Gorinchem onderneemt aflevering 3 Hendrick Hamel museum
Documentaire over het Hendrick Hamel Museum te Gorinchem,
gemaakt in januari 2020.
Hendrick Hamel museum in jeju 4k 360 panorama / 제주 하멜 박물관
Hendrick Hamel (1630 – 1692)[1] was the first Westerner to provide a first hand account of Joseon Korea. After spending thirteen years there, he wrote Hamel's Journal and a Description of the Kingdom of Korea, 1653-1666, which was subsequently published in 1668
Hendrick Hamel was born in Gorinchem, Netherlands.
In 1650, he sailed to the Dutch East Indies where he found work as a bookkeeper with the Dutch East India Company (VOC).
In 1653, while sailing to Japan on the ship “De Sperwer” (The Sparrowhawk), Hamel and thirty-five other crewmates survived a deadly shipwreck on Jeju Island in South Korea.
17 After spending close to a year on Jeju in the custody of the local prefect, the men were taken to Seoul, the capital of Joseon Korea, in June, 1655, where King Hyojong was on the throne. As was customary treatment of foreigners at the time, the government forbade Hamel and his crew from leaving the country.
During their stay, however, they were given freedom to live relatively normal lives in Korean society
In September 1666, after thirteen years in Korea, Hamel and seven of his crewmates managed to escape to Japan where the Dutch operated a small trade mission on an artificial island in the
Nagasaki harbor called Dejima.It was during his time in Nagasaki (September 1666 to October 1667) that Hamel wrote his account of his time in Korea.
From here, Hamel and his crew left to Batavia (modern day Jakarta) in the Dutch East Indies in late 1667.
Although Hamel sojourned in Batavia until 1670, experts speculate that his crew, returning to the Netherlands in 1667, brought his manuscript with them, where three versions of it were published in 1668.
Hamel himself did not return to the Netherlands until 1670
BGM : 에픽가드너 Epic Gardener / Promise of First Snow
[Talk Talk Korea 2019] #talktalkkorea2019 #speakingkorean 헨드릭 하멜 하우스 The Hendrick Hamel Museum
The Hendrick Hamel House Museum in Gorinchem The Netherlands.
안녕하세요 ㅈ는 아리싸 입니다!
For the TalkTalkKorea2019 contest I will talk about the house where Hendrick Hamel was born, this is in my hometown Gorinchem. I want to take the viewer with mee and see thing throu my own eyes. I hope that you enjoyed this little sighseeing tour!!
Special Thanks to Georgios Fergadis of the Hendrick Hamel House Museum and my sister Anna-Mara for helping me with the translations!
You wanna know more about the Hendrick Hamel House Museum, come visit Gorinchem!
Leerlingen Basisscholen bezoeken Hendrick Hamel
Tijdens de Botenbeurs lag de driemaster De Shtandart aan de steiger Buiten de Waterpoort. Op de vrijdag kregen schoolkinderen van diverse basisscholen de kans om het schip te bekijken. Ze werden rondgeleid door Hendrick Hamel (Ferdinand Biesheuvel)zelf, die aan hen spannende verhalen vertelde.
Understanding Joseon (chosen/Korea) from a book by Hendrick Hamel, part 1. Joseon
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (
Verkoop dreigt voor Hamelhuis in Gorinchem
Het Hamelhuis in Gorinchem gaat waarschijnlijk in de verkoop. De stichting die het museum over het geboortehuis van de bekende zeevaarder Hendrick Hamel beheert, zit met een tekort van ongeveer 4,5 ton. Dat komt door het afhaken van grote sponsors uit Korea. Als het geld er voor het einde van het jaar niet is, dan ziet het er somber uit voor het Hamelhuis.
Lees meer: Droom Hamelhuis Gorinchem spat uiteen
Seoul - Hendrik Hamel - Nederlander 'ontdekt' Zuid-Korea
De Nederlander Hendrik Hamel wordt in Zuid-Korea gezien als degene die het land bekend maakte in het westen.
