Hammershus - Bornholm Denmark / Dänemark
(Deutsch - English/Dansk/Svenska below)
Hammershus ist eine Ruine im Nordwesten der dänischen Ostseeinsel Bornholm aus dem 13ten Jahrhundert (um 1255).
Sie ist die größte Burgruine in Nordeuropa und liegt in der Nähe der Gemeinde Allinge-Sandvig
Blick von Brücke über Burggraben auf Burg
Europakarte mit Flug auf Bornholm
Innere Burgbefestigung
Links zu weiteren Bornhol/Dänemark Videos:
Gudhjem & Christiansø (Ertholmene)
(Baustelle hier kommt bald mehr, Leider noch nicht fertig)
Video von Langeland:
Weitere Links:
Kamera: Nikon D7000
Musik wurde mit Garage Band auf einem Apple iPad4 komponiert
Video Software: Adobe Premiere Pro CS6, Adobe After Effects CS6, Adobe Illustrator CS6
Fotos: Adobe Lightroom 4
Hammershus is amedieval fortification in the northwest of the Danish island of Bornholm (Baltic Sea ) and is build in the 13th century (around 1255).
It is the largest castle ruins in northern Europe and is situated near the Municipality Allinge-Sandvig
View from bridge over the moat to the castle
Europe map with flight to Bornholm
Coat tower
Interior Castle attachment
Storage House
Links to other Bornholm/Denmark Videos:
Gudhjem & Christiansø (Ertholmene)
(Construction site here comes more soon, unfortunately not yet finished )
Video of Langeland:
Other Links:
Camera: Nikon D7000
Music was composed with Garage Band on an Apple iPad
Editing Software: Adobe Premiere Pro CS6, Adobe After Effects CS6, Adobe Illustrator CS6
Photos: Adobe Lightroom 4
Hammershus er en ruin i den nordvestlige del af den danske Bornholm i det 13. århundrede (ca. 1255).
Det er den største borgruiner i Nordeuropa og er beliggende nær byen Allinge-Sandvig
Udsigt fra broen over voldgraven slot
Europakort med fly til Bornholm
Coat Tower
Inde i slottet befæstninger
Links til mere Bornhol / Danmark Files
(Byggeplads her kommer mere snart, men desværre ikke færdig)
Video af Langeland:
Kamera: Nikon D7000
Musik er komponeret med GarageBand på en Apple iPad
Redigering Software: Adobe Premiere Pro CS6, Adobe After Effects CS6, Adobe Illustrator CS6
Fotos: Adobe Lightroom 4
Hammershus är en ruin i nordväst om den danska ön Bornholm på 13-talet (ca 1255).
Det är den största slottsruinen i norra Europa och ligger nära staden Allinge-Sandvig
Utsikt från bron över vallgraven slottet
Europakarta med flyg till Bornholm
Coat Tower
Inuti slottet befästningar
Länkar till mer Bornhol / Danmark-filer
(Byggarbetsplats här kommer mer snart, tyvärr ännu inte klar)
Video Langeland:
Kamera: Nikon D7000
Musik komponerad med Garageband på en Apple iPad
Redigerar Software: Adobe Premiere Pro CS6, Adobe After Effects CS6, Adobe Illustrator CS6
Foton: Adobe Lightroom 4
Steinwallen unterwegs: Hammershus - Die größte Burganlage Nordeuropas (Bornholm / Dänemark)
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Musik: Long_Stroll by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a CC Attribution 3.0. Permissions beyond the scope of this license are available at
360 video walking tours I Hammershus Winter I Bornholm Denmark
A winter walk around Scandinavia's largest medieval fortification, situated 74 metres above sea level on Hammeren, the northern tip of the Danish island of Bornholm in the Baltic Sea. Erected in the 13th century, it was long believed that the castle was built as a private residence for the archbishop of Lund.
Link to 360 video walking tour of the castle in the summer
Link to 360 video walking tour from the castle down to the harbour
Can't get to the island of Bornholm or around Bornholm? Join me, Bronwyn Lund on 360 virtual video walking tours of Bornholm. Including interesting facts about the particular
#Slow TV #VR walks #360 walks #360 walking #VR walking #360 video walking tours #virtual walking #VIRBadventures #Garmin #lifestyle #dreamlife #daretodream #bornholmbornholmbornholm #Bornholm #Denmark #Hammershus #medieval #castle ruin #bronwynlund #brontonlund #VR #360° #DK #BronHolm Tours
Danmark. Hammershus. Bornholm.
