Skaftafell in Vatnajökull National Park Iceland
Icelandic Mountain Guides have operated the original Glacier Walks since 1994 and have over 20 years of experience, servicing clients from all over the world. The Glacier Walks are easy and accessible for everyone as the duration ranges from two to seven hours. Icelandic Mountain Guides operate Glacier Walks every day all year around on Sólheimajökull and from Skaftafell in Vatnajökull National Park. In this video you can learn about the Icelandic Mountain Guides operations in Skaftafell.
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EPIC WATERFALLS | Vatnajökull National Park, Iceland
We came for Dettifoss waterfall, but Selfoss is the true MVP! So EPCI!!????????
The road to get to Vatnajökull National Park is paved and easy to find -- if you have a 4x4 you can enter from the other side, which provides a better view to Dettifoss.
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Thingvellir National Park - Iceland Best Place - Travel & Discover
Thingvellir, is a national park in the municipality of Bláskógabyggð in southwestern Iceland.
The name Þingvellir is derived from the Old Norse Þingvǫllr, from þing (“thing, assembly”) and vǫllr (“field”), meaning assembly fields. Compare the English thing and weald (“Thingweald”) from Anglo-Saxon þing and weald. The site takes its name from Alþing (Althing), the national parliament of Iceland, which was founded at Þingvellir in 930 and held its sessions there until 1798. A thing was a form of governing assembly found in Germanic societies, and a tradition that endures to this day in one form or another across Northern Europe.
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Skaftafell national park, Iceland
Skaftafell national park. Iceland, 2001 - was a national park, situated between Kirkjubæjarklaustur, typically referred to as Klaustur, and Höfn in the south of Iceland. On 7 June 2008, it became a part of the larger Vatnajökull National Park.
Skaftafell - Vatnajökull National Park Iceland
Step into the heart of glacier
Jökulsárlón Iceland
Dettifoss and Svartifoss Waterfalls, Vatnajökull National Park, Iceland
Hadn't posted anything in a while, so we decided to put up some raw, unedited video while a longer video covering Iceland can be edited, and uploaded.
Dettifoss & Selfoss - Vatnajökull National Park Iceland
The most powerful waterfall in all of Europe & views of the Jökulsá river & Selfoss. DJI Mavic Pro Drone.
Glacier Hike in Vatnajokull National Park Iceland and Epic Waterfalls Magnusarfoss and Svartifoss
In this video I cover our glacier tour in Vatnajokull National Park where we hike on to the largest glacier in Europe. I also discuss the hike to Magnusarfoss and Svartifoss and three epic iceberg lagoons as we continue on our car camping ring road trip.
Full Article:
My full review of the Big Agnes Copper Spur HV UL2, the tent I brought on this trip -
My full review of the Deuter Backpack that I used for all the day hikes on this trip -
My full Review of the Thermarest Sleeping Pad both me and my friend used on this trip -
Last week's video:
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Glacier Guides Tour:
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Link to Waterfall Hike:
Link to East Fjords google image search:
Hljodaklettar, Iceland
Located by Jokulsargljufur in Vatnajokull National Park, North of Iceland.
Hljodaklettar (sound cliffs or cliffs of sounds or echoing rocks) are a bizarre looking group of crater plugs, depicting basaltic columns, in different positions, creating all kinds of patterns. The loose material of those craters, was washed away, by catastrophic flood waves originating from the big icecap Vatnajokull (Glacier) in the south. Hljodaklettar is a cluster of caves, the remnants of volcanic activities carefully grinded and polished by the river Jokulsa a Fjollum.
65°56'19.7N 16°32'05.8W
Vatnajökull National Park in the remote Snaefell area, East Iceland
Vatnajökull national park , established 7. June 2008, is the largest national park in Europe, covering a total area of 13,600 km2 (13% of Iceland). The eastern covers 2.384km2. There are many places to visit and experience , the contrasts in the unique nature are magnificent. The battle between ice and fire still rages within the National Park's boundaries. Few other places in the world exhibit the effects of such wide range of natural phenomena.
