coffees Ulèë Karéng and Beurawé coffee.[16][17]
Several festivals are held annually by the city:[18]
Banda Aceh Festival
Festival Krueng Aceh Peunayong
Festival Geulayang Tunang (kite festival)
Festival Kupi
Indonesia City Expo
There are three beaches close to Banda Aceh which can be visited by car or motorcycle in 15 to 20 minutes:[19]
Ujông Batèë Beach, a black sand beach with calm waves, suitable for swimming and kids' activities
Lhôk Nga Beach, dangerous for swimming
Lam Pu'uk Beach, very quiet, the most developed beach, visited by local and foreign tourists, suitable for surfing and watching the sunset; has cliffs and good scenery
Tiket Masuk Pantai Lampuuk Aceh -- Indonesia
Putroe Phang Park/Gunongan
Taman Bustanussalatin banda aceh/Taman Sari banda aceh
Letaknya yang strategis dan dilengkapi dengan fasilitas pendukung bisa menjadi pilihan bagi anda yang menyukai konsep wisata taman. Itulah yang ditawarkan Taman Sari, Banda Aceh. Taman yang sudah ada sejak abad ke-17 dan telah berubah wajah.
Riwayat Taman Sari
Taman seluas 3.000 meter persegi tersebut sudah ada sejak zaman Kerajaan Aceh Darussalam. Tempo dulu luasnya mencapai 1/3 Kota Banda Aceh.
Mulanya Taman Sari bernama Taman Ghairah yang merupakan taman istana tempat bermain keluarga raja. Satu kesatuan dengan Bustanussalatin yang artinya taman raja-raja.
Dibangun sebagai taman kesultanan Aceh, tepatnya pada tahun 1514 M. Bustanussalatin terbentang di sepanjang Krueng Daroy yang melintasi Gunongan, Pinto Khop, Kandang, hingga Pulau Gajah, dan Masjid Raya.
Krueng dalam bahasa lokal bermakna sungai. Krueng Daroy sendiri merupakan sungai buatan serupa kanal yang membelah kawasan Bustanussalatin.
Mesjid raya, taman sari, taman bustanussalatin, blang padang, mesium tsunami, sekitaran banda aceh, wisata aceh, indahnya banda aceh, seputaran kota banda aceh, persona aceh, wajah baru aceh, wisata aceh,rumoh aceh, krung daroy, krung aceh
Taman Sari Gunongan Kandang & Taman Putro Phang
Tourism Site : Gunongan Taman Sari Banda Aceh
Music By :
Gunongan Taman Sari Putri Pahang
Gunongan menjadi salah satu tujuan wisata yang kerap dikunjungi para wisatawan baik lokal maupun mancanegara. Bangunan berbentuk persegi enam menyerupai bunga dan bertingkat tiga, dengan tingkat utama berbentuk mahkota. Bangunan ini dibangun pada abad ke-16. Saban hari khususnya saat akhir pekan, Gunongan menjadi bagian dari lokasi kunjungan wisatawan termasuk dari luar negeri seperti Malaysia. Gunongan memang masih memiliki kaitan dengan negeri jiran tersebut. Sebab Gunongan dibangun oleh Sultan Iskandar Muda untuk sang istri yang berasal dari Pahang.
Pintoe Khop
Pintoe Khop dulu adalah gerbang yang menghubungkan istana dengan Taman Ghairah. Gerbang ke taman dari keluarga kerjaan, Sultan, Permaisuri, Pangeran dan Putri Raja.
Pembangunan taman dikisahkan merupakan permintaan dari Putroe Phang, putri raja yang dibawa ke Aceh oleh Sultan Iskandar Muda setelah Kerajaan Pahang ditaklukan.
Pintoe Khop was the connecting gate between the Palace and the Taman Ghairah. Gate to the Park of royal family the Sultan, The Queen, Prince and Princess. Park development was belived to be at the request of Princess Putroe Phang, Brought to Aceh by Sultan Iskandar Muda afer the defeat of Pahang Kingdom.
Taman Putroe Phang adalah taman Kerajaan Aceh Darussalam yang didirikan oleh Sultan Iskandar Muda (1607-1636) untuk permaisurinya Putroe Phang yang berasal dari Kerajaan Pahang Malaysia. Pembangunan taman dikisahkan merupakan permintaan dari Putroe Phang, putri raja yang dibawa ke Aceh oleh Sultan Iskandar Muda setelah kerajaan Pahang ditaklukan oleh Kerajaan Aceh.
