郡山 21世紀公園 麓山荘 Koriyama 21st century park and Hayama-so house
During the time I had stayed in Koriyama city,
I found the 21st century park and the old fashioned house Hayamaso in it.
As you can see in this movie, this park has little gardens which are full of tulip flowers.
I had wanted to shoot tulip flowers however I can.
I could visit Fukushima almost in the best season to watch and take pictures and footages of any kinds of flowers.
I could have a happy time in FUkushima in this meaning.
In Hayamaso house, you can eat Japanese Wa-gashi sweets which are usually made from sweet beans,rice and a kind of potato paste with a cup of a bit bitter green tea in old Japanese style.
It was more reasonable to eat in Koriyama than usually in Tokyo,
and in addition, it tasted better than in Tokyo.
If you can trip to Koriyama, I think it's good for you to try them in this house.
亀と鴨が一緒に日光浴です~(福島県郡山市 麓山公園) Koriyama, Fukushima Prefecture Hayama Park
デジカメ ビデオカメラ のデータ復旧
鴨です~(福島県郡山市 麓山公園)Is a duck - (Koriyama, Fukushima Prefecture Hayama Park)
デジカメ ビデオカメラ のデータ復旧
郡山 麓山公園と郡山総合庁舎
The views of Koriyama city Hayama-koen park and the building of Koriyama local
I took footages of Hayama-koen park in Koriyama city and the building of Koriyama
local government.
At first, I confused 21st century park with this Hayama-koen park.
But later I realized a mistake which I made on the last day of my trip to Koriyama when I saw the map in front of the Koriyama station.
So I visit this park and footages in hurry until my train back to Tokyo came.
This park has still pond in it and full of beautiful flowers,
they attracted me a lot.
I could take enough footages to complete a movie like this.
I was satisfied with it.
This is the last movie of my journey in Fukushima.
Todos con Japón - Koriyama (Fukushima)
Todos con Japón llevó el 2 de mayo de 2011 una caravana con alimentos y un espectáculo a Koriyama, Fukushima, para los refugiados por causa de la radiación emitida por la central nuclear Fukushima 1.
Front Mission 3 DHZ scenario Pt 20 Mission 46, 47 Abukuma River, Koriyama
Front Mission 3 is a tactical role-playing game for the PlayStation developed by and published by Square Co., Ltd., and was released in Japan on September 2, 1999, and later in North America on March 22, 2000, and in Europe on August 11, 2000. Front Mission 3 is the third main entry and the fifth entry overall in the Front Mission series. Like other Front Mission titles, Front Mission 3 is part of a serialized storyline that follows the stories of various characters and their struggles involving mecha known as wanzers.
RADIATION UPDATE Cherry blossom viewing party in Kaiseizan park of Koriyama city 1
14.76 microSv/h, creek side dust, Koriyama SAKABUTA park, July 2012
On 28th of July 2012 , I measured radiation at SAKABUTA Park, Koriyama city Fukushima pref. Japan.
I monitored 1.55 micro Sv/h at my chest in air, 14.76 on on creek side sand.
Water from Sakabuta pond is flown to Abukuma River and Pacific Ocian through this creek.
The monitorinig place is 60 km from Fukushima Nuclear power plant, and located in
housing area of Koriyama city.
The measuring instrument is made of Ukraine, ECOTEST MKS-05.
14.76μSv/h 郡山市 酒蓋公園 水路脇のホコリ 20120728
郡山市田村町徳定にある賃貸アパート♫【アドバンス・21 310号】
福島県郡山市 観光スポット【JAPAN TRIP】
【デカ盛り】二郎系ラーメン!郡山市安積町「バカ増しの里 ジャンクラーメンじおん」さんのラーメンをぼっち食い【孤独のとむメシ】
日々の道④ 「福島県郡山市、日本大学工学部周辺から日大入口までの動画」
March 11 Japan Earthquake Hachinohe Port
First ride after the earthquake and came across this...
Hayama Marina Summer Festa 2013 - iwaki -
「がんばっぺ! いわき」、これからも復興を支援していきます。
【ふくしまドローン】21世紀記念公園 麓山の杜
Koriyama Big Palette March 20, 2011
This is what an evacuee center at Koriyama looked like a week after the quake in Japan. Currently, more than 2000 people live there.
2012/12/14 フクシマ郡山市内 x4倍速 (Fukushima Koriyama-City. Edited 4 times faster.)
福島県 郡山市内
Fukushima Koriyama-city.
Traveling by car to each location.
Radiation transition.
Edited 4 times faster.
SONY Cyber-shot DSC-WX50を買いました。そのついでと言ってはなんですが、聖地巡礼としてアニメ「中二病でも恋がしたい!」の背景モデルとしても有名な瀬田川大橋周辺の風景を撮影して来ました。
This is the place where the story of Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions happened. Its location is the Otsu City, Shiga Prefecture, Japan.
DOVA-SYNDROME様 「Variable Stars」:
●使用カメラ Camera
SONY Cyber-shot DSC-WX50
SonyEricsson Xperia acroHD IS12S(一部)
ビッグツリーペイジェントフェスタ in KORIYAMA 2011
麓山の杜 21世紀記念公園
麓山の杜 21世紀記念公園
神戸観光 ハーバーランド・モザイク・ポートタワー 3Dスライドショー(Side By Side 3D)
神戸の観光ベイエリアスポット ハーバーランド・モザイク・ポートタワー界隈を3D撮影しました。