Journey to Higashiomi Ⅰ From Gokasho to Eigen-ji Temple Higashiomi City, Shiga Prefecture
This film took you to Higashiomi City, Shiga Prefecture where the local history, culture and natural environment are an effective recipe for appeasing any traveler. It included visits to several points of interest like Tarobogu Shrine, Eigen-ji Temple, Odakokaikan the world kite museum and homes once owned by merchants whose ‘win-win’ business policy echoed in the annals of history.
東近江市 五個荘近江商人屋敷 外村宇兵衛邸
東近江市 五個荘近江商人屋敷 中江準五郎邸
東近江市 近江商人博物館
雛匠 東之湖
世界凧博物館 東近江大凧会館
大本山 永源寺
永源寺温泉 八風の湯
関西地域振興財団 Kansai Window TV
Music by Chie Ito,Kaai Hanashita
Walking around Gokasho Kondo - Shiga - 五個荘町 - 4K Ultra HD
The Traditional Townscape of Gokasho, also known as Gokasho Kondo, is a set of former merchant residences located in Higashi-Omi, Shiga Prefecture and is comprised of 3 temples and 3 houses with a garden turned museum. Gokasho Kondo is designated as a national traditional building conservation district and is characterized by its white walls and funaitabei which are fences made with scrap wood.
From the Edo period until the Shōwa period, Gokashō produced many merchants. For example, a founder of Wacoal and were famous for using their business ability while also being religiously pious. They were well known and respected for contributing to public welfare products. Even now, their country houses are kept around Gokashō, particularly Kondō area designated as Important Preservation Districts for Groups of Traditional Buildings. Shigeru Tonomura wrote novels about the life of Gokasho merchants.
This video was made in Cooperation with Shiga Biwako Visitors Bureau. Learn more about Shiga Prefecture at
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Tonomura Shigeru House - 外村繁邸 - #Shiga #4K
Tonomura Shigeru is a famous Japanese writer. The Tonomura Shigeru House, or in Japanese Tonomura Shigerutei, is a beautiful traditional Japanese house with a little garden located in the heart of Gokasho Kondo. The house has been turned into a museum.
Tonomura was born in 1902 into a conservative merchant's family in Shiga Prefecture and raised by devout parents who believed in Pure Land Buddhism. After graduation from the University of Tokyo with a degree in economics, he took over the family business as a wholesale cotton merchant.
This video was made in Cooperation with Shiga Biwako Visitors Bureau. Learn more about Shiga Prefecture at
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旅の星 Tabinohoshi 「近江八幡 豊臣秀次のまちづくり」 Omihachiman, Japan vol.4
☆Narration: 日本語 ★Please select English (CC) for English captions. ★旅之星 近江八幡 丰臣秀次的城市建设 选择简体字字幕 敬请观赏 ★旅之星 近江八幡 豐臣秀次的城市建設 選擇繁體字字幕 敬請觀賞 ★타비노 호시 오우미하찌만 도요토미 히데츠구의 지역사회의 재생운동 한국어 자막으로 보실 수 있습니다.