Danish Designer Jens Quistgaard at HEART, Museum of Modern Art in Herning
A walk through the exhibition for you who admire and like the design by Jens Quistgaard
HEART - Herning Museum of Contemporary Art - Café
Nyd jeres forplejning i HEART café.
Video Game Exhibit at the Heart Museum in Herning, Denmark
#videogames, #vintagevideogames, #nintendo, #playstation, #pacman
This shows all the video games, systems and extras that you could experience at the Heart Museum's video game exhibit called Next Level.
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Best Attractions and Places to See in Herning, Denmark
HerningTravel Guide. MUST WATCH. Top things you have to do in Herning. We have sorted Tourist Attractions in Herningfor You. Discover Herningas per the Traveler Resources given by our Travel Specialists. You will not miss any fun thing to do in Herning.
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List of Best Things to do in Herning, Denmark
Herning bibliotek
Soby Brunkulslejer
Carl-Henning Pedersen & Else Alfelts Museum
Naturlegepladsen I Momhoje
DGI Huset Herning
Heart Herning Museum of Contemporary Art
Houstrup Strand
Se kurator Sara Staunsager fortælle om en af Jens Quistgaards største successer - den ikoniske dåseåbner 'Hajfinnen'.
IMG 2005
Rune Fjord i Skrigerummet på HEART. En del afMit Frirum, som kunstneren har lavet i samarbejde med psykiatrisk afdeling i Holstebro.
Kunstens Hus i Herning -- HEART
Kunstens Hus i Herning -- HEART -- åbnede i september 2009 som en fælles ramme om både Herning Kunstmuseum, de unge klassiske musikere i Ensemble Midtvest og Socle du Monde af den italienske koncept-kunstner Piero Manzoni.
Realdania har støttet byggeriet med 55 mio.kr. for derved at styrke muligheden for at skabe en stærk alliance mellem billedkunsten, musikken, borgerne på egnen, landsdelens erhvervsliv og de mange gæster, der besøger huset.
Kulturminister Marianne Jelved (R) besøger Heart, Herning
I forbindelse med en kultur rundvisning af den lokale afdeling af Radikal Venstre, besøgte Kulturminister Marianne Jelved (R) Heart, Herning.
Fernisering på udstillingen ”letmein” på Heart i Herning september 2018
En fælles udstilling med kunstnerne Ry Davis Bradley (AUS) og Jon Rafman (CAN)
Filmen tager dig med ind i et rum, hvor 2000 kvadratmeter specialvævet tæppe beklæder både gulve og vægge. Man befinder sig i et univers, hvor tilskueren bliver bombarderet med stærke billeder og farver, der strømmer ud fra de vævede tæpper. Genkendelige brudstykker af dystopiske bybilleder og naturbilleder i konstant forandring samt en fremtidsvision med robotter strømmer ud fra to skærme. På vandringen i det næste halvmørke rum møder vi mystiske billeder på væggen, der kan være helt abstrakte eller vise tableauer, hvor man aner noget genkendeligt.
Danish Contemporary Art
Experiments, disintegration and eeriness – at this auction, we focus on Danish contemporary art with names such as Benny Dröscher, Christoffer Munch Andersen, Sofie Bird Møller and Peter Callesen.
Herning Art Museum (Modified)
This video is done as part of an assignment for the module Computer Applications 2 in Taylor's University. This video is solely for educational purposes.
Herning - Tekstil, kunst og brunkul
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Rejsebloggen Opdagelse.dk har besøgt Herning, og vi har her filmet vores besøg. Vi håber at i kan lide den :-)
Stor Quistgaard-auktion
Lige nu udbyder vi det største udvalg nogensinde af Jens Harald Quistgaards tidløse design fra 1950-60'erne. Her fortæller vores møbelekspert Peter Tholstrup om nogle af auktionens højdepunkter. Se hele Quistgaard-auktionen her:
7 Artists Interview: On Piero Manzoni
Italian artist Piero Manzoni (b. 1933 – d.1963) has made a big impact on contemporary artists such as Marina Abramović, Jonathan Monk and Gavin Turk. They here share their appreciation for the trailblazing re-inventor of modern art, who made work both “profound and simple.”
With works such as ‘Artist’s Breath’, where he inflated a balloon with his breath, Manzoni was an important part of how performance artist Marina Abramović (b. 1946) became aware of her artistic freedom: “I have a freedom as an artist to make art out of dust if I want.” In continuation of this, Belgian artist Wim Delvoye (b. 1965) considers Manzoni’s controversial work a legitimation rather than an inspiration, just as British artist Gavin Turk (b. 1967) feels that the Italian artist by his extreme and extraordinary work – such as canned faeces – managed to concentrate “what he sees as being his solution to the problem of art.” South Korean conceptual artist Kimsooja (b. 1957) follows up on this, arguing that Manzoni’s completely different perspective and approach brings us “to the centre to replace and reposition ourselves in the world.” In much the same way, American photographer Spencer Tunick (b.1967) speaks of how the sculpture ‘Socle du Monde’ (Base of the World) reflects and reminds us of how we live in a topsy-turvy world where things are neither constant nor perfect. Italian designer Nanda Vigo (b. 1936) also expresses her fascination of ‘Socle du Monde’ by which Manzoni “completely broke what everybody believed art was,” and British conceptual artist Jonathan Monk (b. 1969) adds that the Italian artist was significant because he managed to shift the focus from the work of art to the production of it – the performance.
Piero Manzoni (b. 1933 – d. 1963) was an Italian artist best known for his ironic approach to avant-garde art. Manzoni created controversial works of art in which he captured his breath and canned his own faeces, and his work is widely seen as a critique of the mass production and consumerism that was changing Italian society after World War II. Among his works are ‘Artist’s Breath’ (1960), ‘Socle du Monde’ (Base of the World) (1961) and ‘Artist’s Shit’ (1961) – a series of ninety 30-gram cans containing his excrements, meant to be sold at the price of its weight in gold. His work is represented in museums worldwide, including the Museum of Modern Art in New York, Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam, Tate Modern in London and HEART – Herning Museum of Modern Art in Herning, Denmark.
All interviews by Rasmus Quistgaard, Christian Lund and Kasper Bech Dyg. Recorded at Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, LARMgalleri, Galleri Nicolai Wallner and HEART – Herning Museum of Modern Art in Denmark.
Cover photo: ‘Socle du Monde’ (1961) by Piero Manzoni, photo by Ole Bagger.
Produced and edited by: Kasper Bech Dyg
Copyright: Louisiana Channel, Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, 2018
Supported by Nordea-fonden
happy heart herning 2013
Maria Finders | Socle du Monde Biennale 2017
Curator Maria Finders on the concept behind the Socle du Monde Biennale, its curators, the HEART - Herning Museum of Contemporary Art, the “strange utopian site of Herning,” and her work.
Track: Stories About the World That Once Was by Chris Zabriskie (bit.ly/2sLklwe)
7th Socle du Monde Biennale 2017 | 22 April – 27 August 2017 | Herning, Denmark | Heart Museum | Carl-Henning Pedersen and Else Alfelts Museum | Herning Højskole
In cooperation with Zero Foundation and Aarhus 2017.
26-årig møbeldesigner åbner showroom i Aalborg
26-årige Esben Pilgaard Jørgensen startede i sin fars værksted i Løkken. Nu har han åbnet showroom med sine egne designmøbler i Aalborg. Firmaet hedder EPJ Design.
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Dansk Design Center
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