2015-11-14 GunungSari | PuriPliatan | OlegTamulilingan (Dayu-Kamandanu) ***HD1080p
Puri Agung, Peliatan, Ubud, Sat 14Nov2015 *
p e n a r i DAYU INDAH & Made Putra Wijaya alias DE KAMANDANU *
Sekaa Gong Kebyar GUNUNG SARI, Peliatan, Cok ALIT Hendrawan
Teruna Jaya with Gunung Sari Peliatan
Gong Kebyar Gunung Sari: Teruna Jaya.
2017-03-18 GunungSari | PuriPliatan | Kapiraja+Pendet (5) *HD
Sekaha Gong Kebyar GUNUNG SARI presents
Tabuh KAPIRAJA and
Welcome Dance PENDET
tari gabor sanggar saba sari PKB2014
2017-08-27 TirtaSari | Balerung | LambangSari **HD
A special Fundraiser organized by Balerung Stage in favour of Pura Masceti Gunung Sari, Peliatan
2017-03-25 GunungSari | PuriPliatan | OlegTamulilingan (DayuIndah-DekAlo) ***HD
p e n a r i Dayu Indah Teja Pratami & Made Artha Yasa alias Kadek Alo (male part) * after a longer period of absence (she moved to Denpasar) Dayu Indah honoured Pliatan with her and Alo's unique version of this Oleg Tamulilingan dance
Bali dance Sang Hyang Dedari
performs Ubud Panca Artha Group
2019-05-04 GunungSari | PuriPliatan | TrunaJaya (CokBintang)
p e n a r i Cok Bintang Diah Hendrayani -
To avoid any commercial use of these materials, this videoclip is on purpose low resolution, incomplete, sometimes a bit blurred and of low quality audio. Please note that the performed music/dance is traditional public domain and to our best knowledge, the performing artists have not claimed any rights of performance. We are of the opinion that making these materials publicly available is favorable for artists and local society since it could increase the audience and propagate traditional arts.
2018-02-24 GunungSari | PuriPliatan | OlegTamulilingan (Citra-Alo) *HD
p e n a r i CITRA Aryani & Made Artha Yasa alias Kadek ALO (male part) -
Citra premiered her Oleg with Gunung Sari... well done! -
CITRA Aryani, Br. Tenggah Kauh, umur 16th, SMA 1 Gianyar -
To avoid any commercial use of these materials, this videoclip is on purpose low resolution, incomplete, sometimes a bit blurred and of low quality audio. Please note that the performed music/dance is traditional public domain and to our best knowledge, the performing artists have not claimed any rights of performance. We are of the opinion that making these materials publicly available is favorable for artists and local society since it could increase the audience and propagate traditional arts.
Tari Topeng Gunung Sari, tari topeng malangan, FULL HD
Tari Topeng Gunung Sari, tari topeng malangan, kedung monggo, bawarasa surya aji, singhasari literasi festifal, candi jago tumpang malang
2016-05-07 GunungSari | PuriPliatan | TrunaJaya (Darmanti) ***HD1080p
p e n a r i Jero Ratna DARMANTI (as guest) *
t a r i Truna Jaya *
Sekaa Gong Kebyar GUNUNG SARI *
@ Ancak Saji Puri Agung, Peliatan *
Malming 7 mei 2016
Gunung Sari Barong & Rangda Dance, May 2015
2014-06-14 GunungSari | PuriAgung | Pendet ***HD720p
Pendet is a traditional dance from Bali, Indonesia, in which offerings are made to purify the temple or theater as a prelude to ceremonies or other dances. Pendet is typically performed by young girls, carrying bowls of flower petals, handfuls of which are cast into the air at various times in the dance. Pendet can be thought of as a dance of greeting, to welcome the audience and invite spirits to enjoy a performance.
Pendet is the presentation of an offering in the form of a ritual dance. Unlike the exhibition dances that demand arduous training, Pendet may be danced by anyone. It is taught simply by imitation.
Younger girls follow the movements of the elder women, who recognize their responsibility in setting a good example. Proficiency comes with age. As a religious dance, Pendet is usually performed during temple ceremonies.
All dancers carry in their right hand a small offering of incense, cakes, water vessels, or flower formations. With these they dance from shrine to shrine within the temple. Pendet may be performed intermittently throughout the day and late into the night during temple feasts.
The original Pendet dance is performed by 4-5 young girls (before their puberty) in the yards of Hindu temples. Pendet dancers bring flowers in small Bokor (silver bowls containing flowers in a ceremony). They spread the flowers around the temple. This dance is a symbol of welcoming God in some ritual ceremonies in Bali. Pendet actually has simple dance movements. These movements are the basic dance movements of Balinese dance. Pendet has undergone later development with variations and now is not only performed in ritual ceremonies but also in some social events. Pendet since has been known as a welcoming dance.
2015-11-21 GunungSari | PuriPliatan | Pendet (for 2) **HD1080p
the specialty of this Pendet is that 4 girls are missing, so the performance counts only 2 girls on that wide stage... ahem... maybe next time a solo dance Pendet?
