Haydn-Haus in Eisenstadt/Burgenland, Österreich
Joseph Haydn: Streichquartett Nr. 77 C-Dur op. 76 Nr. 3 Hob.III-77 Kaiserquartett
2. Satz Poco Adagio, Cantabile
Carmina Quartett
Matthias Enderle, Violine
Susanne Frank, Violine
Wendy Champney, Viola
Stephan Goerner, Violoncello
Das Haydn-Haus im Internet:
Eisenstadt-Haydn Museum 奧地利 鐵城-海頓博物館
Haydn Haus Eisenstadt - Auf den Spuren Joseph Haydns
Haydn Explosiv, Eisenstadt, Austria
26 juin 2010, avec Asumi et Mai-Mai..
Trailer Haydnhaus
Wo Die Schöpfung und Die Jahreszeiten entstanden
Die wichtigsten Alterswerke entstanden in dieser letzten Wohnstätte, darunter die Oratorien Die Schöpfung (1796–1798) und Die Jahreszeiten (1799–1801). Haydn erlebte hier eine der schöpferisch fruchtbarsten Phasen seines Lebens: Die Phantasie spielt mich, als wäre ich ein Klavier. Zugleich waren Haydns letzte Lebensjahre geprägt vom Verlust seiner Lebenskraft.
Auf seiner letzten Visitkarte beklagt der Komponist mit einer eigenen Melodie: Hin ist alle meine Kraft, alt und schwach bin ich. Zu sehen sind u. a. einige jener Notenabschriften, die schon Haydn gerahmt in seinem Schlafzimmer hängen hatte. In jenem Raum, der eigens für Ehrensachen bestimmt war, werden die Medaillen, Urkunden und Geschenke präsentiert, die Haydn von den Reichen und Mächtigen seiner Zeit erhalten hatte und die er seinen Gästen voll Stolz zeigte.
Neben Haydns Fortepiano ist auch sein Klavichord, das Johannes Brahms später erworben hatte, eines der zentralen Objekte der Ausstellung, die durch zahlreiche neue Exponate erweitert wurde.
Der Garten des Schöpfers
Ein Schmuckstück des Haydnhauses ist der kleine Garten, der in Kooperation mit den Wiener Stadtgärten neu gestaltet wurde – eine Annäherung an den bürgerlichen Garten um 1800. Der franziszeische Katasterplan (um 1820), der nach Kaiser Franz I. benannte erste vollständige Liegenschaftskataster, zeigt einen symmetrischen Garten, Berichte von Gästen belegen, dass Haydn in seinem Garten Obstbäume besaß.
Ein Haus des Gedenkens
Schon bald nach Haydns Tod wurde das Gebäude zu einem Ort der Erinnerung. Der Orchester-Club Haydn mietete einen Teil des Hauses und legte den Grundstein zu einem Haydn-Museum, das 1899 eröffnet wurde.
Seit 1904 befindet sich die Erinnerungsstätte im Besitz der Stadt und ist somit die älteste Musikerwohnung des Wien Museums. Johannes Brahms, ein glühender Bewunderer Haydns, war sorgsam um das Andenken seines großen Vorbilds bemüht. Ihm ist ein eigener Gedenkraum im Haydnhaus gewidmet.
Die neu konzipierte Haydn-Präsentation eröffnet neue Aspekte des bedeutenden Komponisten und seiner Zeit. Anliegen der Kuratoren Werner Hanak-Lettner und Alexandra Hönigmann-Tempelmayr war es, die Lebensphase zu dokumentieren, die Haydn in diesem Haus verbracht hatte, und ihn somit im Spiegel seiner Epoche und seiner Zeitgenossen neu zu präsentieren.
Weitere Informationen:
Where “The Creation” and “The Seasons” were created
The most important works of the composer’s old age were created in this last residence, including the two oratorios “The Creation” (1796–1798) and “The Seasons” (1799–1801). Here Haydn experienced one of the most creatively fruitful periods of his life: “My imagination plays on me as if I were a piano.” At the same time Haydn’s last years were marked by a loss of vitality.
