長崎教会群:紐差教会 Nagasaki group church:Himosashi church
電話 0950-28-0168
Music : Brother Sun Sister Moon Donovan
(cross praise) Himosashi Catholic Church
・Re-propagation of the Himosashi started from father Geral in 1869, arrived at one's post by father Peru after having released in 1873, converted to Catholicism by many of residents in 1874, and migrated from the Sotome of father Do'Ro in the Sotome. Father Matara's distinguished services are also large.
・Church made out of trees were built as for the old Himosashi Church in 1887.
・The catholicism church is diverted to the old Mawatarishima church.
・1929 and at that time, completion was a scale of the unusual ferroconcrete making eminent Orient.
・In the ferroconcrete making church that built Tetsukawa Yosuke, it is the second after the Tetori Church in Kumamoto.
・It was the maximum cathedral in Japan until the Urakami cathedral's collapsing in the atomic bomb and being rebuilt.
Making ferroconcrete
Design and construction: Tetsukawa Yosuke
Discover Hirado: Tour of Christian sites in Hirado
Hirado has a long Christian tradition. With the arrival of Fransisco Xavier in the mid 16th century, many people converted to Christianity. Even during the period of Christian prohibition, people continued their faith underground. When the ban was lifted many people in Hirado became Catholics again and some kept practicing their faith as they did under the ban. They are called Kakure Kirishitan. Many beautiful churches and sights related to this long Christian history can be found in Hirado so come and Discover Hirado!
長崎・平戸のカトリック教会群 Catholic Churches of Nagasaki, Hirado.
宝亀カトリック教会 Hoki Catholic Church
紐差カトリック教会 Himosashi Catholic Church
田平カトリック教会 Tabira Catholic Church
長崎教会群:紐差教会 2 Nagasaki:Himosashi church 2nd
電話 0950-28-0168
(cross praise) Himosashi Catholic Church
・Re-propagation of the Himosashi started from father Geral in 1869, arrived at one's post by father Peru after having released in 1873, converted to Catholicism by many of residents in 1874, and migrated from the Sotome of father Do'Ro in the Sotome. Father Matrat's distinguished services are also large.
・Church made out of trees were built as for the old Himosashi Church in 1887.
・The catholicism church is diverted to the old Mawatarishima church.
・1929 and at that time, completion was a scale of the unusual ferroconcrete making eminent Orient.
・In the ferroconcrete making church that built Tetsukawa Yosuke, it is the second after the Tetori Church in Kumamoto.
・It was the maximum cathedral in Japan until the Urakami cathedral's collapsing in the atomic bomb and being rebuilt.
Making ferroconcrete
Design and construction: Tetsukawa Yosuke
10 Years Together (Kyushu, Japan 九州)
10 Year dating anniversary trip to Kyushu, Japan in June/July 2019.
Kyushu Locations (in order of appearance):
- (Thumbnail) Kumamon Square, Kumamoto City, Kumamoto Prefecture
- Shiraike Jigoku, Beppu, Oita Prefecture
- Kurokawa Onsen, Kumamoto Prefecture
- Takachiho Gorge, Takachiho, Miyazaki Prefecture
- Shin-Tosu Station, Tosu, Saga Prefecture
- Hirado Harbour, Hirado, Nagasaki Prefecture
- Senrigahama Beach, Hirado, Nagasaki Prefecture
- Himosashi Church, Hirado, Nagasaki Prefecture
- Shiodawara Cliffs, Ikitsuki Island, Nagasaki Prefecture
- Obae Lighthouse, Ikitsuki Island, Nagasaki Prefecture
Music: RUQOA - You & Me (Feat. Plemoon)
Gear: DJI Osmo Pocket (with PolarPro filters) and DJI Mavic Air (with PolarPro filters).
