Ceramica tradizionale russa Gzhel
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Life in Russia-Izmailovo Kremlin & market
The Kremlin in Izmaylovo is a unique center of culture and entertainment, based at the famous Izmaylovo Vernissage.The complex “Kremlin and Vernissage in Izmailovo” is located in one of the most beautiful historical places of Moscow, on the bank of Serebryano-Vinogradny pond. City holidays, fairs and festivals are carried out in Izmaylovsky Kremlin. Famous “Vernissage” is the world`s largest exhibition and fair of the items of fine, decorative and applied art, national crafts and trades, souvenirs and antiques. The Kremlin in Izmaylovo is a museum of museums where Museum of Russian dresses and life, Museum of Bells, Museum of Russian Fairy-Tale, Museum of History of Vodka and Museum of Russian Toy are gathered in one place. Here there is also Court yard of Horseshoers, lycée of the national art crafts “Danila-master” where it is possible to practically master potter`s wheel, painting of ware and toys, weaving etc. In Izmaylovo Kremlin the Palace of Russian Meal (analog of historical wooden palace of Tsar Alexey Mikhailovich in Izmaylovo) has been built where you can taste traditional dishes of different nationalities of Russia, Palace of Happiness – Wedding Palace and also cafe, taverns and ballrooms.
(Ep. 12) Branded Matryoshka Dolls: Tsar Events' RUSSIA SURVIVAL GUIDE #russiasurvivalguide
Tsar Events' RUSSIA SURVIVAL GUIDE with Maya Krivchenia: Russian souvenirs – BRANDED RUSSIAN MATROSHKA DOLLS #RussiaSurvivalGuide
The goal of this VIDEOBLOG is to help people understand #Russia better and to have a better experience while they are here. We wanted to write something that would help people fall in love with Russia, as much as we have, by sharing our experiences and funny stories about our life as an expat in St. Petersburg and #opera singer (Maya Krivchenia) and Tsar Events - #travel professional organizer Russia is an exciting, interesting, and dynamic country, but sometimes the differences that people come across are extremely frustrating and confusing. Our goal is to explain some of Russia’s unique qualities so that our friends, clients, tourist, and all others can appreciate this amazing country.
Hopefully this will help answer some of the many questions you already have about Russia while planning your #trip. By #traveling to Russia you will certainly have a unique experience and hopefully by reading this you will get to experience Russia to the fullest!
We’ll show what is must to do in Russia, what should be avoided, how will be better for you to prepare trip for your client and for yourselves. Together with Tsar Events we’ll shares an informative and enjoyable guide to enjoying the historical and cultural wealth of the world’s largest country.
#russia #stpetersburg #travelguide #history #moscow #museum #gastronomy #souvenirs #travel #gifts #matryoshka #dmc #destinationmanagementcompany
【K】Russia Travel-Velikiy Novgorod[러시아 여행-벨리키 노브고로드]비토슬라베츠키 박물관/Vitoslavlitsy Museum/Izba/Doll
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
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[한국어 정보]
러시아의 서민들은 어떻게 살아왔을까? 나는 전통마을로 향했다. 아주 먼 옛날, 러시아 사람들은 ‘이즈바’라는 통나무집에서 살았다. 얼핏 보기에는 투박해 보이지만 자세히 보면 섬세함이 느껴진다. 못을 사용하지 않고 일정한 크기의 나무를 겹겹이 쌓아 집을 지었다. 높이가 30미터쯤 돼 보이는 이 커다란 건물도 같은 방식으로 지었다고 한다. 열심히 뭔가를 만들고 있는 여인을 발견했다. 아이들에게 줄 인형이란다. 러시아 여자들은 어릴 때부터 인형 만들기를 통해 수공예기술을 익혀왔다고 한다. “(인형으로)아이들에게 옛날이야기를 들려주고 여름에는 하얀 토끼, 겨울에는 회색 토끼인형을 가지고 놀았습니다. 아이를 재우기 위해서 사용하기도 했습니다.” 여자 아이들의 인형 만들기 놀이를 지켜봤다. 아주 얇은 천을 이용해서 만드는데, 바느질을 하지 않고 실만 사용해 인형을 만든다. 간단한 방법으로 갓난 아이인형이 만들어졌다. 정교하게 만들어진 인형을 보니 감탄사가 절로 나온다. 가족의 행복과 다산을 중요시하는 풍습을 인형놀이를 통해 실감할 수 있었다. 이번에는 피리를 부는 할아버지를 만났다. 러시아의 흙 피리는 중세시대 때 아이들의 장난감이었다고 한다. “동물모양으로 생긴 모양도 있습니다. 보통 집에서 키우던 동물입니다. 아이들이 이 악기를 불면서 동물들을 다루는 방법을 배웠습니다” 어린 아이들도 쉽게 연주할 수 있도록 만들어진 흙 피리. 어릴 때의 추억이 떠올라 오카리나를 배워봤다. 예상했던 것처럼 쉽지 않았지만 아주 재미있는 악기다. 떠나려는 내게 러시아 민요를 불러주는 할아버지. 처음만난 여자에게 반해버린 시골총각의 순수한 마음이 담긴 곡이다. 할아버지의 노래는 내게 값진 선물이다.