Den menes grundlagt omkring 1255 af ærkebiskoppen Jakob Erlandsen, omend dele af borgen har kunnet dateres til omkring år 1200[1] . Rimeligvis har der forud ligget en tilflugtsborg, idet der er bevaret et lille stykke jordvold, og klippen er oplagt til en borg. Jakob Erlandsen skrev, at han blot udbyggede en eksisterende borg, da Kong Valdemar klagede over, at han brød forbuddet imod at bygge nye borge.
I 1265 blev borgen erobret af Erik Glipping, men blev givet tilbage til ærkebiskoppen i 1276, så den under de efterfølgende ærkebiskopper Jens Grand og Esger Juul kunne spille en vigtig rolle i magtspillet mellem konge og kirke.
Erik 6. Menved var utilfreds med, at fredløse kunne søge ly på borgen, og i 1319 lykkedes det marsken Ludvig Albertsen Eberstein at indtage borgen.
Eberstein var først kongens høvedsmand på borgen, men da den i 1321 blev givet tilbage til ærkebiskoppen af Christoffer 2., var han borgherre for ærkebispesædet i Lund. I 1324 -- 1325 forsvarede han borgen mod angreb og belejring af rigsmarsk Peder Vendelbo. Efter 16 måneders belejring overgav Eberstein sig, og kong Valdemar Atterdag overtog herredømmet over borgen, men gav den kort efter tilbage til ærkebispesædet, der beholdt borgen indtil 1522, da Christian 2. gjorde krav på Hammershus og efterfølgende satte biskoppen fra Odense, Jens Andersen Beldenak, i varetægt på borgen.
I 1522 blev Hammershus erobret af lübeckerne. De istandsatte borgen og benyttede den i de år, de fra 1526 havde Bornholm i pant. Fra 1576 var Hammershus atter på den danske konges hænder.
Ved Roskildefreden i 1658 fik svenskerne også Bornholm, og de indsatte Johan Printzensköld som guvernør. De bornholmske oprørere ledet af Jens Pedersen Kofoed slog ham, i december samme år, ihjel i Rønne og erobrede dagen efter borgen. Det var Villum Clausen der dræbte Guvernøren. Herefter tilbød de øen til den danske konge.
Fæstningsværk og statsfængsel.
Hammershus er anlagt på en 74 meter høj klippe og fylder med sine forborge et areal på henved 35.000 kvadratmeter. Ringmurene har en længde på omkring 750 meter. I det nordvestlige hjørne finder man en dam, der kan have forsynet slottet med fersk vand. Mod havet er der stejle klipper og til de andre sider vanskeligt passabelt, klippefyldt terræn. Manteltårnet blev opført af Bernt Knop, som også forstærkede fæstningsværkerne, der fordrev to svenske orlogsskibe med sine kanoner så sent som i 1645.
Efter 1576, hvor borgen igen var på danske hænder lod man den forfalde, fordi den efterhånden betragtedes som et utidssvarende fæstningsværk, f.eks. på grund af skydevåbenes forbedring. Den blev derfor anvendt som statsfængsel for bl.a. Corfitz Ulfeldt og Leonora Christina Ulfeldt, der blev indsat i 1660. Efter deres flugt fra Manteltårnet og efterfølgende tilfangetagelse blev de placeret i et mørkt slotskapel, men senere igen indsat i Blåtårn -- på hver sin etage.
360 video walking tours I Hammershus Summer I Bornholm Denmark
Can't get to the island of Bornholm or around Bornholm? Join me, Bronwyn Lund on 360 virtual video walking tours of Bornholm. Including interesting facts about the particular area. This is a summer walking tour around Scandanavia's biggest castle ruin, Hammershus and the architecturally significant visitors centre 'Brohuset' - the bridge house.