Among highlights of the east are Kverkfjöll, the home of Ice and fire, the oasis Hvannalindir, Snæfell the ancient volcano, where the reindeer roam and Eyjabakkar the celebrated home of the Pink-footed goose. This video is taken in the Snæfell area in East Iceland.
Jokulsargljuf National Park, Iceland
Jökulsárgljúfur National Park is a former national park situated in the north of Iceland around the river Jökulsá á Fjöllum. It lies to the north of the Dettifoss waterfall. On 7 June 2008, it became a part of the larger Vatnajökull National Park.
The area is of interest because of its chaotic canyon and volcanic mountains. Eight thousand years ago, a volcano erupted directly underneath the river and glacial ice. This caused explosions and chaotic flooding.
65.9189° N, 16.5206° W
Selfoss, Vatnajökull National Park. Iceland
Selfoss, Vatnajökull National Park. Iceland. Shot 8/28/11
Welcome to Northern Iceland! In this vlog, we embark on a day trip adventure with Air Iceland Connect to see the otherworldly volcanic landscapes and waterfalls in Iceland's northern region.
This tour is for nature lovers and is best to explore during summer. We fly from Reykjavik to Akureyri, a 45-minute flight. We take a full day 10 hour guided tour that includes transportation. Our first stop is the stunning waterfall of Goðafoss.
We travel to Lake Myvatn´s unique nature and pseudo-craters, followed by the Dimmuborgir lava labyrinth. One of the top sights is bubbling Hverarond (aka Hverir), a geothermal area noted for its bubbling pools of mud & steaming fumaroles emitting sulfuric gas. The desolate landscape looks like mars.
Next, we reach one of the main highlights - Dettifoss which is Europe´s most powerful waterfall featured in the movie Prometheus. Next, we visit the volcanic wonderlands of Vatnajokull National Park, Jokulsargljufur canyon, Hljodaklettar (Echo cliffs), Asbyrgi a horse-shoe-shaped cliff formation. We finish our tour in the quaint Husavik fishing town. Lastly, we head to Akureyri to fly back to Reykjavik!
Recording Date: August 18, 2018
► ►Grand Tour of Dettifoss with Air Iceland Connect:
► ►Watch our Iceland in Winter Vlog:
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► ►Music by Swift
► ►Music by Shane Euston
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Holmatungur, Jökulsargljufur, Iceland
Holmatungur, Jökulsá valley, Jökulsárgljúfur canyon , Vatnajökull national park, Iceland, 2001, Hólmatungur is an erosional basin formed by catastrophic flooding of the Jökulsá river shortly after the end of the last ice age. Sveinasprunga fissure erupted some 11,000 years ago, cutting across the river by Hafragilsfoss, and causing lava to flow into the Jökulsá river at Hólmatungur.
Another video Jökulsargljufur - Rauðhólar
Vatnajökull, Vatnajökull National Park In Iceland, 4K GoPro
Vatnajökull, Vatnajökull National Park In Iceland, 4K GoPro
Национальный парк Vatnajökull в Исландии,
Vatnajökull-Nationalpark in Island,
Parque Nacional Vatnajökull Na Islândia,
Parque Nacional Vatnajökull en Islandia,
Asbyrgi canyon Iceland - Vatnajokull National Park from sky drone
Asbyrgi canyon ( Ásbyrgi ) lies in the north of Iceland, about 50 minute drive to the east from Húsavík on the Diamond Circle road. The horseshoe-shaped depression is part of the Vatnajökull National Park and measures approximately 3.5 km in length and 1.1 km across. For more than half of its length, the canyon is divided through the middle by a distinctive rock formation 25 meters high called Eyjan (the Island), from which hikers may enjoy spectacular views.
The canyon's steep sides are formed by cliffs up to 100 metres in height. Down in the canyon, visitors walk through a woodland of birch and willow. Between 1947 and 1977, a number of foreign tree species were introduced, including fir, larch and pine. The small lake Botnstjörn is home to a variety of waterfowl species.
Ásbyrgi was most likely formed by catastrophic glacial flooding of the river Jökulsá á Fjöllum after the last Ice Age, first 8-10,000 years ago, and then again some 3,000 years ago. The river has since changed its course and now runs about 2 km to the east. The legend explains the unusual shape of the canyon differently. Nicknamed Sleipnir's footprint, it is said that the canyon was formed when Odin's eight-legged horse, Sleipnir, touched one of its feet to the ground here.
