In this episode of Travel Man Dan I have accomplished a bucket list destination! Copenhagen, Denmark!!!
This video is the first video of my Denmark adventures and I had such an amazing time in this wonderful city in this beautiful country.
This episode was so much fun to film! Because Copenhagen had always been in my top 5 destinations and I finally was able to see it. In this episode you will see me arrive smack dab in the middle of the city and walk around the bustle of Copenhagen. My first videos of when I land in a city are always of my initial walk around and what my first impressions of the city, or location are.
In this episode you'll see the epic central station that is critical for traveling around the city via subway. You'll see me pass one of the oldest amusement parks in the world, and which inspired Walt Disney to build his parks. You'll see me walk around the City Hall building and inspect the buildings interior decor along with some unusual art demonstration. Then I hit the walking street where I land in the center surrounded by tourists and cafes!! All along this walk you see and hear some interesting stuff about Copenhagen and then finished off with a church built in the 13 th century.
I would say that I was thoroughly impressed at how fantastic Copenhagen was and is! But this video really made me reflect back on how much I loved it here and I hope you are inspired to travel to Copenhagen or hit up one of the spots on your top 5 list of destinations.
So I hope you enjoy this video of The Denmark Adventures! Go ahead and drop me a comment and let me know what you think!
Below is a few links that you can read up on to gain more knowledge of the places you see in the video and overall of Copenhagen:
Denmark Tourism:
Tivoli Gardens:
Copenhagen City Hall:
Stroget Walking Street:
Church Of the Holy Ghost:
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Thank you so much for watching and I really appreciate the support!!
Enjoy this episode and all the great episodes every Wednesday that Travel Man Dan shows during his destinations around the world!
Its a BIG WORLD out there, make sure you see every bit of it!
Syngende farvel-hyldest til Master Fatman: Love is in the air
Der blev grinet, grædt, sunget og lagt blomster på Dronning Louises Bro i København som en farvel-hyldest til Master Fatman efter højtideligheden i kirken.
Musik, farver og karnevalsstemning. For udenforstående må det have været svært at få greb om, hvad der foregik, hvis man ikke havde været en del af det festlige og musikspillende følge fra Helligaandskirken gennem Strøget og ned til Dronning Louises Bro.
For som en sidste hyldest – et sidste farvel – til multikunstneren, DJ’en, radioværten og far til fem børn, stoppede hele følget og den blomsterdekorerede rickshaw med Master Fatmans regnbuefarvede kiste på ved broen blot et stenkast fra Master Fatmans residens på Sortedams Dosseringen.
Master Fatman glæder sig til tvillinger
Herefter blev der lagt blomster og kranse, danset, grinet og skrålet højlydt med på John Paul Youngs ”Love is in the air” inden følget bevægede sig mod Langelinje Pavillionen for at drikke gravøl.
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Roskilde Passionen
Roskilde Passionen i Helligaandshuset på Strøget
optagelser fra langfredag 2011
Nytårsgudstjeneste i Strandkirken 1994
Nytårsgudstjeneste ved midnatstide 1. januar 1994 i Karlslunde Strandkirke
Helligåndskirken Juleaften 2012
Toke Lars Bjarke rapper for 3. år i træk Dejlig er Jorden i Helligåndskirken på Strøget.
Blomstre som en rosengård
Provided to YouTube by The Orchard Enterprises
Blomstre som en rosengård · Sankt Annæ Pigekor · Johan Peter Emilius Hartmann
Årets Gang I Helligaandskirken
℗ 2016 Danica Records
Released on: 2003-01-01
Auto-generated by YouTube.
Stormsvalen Highlights-JazzNord Ensemble og Elverhøjkoret Highlights fra Stormsvalen opført af JazzNord Ensemble og Elverhøjkoret i maj 2011. Stormsvalen er en sangcyklus, hvor klassisk møder jazz og udfodringer skaber forandring.
