Calul Hutul - The Hutsul Horse, Herghelia LUCINA Stud (Bucovina, Romania)
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Also called the Hucul, Huculska, Huzul, Gutsul, Guculs and Guzuls, the Hutsul horse is a traditional, authentic Carpathian (Bucovinian) breed. These animals are named according to a small ethnic group called the Hutsuls, although the horse breed is older than the people. In 1856, at Lucina, in the top of mountains (1200-1500 m altitude) the first stud farm was established in Bucovina (in Romania) by Austrian army and animals were carefully bred to preserve the pure bloodlines. This small waist horse breed was very appreciated because of exceptional abilities to climb on mountain paths, on the edge of the precipice but also because the ability to carry heavy weights, not demanding special conditions of feeding, showing a great degree of strength and exceptional adaptability.
Calul Huțul este o rasă de cai de munte, singura rasă de cai autohtonă din România. Aceste animale sunt numite după grupul etnic al huțulilor, oamenii liberi, mândri și ”sălbatici” ai pădurilor bucovinene. În 1856, la Lucina (în Bucovina), în vârful munților (la 1200-1500 m altitudine), a fost creată de armata austriacă prima herghelie de cai huțuli. Această rasă de cai de talie mică a fost foarte apreciată datorită abilităților excepționale de a urca pe cărări de munte, pe marginea prăpăstiilor, transportând greutăți mari. Caii huțuli nu sunt pretențioși în privința hranei, sunt deosebit de rezistenți, calmi, docili și prezintă o adaptabilitate excepțională.
Depozitul de Armăsari - DUMBRAVA - Stallion Depot (Neamt County, Moldova, Romania)
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The Stallion Depot is located in the area of Dumbrava village (Timisesti commune, Neamt County), 9 km east of the city of Târgu Neamţ. According to the legend, here were the royal stables where stayed, in time of peace, the Catalan, the magic battle horse of the renowned ruler Stephen the Great. The depot was built between 1900 and 1904 as remount farm for the army. Built by Italian craftsmen, the main buildings, namely the manege and 6 stables, remain unchanged until today. The activity of the Depot has two main directions: the improvement of Moldova's horses and sports and tourism-recreation activities. The horse farm of Dumbrava has about 75 stallions brought from the most famous stud farms in the country. Here are stallions belonging to 8 breeds: English Thoroughbred, Pure Arabian, Gidran, Romanian Sport Horse, Lipizzaner, Romanian Half Heavy Horse, Hutsul and Troffer. The Dumbrava Stallion Depot can be visited all the time and offers the opportunity to practice equestrian tourism. Riding lessons address to all categories of people, from children to the elderly and from novice to advanced.
”Depozitul de armăsari” este situat în zona satului Dumbrava (comuna Timișești, jud. Neamț), la 9 km est de orașul Târgu Neamț. Conform legendei, aici au fost grajdurile domnești unde pe timp de pace stătea Catalan, calul năzdrăvan de luptă al vestitului domnitor Ștefan cel Mare. Depozitul de armăsari a fost construit în perioada 1900-1904, având denumirea de Depozitul de Remontă al Armatei. Construite de meșteri italieni, principalele clădiri și anume manejul și cele 6 grajduri se păstrează nemodificate până astăzi. Activitatea Depozitului are două direcții principale: îmbunătățirea efectivelor cabaline din Moldova și activități sportive și de turism-recreere. Efectivul de cabaline de la Dumbrava este de circa 75 de armăsari aduși de la cele mai vestite herghelii din țară. Aici se găsesc armăsari aparținând la 8 rase: Pur Sânge Englez, Pur Sânge Arab, Gidran, Cal de Sport Românesc, Lipițan, Semigreu Românesc, Huțul și Trăpaș. Depozitul Dumbrava poate fi vizitat tot timpul și oferă posibilitatea de practicare a turismului ecvestru. Lecțiile de călărie se adresează tuturor categoriilor de persoane, de la copii la vârstnici și de la novici la avansați.
Herghelia Herneacova. Judetul Timis Romania.
Pet Sense Holiday Edition #01 / Sâmbăta de Jos Stud Farm (Romania)
Merry Christmas, everyone!
Today I am going to present you a lipizzaner stud farm in Romania. Thank you all for watching!
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Targul cu cai de vanzare 2019 Horodnic de sus, Bucovina Partea 3
Targ cu cai de tractiune de vanzare de la Horodnic de sus, Suceava, Bucovina, Romania de pe 1 septembrie 2019
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1.Los caballos - Arad-Romania,
Demonstratie internationala hipica in ARAD-ROMANIA. GRATIE, FRUMUSETE,ARMONIE,FORTA.