[English: Google Translator]
How did the people of Russia live? I went to a traditional village. A long time ago, the Russians lived in a cabin called Izve. At first glance it looks tough, but when you look at it, you feel delicacy. I built a house by stacking trees of a certain size without using nails. This large building, about 30 meters tall, was built in the same way. I found a woman who is making something hard. It is a doll to give to children. Russian girls have been learning handicraft skills from their childhood through making dolls. (Doll) We told children about old stories, played white rabbits in summer and gray rabbit dolls in winter. I used it to put a child to sleep. I watched the girls making dolls. It is made with a very thin cloth. A baby doll was made in a simple way. The exquisitely crafted dolls give me a sense of admiration. I was able to realize the customs that emphasized family happiness and fertility through doll play. This time I met my grandfather, who had a flute. The soil flutes of Russia were said to be children's toys during the Middle Ages. There are some shapes that look like animals. It is an animal that I usually raise at home. The children learned how to handle animals by blowing this instrument. A soil flute made for easy play by young children. I remember the memories of my childhood and learned Ocarina. It's not as easy as expected, but it's a very interesting instrument. My grandfather who calls me Russian folks to leave. It is a song with the pure heart of a countryside bachelor who has been abandoned by a woman she met for the first time. My grandfather 's song is a precious gift to me.
[Russia: Google Translator]
Как жили люди России? Я пошел в традиционную деревню. Давным-давно русские жили в каюте под названием «Изве». На первый взгляд это выглядит жестко, но когда вы смотрите на него, вы чувствуете слабость. Я построил дом, укладывая деревья определенного размера без использования гвоздей. Таким же образом было построено это большое здание высотой около 30 метров. Я нашел женщину, которая делает что-то тяжелое. Это кукла для детей. Русские девушки с самого детства изучают навыки кустарного промысла, производя куклы. «(Кукла) Мы рассказывали детям о старых историях, летом играли белых кроликов и серые куклы кролика зимой. Я использовал его, чтобы уложить ребенка спать. Я смотрел, как девочки делают куклы. Он выполнен из очень тонкой ткани. Маленькая кукла была сделана простым способом. Изящно изготовленные куклы дают мне чувство восхищения. Я смог понять обычаи, которые подчеркивали семейное счастье и плодовитость благодаря кукольной игре. На этот раз я встретил своего дедушку, у которого была флейта. Грунтовые флейты России считались детскими игрушками в средние века...
■클립명: 유럽082-러시아11-13 옛 러시아의 삶을 볼 수 있는 비토슬라베츠키 박물관
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 하창민 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2017년 7월July
박물관/전시관,museum,현지인생활,풍습,,local life,건물,architecture,유럽Europe러시아RussiaРоссийская ФедерацияRussian Federation하창민20177월노브고로드 주Novgorod ProvinceНовгоро́дская о́бластьJuly걸어서 세계속으로
【K】Russia Travel-Khabarovsk[러시아 여행-하바롭스크]중국산 물품 판매, 중국 시장/Chinese Market
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
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[한국어 정보]
하바로프스크는 아무르 강을 사이에 두고 중국과 마주 하고 있기 때문에 상설 중국시장이 있다. 이곳엔 값싼 중국산 농산물이 대거 들어오기 때문에 알뜰한 러시아 사람들은 이 시장을 많이 이용한다. 또 신강 위구르 자치구에서 온 카펫도 많이 팔고 있으며 한국에서 온 음식물도 취급하고 있었다.