Link to 360 video walking tour of the castle in the Winter
Link to 360 video walking tour from the castle down to the harbour
#360 VR #360VR #360 video walking tours #virtual walking #yellow productions #ActionKid #VIRBadventures #Garmin #lifestyle #dreamlife #daretodream #bornholmbornholmbornholm #Hammershus Bornholm #Brohuset Bornholm #Hammershus Visitors Centre #Bornholm #Denmark #bronwynlund #VR #360° #360 #virtualreality #DK #BronHolm Tours #island walk #castle ruin walk #castleruin #amazing walks #walks #coastal walk #historical tour #360 video #historical walking tour
Den sanna historien - Del 2: Hammershus, Bornholm
I denna andra del av serien besöker vi den danska ön Bornholm, där borgen Hammershus har kastat sin skugga över ön och använts som ett maktmedel för att kontrollera handeln i Östersjön under århundraden...
Drönarfoto av Simon Melbye Andersen,
De Fria är en folkrörelse som jobbar för demokrati genom en upplyst och medveten befolkning!
Fighter-jets over Hammershus in Bornholm in Denmark [4K]
I was shooting drone footage of the historic site called 'Hammershus' on the island of Bornholm when all of the sudden two fighter-jets appeared. I was flying around 100meters above sea level and I immediately lowered my altitude when I noticed the jets coming in fast. When I saw them break off, I turned the drone to see if I could catch a glimpse of them... here's that clip.
According to the news later that day, the Danish fighter jets were there to scare off a Russian jet that had entered Danish airspace illegally. They apparently do that regularly to test off our air space.
Shot on the DJI Phantom 4 on a very windy day - around 12-15m/sec wind at 100m altitude.
Bornholmslinjens M/S Hammershus departing Rønne Bornholm(Denmark) ferry announcement.
Här ser ni Bornholmslinjens M/S Hammershus lämna Rönne klockan 17 mot Köge. Samt hörs utropet på Danska, Tyska och Engelska med dansk accent.
The Bornholm Adventure (Hammershus)
The Bornholm Adventure
Director: Patrick Schwensen (Bornmodels)
Starring: Kasia Borowicz (Bornmodels)
Mit dem Wohnmobil in Dänemark ????️ Bornholm, Rønne & Burg Hammershus ???? Teil 1
Wir waren in den Sommerferien wieder mit dem Wohnmobil unterwegs. Dieses Mal ging es auf die wunderschöne dänische Insel Bornholm, die man von Sassnitz aus mit der Fähre in ca. drei Stunden erreicht.
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#wohnmobil #dänemark #bornholm
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Bornholm Island, Denmark
Bornholm is a Danish island in the Baltic Sea off the south coast of Sweden. Hammershus castle ruin is located on top of the hill with a beautiful view of the sea. The former castle surrounded by once vigorous walls and steep hills is a hugely impressive. It was built in the early 1300s.
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Hammershus Castle ~ Bornholm Island, Denmark
A look at Hammershus Castle on Bornholm Island, Denmark. Just might be mentioning this place in an upcoming video.....;)
Music - Origiz by Kevin MacLeod
Google Earth 360 image from Fritz Hanke
Hammershus - Bornholm (with Costa Pacifica)
(where you can find all information, vídeos, pics, ...)
Baltic Cities Cruises with Costa Pacifica - 29/05/2011 to 09/06/2011
Cruise Itinerary / Itinerário:
29/05/2011 - Kiel (Germany/Alemanha)
30/05/2011 - At Sea/Navegação
31/05/2011 - Stockholm/Estocolmo (Sweden/Suécia)
01/06/2011 - Helsinki/Helsinquia (Finland/Finlândia)
02/06/2011 - St. Petersburg/São Petersburgo (Russia)
03/06/2011 - St. Petersburg/São Petersburgo (Russia)
04/06/2011 - Tallinn (Estonia)
05/06/2011 - Riga (Latvia/Letónia)
06/06/2011 - Klaipeda (Lithuania/Lituânia)
07/06/2011 - Gdynia (Poland/Polónia)
08/01/2011 - Bornholm (Denmark/Dinamarca)
09/06/2011 - Hamburg/Hamburgo (Germany/Alemanha)
08/06/2011 - Bornholm (Dinamarca)
Bornholm é uma ilha dinamarquesa situada no Mar Báltico, a leste das restantes ilhas da Dinamarca, ao sul da Suécia, e ao norte da Polônia.