NEWS FEATURE Last Romanian hippodrome dying slow death
FILE: 1940
1. Various of people attending horse racing event taking place at the Ploiesti hippodrome
January 26, 2008
2. Various exterior of hippodrome entrance
3. Close-up of lock on the main entrance doors
3. Mid of broken windows at site
4. Mid of damaged building structure
5. Horses painted on the wall
6. Wide shot, through damaged structure, of the old stables
7. Abandoned horse stable
8. Various of workers fixing the roof
9. SOUNDBITE: (Romanian) Basarab, Voxpop:
We try hard to fix the stables so our horses can have a better life. Their condition is terrible.
10. Close-up of horse in stable
11. Basarab cleaning one of the horses
12. Horse in stable chewing on string
13. SOUNDBITE: (Romanian) Ulyses, Voxpop:
At the moment the hippodrome is in a deep coma. We have no activity, no races and no training, and this means that the genetic line of the Romanian horse is going to disappear.
14. Basarab running with one of the horses on track
15. Basarab training the horse
16. Horse jumping an obstacle as SIminica rides the horse
17. Close-up of horse's legs
18. SIminica riding the horse
19. SOUNDBITE: (Romanian) Siminica, Voxpop:
Now the hippodrome is closed we are going to lose our jobs and our children will have no bread to eat.
20. Various of poor condition of race carriages hanging on the stable walls
21. Man arranging horse reins
FILE: 1999
22. Amateur picture showing race during 1999 Romanian derby
23. Wreath being put around the neck of the horse who won the derby
January 26, 2008
24. Various of worker hanging horseshoes on the wall
In the past few years Romania's last hippodrome, located in Ploiesti, 60 kilometres (37 miles) north of the capital Bucharest, has been dying a slow death.
The hippodrome is well positioned near the entrance to the city and the 390 hectare site is valued at more than 100 euros (147 US dollars) per square mile.
Opened in 1922, the hippodrome hosted races even during the Second World War.
During the communist era, the Ploiesti hippodrome was fully functional and thousands of people spent their weekends there.
But the state-owned Department for Forests, Romsilva, has said horse-related activities at the hippodrome were no longer profitable, with each horse costing about 100 euros (147 US dollars) per month to keep.
The hippodrome's closure will mean the loss of jobs for the many workers who do all they can, with limited resources, to look after the horses and the dilapidated site.
Now the hippodrome is closed we are going to lose our jobs and our children will have no bread to eat, one worker known as Siminica said.
The last Romanian Champion at the hippodrome won a prize of just 30 euros (44 US dollars).
In the past five years, the Department for Forests has lost about 7.7 (m) million euros (11.34 million US dollars).
The decision to sell the 500 horses at the hippodrome will raise about 0.7 (m) million euros (1.03 million US dollars) and related genetic material another 80-thousand euros (117,900 US dollars).
But its closure will mark the end of an equestrian era in Romania.
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Armasari pur sange arab din herghelia Mangalia-bucurie si extaz
Supranumit si printul hergheliilor,calul pur sange arab impresioneaza prin gratie,talie,miscari si tinuta.
Este un cal bland,energic si rapid.
Marile herghelii ale domnitorilor moldoveni aveau ca reproducatori armasari pur sange adusi din Orient.
Herghelia de la Mangalia a fost infintata in 1928 cu scopul de a creste si ameliora materialul genetic pentru rasa pur sange arab si a fost populata cu cai de la herghelia din Radauti.Herghelia Mangalia detine astazi circa 300 decai pur sange arab si ofera consultanta de specialitate privind reproducerea de de cabaline in vederea ameliorarii raselor din sectorul privat si tot in acest scop herghelia inchiriaza gratuit primariilor,armasari pentru monta.
Acesti cai superbi pe care ii puteti admira in acest material sunt chiar armasari de monta publica.Primul cal iesit la recrere este Mudar,care are acum zece ani si face parte din linia Gazal.
Dar herghelia de la Mangalia este un excelent centru de agrement si atractie turistica.Aici se organizeaza cursuri de initiere in calarie,cursuri de echitatie pana la nivel de avansati si excursii cu trasuri pe distante mai scurte sau mai lungi,iar la hipodromul care se intinde pe o suprafata de 19 ha,au loc periodic curse de trap,galop si de atelaje si concursuri hipice de obstacole.
Excelent cal de curse,pur sangele arab poate alerga cu o viteza de 40 km/h.
Herghelia de la Mangalia este cea mai mare din SE Europei,iar acesti cai superbi merita toata atentia dumneavoastra.
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Transylvania Horse Show, în direct la TVR1
În weekendul 9-10 mai, TVR1 transmite Transilvania Horse Show, în direct de la Prod. Vă invităm să vedem împreună sărituri peste obstacole, cross country şi prezentări de rase de cai, într-un spectacol ecvestru care constitue o repetiţie pentru concursul de la Floreşti, din octombrie.
Cai de vanzare 2017 cai pentru padure
Armasar semi greu Tel. 0740547965
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Music credit:
Mirage Kevin MacLeod (
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