[English: Google Translator]
Khabarovsk has a permanent Chinese market because China faces across the Amur River. The dagger came in here because of cheap Chinese agricultural yen Russia frugal people use a lot of the market. Also on the carpet and also sell a lot of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region was handled also come from food in Korea.
[Russian: Google Translator]
Хабаровск имеет постоянное китайский рынок, потому что Китай сталкивается через реку Амур.Кинжал пришел сюда из-за дешевой китайской сельскохозяйственной иен Россия скромный люди используют много на рынке. Также на ковер, а также продавать много Синьцзян-Уйгурского автономного района было обработано также поступать с пищей в Корее.
■클립명: 유럽082-러시아04-07 중국산 물품 판매, 중국 시장/Chinese Market
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 김찬호 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2007년 9월 September
유럽,Europe,,러시아,Russia,,Russian Federation,김찬호,2007,9월 September
Yasnaya Polyana, Izmailovo Flea Market Jmelissaroby's photos around Tula, Moscow , Russia
Preview of Jmelissaroby's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here:
This blog preview was made by TravelPod using the TripAdvisor™ TripWow slideshow creator.
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【K】Russia Travel-Irkutsk[몽골 여행-이르쿠츠크]바이칼 호수 민박집, 샤슬릭/Shashlik/Bear
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
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[한국어 정보]
한 작은 호숫가 마을에 도착했다. 마을 길을 걷다가 한 할머니를 만났다. 할머니 혼자 이 집에서 살고 있단다. “이리 들어오세요. 시베리아 사람들이 이렇게 살아요.” 집안에 들어가니 아들들 사진이 가득 걸려 있다. 할머니에게 두 아들이 있었는데, 안타깝게도 그만, 모두 세상을 떠났다고 한다. “아들 둘 모두 땅에 묻었어요. 남편도 땅에 묻고, 아들들도 땅에 묻고.” 남편과 두 아들이 땅에 묻힌 곳이지만 발렌티나 할머니는 이곳을 떠나지 않았다. 이제 할머니를 지켜주는 것은 바이칼 뿐이라고 한다. “아침에 일어나면 ‘잘 잤니 바이칼아?’, 밤이 되면 ‘잘 자라 바이칼아’ 하고 인사하죠. 바이칼 하고만 이야기하죠.” 다음 생에는 할머니 가족 모두 오래오래 행복하게 살기를 기원했다. 이 날은 바이칼 호숫가에서 하루 묵기로 했다. 민박집에 들어갔는데, 창고에 커다란 곰 가죽이 걸려 있다. “진짜 곰인가요?” “진짜에요. 지금은 변색이 됐는데 원래는 검은색이었어요. 항상 수건처럼 가지고 다니면서 여기 앉아 쉬고 그래요.” 이 날 저녁에는 자작나무 숯불에 구운 ‘샤슬릭’을 먹었다. “저기 곰가죽 걸려 있죠? 이게 그 곰의 고기에요.” “진담이에요, 농담이에요?” “당연히 진담이죠.” “맛있어요?” “힘이 솟아요!”
[English: Google Translator]
We arrived at a small lakeside town I met a grandmother walking down the village street. Itdanda grandmother lived alone in this house. Come on in. Siberia people live like this. Hung pictures and went into the house full of sons. There were two sons grandmother, unfortunately enough, it all left the world. Everybody two sons buried in the ground. My husband asked the earth, and his son also ask in the ground. My husband and two sons, but buried in the ground where Valentina She did not leave the place. It is observed that the grandmother now ppunyirago Baikal. Wake up in the morning, Good morning Baikal ah? , The night 'Sleep Baikal Oh,' and I say. Baikal and I only talk. There was hope that the next life family grandmother both live happily long, long time. This day was a day mukgi from the shores of Lake Baikal. He went into breakfast, a big bearskin hanging in the shed. Is really a bear? Really. Now dwaetneunde discoloration was originally black. Always Carry resting sitting here like a towel right. This evening there had syaseulrik 'baked in the birch charcoal. Well Hung bearskin? What's the meat of the bear. I'm serious, I'm kidding? Of course're serious. It's delicious? I might well have!