長崎教会群:田平教会 Nagasaki group church:Tabira church
世界遺産 暫定登録 World Heritage, provisional entry
1886年 ラゲ神父が自費で原野を買い、黒島から3家族を移住させた。
1886年 ド・ロ神父も自費で山林を買い、出津から4家族を移住させ、翌年に8家族、5年後に3家族を移住させた。
1905年 片岡神父が田平教会建築の準備を始める。
1914年 中田神父が紐差教会のマタラ神父に相談し、マタラ神父の母国フランスから篤志家の寄付を得る。
1915年 敷地造成着工。
1917年 天主堂建築着工。
1918年 完成、コンバス司教に祝別される。
住所:〒859-4824 長崎県平戸市田平町小手田免19
電話: 0950-57-0254
レンガ造 重層屋根瓦葺き教会堂
Music : Jesus Christ Superstar I don't know how to love him
World Heritage, provisional entry
(Japanese 26 saint) Tabira Catholic Church
Father Rage bought the uncultivated field at one's own expense in 1886, and three families were made to migrate from a Kuroshima.
Father Do'Ro also bought the forest at one's own expense in 1886, four families were made to migrate from Shuts, and three families were made to be going to migrate in 8 families and five years next year.
Father Kataoka starts the preparation for the Tabira church construction in 1905.
Father Nakata consults father Matara in the Himosashi church in 1914, and the volunteer's contribution is obtained from father Matara's home country France.
Site creation starting constructing in 1915.
Cathedral construction starting constructing in 1917.
According to congratulation. the completion in 1918 and bishop Combas
Father Nakata Tokichi's zeal, father Matara's mother country France volunteer, blood blot effort pile up believer house of god construction aggressively try Tetsukawa Yosuke concentrate, this Tabira church give birth. It is one of the great cathedrals that should be passed on to future generations.
Address: 〒859-4824 Nagasaki Prefecture Hirado city Tabira town Koteda 19
Telephone: 0950-57-0254
Brick make heavy layer roof tile
design and construction: Tetsukawa Yosuke
completion: 1918
Music : Jesus Christ Superstar I don't know how to love him
紐差教会・宣教師マタラ French Missionary MATRAT(Jean-François)
Missionary MATRAT (Jean-François)
ジャン・フランソワ・マタラ 宣教師マタラ 長崎の宣教師
マタラ師(ジャン=フランソワ)、1856年9月15日フランス・ファルネイ(リヨン、ロワール)生まれ。1878年9月7日、パリ・ミッション会の神学校に入学。 1881年9月26日に司祭叙階。1881年10月26日、日本の長崎に赴任する。1921年6月28日、田崎にて死す。
長崎県平戸市紐差町 Himosashi-cho Hirado City Nagasaki Pref.
紐差カトリック教会 Himosashi Catholic Church
田平カトリック教会 Tabira Catholic Church
宝亀カトリック教会 Hoki Catholic Church
神崎カトリック教会 Kozaki Catholic Church
マタラ神父は建設資金の調達に奔走した Father Matrat made efforts to the procurement of the construction fund.
平戸市木場町 Koba-cho Hirado City
マタラ神父様の墓 Father Matara's grave
1921年6月28日、田崎にて永眠 It dies by Tazaki on June 28, 1921.
日本での40年の宣教は偉大であった The propagation of 40 years in Japan was great.
88年たっても慕われ続けている It will keep being yearned in 88 years.
心から感謝しています We wish sincerely to express our gratitude・・
マタラ神父様に、そしてフランスに。 to Father Matrat and France.
紐差教会歴代の主任司祭 Chief priest of Himosashi church successive.
2008年12月24日昼に撮影 It takes a picture in daytime, Dec, 24, 2008.
Music : Beethoven's Triple Concerto; Movement 1-Part 1 of 2
マタラ神父様の生涯 Life of father Matrat
Un propagateur de Jean François MATRAT ... propagateur... Nagasaki
Un père MATRAT (Jean = François), le 15 septembre, 1856 chute de France Farunei (Lyon, Loire).Le 7 septembre 1878, j'entre dans le collège théologique de la Paris mission société. C'est prêtre catholique ordres sacrés le 26 septembre 1881.Le 26 octobre 1881, je commence pour mon nouveau poteau à Nagasaki japonais.Le 28 juin 1921, je meurs de Tazaki.
Himosashi-cho, Hirado-shi, Nagasaki,
L'Église catholique Himosashi
L'Église catholique Tabira
L'Église catholique Hoki
L'Église catholique Kozaki
Un père MATRAT a pris part sérieusement à la provision du fonds de la construction.
