JG 4K 山口 世界遺産 萩反射炉と萩城の桜(史跡) Yamaguchi World Heritage Hagi furnace and Castle(Historic Site)
Educational movie of the real world. Learn before viewing. 山口県萩市 萩反射炉 Reverberatory furnace, Hagi city,Yamaguchi
山口県萩市 萩城跡 Hagi castle,Hagi city,Yamaguchi
Nirayama Reverberatory Furnaces(韮山反射炉)
#japan#culture#heritage# furnace#edo
Nirayama Reverberatory Furnaces was created in 1857. Edo Shogunate(1603-1867) needed to create weapons to counter foreign armed forces. The reflection furnace is used to melt pig iron to obtain the high temperature of over 1200 ° C required to produce excellent iron. Reverberatory furnaces were built in various places, but now only two(Nirayama and hagi).
やまぐち映像図鑑 NO.009 松下村塾[萩市]| Shokasonjuku Academy [ Hagi-City ]