Hadzi Mahmud Bey Mosque in Bitola, Macedonia
Surrounded by shops and old parts of the complex, close to the river Dragor, the Hacı Mahmud Bey mosque still occupies the best area of today's market (the Fish market).
In the times of Evliya Çelebi this part of the market belonged to the Turners (Çekrekçi) and to the Tailors, in the vicinity of the Horse market (At-pazar).
The mosque was built in the year of Hicra 928 or 1521-22 and it was renovated in 1873. The medrese that was a part of the complex was registered in the Land Survey register of 1074 AH/ 1663. The mosque was also noted in the Land Survey register dating from 1141 AH/ 1728.36 The founder of the mosque and its complex was Haci Mahmud Bey, known in the town as 'Tomruk Aga' (The prison warder). He may have been one of the war heroes (Gazi) of Sultan Bayezit Han and for that reason he was appointed as governor of the town, which he ruled in a despotic manner.
Ishak (Isak) Mosque in Bitola, Macedonia
Çelebi mosque, the largest main mosque (Ulucami) in Bitola, is a notable monument, situated along the north bank of the Dragor River. This area was known as Bit pazar in the quarter of Emir Bey or Eyne Bey, also known as Ishak Çelebi mahalle.
The whole mosque complex was ideally situated between the government buildings and the covered market, and the Big Bridge to the other side of the river connected it.
Popularly known as Ishakkiye, this monumental mosque was named after its founder, Judge Ishak Çelebi ibn Isa, son of Isa Fakıh. After being a judge in Salonica for many years, Ishak Çelebi was appointed to the Kadi's bench in Manastır where he moved with his family around 914 AH/1508.
The Ishak Çelebi Mosque Bitola ( Macedonia )
The beautiful Mosque of Sellca, Tetovo Macedonia ( DJI Footage)
DJI Phantom 3 Advanced
filmed in Selce, Tetovo, Macedonia
Археолошки истражувања во битолската Јени џамија
Парапетни плочи од олтар на ранохристијанска црква се пронајдени на стартот од археолошките истражувања во битолската Јени џамија
Early Christian Church Remains Found during Excavations in Southwest Macedonia
Altar pieces from an Early Christian church were found at the beginning of the excavations of the Jeni Mosque in the centre of the city of Bitola, national media reported today.
According to the A1 television station, the remains were found at the beginning of the second phase of an archeological project focusing on research of the period between the seventh and the fourteenth centuries.
Since 2003, artifacts from three churches and two mosques have been found by archeologists at the Jeni Mosque, also known as the New Mosque, which was built in 1558. Currently, it houses the houses city art gallery. Near the mosque, which has a square base, topped with a cupola, there is a 40-metre high minaret.
The archaeological excavations, with the financial support of the Macedonian Ministry of Culture, will continue over the next three months.
Amazing story from Macedonia
Many thanks to the team of Discover Macedonia ( for their beautiful videos.
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???? Travel designer, I organise for you - and with you - the kind of holiday that will suit you best. Together we can co-create a unique travel experience in line with your interests, needs and dreams as well as with the amount of time and the budget that you have at your disposal
How does it work?
You give me your travel idea (if you don't have any, I'll be happy to suggest something inspiring), and I then use it as the basis for a made-to-measure programme that would take into account your specific needs and desires, as well as whether you are travelling solo or as a couple, with your family or a group of friends
You can get a free cost estimate for your dream trip project
Aims and goals :
- Authentic travel experiences in total autonomy and at your own pace
- High-quality services
- Direct contact with locals
- Fair-trade tourism
- tailor -made holidays built around the principles of sustainable tourism and with respect for the natural, cultural and social environment of places being visited;
- commitment to partner exclusively with small family businesses, the motive behind being to maintain the quality of the services provided, as well as to support economic activities that could benefit the population (which is particularly important for rural communities), to ensure preservation of an area's natural, cultural and social resources and to create conditions for travellers' contact with local inhabitants in an authentic, non-touristy way
Arranging theme trips :
The Nouvelle Odyssée organises theme trips intended for groups of no more than 14 travellers. The size limit helps to make sure each member's personal needs and interests are reckoned with and that the friendly vibes within a group are maintained all along. One other reason is to avoid disturbing local wildlife (for trips that involve nature outings)
Nouvelle Odyssée's hallmark:
- non-standard, made-to-measure trips, to suit your budget, lifestyle, needs and aspirations;
- arrival and departure dates to be chosen at your convenience;
- a detailed programme of your stay, complete with relevant travel tips so that you can have an enjoyable and smooth-running trip;
- affordable prices due to the use of local partners' services;
- local tour guides that you can trust and that will help you get an authentic travel experience
Nouvelle Odyssee's travel philosophy:
- openness (experiencing one's own Odyssey journey with the eyes, mind and heart wide open);
- slow tourism (taking one's time to explore little by little (siga-siga in Greek)).