On his last visiting card the composer had one of his melodies printed, with this lament: “All my strength is gone, weak am I”. Artefacts on show include some copies of compositions that Haydn had framed and hung up in his bedroom. That room was set aside for the display of “objects of honour”, i.e. medals, certificates and presents which Haydn had received from the rich and powerful of his day, and which he showed to his guests with great pride. Besides Haydn’s fortepiano, there is also his clavichord, later acquired by Johannes Brahms. This is one of the central pieces of the exhibition, which was extended through numerous new exhibits.
The Artist’s Garden
One jewel of the Haydnhaus is the small garden, which was redesigned in cooperation with Vienna City Gardens Department. It represents a recreation of the bourgeois garden around 1800. The so-called “Franziszeischer Kataster” (c. 1820), the first complete land register map (its name deriving from Emperor Franz I), shows a symmetrical garden. Guests report that Haydn owned fruit trees in his garden.
A House of Commemoration
This building became a place of commemoration soon after Haydn’s death. The “Haydn” Orchestra Club rented part of the house, and also laid the founding stone for a Haydn Museum, subsequently opened in 1899.
Since 1904 the commemorative location has been owned by the City of Vienna, making it the oldest musician’s apartment of the Wien Museum. Johannes Brahms, an ardent admirer of Haydn, took great pains to keep the memory of his great idol alive. A special room is dedicated to Brahms in the Haydnhaus.
The newly conceived Haydn presentation opens up new facets of the important composer and the period he lived in. The main concern of curators Werner Hanak-Lettner and Alexandra Hönigmann-Tempelmayr was to document the stage of his life spent in this house. In this way, the composer is presented in a new light, one that reflects both his epoch and his contemporaries.
More Infos:
Eisenstadt, Austria
Eisenstadt, Austria - Motion, Pict. 2011
Eisenstadt is the state capital of Burgenland, Austria. The composer Joseph Haydn lived there. Franz Joseph Haydn, 31 March 1732 -- 31 May 1809.
Haydn-Mausoleum, Schloss Esterhazy, Haydnmuseum, Bergkirche - Haydnmausoleum, Haydn House.
Haydn Festspiele Eisenstadt
Prof. Dr.Walter Reicher spricht über die Haydn Festspiele 2011
Museum Without Walls™: AUDIO - Haydn by Idusch & Son/ Schubert by Baerer/ Verdi by Bashanellifusi
Joseph Haydn (1906)
Artist Idusch & Son
Franz Schubert (1891)
Artist Henry Baerer
Giuseppe Verdi (1907)
Artist G. B. Bashanellifusi
Voices heard in the program:
David Kim is Concertmaster and solo violinist with the Philadelphia Orchestra. He is a renowned teacher who presents master classes world-wide. Kim also works with youth to cultivate future audiences for classical music. Hardy von Auenmueller is Chairman of the Board of The German Society of Pennsylvania, founded in 1764 to assist German immigrants. Today the organization furthers the understanding of German and German-American contributions to American history and culture. Richard N. Juliani is a historian who has studied immigration and ethnic life, with a focus on the Italian American experience. He is the author of The Social Organization of Immigration: The Italians in Philadelphia.
Segment Producer: Jonathan Mitchell
The Association for Public Art (formerly the Fairmount Park Art Association) presents Museum Without Walls™: AUDIO, an interpretive audio program for Philadelphia's outdoor sculptures. Museum Without Walls™: AUDIO is presented in partnership with Philadelphia Parks & Recreation, and has been supported by The Pew Center for Arts & Heritage, the William Penn Foundation, and the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Werden Sie Teil des Weltmuseums Wien
Das Weltmuseum Wien besitzt international einzigartige Kulturschätze aus allen fünf Kontinenten. Nach einer umfassenden Renovierung werden die einzigartigen Sammlungen ab Ende 2017 in vierzehn repräsentativen Sälen wieder erlebbar sein. Wir benötigen Ihre Hilfe: ein großer Teil der Umbaukosten wird von der Republik Österreich getragen. Um das Weltmuseum Wien wie geplant 2017 eröffnen zu können, benötigen wir jedoch zusätzliche finanzielle Hilfe für
- Restaurierung und Erhaltungsmaßnahmen an den wertvollen Objekten
- Forschungsarbeiten im Zusammenhang mit der Neuaufstellung
- das vielfältige Veranstaltungswesen sowie
- das extensive Vermittlungsprogramm für Kinder und Jugendliche.