Une tombe de Koba-cho, Hirado-shi, Père ....
Le 28 juin 1921, je décède avec Tazaki.
La propagation de 40 années au Japon était grande.
Je continue à être aimé même si je me trouve en 88.
Je vous remercie chaleureusement.
Dans Engendrer... et France.
Cordez l'église de la différence rectorship consécutif
Je le photographie sur la journée du 24 décembre 2008
Musique: Le Triple de Beethoven Concerto; mouvement 1-partez 1 de 2
Une vie de MATRAT
殉教「生月・山田カトリック教会」Ikitsuki : Yamada Catholic Church
the martyrdom of the Peter Kibe Kasui, and 187 companions - priests, religious and lay people the beatification is congratulated.
福者・ガスパル 西 玄可 (Blest : Gaspar Nishi Genka)
福者・ウルスラ 西 トイ (Blest : Ursula Nishi Toi)
福者・ヨハネ 西 又市 (Blest : John Nishi Mataichi)
Music : Inochi Taiko Max's latest song
Video shooting: Ikitsuki-cho Yamada-men, Hirado City. October 15, 2008.
しまに息づく かくれキリシタンの歴史
魂に響く歌~2001年9月22日 平戸ザビエル教会~
【出演】 声楽アンサンブル カメラータ神戸
Sandrah Silvio
Cuncti Potens(全能の父、万物の創り主)
O madre del Rey del cielo(天のお母さん)
Ave Verum Corpus W.A.Mozart
アーメン ハレルヤ 高田三郎
かくれキリシタン根獅子 Peaceful hometown Neshiko
Hiding Christian was decapitated on Neshiko beach 400 years ago.
Maria who keeps praying for Kirishitan.
Woods of Ushiwaki(Orokunin sama) in which decapitated Kirishitan is buried.
It introduced the history and the sightseeing spot of the
Neshiko town, Hirado City, Nagasaki, Japan, 2007.
Music : 「ふるさと」岩田 拓靖 The Hometown Hiroyasu IWATA
発掘現場を見た活水女子大の下川達弥教授(考古学)は「キリシタン墓地の発掘で完全な人骨が発見されたのは例がなく、大変貴重な発見」と話している。(2008年9月12日 読売新聞)
生月「ガスパル様殉教地」Gaspar sama martyrdom ground
the martyrdom of the Peter Kibe Kasui, and 187 companions - priests, religious and lay people the beatification is congratulated.
福者・ガスパル 西 玄可 (Blest : Gaspar Nishi Genka)
福者・ウルスラ 西 トイ (Blest : Ursula Nishi Toi)
福者・ヨハネ 西 又市 (Blest : John Nishi Mataichi)
The Gaspar Nishi Genka is birth in an Hirado Ikitsuki island, 1556.
The father was Hirado Domain Koteda family vassals, and it served as a total magistrate on the Ikitsuki island.
It was baptized from Father Gaspar Vilela at two years old it with father.
The Gaspar Nishi was relieved the employment after Koteda family evacuated it to Omura, and became a preacher in Ikitsuki.
The feudal lord's instruction is disobeyed and the belief is not thrown away, it was executed due to the crime of supporting the believers' beliefs, and having given the baptism.
The Gaspal Nishi wished execution with the cross, was decapitated by the magistrate who was the friend on November 14, 1609, and died a martyr at the age of 53.
Eldest son's John Mataichi, was died a martyr with mother Ursula.
Second son's Father Thomas Nishi died a martyr by the punishment of the hole hanging in Nagasaki Nishizaka's hills. It was 44 years old, 1634. The Thomas Nishi is canonization in the saint in 1987.
Third son's Michael Kazaemon, was executed with the wife and infant, due to the crime that offered the hotel to the elder brother Thomas Nishi.
Only daughter Maria was married to the son of the magistrate of the town. However, the belief was defended even if criticized to have the belief thrown away and it passed it.
The Gaspar Nishi and wife Ursula led by the belief, brought up the entire family, and dedicated it to the god.
Music : 'Jesus Christ Superstar' (1973) Could We Start Again Please?