Fortællingen udspiller sig på en ø i et trekantsdrama mellem sømanden, bonden og dennes udkårne. I Stormsvalen' stilles de medvirkende og publikum over for evigt gyldige spørgsmål om tid og eksistens, det fremmede kontra det kendte, kærlighed, evighed og sandhed. Og her udfordres lidenskaben kontra fornuften og rastløsheden kontra trygheden på en musikalsk rejse i nogle af livets store udfordringer.
Komponeret af Peter Brem og Lars Åke Snus Svensson for kor, jazz combo og strygekvartet. Elverhøjkoret dirigeres af Julie Smed Jensen.
Fotos: Per Thorvaldsen
babysalmesang med mor-barn i Vildbjerg Kirke. Sognemedhjælper Lene Hansen fortæller herom.
Renovering af Helsingør Domkirke
En reportage af den store renovering af Helsingør Domkirke i starten af år 2000. Videofærdiggjort 2002.
Esther går til babysalmesang: Hør, nu synger mor!
– og hun gør sjove fagter med hænderne. Langt de fleste babyer i Danmark har mulighed for at gå til babysalmesang med deres forældre i den lokale sognekirke. Vi var med Esther til babysalmesang...
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Babysalmesang i Tyskland
Indslag om babysalmesang i Tyskland
Demonstration mod brugerbetaling 15. sep. 2010
Samtlige elever på Sankt Annæ Gymnasium går mod Rådhuspladsen i protest mod Københavns Kommunes planlagte indførsel af brugerbetaling i Sankt Annæs folkeskole
Mindeaften i Bedsted kirke, 70 år for befrielsen. 2.verdenskrig
Hør vores skønne kirkekor, som sang med denne aften
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Co.Scand Press TV
Aug.& Elin Chatzidoulis
Danmark 2014-2017
Herredsvang Behaviour 3
Behaviour Mapping in the District of Herredsvang - Hasle, Århus, Danmark
The Square around Herredsvang Kulturhus
Assessing the Landscape in the City Quarters - The Everyday Movement
video taken on 10th of December 2011 at 15:00 - 15:30 as part of the assignment for Assessing Everyday Landscapes online seminar - which links to this website:
Observation Point: Helligåndskirken (The Church of the Holy Spirit)
Date: 10.12.2011
Time: 15:00 - 15:30 CET
Temperature: +4.0 °C
Humidity: 70%
Wind Speed: 6.7 m/s
Conditions: Scattered Clouds
Apologies for the windy recording, yet it suits the landscape observation better than artificial add-on-s of sounds.
This video is based on Implied Consent (for recording the people's behaviour). No violation of people's privacy intended. Silence implies consent.
***Behaviour mapping, also known as activity mapping, allows you to study people's activities in a specific area for a predetermined amount of time. Document stationary activities such as sunbathing, sitting, talking, and reading, as well as activities involving motion: walking, jogging, biking, etc.*** /
***Any Space is being transformed into a Place by the People Usage. (brought into attention by Prof. Mohammed Masoud, 2011)
People's behavioural patterns are shaped and influenced by the context of the physical environment surrounding them, as well as their cultural background. (Altman and Chemers, 1984)***
Method: simple observation of the people around the area, taking notes and recording short movies on camera; not yet interviewing people, due to severe cold outside (only transiting purpose)
Finding out information on:
How do people behave in this area ?
How do they use the space ?
What is important for them ?
Which behaviour patterns are characteristic ?
Are there any surprising behaviour patterns ?
Do space and behaviour correspond ?
How does people's behaviour change the place ?
Please comment on the above and also with regard to the following, as long as you reside in or are accustomed with the area:
Which measures would be necessary for enhancing the awareness of the area ?
This will further help to develop a communication concept for Herredsvang square and surroundings.
Thank you for contributing.
Islandske kor julekoncert '15
Det islandske kor i Århus holdt julekoncert i Hasle kirke den 7/12-15. Det var deres første koncert og en dejlig oplevelse for publikum.
Morten Lauridsen: Sure on this Shining Night - Akademisk Kor
Morten Lauridsen: Sure on this Shining Night
Akademisk Kor, dirigent Nenia Zenana, pianist Sverre Larsen
Optaget på prøven den 25. oktober 2014
før koncerten i Helligaandskirken den 2. november 2014