Indeed, when you have no group to catch up with and there is no rush for you to get to your next destination, why not let yourself forget time for a while and indulge in sunset watching, enjoy a laid-back chat with locals, or just get some rest?
???? Créatrice de séjours sur mesure, j’élabore pour vous – et avec vous - le séjour qui vous convient : selon vos envies, vos rêves, votre budget, votre temps disponible... Loin du tourisme de masse, je construits à la carte et dans le cadre d'un tourisme responsable ( en harmonie avec l’environnement naturel, culturel et social du pays visité) un moment unique, à votre image.
Church of St. Dimitrie in Bitola, Macedonia
This beautiful church of St. Dimitrie in Bitola, Macedonia has been build in 1830, after special permission by the Turkish Government. That's why it's 2 steps below the ground at the entrance because it could not be at the same level of the 2 mosques that are very near by. Entrance fee is 50 Denar, that half a US dollar, but ask friendly and politely and you can enter for free. No hussle about taking pictures or recordings. An enormious collection of special furniture, icons & ornaments can be seen here. Silent recording, yes, because it is silent in this church, but so beautiful, I recomment you visit this whenever you're in the neighborhood of Bitola. Questions? Leave a comment below.
Cette belle église de St. Dimitrie à Bitola, en Macédoine a été construite en 1830, après une permission spéciale du gouvernement turc. C'est pourquoi il y a 2 marches au-dessous du sol à l'entrée car il ne peut pas être au même niveau que les 2 mosquées qui sont très proches. Les frais d'entrée sont de 50 Denar, que la moitié d'un dollar américain, mais demandez amicalement et poliment et vous pouvez entrer gratuitement. Pas de bousculade à propos de la prise de photos ou d'enregistrements. Une énorme collection de meubles spéciaux, des icônes et des ornements peuvent être vus ici. Enregistrement silencieux, oui, parce qu'il est silencieux dans cette église, mais si beau, je vous recommande de visiter ce site quand vous êtes dans le quartier de Bitola. Des questions? Laissez un commentaire ci-dessous.
Questa bellissima chiesa di San Dimitrie a Bitola, in Macedonia, è stata costruita nel 1830, dopo un permesso speciale del governo turco. Ecco perché è 2 gradini sotto terra all'ingresso perché non potrebbe essere allo stesso livello delle 2 moschee che sono molto vicine. Il costo dell'entrata è di 50 Denari, cioè mezzo dollaro USA, ma chiedi cortesemente e cortesemente e puoi entrare gratuitamente. Nessun trucchetto per scattare foto o registrare. Un'enorme collezione di mobili speciali, icone e ornamenti può essere vista qui. Registrazione silenziosa, sì, perché è silenziosa in questa chiesa, ma così bella, ti consiglio di visitarla ogni volta che ti trovi nel quartiere di Bitola. Domande? Lascia un commento qui sotto.