Jadąc drogą 85 od Husaviku na północ, po przejechaniu około 60 kilometrów dotrzemy do kanionu Asbyrgi zlokalizowanego w Parku Narodowym Jokullsargljufur. Nazwa w języku islandzkim oznacza „kanion rzek lodowych”, powstał w 1973 r. a w 2008 włączony został w granice większego Parku Narodowego tj, Vatnajokull.
Kanion Asbyrgi swoim kształtem przypomina końską podkowę o długości 3,5 kilometra i szerokości ponad kilometr, otaczają go ściany skalne o wysokości do 10m. Jest wielką atrakcją turystyczną, znajduje się tu jeden z nielicznych „islandzkich lasów”. Brzozy bo własnie nimi głównie jest wypełniony, mają szanse rozwoju dzięki położeniu między ścianami wąwozu oraz dobremu nawodnieniu terenu.
Badania geologiczne kanionu dowodzą, iż obecny kształt Asbyrgi zawdzięcza trzem przesunięciom lodowców, które miały miejsce po erupcjach wulkanów Kverkfjöll i Bárðarbunga w obrębie lodowca Vatnajökull ponad 2500 lat temu. Inne źródła mówię również o wielkich powodziach lodowcowych zwanych jokulglaup, które miały miejsce około 10 i 3 tyś lat temu. W 2014 roku w wyniku erupcji wulkanu Badarbunga powstały obawy dewastacji tego niezwykle pięknego miejsca przez wspomniane wylewy z lodowca.
Oczywiście nie może zabraknąć również mitycznej historii postawni Asbyrgi. Według sag nordyckich są to ślady kopyta konia należącego do Odyna. Jak przystało na boskiego wierzchowca był gigantycznych rozmiarów a jedna z jego 8 nóg własnie pozostawiła odcisk kopyta tworząc olbrzymi kanion otoczony bazaltowymi skałami.
Do samego kanionu można wjechać autem, jadąc wąską drogą dojeżdzamy na parking z którego prowadzi kilka szlaków. Na końcu kanionu około 100 metrów od parkingu, znajduje się mały staw Bornstjorn otoczony bujną roślinnością, zamieszkały przez przyjazne turystom kaczki, prawie oswojone. Z tego miejsca rozciąga się również cudowny widok na cały kanion. W centrum Asbyrg widać formację skalną zwaną Eyjan (isl. wyspa) wznoszącą się na wysokość dwudziestu pięciu metrów.
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My other Iceland video :
Iceland Skogafoss waterfall :
Iceland Seltun Krysuvik :
Iceland Canyon Asbyrgi :
Iceland Whale watching :
Iceland Seydisfjordur :
Iceland Dettifoss waterfall :
Iceland Godafoss waterfall :
Iceland Barnafoss and Graunfossar waterfallas :
Iceland Hvararond geotermal area :
Iceland Jokulsarlon ice lagoon :
Iceland Glymur waterfall :
Please watch: Puffins kingdom Drone aerial video - Iceland Latrabjarg cliffs hunting
Hafragilsfoss Iceland
The canyon Jökulsárgljúfur is spectacular and one of the special places in Iceland. The beautiful waterfall Hafragilsfoss is one of the two large waterfalls in the area including the well-known Dettifoss in Jökulsárgljúfur.
Iceland - Golden Circle & Vatnajökull National Park
An amazing trip discovering some of Icelands natural wonders!
HOW to visit ICE CAVES in ICELAND, 2019 | 4K
In this episode I'll share all the information I have on Ice Caves in Iceland. How to get to the ice caves and how to photograph the ice caves. Ice cave season is from November until and through March. Out of season the caves are too dangerous to enter. Ice caves and glaciers are extremely dangerous and that's why you have to get yourself a glacier guide. Guide To Iceland and Iceland Photo Tours arrange these tours and I have links to booking the tours here:
One Day Tour:
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Camera Dust blower:
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Svartifoss (Black Fall) in Vatnajökull National Park in Iceland