Fica junto à pequena ilha de Ertholmene, localizada 18 km a noroeste. Estrategicamente localizada no mar Báltico, Bornholm foi controlada pela Dinamarca na maior parte da sua história, mas também pela Suécia e por Lübeck. As ruínas do castelo Hammershus no extremo noroeste da ilha dão testemunho da sua grande importância.
08/06/2011 - Bornholm (Denmark)
Hammershus is Northern Europe's largest medieval fortification, situated 74 metres (243 ft) above sea level on Hammeren, the northern tip of the Danish island of Bornholm in the Baltic Sea. Erected in the 13th century, it was long believed that the castle was built as a private residence for the archbishop of Lund. However, new evidence found at the ruins of the castle suggests it was constructed in the beginning of the century as a royal residence for Valdemar II of Denmark and a base for the Danish crusades, according to Kjeld Borch Westh, superintendent of the National Museum of Denmark.
The fortification consists of the base castle residence and accompanying Mantel Tower, and includes a great stonewall stretching 750 metres (2,460 ft) around the castle grounds. Bricks found at the tower during the renovation led Westh and other experts to revise their theory on when the structure was originally constructed, moving back the date from around 1255 to the beginning of the century, when Valdemar became king.
Bornholm is a Danish island in the Baltic Sea located to the east of (most of) the rest of Denmark, the south of Sweden, and the north of Poland. The main industries on the island include fishing, arts and crafts like glass making and pottery using locally worked clay, and dairy farming. Tourism is important during the summer. The topography of the island consists of dramatic rock formations in the north(Unlike the rest of Denmark - the rest of Denmark is a very flat land, having few hills and no mountains), sloping down towards pine and deciduous forests (greatly damaged by storms in the 1950s) and farmland in the middle and sandy beaches in the south.
Strategically located in the Baltic Sea, Bornholm has been a bone of contention usually ruled by Denmark, but also by Lübeck and Sweden. The castle ruin Hammershus, on the northwestern tip of the island, is the largest medieval fortress in northern Europe, testament to the importance of its location.
Bornholm er med Christiansø og Frederiksø Danmarks østligste øer. Bornholm kaldes også for klippeøen eller solskinsøen.
Música / Music Instrumental
NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT IS INTENDED by this video it is ONLY for entertainment purposes.
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360 video walking tours I Hammershus to Hammerhavn I Bornholm Denmark
Can't get to the island of Bornholm or around Bornholm? Join me, Bronwyn Lund on 360 virtual video walking tours of Bornholm. Including interesting facts about the particular area. This is a 30 minute walk from Hammershus castle ruin down to Hammer Harbour on the north coast of Bornholm
Link to 360 video walking tour of the castle in the summer
Link to 360 video walking tour of the castle in the winter
#360 video walking tours #virtual walking #yellow productions #ActionKid #Garmin #lifestyle #dreamlife #retirementplanning #daretodream #bornholmbornholmbornholm #Bornholm #Denmark #Hammershus #Hammerhavn #coastal walk #castle ruin #bronwynlund #brontonlund #VR #360° #BronHolm Tours #DK
Gudhjem & Christiansø (Ertholmene) - Bornholm Denmark / Dänemark
(Deutsch – English, Dansk, Svenska, Polski below)
Gudhjem ist eine Kleinstadt auf der Ostküste der dänischen Ostseeinsel Bornholm.
Christiansø ist die Hauptinsel der Ertholmene (Erbseninseln)
Gudhjem von Oben
Gudhjem Hafen
Gudhjem Kirche
Eindrücke von der Überfahrt auf die Erbseninsln
Europakarte mit Flug auf Bornholm
Kleiner Hafen zwischen Christiansø & Frederiksø mit Hängebrücke
Leuchtturm von Christiansø (Großer Turm)
Frederiksø (Kleiner Turm, ehemalige Kasernengebäude, usw.)
Christiansø („Gaden“, ehemalige Soldatenquartiere, Festungsanlage, Kanonen, Natur, usw.)
Die Inseln in der Abendsonne
Links zu weiteren Bornhol/Dänemark Videos:
Hammershus - Festungsruine im Nordwesten von Bornholm
Svaneke - Kleinstadt an der Ostküste von Bornholm.