Esta hermosa iglesia de San Dimitrie en Bitola, Macedonia se construyó en 1830, después de un permiso especial del gobierno turco. Es por eso que está a 2 pasos por debajo del suelo en la entrada porque no podría estar al mismo nivel de las 2 mezquitas que están muy cerca. El precio de la entrada es de 50 denar, es decir, medio dólar de los Estados Unidos, pero solicite amablemente y educadamente y puede ingresar de forma gratuita. Sin alboroto acerca de tomar fotos o grabaciones. Aquí se puede ver una enorme colección de muebles especiales, iconos y adornos. Grabación silenciosa, sí, porque es silenciosa en esta iglesia, pero tan hermosa, te recomiendo que visites esto siempre que estés en el vecindario de Bitola. ¿Preguntas? Deja un comentario a continuación.
Оваа прекрасна црква Св. Димитрие во Битола, Македонија е изградена во 1830 година, по посебна дозвола на турската влада. Тоа е зошто тоа е 2 чекори под земјата на влезот, бидејќи не може да биде на исто ниво од 2 џамии кои се многу близу до. Влезот е 50 денари, тоа е половина од американскиот долар, но побарајте пријателски и учтиво и можете да внесувате бесплатно. Нема грижа за фотографирање или снимки. Овде може да се види огромна колекција на специјален мебел, икони и орнаменти. Тивко снимање, да, бидејќи молчи во оваа црква, но толку убава, јас препорачувам да го посетите ова секогаш кога сте во околината на Битола. Прашања? Оставете коментар подолу.
Nhà thờ xinh đẹp này của St. Dimitrie ở Bitola, Macedonia đã được xây dựng vào năm 1830, sau khi được sự cho phép đặc biệt của Chính phủ Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ. Đó là lý do tại sao nó là 2 bước dưới mặt đất tại lối vào bởi vì nó không thể ở cùng một mức độ của 2 nhà thờ Hồi giáo rất gần đó. Phí vào cửa là 50 Denar, một nửa đô la Mỹ, nhưng yêu cầu thân thiện và lịch sự và bạn có thể vào miễn phí. Không hussle về chụp ảnh hoặc ghi âm. Một bộ sưu tập đồ nội thất đặc biệt, biểu tượng và đồ trang trí đặc biệt có thể được nhìn thấy ở đây. Im lặng ghi âm, vâng, bởi vì nó là im lặng trong nhà thờ này, nhưng rất đẹp, tôi recomment bạn truy cập này bất cứ khi nào bạn đang ở trong khu phố của Bitola. Câu hỏi? Để lại một bình luận dưới đây.
mestoto kade e pronajden mrtviot covek
Tv Tera Bitola Pocnaa Ramazanskite posti 16 05
Tourism in Bitola Macedonia
mosque... Skopje, Macedonia (Southeastern Europe)
Ice Bucket Challenge in Bitola Macedonia!
TV TERA Bitola Muslimanite go slavat Kurban Bajram 24 09
Senator - Bitola - Macedonia
Senator - Bitola - Macedonia
© ℗ Senator Records, Bitola Music All rights reserved
Македонскиот мултикултурен архитектонски мозаик
Geography Now! Rep. of North Macedonia
2019 UPDATE! As of Jan 25 2019 the Greek Parliament voted to accept the new title of North Macedonia ending nearly 3 decades of dispute however many Greek citizenss are still opposed to this move, nonetheless actions can now be made to move forward.
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Countries A to Z:
Welcome to Geography Now! This is the first and only Youtube Channel that actively attempts to cover profiles on every single country of the world. We are going to do them alphabetically so be patient if you are waiting for one that's down the road.
CONTACT US if you are from a country that is coming up! Teach us! Also we do fan appreciation videos after every group of 4 country videos. If you'd like to take part send us your picture/ art/ video submissions to GeographyLater@gmail.com (Remember, for videos, you have to State your name, location and sing the intro song!)
Stay cool Stay tuned and remember, this is Earth, your home. Learn about it.
СОС: Џамијата во Охрид се издига без согласност на УНЕСКО
Kurban Bajram--Cow Sacrifice in Dobroshtë
This is a video of a cow being sacrificed in my little Pre-Service Training town of Dobroshtë, Macedonia. This is traditional for my predominantly Albanian-Muslim town. It's not too graphic and you don't see much blood.
Azan Hatuncuk Masjid -Skopje
Bosnian Masjid in Macedonia - Friday Prayer