Haus der Berge - Nationalparkzentrum Berchtesgaden
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Das Haus der Berge ist ein Umweltbildungs- und Informationszentrum vom Nationalpark Berchtesgaden, das im Mai 2013 eröffnet wurde. Direkt am Ortseingang zum Markt Berchtesgaden erwartet Gäste und Einheimische das neue Informations- und Bildungszentrum. Zusammen mit seinem weitläufigen Außenbereich vermittelt das Haus der Berge die einzigartige Natur des Nationalparks Berchtesgaden vom Grund des Königssees bis zum Gipfel des Watzmanns.
Im Haus der Berge werden die vielfältigen Lebensräume und Vegetationszonen des Nationalparks Berchtesgaden erklärt und anschaulich dargestellt. Tatsächlich erstreckt sich der Nationalpark Berchtesgaden vom Grund des 190 Meter tiefen Königssees bis zum Gipfel des Watzmanns über 2.200 Höhenmeter, die Flora und Fauna sind so abwechslungsreich und vielfältig wie Topographie und Geologie.
Die Natur auf einzigartige Weise mit allen Sinnen erleben und für jeden erlebbar machen - das ist das Ziel des neuen Informationszentrums „Haus der Berge. Leitmotiv ist die Darstellung unterschiedlicher Lebensräume im Nationalpark Berchtesgaden: vom Grund des Königssees über Wald und Almen bis hin zu Fels. Der Dreiklang aus Informationszentrum, Bildungszentrum und Außengelände bietet Familien und Naturfreunden ein reiches Spektrum an Entdeckungen.
Die moderne Architektur des Informationsgebäudes sowie die zeitgenössische Ausstellungsgestaltung sind ein weiteres kulturelles und touristisches Highlight in der Region, in Bayern und international. Dabei ist die Bergvitrine, Höhepunkt der Ausstellung, ein Symbol für die schützende Hülle um die Berchtesgadener Bergwelt. Es ist Aufgabe des Nationalparks, diesen Schatz der Alpen zu bewahren.
Haus der Berge - Berchtesgaden
Berchtesgadener Land - Urlaub
Mai 2016 - Tag 05 - Film 101
Haus der Berge
Haus der Berge, home of the Berchtesgaden National Park
The 210 square kilometre Berchtesgaden National Park is in the south of Germany, in a piece of land that juts out into Austria centred around the town of Berchtesgaden. It is a mountainous area, home to the third highest peak in Germany and with few settlements. .
To visit I stayed at the Camping Mühlleiten which is in Schönau am Königssee and within a short walk of the park itself.
In the town of Berchtesgaden one can first visit the Haus der Berge. This is an interactive museum showing the flora and fauna one can find in the National Park. The symbol of the park is the ibex. Other species present in the park include the chamois, marmot, blue hare, alpine salamander, grass snake and various eagles including the golden eagle. Bears sometimes make an appearance and there is one male lynx.
The first nature conservation area in the Berchtesgaden Alps was created in what is currently the southeastern part of the park in 1910. It had an area of 8,600 hectares and was organised according to the model of National Parks in the United States. In 1919, the mountain hotel of St. Bartolomew was built. In March 1921, the area was expanded to 20,400 hectares It was further expanded during the Nazi period by Hermann Göring, who, as Minister of Forestry and Hunting, declared the area around Obersee a particularly protected natural conservation area - the objective here was to make larger areas for hunting for himself as this was one of his hobbies. The national park was established in 1978 and was designated a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve in 1990.
To a large extent one could argue that it is dominated by the Königssee, which is elongated from the south to the west and is the source of the Königsseer Ache, a right tributary of the Salzach. A smaller lake, the Obersee, is located above the Königssee and drains into it. The Königssee is only 10,000 years old which is very young in geological terms. West of the lake is Germany's third highest mountain, the Watzmann (2,713 metres) and beyond that, separated by the Wimbachtal valley, the Hochkalter (2,607 metres). The Watzmann Glacier, located below the eastern face of the Watzmann, and the Blaueis, adjacent to the Hochkalter, are two of the five glaciers in Germany.