[Russia : Google Translator]
Мы прибыли в небольшой город на берегу озера. Я встретил бабушку шел по деревенской улице. Itdanda бабушка жила одна в этом доме. Заходи. Сибирь люди живут, как это. Going полна подвешивания фотки сыновей в дом. Были два сына бабушки, к сожалению, достаточно, все это оставило мир. Все два сына закапывают в землю. Мой муж спросил землю, и его сын также спросить в землю. Мой муж и два сына, но закапывают в землю, где Валентина она не оставила места. Следует отметить, что в настоящее время бабушка ppunyirago Байкал. Проснувшись утром, Доброе утро Байкал ах? , Ночь Сон Байкал О, 'и я говорю. Байкал, и я только поговорить. Был надежда, что следующая жизнь семьи бабушка как счастливо жить долгое, долгое время. В этот день был день mukgi от берегов озера Байкал. Я вошел в завтрак, большая медвежья шкура висит в сарае. Это действительно медведь? На самом деле. Теперь dwaetneunde обесцвечивание первоначально был черным. Всегда носите с собой отдыхать, сидя здесь, как полотенце справа. В этот вечер там был syaseulrik запеченный в березовый уголь. Ну Хунг медвежья? Что мясо медведя. Я серьезно, я шучу? Из course're серьезно. Это вкусно? Я мог бы хорошо иметь!
■클립명: 아시아037-중국24-19 바이칼 호수 민박집, 샤슬릭/Shashlik/Bear
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 윤성도 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2016년 8월 August
마을,village,시골, 농촌, 어촌, 구시가지, uptown, town, suburb, ,country, old town, farm,호수,lake,tarn, pond, karst,숙소,lodging,hotel, residence, breakfast,현지인생활,풍습,,local life,uptown, town, suburb, ,country, old town, farm,육식,meat,meat,meal,식사,유럽,Europe,,러시아,Russia,,Russian Federation,윤성도,2016,8월 August,이르쿠츠크 주,Irkutsk province,Иркутская область,Irkutsk Oblast
First Russian Ceramic Forum North Flame at Mandrogi 2013 (Turistic Village)
First step on a big way...
Russia | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:06:32 1 Etymology
00:08:41 2 History
00:08:51 2.1 Early history
00:10:56 2.2 Kievan Rus'
00:14:52 2.3 Grand Duchy of Moscow
00:17:32 2.4 Tsardom of Russia
00:22:40 2.5 Imperial Russia
00:29:11 2.6 February Revolution and Russian Republic
00:31:01 2.7 Soviet Russia and civil war
00:32:50 2.8 Soviet Union
00:37:29 2.8.1 World War II
00:41:28 2.8.2 Cold War
00:46:28 2.9 Russian Federation
00:52:03 3 Politics
00:52:13 3.1 Governance
00:54:43 3.2 Foreign relations
01:00:35 3.3 Military
01:04:04 3.4 Political divisions
01:07:27 4 Geography
01:08:51 4.1 Topography
01:13:30 4.2 Climate
01:16:04 4.3 Biodiversity
01:17:30 5 Economy
01:26:22 5.1 Corruption
01:29:29 5.2 Agriculture
01:32:05 5.3 Energy
01:35:09 5.4 Transport
01:40:52 5.5 Science and technology
01:48:14 5.6 Space exploration
01:50:29 5.7 Water supply and sanitation
01:51:21 6 Demographics
01:57:01 6.1 Largest cities
01:57:11 6.2 Ethnic groups
01:57:41 6.3 Language
01:59:20 6.4 Religion
02:11:26 6.5 Health
02:13:42 6.6 Education
02:15:56 7 Culture
02:16:06 7.1 Folk culture and cuisine
02:20:06 7.2 Architecture
02:24:14 7.3 Visual arts
02:27:49 7.4 Music and dance
02:31:04 7.5 Literature and philosophy
02:35:14 7.6 Cinema, animation and media
02:39:41 7.7 Sports
02:47:57 7.8 National holidays and symbols
02:52:37 7.9 Tourism
02:56:04 8 See also
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I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