Di dalam taman ini terdapat Pinto Khop yaitu gerbang berbentuk kubah yang merupakan pintu penghubung taman dengan istana. Pinto Khop merupakan tempat beristirahat Putri Phang, setelah lelah berenang, letaknya tidak jauh dari Gunongan, di sanalah dayang-dayang membasuh rambut sang permaisuri. Di sana juga terdapat kolam untuk sang permaisuri keramas dan mandi bunga.
#PintoeKhop #putroePhang #IskandarMuda
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taman sari Taman sari Park of Banda Aceh.AVI
come and visit Banda Aceh city
WIRDA MANSUR ►Di Taman Bustanussalatin Taman Sari Banda Aceh
Misteri Gunongan Sultan Aceh !
Rehlah Tapow A Ke Aceh (Bahagian 2)
Rehlah Tapow A Ke Aceh
Rehlah tarbiah atau lawatan sambil belajar ini membawa peserta rombongan Tapow A melawat ke sekitar kawasan yang dilanda bencana tsunami di Banda Aceh, Indonesia pada 26 Disember 2004 yang lalu.
Rehlah ini disertai seramai 24 orang peserta termasuk Che Mat (pengasas bersama program Tapow A) dan dua orang staf Alaf Leadership Training Sdn. Bhd. iaitu Tuan Asri dan Puan Awatif.
Rehlah selama empat hari tiga malam ini benar-benar telah menginsafkan para peserta berikutan kisah-kisah yang dikongsikan oleh beberapa orang mangsa yang terselamat daripada bencana tsunami tersebut selain mendapat banyak ibrah (pengajaran) sepanjang dari mula menjejakkan kaki ke Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Sultan Iskandar Muda, Banda Aceh, Indonesia, sehinggalah pulang ke tanah air tercinta, Malaysia.
Tempat yang sempat dikunjungi sepanjang rehlah ini:
1. Kuburan Masal Siron
2. Masjid Baiturrahim
3. Muzium Tsunami
4. Rumah Cut Nyak Dhien
5. Kampung Turki Lampu'uk
6. Masjid Rahmatullah
7. Kubah Masjid Tsunami
8. Kapal Tsunami Atas Rumah
9. Masjid Baiturrahman
10. PLTD Apung
11. Muzium Aceh (Rumah Adat)
12. Gunongan Park
13. Masjid Oman
Bahagian 1:
© Hakcipta Terpelihara oleh Alaf Training Leadership Sdn. Bhd. 2019.
Rehlah Tapow A Ke Aceh (Bahagian 1)
Rehlah Tapow A Ke Aceh
Rehlah tarbiah atau lawatan sambil belajar ini membawa peserta rombongan Tapow A melawat ke sekitar kawasan yang dilanda bencana tsunami di Banda Aceh, Indonesia pada 26 Disember 2004 yang lalu.
Rehlah ini disertai seramai 24 orang peserta termasuk Che Mat (pengasas bersama program Tapow A) dan dua orang staf Alaf Leadership Training Sdn. Bhd. iaitu Tuan Asri dan Puan Awatif.
Rehlah selama empat hari tiga malam ini benar-benar telah menginsafkan para peserta berikutan kisah-kisah yang dikongsikan oleh beberapa orang mangsa yang terselamat daripada bencana tsunami tersebut selain mendapat banyak ibrah (pengajaran) sepanjang dari mula menjejakkan kaki ke Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Sultan Iskandar Muda, Banda Aceh, Indonesia, sehinggalah pulang ke tanah air tercinta, Malaysia.
Tempat yang sempat dikunjungi sepanjang rehlah ini:
1. Kuburan Masal Siron
2. Masjid Baiturrahim
3. Muzium Tsunami
4. Rumah Cut Nyak Dhien
5. Kampung Turki Lampu'uk
6. Masjid Rahmatullah
7. Kubah Masjid Tsunami
8. Kapal Tsunami Atas Rumah
9. Masjid Baiturrahman
10. PLTD Apung
11. Muzium Aceh (Rumah Adat)
12. Gunongan Park
13. Masjid Oman
Bahagian 2:
© Hakcipta Terpelihara oleh Alaf Training Leadership Sdn. Bhd. 2019.
Wisata Krueng Daroy dan Taman Putroe Phang merupakan sebagian kecil dari jejak sejarah era kejayaan Sultanan Aceh.
Taman Putroe phang bersama beberapa situs sejarah lainnya di sepanjang sungai krueng daroy merupakan bagian dari komplek raksasa istana kesultanan Aceh.
Taman Putroe Phang juga merupakan bukti cinta sang Sultan Iskandar muda kepada Permaisurinya Putroe Phang .