In 1652 leed hij schipbreuk met een VOC-schip, werd gevangengenomen in Korea en bracht er 13 jaar door. Over zijn tijd daar, de gebruiken en het leven in Korea schreef hij in zijn journaal. Dat werd voor Europeanen de kennismaking met Korea.
Voor Radio 1 maakt ik hier een reportage over met Henny Savenije. Hij woont in Seoul en schreef een boek over hamel.
Uitgezonden op donderdag 8 februari 2018 op Radio 1.
Hendrick Hamel 강진 하멜 기념관
Hendrick Hamel (1630 -- 12 February 1692) was the first Westerner to write and experience first-hand in the Joseon Dynasty era in Korea (1666). He later wrote Hamel's Journal and a Description of the Kingdom of Korea, 1653-1666, published after his return to the Netherlands. Hamel and his dutch sailors lived in in Gangjin(강진) for 7 years from 1656 to 1663. Based on this historical event, Gangjin established the Hamel Pavillion in 2007.
Terug in de tijd deel 43: Hendrik Hamel, voorganger van Guus Hiddink
Over hoe een vergeten Nederlander, Hendrik Hamel, een held is in Korea.
Hendrick Hamel Top # 5 Facts
Hendrick Hamel Top # 5 Facts
Verkoop dreigt voor Hamelhuis Gorinchem
Het Hamelhuis in Gorinchem gaat waarschijnlijk in de verkoop. De stichting die het museum over het geboortehuis van de bekende zeevaarder Hendrick Hamel beheert, zit met een tekort van ongeveer 4,5 ton. Dat komt door het afhaken van grote sponsors uit Korea. Als het geld er voor het einde van het jaar niet is, dan ziet het er somber uit voor het Hamelhuis.
Lees meer: Droom Hamelhuis Gorinchem spat uiteen
''IEDER KWARTIER'' op de Merwede Lingelijn
Op de Merwede Lingelijn rijden de treinen tussen Dordrecht en Gorinchem nu ieder kwartier. Daartoe is in Boven Hardinxveld een extra kruising aangelegd. Over niet al te lange tijd zal hier een station worden geopend. Ook rijden er drietal nieuwe treinstellen.
KLM Delfts Blue House 96 (03'43min) (HD)
October 7, 2015
For its 96th birthday, KLM has chosen the Hamel House in Gorinchem as its Delfts Blue House 96.
Produced by: KLM communications Inflight Services
Post Production: 3rd Eye Productions Amsterdam
Starring Ferdinand Biesheuvel as Hendrick Hamel
꼼지락 - 하멜 이야기
조선 체류기간 13년 중 10년을 전라도에서 보낸 헨드릭 하멜의 이야기
Bon Voyage - Ep06C02 Gangjin Celadon Museum
Bon Voyage Ep6 (Gangjin)
Gangjin, a place of pristine nature where the sea harmonizes with mountains and art
- Gangjin celadon is a Korean masterpiece that even aroused the admiration of Arab merchants a thousand years ago.
- See the vestiges of the Dutch man Hendrik Hamel, the first Westerner to acquire Korean citizenship.
- Visit Sauijae where the progressive-minded scholar Jeong Yak-yong lived.
- Discover the beauty of Baeknyeon Temple and enjoy nature there.
- Pluck crops on a farm and cook with fresh ingredients at a farm party.
바다와 산이 어우러지고 자연과 예술혼이 만나 보물을 만들어내는 곳 강진.
- 천년 전 아라비아 상인이 탐냈던 한국 최고의 걸작품 청자
- 서양인 최초로 한국에 귀화한 네덜란드인 하멜, 그의 흔적을 따라가 보자
- 진보적 학자 정약용의 청렴한 정신을 따라 만나보는 사의재.
- 자연을 느끼며 사색하기 좋은 길이 있는 백련사
- 농장에서 직접 수확하고 음식을 만들며 자연을 즐기는 팜파티
Gorinchem onderneemt Aflevering 1: IHVG
Maarten vertelt zijn eigen verhaal als eerste in de serie over Gorcumse ondernemers. Hij is in deze serie op zoek naar het verhaal achter de onderneming. Waarom ben je ooit het bedrijf begonnen, waar sta je vandaag en waar hoop je over 5 jaar te staan met je bedrijf?