Russia (Russian: Росси́я, tr. Rossiya, IPA: [rɐˈsʲijə]), officially the Russian Federation (Russian: Росси́йская Федера́ция, tr. Rossiyskaya Federatsiya, IPA: [rɐˈsʲijskəjə fʲɪdʲɪˈratsɨjə]), is a country in Eurasia. At 17,125,200 square kilometres (6,612,100 sq mi), Russia is the largest country in the world by area, covering more than one-eighth of the Earth's inhabited land area, and the ninth most populous, with about 144.5 million people as of 2018, excluding Crimea. About 77% of the population live in the western, European part of the country. Russia's capital, Moscow, is the largest metropolitan area in Europe proper and one of the largest cities in the world; other major cities include Saint Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg and Nizhny Novgorod. Extending across the entirety of Northern Asia and much of Eastern Europe, Russia spans eleven time zones and incorporates a wide range of environments and landforms. From northwest to southeast, Russia shares land borders with Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland (both with Kaliningrad Oblast), Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia and North Korea. It shares maritime borders with Japan by the Sea of Okhotsk and the U.S. state of Alaska across the Bering Strait. However, Russia recognises two more countries that border it, Abkhazia and South Ossetia, both of which are internationally recognized as parts of Georgia.
The East Slavs emerged as a recognizable group in Europe between the 3rd and 8th centuries AD. Founded and ruled by a Varangian warrior elite and their descendants, the medieval state of Rus arose in the 9th century. In 988 it adopted Orthodox Christianity from the Byzantine Empire, beginning the synthesis of Byzantine and Slavic cultures that defined Russian culture for the next millennium. Rus' ultimately disintegrated into a number of smaller states; most of the Rus' lands were overrun by the Mongol invasion and became tributaries of the nomadic Golden Horde in the 13th century. The Grand Duchy of Moscow gradually reunified the surrounding Russian principalities, achieved independence from the Golden Horde. By the 18th century, the nation had greatly expanded through conquest, annexation, and exploration to become the Russian Empire, which was the third largest empire in history, stretching from Poland on the west to Alaska on th ...
Russia | Wikipedia audio article
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Russia (Russian: Росси́я, tr. Rossiya, IPA: [rɐˈsʲijə]), officially the Russian Federation (Russian: Росси́йская Федера́ция, tr. Rossiyskaya Federatsiya, IPA: [rɐˈsʲijskəjə fʲɪdʲɪˈratsɨjə]), is a country in Eurasia. At 17,125,200 square kilometres (6,612,100 sq mi), Russia is the largest country in the world by area, covering more than one-eighth of the Earth's inhabited land area, and the ninth most populous, with about 144.5 million people as of 2018, excluding Crimea. About 77% of the population live in the western, European part of the country. Russia's capital, Moscow, is the largest metropolitan area in Europe proper and one of the largest cities in the world; other major cities include Saint Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg and Nizhny Novgorod. Extending across the entirety of Northern Asia and much of Eastern Europe, Russia spans eleven time zones and incorporates a wide range of environments and landforms. From northwest to southeast, Russia shares land borders with Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland (both with Kaliningrad Oblast), Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia and North Korea. It shares maritime borders with Japan by the Sea of Okhotsk and the U.S. state of Alaska across the Bering Strait.
