Gur Emir the tomb of Timur Lenk . Samarkand part1
Timur Amir (Tamerlan) 1336- 1405 Great state man and strategist of medieval times. He is among the 5 strategists of all time: Alexander the Great, Hanibal, Attila, Gingis Han. He won all the battles and did not lose any. During his reign (35 years) he built a huge empire stretched between Volga and Gange, between Tian San and Bosphorus. His empire was the most powerful in the world at that time. He destroyed the golden hordes and liberated the peoples of Europe and the Russian Mongol yoke rulers.
The Gur Emir Mausoleum, the central city masterpiece. Begun in 1403. Composed of 3 edifices. He has a cannula dome with 64 ceramic ribbed segments. Diameter 15 m and height 12.5 m Decorated with wood sculptures, stone engravings, stalactites and stained glass, mural painting. The blue and golden predominance. In the mausoleum is buried outside Timur, 3 of his children, astronomer Ulug Bek with his children. Mausoleum complete restaurant in 1996
Timur Amir ( Tamerlan ) 1336- 1405 Mare om de stat si strateg al epocii medievale .Este printre cei 5 strategi ai tuturor timpurilor : Alexandru cel mare, Hanibal, Attila , Gingis Han . El a castigat toate bataliile si nu a pierdut nici una . In cursul domniei sale (35 ani ) a construit un imens imperiu intins intre Volga si Gange , intre Tian San si Bosfor . Imperiul sau a fost cel mai puternic din lume in acea prioada . A distrus “ hoarda de aur “ si a eliberat popoarele europei se est si principatele rusesti de jugul Mongol .
Mausoleul Gur Emir .-capodoperei asiei centrale . Inceput in 1403 . Compus din 3 edificii . Poseda o cupola caneleta cu 64 segmente cu nervuri ceramice . Diametrul de 15 m si inaltime de 12,5 m Decorat cu sculpture in lemn , gravuri in piatra , stalactite si vitralii , picture murale . Predomina albastru si auriu .In mausoleu este inmormantat in afara de Timur, 3 copii ai lui , astronomul Ulug Bek cu copii lui . Mausoleul complect restaurant in 1996
Filming mcostiniuc . 2018 - 04 Sony AX 53
【K】Uzbekistan Travel-Samarkand[우즈베키스탄 여행-사마르칸트]티무르 묘지/Gur Emir Mausoleum/Amir Timur/Tomb of ruler
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[한국어 정보]
그 나라가 바로 아미르티무르가 세운 티무르 제국이다. 티무르는 수많은 나라를 정복하고 이 사마르칸트를 도읍으로 삼았다. 그가 묻힌 곳이 바로 구르에미르다. 초원의 절대자 ‘칸’을 꿈꿨지만 칭기즈칸의 직계가 아니었기에 그는 죽어서도 ‘에미르’라 불렸고 그래서 그의 묘 이름도 구르에미르다. 굳게 잠겨 있는 그의 무덤 대신 사람들이 몰리는 곳. 바로 티무르의 묘지석이 있는 방이다. 내부는 온통 금 장식으로 가득하고 이슬람과 유목전통이 절묘하게 조화를 이룬다. 그런데 이중 유난히 검은 돌 하나가 눈에 띈다. “가운데 검은 돌이 아미르티무르의 묘지석입니다. 이 검은 돌은 ‘칸’을 상징하는 신성한 돌로 티무르 손자들이 특별히 멀리서 가져온 것입니다.” 숱한 전쟁을 치렀던 티무르. 그래선지 그의 무덤을 열면 큰 전쟁이 난다는 전설이 전해져온다. 정복왕이었던 그도 죽어서 만큼은 소중한 사람들과의 조용한 안식을 꿈꾸었나보다.
