Myanmar BAGO Hintha Gon Paya
Hintha Gon Paya, dove tra i 37 Nat birmani è particolarmente venerato Ko Gyi Kyaw (grande fratello Kyaw) amante dell'alcol e ballerino scatenato. La festa è già iniziata e tra il frastuono di una musica scatenata si vedono alcune figure femminilei che ballano quasi in estasi. Mi rendo conto che quelle non sono figure femminili, ma transessuali.Sono infatti queste persone che curano questa parte di pagoda. Ci sono diverse persone ad assistere allo spettacolo, quasi tutti gay
In this video we explore the Burmese cities of Yangon & Bago, their magnetic pull for many travellers being the variety of colossal, dazzlingly beautiful pagodas that these two cities offer.
Yangon is the (unofficial) capital city of Myanmar. It boasts several stunning pagodas like the Shwedagon Pagoda, Sule pagoda and the Maha Wizaya Pagoda (featured in the video). Maha Bandula park is a lovely green space in the city centre surrounded by many beautiful buildings such as the City Hall & High Court buildings.The 46m high independence monument dominates the centre of the park. Yangon also features two important lakes (Inya Lake & Kandawgyi Lake), popular places with locals for walking and fishing. There are a variety of museums in the city such as the national museum, Myanmar gems museum etc.Yangon also has excellent restaurants and cafes for food and coffee lovers. Yangon is represented by many religions. There are mosques, catholic churches, buddhist pagodas, Jewish synagogues and Chinese temples.
Scenes in the video from Yangon, include Maha Bandula Park, Maha Wizaya Pagoda, Kheng Hock Keong Chinese temple.
Bago, about 91km from Yangon, is all about extravagant & colossal pagodas (zedis), gigantic reclining buddha statues and the very unique Snake pagoda, which features a 120-year old Burmese Python, about 17ft in length, believed to be a reincarnation of a formerly deceased Buddhist monk!
Scenes in the video from Bago include: Snake pagoda, Shwemawdaw Pagoda (114m, tallest pagoda in Burma), Kyaik Pun Paya (Four 100-ft high seated buddha statues), Mahazedi Paya, Shwegugale Paya, Four Figures Paya (Four standing buddha statues), Hintha Gon Paya, Maha Kalyani Sima (Sacred Hall of Ordination), Naung Daw Gyi Mya Tha Lyaung (250+ft long reclining buddha statue).
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DASSK Tours Bago Region
ျမန္မာႏုိင္ငံရဲ့ တရားစီရင္ေရး မ႑ိဳင္ဟာ ပ်က္စီး ယုိယြင္းေနတာမို႔ တရားစီရင္ေရး စနစ္ခိုင္မာဖို႔ အျမန္ဆုံး ႀကိဳးစားသြားမယ္လုိ႔ တရားဥပေဒ စုိးမုိးေရးနဲ႔ တည္ၿငိမ္ေအးခ်မ္းေရး ေကာ္မတီ ဥကၠ႒ ေဒၚေအာင္ဆန္း စုၾကည္က လူထုကို ကတိေပးေျပာၾကားလိုက္ပါတယ္။ ၿပီးခဲ့တဲ့ စေနေန႔က ပဲခူတုိင္းခရီးစဥ္အတြင္း ေဒၚေအာင္ဆန္းစုၾကည္က အခုလုိ ေျပာလုိက္တာပါ။ ဒီအေၾကာင္းနဲ႔ ပတ္သက္ၿပီး RFA အဖြဲ႔သား ဦးဘေအာင္ တင္ျပထားပါတယ္။
Myanmar (Burma) - Part 5/5 - Bago (Pegu)
Bago (Pegu) is just 2.5 hrs away by car. I Love Bago. My Grandparents used to go there a lot and always took me with them whenever they had to go there ( It was back in the 1986-1987).
*** Artist : Htoo Eain Thin
*** Song : Chit Thu Let Saung
*** Album : Atta Pone Saung Khae Myar (1992)
Gawtama Myat Paya Gon Taw--------Soe Sandar Htun
The 182th song.The singer,Soe Sandar Is a perfect lady with sweet voice,good attractive action,and good looking . The song is owned by Its owner.
Visit -zay mg (maung maung) You Tube -
2014 Bago Myanmar
The poison of scorpions is used to cure patients with cerebral stroke.
Myanmar marks Martyrs Day in Yangon
Myanmar's opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi and the vice president Sai Mauk Kham mark Martyrs Day in Yangon. Duration: 00:40
Myanmar Nats (Spirits)
Myanmar Nats (Spirits)
Some Myanmar (Burma) has their traditional spirits worship. The spirits are called in Myanmar Language Nats. The Nats were died with violent untimely. The spirits (Nats) worship still can see rural areas in Myanmar. Nats worship is less common in urban areas. It is believed that Nats can bring good luck, can protect from danger. In Myanmar folks, there are 37 Nats and other spirits (spirits of trees, waters, villages, cities, towns). Every entrance of Myanmar villages has one spirit (Nat) shrine and offer flowers, drinks and food to the Nats to guard the village.