The East Slavs emerged as a recognizable group in Europe between the 3rd and 8th centuries AD. Founded and ruled by a Varangian warrior elite and their descendants, the medieval state of Rus arose in the 9th century. In 988 it adopted Orthodox Christianity from the Byzantine Empire, beginning the synthesis of Byzantine and Slavic cultures that defined Russian culture for the next millennium. Rus' ultimately disintegrated into a number of smaller states; most of the Rus' lands were overrun by the Mongol invasion and became tributaries of the nomadic Golden Horde in the 13th century. The Grand Duchy of Moscow gradually reunified the surrounding Russian principalities, achieved independence from the Golden Horde. By the 18th century, the nation had greatly expanded through conquest, annexation, and exploration to become the Russian Empire, which was the third largest empire in history, stretching from Poland on the west to Alaska on the east.Following the Russian Revolution, the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic became the largest and leading constituent of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the world's first constitutionally socialist state. The Soviet Union played a decisive role in the Allied victory in World War II, and emerged as a recognized superpower and rival to the United States during the Cold War. The Soviet era saw some of the most significant technological achievements of the 20th century, including the world's first human-made satellite and the launching of the first humans in space. By the end of 1990, the Soviet Union had the world's second largest economy, largest standing military in the world and the largest stockpile of weapons of mass destruction. Following the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, twelve independent republics emerged from the USSR: Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and the Baltic states regained independence: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania; the Russian SFSR reconstituted itself as the Russian Federation and is recognized as the continuing legal personality and a successor of the Soviet Union. It is governed as a federal semi-presidential republic.
Russia's economy ranks as the twelfth largest by nominal GDP and sixth largest by purchasing power parity in 2015. Russia's extensive mineral and energy resources are the largest such reserves in the world, making it one of the leading producers of oil and natural gas globally. The country is one of the five recognized nuclear weapons states and possesses the largest stockpile of weapons of mass destruction. Russia is a great power as well as a regional power and has b ...
Russian Federation | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:05:32 1 Etymology
00:07:19 2 History
00:07:28 2.1 Early history
00:09:14 2.2 Kievan Rus'
00:12:33 2.3 Grand Duchy of Moscow
00:14:49 2.4 Tsardom of Russia
00:19:10 2.5 Imperial Russia
00:24:38 2.6 February Revolution and Russian Republic
00:26:13 2.7 Soviet Russia and civil war
00:27:46 2.8 Soviet Union
00:31:41 2.8.1 World War II
00:36:03 2.8.2 Cold War
00:40:19 2.9 Russian Federation
00:47:10 3 Politics
00:47:19 3.1 Governance
00:49:28 3.2 Foreign relations
00:54:06 3.3 Military
00:57:02 3.4 Political divisions
00:59:52 4 Geography
01:01:04 4.1 Topography
01:04:56 4.2 Climate
01:07:07 4.3 Biodiversity
01:08:19 5 Economy
01:15:44 5.1 Energy
01:18:19 5.2 External trade and investment
01:19:12 5.3 Agriculture
01:21:22 5.4 Transport
01:26:09 5.5 Science and technology
01:32:23 5.6 Space exploration
01:34:41 5.7 Water supply and sanitation
01:35:25 5.8 Corruption
01:38:01 6 Demographics
01:43:21 6.1 Largest cities
01:43:29 6.2 Ethnic groups
01:43:55 6.3 Language
01:45:19 6.4 Religion
01:55:31 6.5 Health
01:57:25 6.6 Education
01:59:19 7 Culture
01:59:27 7.1 Folk culture and cuisine
02:02:48 7.2 Architecture
02:06:16 7.3 Visual arts
02:09:16 7.4 Music and dance
02:12:01 7.5 Literature and philosophy
02:15:32 7.6 Cinema, animation and media
02:19:16 7.7 Sports
02:26:13 7.8 National holidays and symbols
02:30:11 7.9 Tourism
02:33:06 8 See also
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
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Speaking Rate: 0.840215070640857
Voice name: en-AU-Wavenet-C
I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
Russia (Russian: Росси́я, tr. Rossiya, IPA: [rɐˈsʲijə]), officially the Russian Federation (Russian: Росси́йская Федера́ция, tr. Rossiyskaya Federatsiya, IPA: [rɐˈsʲijskəjə fʲɪdʲɪˈratsɨjə]), is a transcontinental country in Eastern Europe and North Asia. At 17,125,200 square kilometres (6,612,100 sq mi), Russia is by a considerable margin the largest country in the world by area, covering more than one-eighth of the Earth's inhabited land area, and the ninth most populous, with about 146.77 million people as of 2019, including Crimea. About 77% of the population live in the western, European part of the country. Russia's capital, Moscow, is one of the largest cities in the world and the second largest city in Europe; other major cities include Saint Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg and Nizhny Novgorod. Extending across the entirety of Northern Asia and much of Eastern Europe, Russia spans eleven time zones and incorporates a wide range of environments and landforms. From northwest to southeast, Russia shares land borders with Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland (both with Kaliningrad Oblast), Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia and North Korea. It shares maritime borders with Japan by the Sea of Okhotsk and the U.S. state of Alaska across the Bering Strait. However, Russia recognises two more countries that border it, Abkhazia and South Ossetia, both of which are internationally recognized as parts of Georgia.