[English: Google Translator]
That country is the Timurian empire built by Amir Timur. Timur conquered many nations and made this Samarkand a city. The place where he was buried is Guruemir. He dreamed of the absolute 'Khan' of the meadow, but since he was not a direct descendant of Chinggis Khan, he was called 'Emir' even though he died. Instead of his locked tomb, where people are driven. It is the room with the gravestone of Timur. The interior is full of gold ornaments, and the combination of Islam and nomadic tradition is an exquisite blend. However, one of the exceptional black stones stands out. The black stone in the middle is the gravestone of Amir Timur. This black stone is a sacred stone symbolizing 'Khan', brought from a special distance by Timurese grandsons. Timur, who had waged many wars. The legend tells me that if you open his grave, you will have a great war. He was a conqueror, and he was dead, so he dreamed of a quiet rest with precious people.
[Uzbekistan: Google Translator]
Bu mamlakat Amir Temur tomonidan qurilgan Timur imperiyasidir. Timur ko'plab xalqlarni bosib oldi va Samarqandni bu shaharga aylantirdi. Dafn qilingan joy Guruemirdir. U cho'lning mutlaq xanini orzu qilgan, ammo u Chingizxonning bevosita avlodidan bo'lmaganligi sababli u Amir deb nomlangan, ammo u vafot etgan. Uning qulflangan qabri o'rniga, odamlar qaerga bormoqdalar. Bu Timur qabristoni bilan jihozlangan xona. Ichki bezaklar oltin zeb-ziynatlar bilan to'lib-toshgan va islom va ko'chmanchi an'analarning kombinatsiyasi ajoyib aralashdir. Biroq, alohida qora toshlardan biri ajralib turadi. Qora tosh Amir Temurning qabr toshiga o'xshaydi. Bu qora tosh - Timurning nabiralari tomonidan maxsus masofadan olib kelingan Xon ni tasvirlaydigan muqaddas tosh. Ko'plab urushlar qilgan Temur. Afsuski, agar siz uning qabrini ochsangiz, sizda katta urush bo'ladi. U g'alaba qozongan va o'lgan, shuning uchun qimmatbaho odamlar bilan xotirjam dam olishni orzu qilgan.
■클립명: 아시아033-우즈베키스탄-03-10 티무르 제국 아미르 티무르 묘지
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 신주호 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2019년 2월February
공원/광장,park, square,동상,statue,추모관련,tomb, cemetery,사람,man,아시아Asia우즈베키스탄UzbekistanOzbekiston우즈베키스탄 공화국신주호20192월사마르칸트SamarqandSamarqand viloyatiFebruary걸어서 세계속으로
Mausoleum of Tamerlane, Samarkand, Uzbekistan
Amir Timur, or Tamerlane, the Mongol conquer wanted to be buried in a simple tomb in his home town, but his family had other ideas. His lavish mausoleum is one of the star attractions of Samarkand.
Gur-Emir Mausoleum, Samarkand
The Gūr-i Amīr or Guri Amir (Uzbek: Amir Temur maqbarasi, Go'ri Amir, Persian: گورِ امیر) is a mausoleum of the Asian conqueror Timur(also known as Tamerlane) in Samarkand, Uzbekistan. It occupies an important place in the history of Persian-Mongolian Architecture as the precursor and model for later great Mughal architecture tombs, including Gardens of Babur in Kabul, Humayun's Tomb in Delhiand the Taj Mahal in Agra, built by Timur's Persianised descendants, the ruling Mughal dynasty of Indian Subcontinent. It has been heavily restored.
Uzbekistan/Samarkand AmirTimur-Tamerlane, Part 19
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Timur was a Turco-Mongol conqueror. As the founder of the Timurid Empire in Persia and Central Asia, he became the first ruler in the Timurid dynasty. According to John Joseph Saunders, Timur was the product of an islamized and iranized society, and not steppe nomadic.
Timur is regarded as a military genius and as a brilliant tactician with an uncanny ability to work within a highly fluid political structure to win and maintain a loyal following of nomads during his rule in Central Asia. He was also considered extraordinarily intelligent – not only intuitively but also intellectually. In Samarkand and his many travels, Timur, under the guidance of distinguished scholars, was able to learn the Persian, Mongolian, and Turkish languages (according to Ahmad ibn Arabshah, Timur could not speak Arabic). More importantly, Timur was characterized as an opportunist. Taking advantage of his Turco-Mongolian heritage, Timur frequently used either the Islamic religion or the law and traditions of the Mongol Empire to achieve his military goals or domestic political aims.[11] Timur was a learned king, and enjoyed the company of scholars; he was tolerant and generous to them. He was a contemporary of the Persian poet Hafez, and a story of their meeting explains that Timur summoned Hafiz, who had written a ghazal with the following verse:
For the black mole on thy cheek
I would give the cities of Samarkand and Bukhara.