(Baustelle hier kommt bald mehr, Leider noch nicht fertig)
Video von Langeland:
Weitere Links:
Kamera: Nikon D7000
Musik wurde mit Garage Band auf einem Apple iPad4 komponiert
Video Software: Adobe Premiere Pro CS6, Adobe After Effects CS6, Adobe Illustrator CS6
Fotos: Adobe Lightroom 4
Gudhjem is a small town on the east coast of the Danish Baltic island of Bornholm.
Christiansø is the main island of the Ertholmene (small archipelago)
Gudhjem from Above
Gudhjem port
Gudhjem Church
Impressions from the crossing to the Ertholmene
Map of Europe with flights to Bornholm
Small harbor between Christiansø & Frederiksø with Suspension bridge
Lighthouse of Christiansø (Great Tower)
Frederiksø (Small tower, former barracks, etc.)
Christiansø (Gaden, former soldiers quarters, fortress, cannons, nature, etc.)
The islands in the evening sun
Links to more Bornhol / Denmark videos
Hammershus - fortress ruins in the northwest of Bornholm
Svaneke - small town on the east coast of Bornholm.
(Construction site here comes more soon, unfortunately not yet finished)
Video of Langeland:
Related Links:
Camera: Nikon D7000
Music was composed with GarageBand on an Apple iPad4
Video Software: Adobe Premiere Pro CS6, Adobe After Effects CS6, Adobe Illustrator CS6
Photos: Adobe Lightroom 4
Links to other Bornholm/Denmark Videos:
Camera: Nikon D7000
Music was composed with Garage Band on an Apple iPad2
Editing Software: Adobe Premiere Pro CS6, Adobe After Effects CS6, Adobe Illustrator CS6
Photos: Adobe Lightroom 4
Gudhjem er en lille by på den østlige kyst af den danske Bornholm.
Christiansø er hovedøen Ertholmene (Ertholmene)
Gudhjem fra Frem
Gudhjem havn
Gudhjem Kirke
Indtryk fra passage til Erbseninsln
Europakort med fly til Bornholm
Lille havn mellem Christiansø & Frederiksø med Hængebro
Lighthouse af Christiansø (Meget Tower)
Frederiksø (lille tårn, tidligere kaserne, etc.)
Christiansø (Gaden, tidligere soldater kvartaler, fæstning, kanoner, natur, etc.)
Øerne i aftensolen
Links til mere Bornhol / Danmark Files
Hammershus - fæstning ruiner i den nordvestlige del af Bornholm
Svaneke - lille by på østkysten af Bornholm.
(Byggeplads her kommer mere snart, men desværre ikke færdig)
Video af Langeland:
Gudhjem är en liten stad på den östra kusten av den danska ön Bornholm.
Christiansö är huvudön Ertholmene (Ertholmene)
Gudhjem from Above
Gudhjem hamn
Gudhjem kyrka
Intryck från korsningen till Erbseninsln
Europakarta med flyg till Bornholm
Lilla hamnen mellan Christiansö & Frederiksø med Hängbro
Fyr av Christiansö (Great Tower)
Frederiksø (litet torn, gamla kaserner, etc.)
Christiansö (Gaden, före detta soldater talen, fästning, kanoner, natur, etc.)
Öarna i kvällssolen
Länkar till mer Bornhol / Danmark-filer
Hammershus - fästningsruinerna i nordväst om Bornholm
Svaneke - liten stad på den östra kusten av Bornholm.
(Byggarbetsplats här kommer mer snart, tyvärr ännu inte klar)
Video Langeland:
Hammershus Castle, Bornholm Island, Denmark
This video is about Hammershus Castle, Bornholm Island, Denmark
Music: J.S. Bach - The Well Tempered Clavier
Svaneke - Bornholm Denmark / Dänemark
Svaneke - Bornholm Denmark / Dänemark
(Deutsch – English and Dansk below)
Svaneke ist eine Kleinstadt an der Ostküste der dänischen Ostseeinsel Bornholm.