Video shooting : Ikitsuki-cho Yamada-men Hirado City. October 15, 2008.
しまに息づく かくれキリシタンの歴史
A Day in Hirado || Thousand Bamboo Lantern festival
My solo day trip to Hirado Island, an island two and a half hours north of Nagasaki city, to see the Kigatsuku 1000 bamboo spring lantern festival.
If you want to learn more about the festival, check out Visit Nagasaki's website:
My contact deets-
Music by:
長崎県平戸市 中津良川にホタルが帰ってきた(KTN).mpg
Nagasaki Today 長崎 |Travel|
Place that reminded me of my home town ????
☆マロマロず 『あしあとメロディ』
unconditional summer feast CM 02
Unconditional Summer Feast
愛称:アンコン, USF
『すきにして いいの。』
日本国 長崎県 平戸市 根獅子町
DJ-Nagata(from TOKYO)
喜一郎(from GOTOH)
Tour Nagasaki
The old Seminario School next door to the Oura Catholic Church shows the Christian History of the area and how the community thrived during the 18th and 19th century.
長崎県新上五島町 石積みの教会「 頭ケ島教会 」
Pilgrimage, a city of sunshine and gardens: What Nagasaki today offers
Pilgrimage, a city of sunshine and gardens: What Nagasaki today offers:
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gazes at the faithful from the Oura Cathedral. It’s a story of true, persistent faith. In 1865, after years of closure to the outside world, during which Japanese Christians (originally known as “kirishitan”) were persecuted and killed, Japan started reopening itself again. Oura Cathedral had just been built by French missionaries in Nagasaki, in honor of the first 26 martyrs of the faith who were executed in 1587. By his written account, one afternoon, Fr. Bernard Petitjean was visited by 15 men, women and children. These were “Hidden Christians” from nearby Urakami, who had secretly kept their faith going. The place had had over 250 years of isolation. ADVERTISEMENT Approaching the priest, a woman placed a hand on her chest and told Petitjean in a whisper, “Our hearts are the same as yours.” It is a story that takes on added poignancy inside the Cathedral, which stands atop a flight of stairs, a serene, white statue of the Virgin Mary, christened , standing in welcome at the door. A bust of St. John Paul II, the first Catholic pope to visit Japan, beside a garden It overlooks modern-day Nagasaki’s busy international port—there’s a massive cruise ship docked, visible from the historic Glover Garden—and features darkened wood interiors, stained glass windows, and a painting of the crucifixion of the 26 martyrs on one side of the altar. In a park below, a small Japanese garden with a bust of St. John Paul II commemorates the first ever visit of a Catholic leader to Nagasaki, in 1981. It may, indeed, be a modest church, but it was built by a people who had to fight for what they believed in, even at the risk of losing their lives. Nagasaki may not be some Filipinos’ idea of a pilgrimage site in the same vein as Fatima, Lourdes or Jerusalem, but its importance was recently highlighted in pop culture in the Martin Scorsese movie “Silence.” There’s a Kyushu Tourism booth at the 3rd Japan Travel Festival, Oct. 7-8, 10 a.m.-8 p.m., SM Mall of Asia. ADVERTISEMENT The port of Nagasaki, seen from the historic Glover Garden Years later, many of the churches that rose would be leveled by another persecutor, the atomic bomb, dropped here by the Americans on Aug. 9, 1945 (serendipitously, it turns out, but more on that later). Yet, this hilly place on the island of Kyushu has not just risen from the literal ashes; it is now also a progressive city full of sunshine and gardens, embraced by the ocean and very much preoccupied with promoting peace. The pace is slower than large metropolises like Tokyo and Osaka, the people are friendly, and they take their time. Christianity was introduced to Japan by the Jesuit priest Francis Xavier in 1549, and it flourished for almost 40 years. The Arima Christian Heritage Museum is partly a tribute to the most distinguished alumni of a seminary built there. Four teenage boys, known as the Tensho Embassy, were sent to Rome on an educational mission, and brought back a printing press used to produce books.
#Pilgrimage, #city, #sunshine, #gardens, #WhatNagasaki, #today, #offers