Uzbekistan Gur Emir Mausoleum Samarkand June 1 2007
【K】Uzbekistan Travel-Samarkand[우즈베키스탄 여행-사마르칸트]아무르 티무르, 지배자의 묘/Gur Emir Mausoleum/Amir Timur/Tomb
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
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[한국어 정보]
타슈켄트에서 300여 킬로미터 떨어진 사마르칸트는 인구 약40만 명이 사는 우즈베키스탄에서 두 번째로 큰 도시다. 사마르칸트에서 가장 먼저 가봐야 할 곳은 구르 예미르다. 구르는 무덤, 예미르는 왕, 지배자라는 뜻이다. 원래는 테무르 왕이 전사한 손자를 애도하기 위해 만들었으나, 1년 후 중국 명나라로 원정 가던 중 사망한 자신도 이곳에 묻히게 되었단다. 안으로 들어서자 테무르와 관련된 기념품과 테무르의 원정 지도가 눈에 띄었다. 인도의 델리에서 북쪽 타슈켄트까지, 서쪽으로 바그다드를 넘어 이스탄불까지 대제국을 건설했던 테무르. 그러나 지금은 모두 지배자의 묘에 안치돼 있다. 테무르 일가의 묘는 옥으로 만들어져 있는데 가운데 흑 녹색의 묘가 바로 아미르 테무르의 묘다. 오른쪽에는 손자인 마흐무트 술탄의 묘가 있고, 북쪽으로는 테무르 스승의 묘가 있는데 테무르는 스승을 존경하여 자신의 것보다 스승의 묘를 더 크게 위쪽에 만들라고 유언했었다.
[English: Google Translator]
Samarkand is the second largest city in Uzbekistan live a population of about 400,000 people 300 kilometers from Tashkent. The first place to go in Samarkand is rolled Yemi Garda. Rolling grave, for example Mir is a means king, ruler. Although originally created to mourn the grandson who temureu warrior king, one year after the danda himself was buried here died of his way to China visiting the Ming Dynasty. Map of the visitors souvenirs and temureu heard in a party related to the temureu stood out. To the north of Delhi in Tashkent, beyond the west of Baghdad to Istanbul temureu who built the great empires. But now all is enshrined in the tomb of gotta ruler. Temureu family tomb is the tomb of the black middle green myoda Amir temureu made right there in the prison. Right, and the tomb of the grandson of Sultan Mach Kone, north, there is the tomb of temureu temureu by respected mentor teacher had called testament to create the grave of his mentor than a larger one at the top.
[Uzbek: Google Translator]
Samarqand O'zbekistonda ikkinchi yirik shahri Toshkent taxminan 400,000 kishi 300 kilometrdan aholisi yashash emas. Samarqandda borish uchun birinchi o'rin Yemi Garda o'raladi. Qabr Rolling, masalan Mir a king, hukmdori demakdir. Dastlab jangchi shoh temureu nabirasi yig'lamoq uchun yaratilgan bo'lsa-da, o'zi ham shu yerda dafn etilgan bir yil DandA so'ng Ming sulolasi tashrif Xitoyga o'z yo'lida vafot etdi. Temureu bilan bog'liq bir partiya eshitdim mehmon esdalik va temureu xaritasi chiqib turdi. Buyuk imperiyalar bunyod Istanbul temureu uchun Bag'dod g'arbidagi uzoqda Toshkentda Dehli shimolida, uchun. Ammo hozir hamma gotta hukmdori qabri bilan mustahkamlangan. Temureu oila qabr Amir qamoqda o'ng bor qilgan temureu qora o'rta yashil myoda maqbarasi hisoblanadi. O'ng va Sulton Mach Köne nabirasi maqbarasi, shimol, hurmat ustoz o'qituvchi tomonidan temureu temureu maqbarasi yuqorisida bir katta ko'ra uning ustozi qabrlarini yaratish vasiyat deb nomlangan edi bor.