The East Slavs emerged as a recognizable group in Europe between the 3rd and 8th centuries AD. Founded and ruled by a Varangian warrior elite and their descendants, the medieval state of Rus arose in the 9th century. In 988 it adopted Orthodox Christianity from the Byzantine Empire, beginning the synthesis of Byzantine and Slavic cultures that defined Russian culture for the next millennium. Rus ultimately disintegrated into a number of smaller states; most of the Rus' lands were overrun by the Mongol invasion and became tributaries of the nomadic Golden Horde in the 13th century. The Grand Duchy of Moscow gradually reunified the surrounding Russian principalities and achieved independence from the Golden Horde. By the 18th century, the nation had greatly expanded through conquest, annexation, and exploration to become the Russian Empire, wh ...
Russia | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
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Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
Russia (Russian: Росси́я, tr. Rossiya, IPA: [rɐˈsʲijə]), officially the Russian Federation (Russian: Росси́йская Федера́ция, tr. Rossiyskaya Federatsiya, IPA: [rɐˈsʲijskəjə fʲɪdʲɪˈratsɨjə]), is a country in Eurasia. At 17,125,200 square kilometres (6,612,100 sq mi), Russia is the largest country in the world by area, covering more than one-eighth of the Earth's inhabited land area, and the ninth most populous, with about 144.5 million people as of 2018, excluding Crimea. About 77% of the population live in the western, European part of the country. Russia's capital, Moscow, is the largest metropolitan area in Europe proper and one of the largest cities in the world; other major cities include Saint Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg and Nizhny Novgorod. Extending across the entirety of Northern Asia and much of Eastern Europe, Russia spans eleven time zones and incorporates a wide range of environments and landforms. From northwest to southeast, Russia shares land borders with Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland (both with Kaliningrad Oblast), Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia and North Korea. It shares maritime borders with Japan by the Sea of Okhotsk and the U.S. state of Alaska across the Bering Strait.
The East Slavs emerged as a recognizable group in Europe between the 3rd and 8th centuries AD. Founded and ruled by a Varangian warrior elite and their descendants, the medieval state of Rus arose in the 9th century. In 988 it adopted Orthodox Christianity from the Byzantine Empire, beginning the synthesis of Byzantine and Slavic cultures that defined Russian culture for the next millennium. Rus' ultimately disintegrated into a number of smaller states; most of the Rus' lands were overrun by the Mongol invasion and became tributaries of the nomadic Golden Horde in the 13th century. The Grand Duchy of Moscow gradually reunified the surrounding Russian principalities, achieved independence from the Golden Horde. By the 18th century, the nation had greatly expanded through conquest, annexation, and exploration to become the Russian Empire, which was the third largest empire in history, stretching from Poland on the west to Alaska on the east.Following the Russian Revolution, the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic became the largest and leading constituent of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the world's first constitutionally socialist state. The Soviet Union played a decisive role in the Allied victory in World War II, and emerged as a recognized superpower and rival to the United States during the Cold War. The Soviet era saw some of the most significant technological achievements of the 20th century, including the world's first human-made satellite and the launching of the first humans in space. By the end of 1990, the Soviet Union had the world's second largest economy, largest standing military in the world and the largest stockpile of weapons of mass destruction. Following the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, twelve independent republics emerged from the USSR: Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and the Baltic states regained independence: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania; the Russian SFSR reconstituted itself as the Russian Federation and is recognized as the continuing legal personality and a successor of the Soviet Union. It is governed as a federal semi-presidential republic.