The Königssee,very much reminds one of what it may have been like when 'discovered' towards the end of the nineteenth century by the then king of Bavaria. There are pleasure boats that one can take in order to explore the banks of the lake and the area is popular and is served by a very large car park.
2013-05-12 Haus der Berge Berchtesgaden
Besuch im Haus der Berge Berchtesgaden am 12. Mai 2013
Haus der Berge« - Berchtesgadens Nationalparkzentrum
Natur erleben, verstehen, schützen. Das ist das Motto im Berchtesgadener Nationalparkzentrum »Haus der Berge«. Erste Eindrücke vom Infozentrum mit seiner preisgekrönten Ausstellung »Vertikale Wildnis« vermittelt dieser Imagefilm. Neugierig geworden? Klickt vorbei und schaut rein!
Haus der Berge Berchtesgaden
-- Das Haus der Berge in Berchtesgaden ist nun eröffnet. Dieses Video vom Haus der Berge soll Ihnen einen kleinen Eindruck über diese neue Institution des Alpen Nationalpark Berchtesgaden vermitteln.
Ich wünsche Ihnen viel Spaß und Erholung beim Urlaub in Berchtesgaden.
Haus der Berge - Faszination Natur für alle Sinne
Ab Mai 2013 öffnete das neue Berchtesgadener Nationalpark-Haus „Haus der Berge für Gäste und Einheimische seine Türen.
Das Haus der Berge wird mehr als „nur ein Informationshaus über den Nationalpark sein, denn es vereint Informationszentrum, Umweltbildungswerkstätten sowie Außengelände zu einem Dreiklang. Das zukünftige „Haus der Berge steht
für ein Naturerlebnis mit allen Sinnen und wird für alle zugänglich sein.
10 Orte in und um BERCHTESGADEN die Du gesehen haben solltest
Faszinierende und hübsche Orte und Sehenswürdigkeiten in und nahe Berchtesgaden, die meine Top 10 sind
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Outro-Music by The Mini Vandals
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Kehlsteinhaus Eagles Nest Obersalzberg Berchtesgaden Bayern Deutschland
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Hoch über Berchtesgadens Obersalzberg auf dem Kehlstein steht das Kehlsteinhaus (Eagles Nest). Das Kehlsteinhaus wurde 1938 als Geburtstagsgeschenk der NSDAP für Aldolf Hilter gebaut und ist heute ein historisch interessantes Aussichtsziel. Die Besucher fahren mit Bussen vom Parkplatz am Obersalzberg bis auf fast 2000 Höhenmeter. Vom Kehlsteinhaus aus eröffnet sich den Besuchern ein überwältigender Panoramablick auf das Berchtesgadener Land, Südbayern und Salzburg. Alle historischen Informationen finden Sie im Museum Dokumentation Obersalzberg, unterhalb des Parkplatzes am Obersalzberg.
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Adolf Hitler's Berghof in Berchtesgaden (in color and HD)
Please help us to document this footage of Hitler's Berghof in Berchtesgaden!
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On 25 April 1945, five days before Hitler's suicide, four-engine bombers of the British Royal Air Force attacked the Berghof and its surroundings. However, the Berghof itself was only slightly damaged. On 4 May 1945, allied troops occupied Berchtesgaden without a fight. The occupation of the Obersalzberg was so prestigious that American and French units competed for it. Before the arrival of the victorious powers, SS men had set fire to the damaged Berghof, and the population also looted the building. According to Guido Knopp, in May 1945 a team of the former U. S. military secret service CIC inter alia also detained Hitler's sister Paula Hitler, who had hid near the mountain station.
