Narva (granita Rusia - Estonia): Ivangorod Narvskiy - Narva Hermanni linnus (Castelul Hermann)
Narva (granita Rusia - Estonia): Ivangorod Narvskiy - Narva Hermanni linnus (Castelul Hermann).
Hermann Castle & Ivangorod Fortress
Hermann Castle (also Hermannsfeste, Herman Castle, Narva Castle, and Narva fortress. (Estonian: Hermanni linnus) is a castle in Narva, eastern Estonia.
Hermanni linnus
Narva linnuses
Estonian-russian border, Narva river, Hermann castle, Narva fortress
Friendship bridge between Ivangorod, Russia and Narva, Estonia, inside the wall of narva castle watch all of this from one beautiful place
Border Crossing - East meets West at the Narva River in Estonia
The modern border between Estonia, the northernmost of the three Baltic nations, and Russia includes the Narva River in Northeast Estonia. To the west lies Narva in Estonia, and Hermann Castle, with its high tower, built in 1256 in Danish Estonia, is opposite Ivangorod to the East, long and low, built by Ivan III in 1492. The bridge across the swift currents of Narva River, which empties into the Gulf of Finland to north, is the crossing point for pedestrians, cars, and trucks.
Cannon shot in Narva fortress / kahuripauk Narva linnuses
Sepp Mati Semm pani tööle ühe oma kuulsatest kahuritest. Festival Barokksepis 2012.
Narva, Estonia and Ivangorod, Russia
Граница Эстонии и России - Нарва и Ивангород.Снято 14 июля 2019 года со стороны Нарвы.
Краєвид з висоти вежі в Hermanni linnus
10.08.2018, Narva, Eesti
Rakvere Linnus
Narva Pähklimäe Gümnaasium
Учебная поездка в Раквере 25.09.2015
2D+2C klass .
Наш Гид - Евгений Оленин
музыка : F-777 - Dance of The Violins
Монтаж и съёмка видео : Рощин С.
my trip to Narva,Estonia
Narva linnus
Narva promenaadil
juuli 2015
Across the border on foot. Ivangorod & Narva.
The cheapest way to get to Europe and compare a border Russian town with a third biggest Estonian city.
My social media
Narva port ESTONIA
The 30MILES international cooperation project was established to develop small ports on the eastern Gulf of Finland, and six Finnish and six Estonian small ports are participating in it. The objective of the project is to harmonise the level of services, security and convenience of use of the ports. The outcome of the 30MILES project will be a ring of quality small ports every 30 miles apart around the Gulf of Finland.
The project 30MILES is financed by Interreg Central Baltic.
See you at one of the harbours!
The Other Side - Building Bridges in Europe | European Journal
Episode 2: Estonia/Russia: The Narva Bridge - The bridge over the marshy Narva River connects Estonia and Russia. Until Estonias independence,following the breakup of the Soviet Union,the cities of Narva on the Estonian side and Ivangorod on the Russian side were effectively one.Now the bridge marks the boundary of the European Union and a visa is needed to cross it. And so traffic and trade across the border have dwindled to a trickle. Ivangorod is only 100 kilometers from Saint Petersburg,considered one of Russias most dangerous cities,and many Estonians fear that crime could spill across the border. In response to the EU border controls,the Russians have retaliated with a 50-kilometer cordon sanitaire.
Estonia-Russia border, Narva and Ivangorod
ESTRIVER - Estonian River Cruises
Ankur hiivata! Ees ootab seiklus jõel! Laevaga reisimisel on ajatu külgetõmme – võtad klaasi head veini, vaatad, kuidas maailm mööda libiseb ja tunnetad tuult oma juustes… Laevaga sõitmine on võimalus vaadelda ka loodust teise nurga alt ning lõõgastuda. Tähtis ei ole sihtkoht, vaid teel olemine.
Laevaga reisimisel on romantiline hõng viies tagasi aegadesse kui rännumehed uusi maid avastasid. Tuhat aastat tagasi seilasid ka siinsetel jõgedel viikingid oma kaubalastide ja aaretega, hiljem liiklesid siin lodjad, rääkimata kõigist kalamehepaatidest ja lõbusõidulaevadest, mis siinsetele vetele oma eripärase aura on andnud.
Viimastel aastatel on kruiiside maailma tõeliseks edulooks olnud jõelaevakruiisid, iga aasta tuleb juurde tohutul hulgal uusi laevu ja marsruute. Väikelaevasõidud pakuvad ehtsaid kogemusi sihtkohtades, kuhu tihti pääsebki ainult paadiga. Siin Tartus ootab teid jõelaev Signild, et pakkuda unustamatuid elamusi Eesti pikimal jõel Emajõel, Võrtsjärvel ja Peipsil ning Piirissaarel. Vali välja oma lemmikkruiis ja astu pardale!
Estonia - Russia border, Narva river
Narva river, Estonia - Russia border 2001 - Pühtitsa Convent (Kuremäe monastery)
The Narva (Estonian: Narva jõgi, Russian: Нарва) (or Narova) is a river flowing into the Baltic Sea, the largest river in Estonia by discharge. Draining Lake Peipsi, the river forms the border of Estonia and Russia and flows through the towns of Narva/Ivangorod and Narva-Jõesuu into Narva Bay. Though the river is only 77 kilometres (48 mi) long, in terms of volume discharged it is the second largest river flowing into the Gulf of Finland
Estonia - Russia border - Narva river
Estonia - Russia border, Narva river, Estonia 2001
The Narva (Estonian: Narva jõgi, Russian: Нарва) (or Narova) is a river flowing into the Baltic Sea, the largest river in Estonia by discharge. Draining Lake Peipsi, the river forms the border of Estonia and Russia and flows through the towns of Narva/Ivangorod and Narva-Jõesuu into Narva Bay. Though the river is only 77 kilometres (48 mi) long, in terms of volume discharged it is the second largest river flowing into the Gulf of Finland