November 2019.
Hamelhuis te Gorinchem
Percussie Workshop door het Belgisch, Nederlands, Koreaans Cultureel Centrum. Met Mr. Myunghyun Park en Ms. Bosung Kim.
Officiële opening Hamel College te Gorinchem
De opening van het Hamel College, integraal opleidingsinstituut te Gorinchem. De opening wordt verricht door Hendrick Hamel in de Bloempotsteeg 4.
[K-Coffee Time] EP14 L'incroyable aventure de Hendrik Hamel | #POUCESDOR2018
☁ Bienvenue sur le quatorzième épisode de K-Coffee Time!
K-Coffee Time est un podcast autour de la musique coréenne ayant pour but de faire découvrir des groupes plus ou moins connus. Aujourd'hui je reviens avec ma participation pour le concours des Internettes les #POUCESDOR. Il s'agit d'un épisode culturel sur l'aventure du néerlandais Hendrik Hamel.
J'espère sincèrement que vous aimez cet épisode et n'hésitez pas à vous abonnez et à partager la vidéo pour faire connaitre la chaine et mon travail.
☁ Source :
- Hendrik Hamel - Relation du Naufrage d'un vaisseau hollandais sur la côte de l'ile de Quelpaerts, avec la description du royaume de Corée
- Site internet de Hamel
- Viatica - Le Journal de Hendrik Hamel en Corée (1668) : un savoir accidentel
- 조선왕조실록 - 효종실록 11권, 효종 4년 8월 6일 무진 2번째기사 / 제주 목사 이원진이 난파당한 서양인에 대하여 치계하다
☁ Crédits musique :
- Twizzle - Barefoot Girl Pebble Road
- Umekichi - Shamisen
☁ Mes réseaux sociaux :
Fb : @kcoffeet
Insta : @kcoffeetime
Mail : kcoffeet@gmail.com
☁ Crédit gif : Somewhere on Tumblr & gifhy with lot of Ghibli (La colline au coquelicot, Whisper of the heart, Mon voisin Totoro, ... )
Travellers' Tales, Or How the West Learned about Corea
It is generally known that the Dutchman Hendrick Hamel was the first European to spend a considerable time in Korea then return home and write an account of the country. That account was published and translated into several languages. But what did people know about Korea before his shipwreck in 1653? And how was more discovered after him, both prior to the opening of the country from 1882, or even after that? How did Dutch ships come to be in this part of the world, and who else was interested in Korea?
This evening's lecture begins with the earliest European mentions of Corea, dating from the Middle Ages. Few people are familiar with the extraordinary adventures of the Portuguese adventurer Fernão Mendes Pinto, probably the first European to reach Japan; his visits led to the arrival in the 1540s of Portuguese and Spanish merchants and missionaries in Japan. From there the Jesuits sent reports mentioning the Japanese invasion of Corea in 1592. Then there is the extraordinary tale of how an Englishman-turned-samourai helped the Dutch to gain a foothold in Japan.
Early maps depict Corea as an island, and the arrival in Corea of shipwrecked Dutch sailors in the 17th century did not really contribute much to detailed geographical knowledge. Then the focus shifts from Japan to China, where succeeding generations of Jesuit missionaries contributed what knowledge they could gain of Corea to a Europe that was increasingly fascinated by exotic lands. In the earlier eighteenth century, the very different accounts of Hamel and the Jesuits were compared and combined in a variety of ways in popular encyclopedias, but it was the development of surveying to prepare accurate, large-scale nautical charts that brought a new kind of explorer to the waters (and occasionally the land) of Corea. The decision to force Corea to open its doors to the modern world finally gave explorers access to Corean territory, and more detailed travelers' tales began to appear. The final section of the lecture will mention some of those who pioneered the exploration of the land that had for so long been closed, and published accounts of their journeys in books that mostly used the spelling Korea familiar today..
Brother Anthony came to Korea in 1980, he is emeritus professor at Sogang University, chair-professor at Dankook University, translates Korean poetry, and has been President of RAS Korea since 2011.