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Footage in original color and HD before restoring for the documentary “Spirit of Liberation (Kronos Media, 2016)
Watch here the new restored pictures in our film trailer:
Haus der Berge
Capriccio 13.06.2013
Made after WWII, this charming silent travelogue shows Berchtesgaden. Berchtesgaden is a municipality in the German Bavarian Alps. It is located in the south district of Berchtesgadener Land in Bavaria, near the border with Austria, some 30 km south of Salzburg and 180 km southeast of Munich. To the south of the city the Berchtesgaden National Park stretches along three parallel valleys.
Berchtesgaden is often associated with the Watzmann, at 2,713 m the third-highest mountain in Germany (after Zugspitze and Hochwanner), which is renowned in the rock climbing community for its Ostwand (East Face), and a deep glacial lake by the name of Königssee (5.2 km²). Another notable peak is the Kehlstein mountain (1,835 m) with its Kehlsteinhaus (Eagle's Nest), which offers spectacular views to its visitors.
The area of Obersalzberg was purchased by the Nazis in the 1920s for their senior leaders to enjoy. Hitler's mountain residence, the Berghof, was located here. Berchtesgaden and its environs (Stanggass) were fitted to serve as an outpost of the German Reichskanzlei office (Imperial Chancellery), which sealed the area's fate as a strategic objective for Allied forces in World War II. Some typical Third Reich buildings in Berchtesgaden include the railway station, that had a reception area for Hitler and his guests, and the post office next to the railway station. The Berchtesgadener Hof Hotel was a hotel where famous visitors stayed, such as Eva Braun, Erwin Rommel, Joseph Goebbels and Heinrich Himmler, as well as Neville Chamberlain and David Lloyd George. The hotel was demolished in 2006. There is a museum on the spot now, called Haus der Berge.
A number of other relics of the Nazi era can still be found in the area, although only a few of them are still well preserved. There is the Kehlsteinhaus (nicknamed Eagle's Nest by a French diplomat), which was built as a present for Hitler's 50th birthday in 1939. The remnants of homes of former Nazi leaders—such as Adolf Hitler, Hermann Göring and Martin Bormann—were all demolished in the early postwar years.
The Platterhof was retained and served as a holiday and recreation retreat (Armed Forces Recreation Centers) for the American military. It was known as the General Walker Hotel. It was demolished in 2000. The only remaining fully intact buildings are the former SS HQ at Hotel Zum Türken, Albert Speer's house and the Kehlsteinhaus. A small part of the Platterhof is also still there. The information centre on the mountain is the former guesthouse Höher Göll. It has an entrance to the Obersalzberg bunker system.
This film is part of the Periscope Film LLC archive, one of the largest historic military, transportation, and aviation stock footage collections in the USA. Entirely film backed, this material is available for licensing in 24p HD. For more information visit
A walk around Berchtesgaden, Germany
Berchtesgaden is about as far south as one can get in Germany, it is the Germany of fairy stories and nineteenth century literature, the Germany that one imagines from countless stories. It is therefore no surpirse that it is a popular tourist destination and it has very much to offer not only from the great outdoors of the Alps, the Berchtesgaden national park with the outstanding glacial lake Konigsee but also for the fairy tale town itself with its royal palace, 500 year old salt mine and outstanding Bavarian charm. In this film, we can see a walk around the town.
Berchtesgaden, Germany April 2018
Berchtesgaden, Germany - stunning Bavarian beauty. I wish we would have had more time here. We only spent 1 day and that was not enough. So many trails and hikes I wish we could have done. We will definitely be going back here next time and something you shouldn't miss.
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Drei Reisetipps für Berchtesgaden | Hin & weg
Nationalparkmitarbeiter Hans Stanggasinger zeigt uns sein Berchtesgaden. Seine Tipps: Das Haus der Berge, das Salzbergwerk und ein Restaurant mit Aussicht.