■클립명: 아시아033-우즈베키스탄01-04 아무르 티무르, 지배자의 묘/Gur Emir Mausoleum/Amir Timur/Tomb of ruler
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 현상용 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2006년 8월 August
,아시아,Asia,,우즈베키스탄,Uzbekistan,Ozbekiston,우즈베키스탄 공화국,현상용,2006,8월 August,,,,
Samarkand Gur-Emir mausoleum.3gp
Samarkand Gur-Emir mausoleum Samarkand Uzbekistan
Amir Timur Mausoleum (Gur-e Amir), Samarkand, Uzbekistan
Gur-i Emir - Amir Temur Mausoleum Samarkand
The Gur-Emir-Mausoleum (Persian گور امیر; Uzbek Go'ri Amir, from gur, grave, and the Emir, sovereign, ruler) in the Uzbek city Samarkand is the tomb of Tamerlane, some members of his family and other persons in the environment of the ruler, including Ulugh Beg, Shah Rukh and Mir Said Berke - the teacher of Tamerlane. It was built in 1403/04 and is regarded as the finest example of art of building of the Timurid's epoch, with its azure ribbed dome on a high Tambour. It occupies an important place in the history of Persian-Mongolian Architecture as the precursor and model for later great Mughal architecture tombs, including Humayun's Tomb in Delhi and the Taj Mahal in Agra, built by Timur's descendants, the ruling Mughal dynasty of North India.
Gur Emir Mausoleum, Grabstätte Amir Timurs in Samarkand
Gur Emir Mausoleum, Grabstätte Amir Timurs in Samarkand
Grabstätte Gur Emir Mausoleum Timur Lenks in Samarkand
typisch usbekisch stellt Ihnen die Architektur der Grabstätte des großen Timur Lenks vor. Von dem einst Gebäudekomplex aus Moschee und Hanaka (dem sufischen Kloster) ist bis heute nur die Grablege erhalten geblieben. Die besondere Architektur macht das Mausoleum so imposant und beeindruckend.
#GurEmir #AmirTimur #Samarkand #Mausoleum #Usbekistan #Grabstätte #typischusbekisch
???????? UZBEKISTAN - Gur-e-Amir Mausoleum of Timur, Samarkand
The Gūr-i Amīr or Guri Amir is a mausoleum of the Asian conqueror Timur (also known as Tamerlane) in Samarkand, Uzbekistan.
#gureamirmausoleum, #timurmausoleum, #mausoleumtimorsamarkand,
Gur-Emir Mausoleum Samarqand
Samarkand, Uzbekistan, Gur Emir
Timur Lenk
Samarkand, Gur-e-Amir and Registan - Uzbekistan 4K Travel Channel
The precursor of Samarkand was Afrasiyab. Today there is only a sandhill north-east of today's center of Samarkand left. Afrasiyab, founded in 750 BC, was the capital of the province of Sogdia in the Achaemenid Empire, the first Persian empire. Due to trade on the Silk Road, the city had come to prosperity already at this time. In 329 BC Alexander the Great conquered the city. After his death, Afrasiyab fell to the Seleucid Empire, one of the three Diadoch states that divided Alexander's empire among themselves. Later it fell to the Greek-Bactrian Kingdom and then to the Kushan Empire.
In the third century, the Sassanids conquered the city. In the 6th century, it fell to the Khan of Western Turkey. After that, it came under Chinese influence. After the Chinese lost Central Asia to the Tibetans, the region came to the Umayyads, a family clan from Mecca, where Muhammad originated from. The reign was replaced by the Choresm Empire before Genghis Khan completely destroyed the city.placed
The city was rebuilt in the 14th century. Under the Mongolian ruler Timur, Samarkand became the capital of his empire. 150,000 people, mainly silk weavers, and gunsmiths, settled here. They developed the city into one of the most important metropolises of its time.
Because of this architectural heritage, Samarkand is legitimately called the Gem of the Orient.