Blick über Felsen auf den Ort
Europakarte mit Flug auf Bornholm
Hotel Østersøen
Hotel Siemsens Gaard
Røgeriet i Svaneke (Svaneke Räucherei)
Svaneke Bolcher
Svaneke Chokoladeri
Links zu weiteren Bornhol/Dänemark Videos:
Hammershus - Festungsruine im Nordwesten von Bornholm
Gudhjem & Christiansø (Ertholmene)
(Baustelle hier kommt bald mehr, Leider noch nicht fertig)
Video von Langeland:
Weitere Links:
Kamera: Nikon D7000
Musik wurde mit Garage Band auf einem Apple iPad4 komponiert
Video Software: Adobe Premiere Pro CS6, Adobe After Effects CS6, Adobe Illustrator CS6
Fotos: Adobe Lightroom 4
Svaneke is a small town on the east coast of the Danish Baltic island of Bornholm.
Looking over rocks on the site
Map of Europe with flight to Bornholm
Svaneke Port
Hotel Østersøen
Siemens Gaard Hotel
Røgeriet i Svaneke (Svaneke smokehouse)
Svaneke Bolcher
Svaneke Chokoladeri
Links to other Bornholm/Denmark Videos:
Hammershus - Festungsruine im Nordwesten von Bornholm
Gudhjem & Christiansø (Ertholmene)
(Construction site here comes more soon, unfortunately not yet finished )
Video of Langeland:
Other Links:
Camera: Nikon D7000
Music was composed with Garage Band on an Apple iPad2
Editing Software: Adobe Premiere Pro CS6, Adobe After Effects CS6, Adobe Illustrator CS6
Photos: Adobe Lightroom 4
Svaneke er en lille by på den østlige kyst af den danske Bornholm.
Kigger over klipper på sitet
Europakort med fly til Bornholm
Hotel Østersøen
Siemens Gaard Hotel
Har Kontor
Røgeriet i Svaneke (Svaneke røgeri)
Svaneke Bolcher
Svaneke Chokoladeri
Links til andre Bornholm / Danmark Files
Hammershus - fæstning ruiner i den nordvestlige del af Bornholm
Gudhjem & Christiansø (Ertholmene)
(Byggeplads her kommer mere snart, men desværre ikke færdig)
Video af Langeland:
Kamera: Nikon D7000
Musik er komponeret med GarageBand på en Apple iPad4
Video Software: Adobe Premiere Pro CS6, Adobe After Effects CS6, Adobe Illustrator CS6
Fotos: Adobe Lightroom 4
Bornholm Island - Denmark
Bornholm is a Danish island in the Baltic Sea located to the east of (most of) the rest of Denmark, the south of Sweden, and the north of Poland. The main industries on the island include fishing, arts and crafts like glass making and pottery using locally worked clay, and dairy farming. Tourism is important during the summer. The topography of the island consists of dramatic rock formations in the north, sloping down towards pine and deciduous forests (greatly damaged by storms in the 1950s) and farmland in the middle and sandy beaches in the south.
It also refers to Bornholm Regional Municipality, the municipality (Danish: kommune) which covers the entire island. Bornholm was one of the three last Danish municipalities not belonging to a county— the others being Copenhagen and Frederiksberg. On 1 January 2007, the municipality lost its short-lived (2003 until 2006) county privileges and became part of Region Hovedstaden (i.e. the Copenhagen Capital Region).
The small islands Ertholmene are located 18 km (11 mi) to the northeast of Bornholm. They do not belong to either a municipality or a region but are administered by the Ministry of Defence.
Strategically located in the Baltic Sea, Bornholm has been a bone of contention usually ruled by Denmark, but also by Lübeck and Sweden. The castle ruin Hammershus, on the northwestern tip of the island, is the largest medieval fortress in northern Europe, testament to the importance of its location.
( source Wikipedia )
Flight around Hammershus, Bornholm
From Wiki: Hammershus is Scandinavia's largest medieval fortification, situated 74 metres above sea level on Hammeren, the northern tip of the Danish island of Bornholm in the Baltic Sea. Erected in the 13th century, it was long believed that the castle was built as a private residence for the archbishop of Lund. However, new evidence found at the ruins of the castle suggests it was constructed in the beginning of the century as a royal residence for Valdemar II of Denmark and a base for the Danish crusades, according to Kjeld Borch Westh, superintendent of the National Museum of Denmark.