EbroXperience-179lb Catfish,River Ebro, Riba Roja, Spain. Pt.1
179lb Catfish Caught with Lee Franchetti, who Runs the EbroXperience, and a Customer.
The EbroXperience provides a service on the River Ebro, on the bank or on boat.
To find our more about the service, please visit our website at: ebroxperience.com
Spain Riba Roja d'Ebre - catfishing by Boris Stazic
Jeff,Riba Roja d' Ebre 18 3 2011
monster mandarin catfish from the riba roja river ebro with ebro carp fishings nick shattock
giant mandarin/albino catfish silurious caught from the riba roja section of the river ebro with ebro carp fishings nick shattock one of the biggest catfish i have ever caught
Ribolovna odprava v Španijo pod okriljem BFB teama. Avgust 2011.
Ribolovna odprava v Španijo pod okriljem BFB teama. Avgust 2011.
Varalicar.com Fishing Team on River Ebro
Varalicar.com Fishing Team fishing on River Ebro in Riba Roja D'Ebre, southern Catalonia, Spain
200lb Catfish Catfishing River Ebro Caspe Mequinenza Hacienda angling Ebrocatquest part 2
This is part 2 of the catfishing competition on the river which saw a monster 200lb catfish landed by the french team to win the boat. The catfishing was on the Caspe section of the river ebro above the dam at mequinenza. Ross honey holds the fish up with the team. The world classic catfishing competition is being held there again this year. If you want try your hand there click on ebrocatquest for catfishing and hacienda angling for lower ebro fishing around riba roja d'ebro for carp & wels catfish
Ebro 2012 Full HD
Ebro - Mequinenza
200lb Catfish Catfishing River Ebro Caspe Mequinenza Hacienda angling Ebrocatquest part 1
This is part 1 of the catfishing competition on the river which saw a monster 200lb catfish landed by the french team to win the boat. The catfishing was on the Caspe section of the river ebro above the dam at mequinenza. The world classic catfishing competition is being held there again this year. If you want try your hand there click on ebrocatquest for catfishing and hacienda angling for lower ebro fishing around riba roja d'ebro for carp & wels catfish
Riba-roja accepta haver quedat fora d'EbreBiosfera
L'alcalde de Riba-roja d'Ebre, Antonio Suárez, ha rebutjat aquest dilluns els criteris que ha utilitzat la Unesco per aprovar la declaració de les Terres de l'Ebre com a Reserva de la Biosfera, tot deixant fora d'aquest reconeixement les poblacions nuclears i més industrialitzades del nord de la Ribera d'Ebre. En concret, els municipis de la comarca que finalment han quedat fora de la Reserva de la Biosfera són Riba-roja d'Ebre, Flix, Vinebre, la Torre de l'Espanyol, Ascó i Garcia. Durant una entrevista a l'informatiu matinal de Canal 21 Ebre, Suárez ha assenyalat que la declaració com a Reserva de la Biosfera és un fet molt positiu per al territori, ja que el distintiu pot ajudar sectors com ara l'agricultura o el turisme del territori. Amb tot, també ha afegit que els turistes que arriben a les Terres de l'Ebre difícilment distingiran si són dins o fora de la Reserva de la Biosfera, ja que no hi haurà cap barrera física. En aquest sentit, l'alcalde de Riba-roja ha apuntat que, a llarg termini, els set municipis del nord de la Ribera d'Ebre podrien acabar incorporant-se a la Reserva de la Biosfera.
En la mateixa entrevista, Suárez ha assenyalat que la inclusió en la Reserva de la Biosfera hauria estat molt positiu per al turisme fluvial i de pesca esportiva a l'entorn de l'embassament de Riba-roja d'Ebre. Però l'alcalde ha matisat que es tracta d'un distintiu més, i que ara es tracta de seguir treballant per seguir venent les potencialitats de la comarca, ja que la Reserva de la Biosfera tampoc és la solució a tots els problemes. De fet, ha insistit que si finalment el nord de la Ribera d'Ebre no pot entrar en la Reserva de la Biosfera, tampoc passarà res.
De la mateixa manera, Suárez també ha afirmat que en el futur caldrà consultar les diverses empreses del nord de la Ribera d'Ebre si volen incorporar-se a la Reserva de la Biosfera. En qualsevol cas, l'alcalde de Riba-roja d'Ebre ha aprofitat el seu per Primera Columna per remarcar que el més important és continuar amb el treball que s'estava fent per vendre els atractius i les potencialitats del territori, més enllà de reconeixements com el que ara ha atorgat la Unesco.
Finalment, l'alcalde de Riba-roja d'Ebre ha dit que no considera que aquesta exclusió de part de la comarca en el projecte d'EbreBiosfera puga posar en perill la pertinença de la Ribera d'Ebre a la vegueria de les Terres l'Ebre. Amb tot, Suárez ha volgut destacar que una part de la Terra Alta i de la Ribera d'Ebre funciona amb unes dinàmiques més properes al Priorat i al Camp de Tarragona, i en algun cas també a les comarques de Lleida.
Friends of the Ebro
Friends of the Ebro - Together we can make a difference.
Amigos del Ebro - Haciendo una diferencia
Aleksandar Sale Drakulic-Rio Ebro 2013. - Catfish fishing 1
84lb Very Dark Wels Catfish on the River Ebro Spain
great fishing holidays. Mike from Hacienda helps a lucky customer land an 84lb Wels Catfish.
Landing a huge catfish on the River Ebro with Hacienda Angling
Another satisfied customer with landing a huge catfish.
Fishing Abroad No1 - River Ebro - Spain - April 2012
This is a video of our trip in April 2012 to Caspe (Aragon, Spain) to fish the mighty river Ebro above the dam at Mequinenza for catfish and carp.
Our guide for the trip was John Deham ebrocatquest.com who we highly recommend.
Unfortunately for us the river had flooded just before we arrived. There were huge trees travelling downstream with the flood water, which made fishing for the first three days extremely difficult.
Combined with this the carp were spawning early!!! Needless to say that the first three days were uneventful.
A couple of small bonus rods bagged us plenty of Zander plus a baby catfish.
We managed to squeeze a few hours into a short session on day 4, just before we went to the airport. This resulted in several carp to 35lb. Stuart hooked what seemed to be a decent catfish but unfortunately lost it, which summed-up our luck for this trip.
Despite the catfish eluding us the swim was crammed full of really decent fish and the spot was beautiful. John & Sam looked after us extremely well so we'll be back for another go sometime in the not too distant future.
Cadbury Angling's Jon Avery Breaks CatMaster Tours Record With 245lb Wels!
Footage of the CatMaster Tours record wels catfish. Caught September 2011, River Segre, Mequinenza, Spain by Cadbury Angling's Jon Avery.
167lb catfish being played and landed, river Ebro, Spain
Wels catfish, 167lb, River Ebro, Spain, Sept 2015
heres me playing my biggest fish ever on a little boat on the Ebro in Spain. this is nearly half the fight and wow does she go. she looks huge when shes pulled aboard
Ebro river Spain carp fishing with Paul Rose the traveling angler bringing you your Ebroexperience
A selection of 20' 30' up to 35lb+ from last couple mornings. All caught on ridgemonkey end tackle and various baits from ccmoore, rba and prodigy specialist baits
Friends of the Ebro Clean Up Operation
Short documentary on the 'Friends of the Ebro' pre-competition clean up operation on the banks of the River Ebro