Tari Topeng Telek / Telek Dance
TITLE: Tari Topeng Telek
PERFORMED: Yama Sari ensemble of Peliatan village - gamelan and dance groupe from Peliatan, Ubud, Bali
Tari Topeng Telek is a masked dance—Topeng means mask, and Telek refers to temple guardians. The original creator of Tari Topeng Telek is unknown. This sequence is from the story of Siva, and is part of the famous ritual drama Barong Telek, which tells about the protector—the Barong—and the demonic destroyer—Rangda. Here, Telek and Jauk characters engage in their own conflict which takes place before the central confrontation between Barong and Rangda. The Telek dancers are the temple guardians and the protectors of good. They wear white masks to reflect their gentle and refined nature. The Jauk dancers are fierce and bold demons who seek to attack the Barong. They wear red masks and long fingernails, to represent anger and destruction.
The costume is based on the Balinese temple outfit and its traditional symbols. The gelungan/udeng (hat/headdress) is elaborately ornamented because it covers the holiest part of the body. The lamak covers the torso with softness, and the wide belt holds back desires. The kipas (fan) is used as an extension of the hand, in kindness or as a weapon.
The music is also traditional and it is completely united with the dance. Changes in dynamics, accent, and musical structure are tightly synchronized to the dancers' hand, foot, and eye gestures, as both dancers and musicians give and follow cues. The Indonesian gamelan is the traditional orchestra, with instruments of bronze, iron, wood, or bamboo.
2016-11-26 GunungSari | PuriPliatan | BarongKet *HD
2018-09-29 GunungSari | PuriPliatan | Kapiraja
To avoid any commercial use of these materials, this videoclip is on purpose low resolution, incomplete, sometimes a bit blurred and of low quality audio. Please note that the performed music/dance is traditional public domain and to our best knowledge, the performing artists have not claimed any rights of performance. We are of the opinion that making these materials publicly available is favorable for artists and local society since it could increase the audience and propagate traditional arts.
Kebyar Trompong. Dances I Made Putra Wijaya
I Made Putra Wijaya dances Kebyar Trompong in the premises of Pura Dalem Agung, a temple located in Padangtegal, at the southern most tip of Ubud. The temple is in the heart of the small Monkey Forest (Alas Bojog, in Balinese language). Made Putra Wijaya is an excellent dancer and Gamelan musician from Peliatan, a village at the eastern side of Ubud, in the district of Gianyar. Made (Ade) has travelled abroad several times for playing Balinese traditional dances. He's been in Holland, Vietnam, Germany and Denmark. Kebyar Trompong is not an easy dance. Only well trained artists can do it. The dance was created in the 1920s to be performed by the mytical Balinese dancer Mario. In a Kebyar Trompong dance a male dancer is also a musician, playing solos on a gamelan gong with the rest of the orchestra. The dancer twirls his drumsticks while playing the gongs of a gamelan instrument. The ladies Gamelan Orchestra comes from the village of Peliatan. More information about the dancer I Made Putra Vijaya at this link:
Technical descriptions: Recorded by digital still camera Sony Cyber-shot HX5V. Original file m2ts. By hand, no tripod used. //
I Made Putra Wijaya balla la dansa tradicional Kebyar Trompong al temple Pura Dalem Agung, de Padangtegal, al sud d'Ubud. El temple és al cor del petit Bosc dels Micos -Alas Bojog, en balinès-, popularment conegut com Monkey Forest. I Made Putra Wijaya és un excel·lent ballarí i músic de gamelan (especialitzat en els timbals). El ballarí és fill de Peliatan, avui en dia un barri annexionat a Ubud. En Made (Ade) ha viatjat diverses vegades a l'estranger per ballar dansa tradicional balinesa. Ha actuat en països com Holanda, Vietnam, Alemanya i Dinamarca. Solament els millors ballarins són capaços de ballar la dansa Kebyar Trompong. Va ser creada durant la dècada de 1920 per ser interpretada pel considerat millor ballarí de la història balinesa, el mític Mario (pronunciat mària). L'intèrpret de Kebyar Trompong fa a la vegada de ballarí i músic. En alguns moments, el ballarí interpreta solos amb els gongs de bronze d'un instrument de gamelan, anomenat trompong. El fet de ballar sempre ajupit fa que la dansa sigui realment complicada, apta solament per als millors. L'orquestra femenina de gamelan que acompanya el ballarí és del vilatge de Peliatan. Més informació sobre el ballarí I Made Putra Wijaya, en aquest enllaç:
Descripció tècnica: Vídeo gravat amb una càmera digital compacta Sony Cyber-shot HX5V. Arxiu original: mp4. Gravació d'una sola seqüència feta enterament sense trípode.
2015-04-11 GunungSari | PuriAgung | Pendet *HD1020p
2015-04-11 GunungSari | PuriAgung | Pendet Peliatan
p e n a r i Komang Trya and friends
To avoid any commercial use of these materials, this videoclip is on purpose low resolution, incomplete, sometimes a bit blurred and of low quality audio. Please note that the performed music/dance is traditional public domain and to our best knowledge, the performing artists have not claimed any rights of performance. We are of the opinion that making these materials publicly available is favorable for artists and local society since it could increase the audience and propagate traditional arts.
Legong Sri Sedana in Pura Masceti Gunung Sari, Peliatan (2nd of October 2018)
Here is a short summary of LEGONG SRI SEDANA, danced at the ceremony which took place the 2nd of October in Masceti Gunung Sari temple, PELIATAN. The name of the dance comes from Goddess SRI (Goddess of rice) and her brother, God SEDANA.
The story of this recent creation (2007) and the symbols of prosperity in this dance are connected with the ceremony which was actually hold by the local subak (the collective organisation of rice fields irrigation).
Many of the dancers from PELIATAN played is this performance nearly exclusively for religious ceremonies. The gamelan : Gong Semara Pegulingan of Tirta Sari.