Russia's economy ranks as the twelfth largest by nominal GDP and sixth largest by purchasing power parity in 2015. Russia's extensive mineral and energy resources are the largest such reserves in the world, making it one of the leading producers of oil and natural gas globally. The country is one of the five recognized nuclear weapons states and possesses the largest stockpile of weapons ...
Panorama of the city of Yaroslavl timelapse from the bell tower of the Spaso-Preobrazhensky
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Porcelaine russe au métro
Métro à Moscou: une exposition de la porcelaine russe sur la station Vorobiovi Gori.
Annunciation Cathedral Complex email info@kosmostrip.net
Annunciation Cathedral Complex
The Annunciation Cathedral Complex is located in a north-east part of the Kremlin, gradually developed from XVI century as the orthodox authority centre of the region. The Complex includes the Annunciation Cathedral, the Bishop’s House, the Consistory, and also archaeological fragments of stone constructions of different periods.
Annunciation Cathedral
The Annunciation Cathedral is the largest construction of the Kazan Kremlin and most ancient one among remained stone constructions of Kazan; it is located in the centre of the Complex. It was constructed in 1561-1562 by the Pskov masters led by Postnik Yakovlev and Ivan Shiriay. It was reconstructed in 1691, 1736, 1835-1843; it was reconstructed in 1970-1980 and it was restored in 1996-2005 years.
Originally it was five-domed triapsidal temple with two side-altars connected by the church porch which bent around central cubical cathedral volume. Cathedral heads were of helmet-shaped forms.
Cathedral consecration took place in 1562. The cathedral was exposed to numerous repairing and three reconstructions after fires. In 1694 narrow windows of the Annunciation Cathedral were expanded, the temple was decorated by the wall scripts. At same time the five –circled bell tower had been erected at the southwest side of cathedral porch. In 1736 helmet-shaped domes of lateral heads had been replaced for bulbous, and the central dome received finishing in a style of the Ukrainian Baroque.
In 1842-1843 new large double lighted refectory was attached from a west side; the high open porch was transformed into the covered church porch in 1863; the oven heating was arranged and air-stove replaced it later. Within carrying out civil works the architectural details were found, probably they were connected with constructions of the Khan Period, which were in front of church at its northern limits as it was described in a Scribal Book in 1566-1568. The cathedral had been painted again in 1869-1870.
The bell-tower, the western porch, cathedral heads were demolished in 1930s.
Initially the 5-headed, 5-apsidal temple surrounded by two lateral side-altars had been built. Central 6-pillar volume with four lateral dome drums with bulbous finishing and one middle dome drum in style of Ukrainian Baroque, three apses, lateral side-altars with apses; preservation of three fragments of internal fresco list in the main space and three fragments in apses of altar parts was done.
A number of the decorative elements, one of which was the Tatar gravestone of XVI century, which had been built in masonry in the form of a crosspiece over the niche for church utensils, have remained. Restoration of oil frescos, executed in the beginning of XIX century by a Safronovs’ family brigade of icon painters belonging to Vladimir School, had been hold. XVII century beginning the templon Iconostasis decorated wrought silver with gold leafy gilding had been recreated completely.
Carved shade over reliquary with hallows of St. Gurias, 4 kiots with icons in refectory and 2 in tambour of the main entrance had been recreated too. North and South Pillars with frescoes and iconostasis are restored. In the basic volume there is a ground floor of XVI century functioned originally as separate six-column temple of All Sacred. Walls and intersecting vaults of that premise are laid out from hewn limestone blocks. Now it is adapting under the Museum of Orthodox Art.
The influence of the Pskov, Vladimir, Ukrainian and Moscow Architecture is traced in forms and design accurately. The Cathedral is a unique monument of XVI-XIX centuries.
The central volume of Cathedral is made from a white stone, it has kept the initial volume-spatial composition; it is triapsidal, six-column building having with five heads. Internal columns in a temple are round as in the Uspensky Cathedral in Moscow Kremlin;
Trumpet vaults are used instead of sailing passing to the main dome; it is the reception inherent to the Oriental Architecture and unique for temple building of that time. Figured corbels (“roller”, a brick on edge) are connected with arches in decorative processing of facades.