Werden Sie Teil des neuen Weltmuseums Wien und übernehmen Sie eine Kulturpatenschaft.
Nähere Informationen unter
Ein Film von Martin Lintner und Sophie Wagner
Haydn Explosive (English)
Haydn Explosive, an innovative exhibition at Esterhazy Palace, Austria, gives insights in the life of the composer Joseph Haydn. Several multimedia installations, developed by Interactive Media Services, build a central part of the exhibition. The project was awarded a jury distinction at the Austrian State Price for Multimedia & eBusiness. Together with Curator Prof. Dr. Herbert Lachmayer, the concept Staging Knowledge as a new form of knowledge transfer was realised, using media installations as a major medium for content enrichment.
Römermuseum Wien
Ausschnitte Animationsfilme
Credits: Michael Klein | 7reasons | WIENMUSEUM
Das GrazMuseum in der Grazer Sackstraße hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht nicht nur Altes zu archivieren, sondern Kommunikation mit und für Grazer zu bieten.
Filmproduktion: gonzomedia.at
Auf den Spuren Joseph Haydns - seine Wirkungsstätte war der Hof der Fürsten Esterhazy in Eisenstadt. In der dortigen Bergkirche ist er beigesetzt.
Feuerwehrmuseum Eisenstadt
Kleiner Rundgang durch das Feuerwehrmuseum des Landes Burgenland. Interview mit OBI Mag. Karl Gruber
Angebot im Haydn Geburtshaus Rohrau
**Musikvermittlung für Volksschulen im Museum**
* Lehrmaterial für den interaktiven Unterricht & für den selbstständigen Besuch im Museum mit Dr. Prof. Musikus
* Musik-Workshop im Museum mit Flöte, Cello und Klavier
* Lehrmaterial für die Vor- und Nachbereitung des Workshops
Weltraum Ausstellung Museum Brüder-Grimm-Haus Steinau 2016
Eröffnung der Weltraum Ausstellung im Museum Brüder-Grimm-Haus Steinau an der Straße
Globenmuseum: Das Bild der Erde im Wandel der Zeit
Wie hat sich die Menschheit früher die Welt vorgestellt? Wie sahen die Landkarten aus, bevor Amerika besiedelt wurde? Wie hat man damals unseren Planeten gezeichnet? Eine Antwort darauf findet sich im Globenmuseum. Mitglieder von Club wien.at waren bei einer spannenden Führung dabei.
Trailer Schubert Geburtshaus
In seinem Geburtshaus in der Nußdorfer Straße hatte Franz Schubert die ersten viereinhalb Lebensjahre verbracht. In der Wohnung, in der er starb, hielt er sich lediglich zweieinhalb Monate auf. Zwischen diesen beiden Orten liegt das kurze, jedoch durch die Fülle und Neuartigkeit seines Werkes vollendete Leben eines Mannes, der neben und nach Beethoven einer der ersten Komponisten war, der ausschließlich von seinen Werken leben konnte. Ich bin für nichts als das Komponieren auf die Welt gekommen, soll Franz Schubert einmal einem Freund gegenüber geäußert haben. Die Dokumentation seines Lebens in den beiden seinem Andenken gewidmeten Musikerwohnungen möchte diesen Anspruch illustrieren.
Im Haus in der Nußdorfer Straße 54, wo Franz Schubert in der Küche der kleinen Wohnung am 31. Jänner 1797 geboren wurde, verbrachte er die ersten viereinhalb Jahre seines Lebens. Hier wird der größte Teil seiner Biographie veranschaulicht und dokumentiert: Schuberts Ausbildung, seine musikalische Entwicklung, seine Familie und Freunde.
Weitere Informationen:
There are so many places where the Wien Museum offers you the chance to explore the history of the city not only at the museum but also directly on the spot. This is the house where the great composer Franz Schubert was born on 31 January 1797.
It was then called Zum roten Krebsen (The Red Crab) and was situated in the Viennese suburb of Himmelpfortgrund. Here Schubert spent the first four and a half years of his childhood. The apartment of the large family consisted solely of one room and a Rauchkuchl (kitchen with open fire).