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Places to see in ( Berchtesgaden - Germany )
Places to see in ( Berchtesgaden - Germany )
Berchtesgaden is a German town in the Bavarian Alps on the Austrian border. South of town, Hitler’s “Eagle’s Nest” retreat, the Kehlsteinhaus has a restaurant with alpine views. The Dokumentation Obersalzberg museum chronicles the Nazi era. Salzbergwerk Berchtesgaden illuminates the salt mine’s 500-year history. Lifts lead to Obersalzberg and Rossfeld ski areas. To the south, trails cross Berchtesgaden National Park.
Berchtesgaden is a municipality in the German Bavarian Alps. It is located in the south district of Berchtesgadener Land in Bavaria, near the border with Austria, some 30 km south of Salzburg and 180 km southeast of Munich. To the south of the city the Berchtesgaden National Park stretches along three parallel valleys. Berchtesgaden is often associated with the Watzmann, at 2,713 m the third-highest mountain in Germany (after Zugspitze and Hochwanner), which is renowned in the rock climbing community for its Ostwand (East Face), and a deep glacial lake by the name of Königssee (5.2 km²). Another notable peak is the Kehlstein mountain (1,835 m) with its Kehlsteinhaus (Eagle's Nest), which offers spectacular views to its visitors.
Berchtesgaden's neighbouring towns are Bischofswiesen, Marktschellenberg, Ramsau and Schönau am Königssee. The municipality of Berchtesgaden counts the following villages which are (Ortsteil): Am Etzerschlößl, Anzenbach, Hintergern, Metzenleiten, Mitterbach, Oberau, Obergern, Obersalzberg, Resten, Unterau, Untersalzberg I, Untersalzberg II and Vordergern. The Berchtesgaden National Park was established in 1978 and has gradually become one of Berchtesgaden's largest draws. Mass tourism is confined to a few popular spots, leaving the rest to nature-seekers. Major tourist draws are the Königssee, the salt mine, the Kehlsteinhaus (open seasonally as a restaurant). and the new Dokumentationszentrum Obersalzberg (built on the site of the former guest house Höher Göll). It is the first German museum of its kind to chronicle the entire span of World War II in one spot. An InterContinental Hotel Resort was built where the house of Hermann Göring stood, on the Göring hill.
Alot to see in ( Berchtesgaden - Germany ) such as :
Dokumentationszentrum Obersalzberg
Salzbergwerk Berchtesgaden
Château royal de Berchtesgaden
Wallfahrtskirche Maria Gern
Rossfeld bei Berchtesgaden
Heimatmuseum Schloss Adelsheim
Adlergehege Obersalzberg
Burgruine Plainburg
Watzmann Therme GmbH
Atelier Speer
( Berchtesgaden - Germany ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting the city of Berchtesgaden . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Berchtesgaden - Germany
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Haus der Berge Wettbewerb Videoclip
Videoanimation des Architektur- und Ausstellungsprojektes Haus der Berge
Nationalpark Berchtesgaden
DJH Jugendherberge Berchtesgaden
In der Jugendherberge Berchtesgaden streben Sie hoch hinaus - hinauf auf die Gipfel der Berchtesgadener Alpen, hinauf auf den Hochseilgarten direkt an der Jugendherberge. Wandern, Radfahren, Rafting sind hier den ganzen Sommer ein Thema - bis der erste Schnee fällt. Dann locken die verschneiten Berge.
Jugendherberge Berchtesgaden, Bayern, Deutschland
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Die Jugendherberge Berchtesgaden besteht aus zwei Häusern: Haus Jenner und Haus Untersberg. Das Haus Untersberg wurde zur ersten Design-Jugendherberge in Deutschland umgebaut. Familienfreundlich ausgestattet bietet die Jugendherberge tolle Zimmer. Ingesamt 265 Betten, aufgeteilt in Vier- bis Achtbettzimmer, Zimmer mit Waschgelegenheit für Betreuer, Speisesaal, 6 Aufenthaltsräume (20 bis 60 Plätze), davon 3 Unterrichtsräume mit Schultafeln warten auf den Gast. Direkt angeschlossen an die Jugendherberge findet sich ein Hochseilgarten und eine Bogenschießanlage.
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