In 1500, the Shaibanids conquered Samarkand and the city became part of the Khanate of Bukhara.
The region experienced its greatest prosperity under Timur. Thus Uzbekistan relies on the historical heritage of Timur (Amir Timur or Tamerlane) to strengthen its identity.
The Gur-e-Amir Mausoleum is the final resting-place of Timur. In 1405 he set out on a campaign to China. After several days of extensive alcohol consumption, he died near Shymkent in present-day Kazakhstan.
Timur was a merciless conqueror who had hundreds of thousands if not millions slaughtered. But at the same time, he was also regarded as a promoter of culture and literature. He built one of the largest but also most short-lived empires of Central Asia.
But Timur was a conqueror and military leader, not a politician who created sustainable administrative structures and organizations. The destruction of ......
please read more:
Der Vorläufer von Samarkand war Afrasiab. Davon existiert heute nur noch ein Sandberg nordöstlich des heutigen Zentrums von Samarkand. Die Stadt wurde 750 v. Chr. gegründet und war im Achämenidenreich (erste persische Großreich) die Hauptstadt der
Bereits in dieser Zeit war die Stadt durch den Handel auf der Seidenstraße zu Wohlstand gekommen. 329 v. Chr. wurde sie durch Alexander den Großen erobert. Nach dessen Tod fiel die Stadt and das Seleukidenreich, einem der drei Diadochenstaaten, die das Reich Alexanders unter sich aufteilten. Später fiel es an das Griechisch-Baktrische Königreich und danach an das Kuschanreich.
Im dritten Jahrhundert wurde die Stadt von den Sassaniden erobert. Im 6. Jahrhundert fiel sie an den westtürkischen Khan, danach kam sie unter chinesischen Einfluss. Nach dem die Chinesen Zentralasien an die Tibeter verloren kam die Region zu den Umayyaden, einem Familienclan aus Mekka, dem auch Mohammed entstammte. Abgelöst wurde die Herrschaft durch das Choresm Reich, bevor Dschingis Khan die Stadt restlos zerstörte.
Ab dem 14. Jahrhundert wurde die Stadt wieder aufgebaut. Unter dem mongolischen Herrscher Timur wurde Samarkand Hauptstadt seines Großreiches. 150000 Menschen, hauptsächlich Seidenweber und Waffenschmiede siedelten hier und bauten die Stadt zu einer der bedeutendsten Metropolen seiner Zeit aus.
Aufgrund dieses architektonischen Erbes wird auch Samarkand nicht umsonst Perle des Orient (Gem of the Orient) genannt.
1500 wurde die Stadt von den Schaibaniden erobert und Teil des Khanats Buchara.
Die größte Blüte erlebte die Region unter Timur. Deshalb setzt Uzbekistan zur Festigung der Identität auf das geschichtliche Erbe von Timur (Temür ibn Taraghai Barlas oder Tamerlan)
Das Gur-Emir-Mausoleum ist die letzte Ruhestätte von Timur, nachdem er 1405 zu einen Feldzug nach China aufgebrochen war und in der Nähe von Schymkent im heutigen Kasachstan nach einem mehrtägigen Alkoholexzess starb.
Timur war ein gnadenloser Eroberer, der Hunderttausende wenn nicht Millionen hin metzeln ließ, gleichzeitig galt er aber auch als Förderer von Kultur und Literatur. Er errichtete eines der größten aber auch kurzlebigsten Reiche Zentralasiens.
Timur Lenk war aber Eroberer und Militärführer, kein Politiker, der nachhaltige Verwaltungsstrukturen und -organisationen schuf. Die Zerstörungen in .......
weitere Infos im Reisevideoblog:
Tomb Of Amir Timur In Samarkand , Uzbekistan
Samarqand Amir Temur Mausoleum
Please watch: Farhat Abbas Shah, Dubai Mushaera 1996
Әмір Темір мазары. Mausoleum of Gur Emir
Өзбекстанның Самарқанд қаласында орналасқан Әмір Темірдің мазары. 15 ғасыр. Gur Emir Mausoleum located in Samarkand Uzbekistan. 15th century
Imam Bukhari's Tomb in Samarkand, Uzbekistan