Today a large part of the top floor is dedicated to the memory of the composer. It presents an impressive documentation of his musical development, his circle of friends, and the important stages of his life. One of the rooms shows numerous portraits of the composer. But the item that frequently fascinates the public most is a seemingly unspectacular pair of spectacles belonging to the composer, which became the trademark of Schubert veneration.
More Infos:
Vienna, day 1: Rohrau, Austria and Eisenstadt Alina-beth's photos around Eisenstadt, Austria
Preview of Alina-beth's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here:
This blog preview was made by TravelPod using the TripAdvisor™ TripWow slideshow creator.
Entry from: Eisenstadt, Austria
Entry Title: Vienna, day 1: Rohrau, Austria and Eisenstadt
Really quickly I'm going to try and update this. We arrived safely last night in Vienna. We flew, and were the only study tour to do so, so we're kind of lucky. We have 2 classes which travel, and so this is the first of my traveling class tours. The class is called Great Ideas in Western Music. It's a really interesting class. It's nice to stay in a hotel too! Our hotel is really really nice, and we found out this morning that breakfast is wonderful!! They had a huge spread, rivaling Maga's breakfasts :-) Last night we went to a restaurant with the whole group and tried typical Austrian cuisine of potato soup, goulash, apple pastry, and wine. It was yummy, but we had to walk down all these weird ally-ways to get there with dumpsters in the middle and stuff. It was really bizzare. But dinner turned out great. We left for Rohrau (or Rust) this morning, which is closer to the Hungarian border. Here we went to the birth house of Franz Joseph Haydn and his lesser known but also very talented brother Michael Haydn were born. This wasn't that exciting, but it was okay. You can see the picture of the harpsicord that they played on, which is kind of neat. Haydn only lived there until he was 6 however, and the house technically burned partially down, so it's more of a replica house. So, I thought this wasn't that great. After this we went to Rust, which is a tiny village on the marvelous lake of Neusiedlersee. If you look across the lake you can see the Hungarian border, which is kind of cool. We ate at a great little restaurant and had pizza and wine. Yummm. The wine here is cheaper than the water (even tap water costs money in Europe), so we are finding ourselves drinking a lot of wine in Austria. It's good wine though, and I'm certainly not complaining. After this, we went to the Esterhazy Castle in Eisenstadt. This is the place where Hoseph Haydn worked for around 30 years. The castle is in the Baroque style, so it really has more of a palace feel than a castle. We mainly saw the concert hall and the chapel here. It was really neat to be in the concert hall while they played Haydn's music... I could just imagine all the wealthy people in their powdered wigs and busty dresses filling the hall, which this short and extremely ugly man Haydn filled the hall with this music. Incredible. After this, we looked at his grave, which is in the church that you can see pictures of. We then went to a concert in Vienna's Musikverein, which is one of the leading concert halls in the world. I hear it has what is considered to be the best acoustics in the world. We saw Antonin Dvorak's Requiem op. 89. We had standing room seats for the concert, because the normal seats are legitimately starting at 100 Euro a seat. Our standing seats only cost 6 Euro. This was an iiiinteresting experience. We definitely did get to see some of the most famous soloists in the world perform (including a midget with no arms... seriously!) as well as incredible music performed by some of the best musicians in the world. The choir was incredible. I'm glad I got to experience this, especially in such a world famous hall. That being said, this experience was miserable. There is a very reason standing seats are so inexpensive. We stood for a good 3 hours, no intermission or anything, pressed between bodies. It's impolite to move, so we could only move during the 10 second breaks between the music's movements. My feet were KILLING ME, my back/neck was so sore and I couldn't move to loosen up, it was dreadfully hot, the lady in front of me smelled like BO, there was no ventilation, and people were definitely invading my personal space the whole time. All I can say is that you would have to be a really really intense music lover to enjoy it very much. If you were there, you would definitely understand. After this concert, we all went and found dinner. We were all incredibly tired, and I went to ...
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Photos from this trip:
1. In Rust
2. Candid on the street
3. Cute little door in Rust
4. Concert hall Hydan performed in at castle
5. Castle chapel. Hydan debuted much music here
6. Church where Hydan is buried
7. Hydan's harpsichord from his birth home
8. Near the lake
9. Musikverein Concert hall
10. Ceiling inside concert hall
11. The lobby in our hotel!
12. Riding the Vienna Metro
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