The main pilgrimage of Nats in Myanmar is at Mount Poppa, about an hour drive from Bagan. People usually hold the annual festivals for Nats. The festival includes the preparation for the tradition, the orchestra, the offerings (food and drinks). The popular festivals of Nats are Taung Byone Festival and Yadanagu Festival.
Taung Byone Festival usually holds in August. The place is at Mattaya Township; about 45 min drive from Mandalay.
Yadanagu Festival holds in December and it is in Amarapura Township in Mandalay.
In this short movie, you may enjoy new experience of Myanmar Nats, Traditional, culture themes and the orchestra of Myanmar.
Mahazedi Paya
Gran estupa Mahazedi en Bago , Myanmar
NAT PWE a spiritual ceremony in MyanmarBurma compil 8
mitv - Agricultural Purposes: Bago-Sittaung Canal Upgraded
mitv - Myanmar International
Spirit of Burma 2006
This is rare performance of Spirits of Burma. Spirit means Nat in Myanmar. Performed by the realism artist Aung Kyaw Tun himself for his NAT art exhibition.
Bago Visit : 12/1/2017
Bago (Pegu)
Shwemawdaw Pagoda
KanBawZa Thadi Golden Palace
Maha Zedi
Bago 2005
Bago es la antigua capital Myanmar y está situada a 80 Km. al noroeste de Yangón
Monasterio Kya Khet Waii, con más de 1200 monjes. Comedor. Cocinas.
La Pagoda de Shewmawdaw, (de arquitectura siamesa. Fue construida por los Mon en el siglo VIII, con una altura de 23 m. y reconstruida varias veces, hasta que en 1954 alcanzó los 114 m. que tiene actualmente),
La Pagoda Shwe Tha Lyaung (con el Buda reclinado de 55 m., donde mosaicos a su alrededor cuentan la historia de Buda, Este Buda originalmente construido por los Mon en 994 fue restaurado varias veces, pero la jungla lo cubrió de maleza tras la destrucción total de Bago, llevada a cabo por los Birmanos en 1757. Fue redescubierto en 1880 y restaurado de nuevo).
El mercado tradicional y telares en el poblado.
El Palacio Real, (Sus edificios construidos con madera de Teca y recubiertos de pan de oro. Sus jardines)
La Pagoda Kyaitpun, con sus cuatro Budas (si las hijas se casaban serían quitadas las imágenes de Buda, solo se casó una).
Ta Moke Shin Pin Shwe Gu Gye Pagoda in Myamar(BURMA)-2
Ta Moke Shin Pin Shwe Gu Gye Pagoda in Myamar(BURMA)-2
NAT PWE a spiritual ceremony in MyanmarBurma (10).MTS
Les nats (birman Nat. sont des esprits vénérés en Birmanie (Union du Myanmar) depuis une très haute antiquité, en parallèle avec le bouddhisme. Ils se répartissent entre 37 Grands Nats et tous les autres (divinités des eaux, des arbres, du foyer, etc.) La plupart des 37 Grands Nats sont des êtres humains qui ont connu une mort violente (sein-thei, littéralement mort verte). Ils sont de deux types : Les nats inférieurs sont des Devas des six cieux inférieurs, les nats supérieurs procèdent des six domaines supérieurs. Un peu comme les Saints du christianisme, les nats peuvent obtenir cet état pour diverses raisons.
Le culte des Nats est moins répandu en zone urbaine qu'à la campagne, et il est surtout pratiqué par l'ethnie Birmane. De nombreuses maisons abritent un nat sin ou nat ein, qui sont essentiellement des autels des nats. Les villages sont souvent protégés par un nat. Une noix de coco (nat oun) est souvent pendue au pilier central (birman ဥရူတုိင္) de la maison, habillée d'un gaungbaung et entourée d'encens : c'est une offrande au nat Min Mahagiri (Seigneur de la Grande Montagne).
Nat pwè à Amarapura (2008)
Les Nats ont des caractéristiques humaines, des désirs et des besoins, ce qui est considéré comme une faille dans le bouddhisme traditionnel. Au cours des nat pwè, fêtes destinées à les apaiser, les nat kadaw (ou nat-gadaw : maîtresses ou médiums des nats) dansent et incarnent leur esprit durant des transes. Le rôle de nat kadaw est souvent rempli par des travestis1. La musique, interprétée par un orchestre (saing waing), augmente l'effet du nat pwè et de nombreux assistants entrent en transe.
Nat ein (autel pour les nats) à Rangoon (2005)
Le culte des nats a précédé l'introduction du bouddhisme en Birmanie. Comme ailleurs en Asie du Sud-Est, il a été fondu dans celui-ci, donnant naissance à une religion syncrétique où Bouddha est le plus grand des nats et où ceux-ci ont veillé sur sa naissance.
Taung Byone Nat Festival (Episode 2) (II)
Attempting to Bridge Burma's HIV Treatment Gap
Burma's AIDS epidemic mostly affects marginalized groups, such as the gay community. In a country where homosexuality remains illegal, finding and treating gay patients is a challenge for the few health workers devoted to their treatment. VOA News reports that an annual religious event called a Nat festival, however, is one time when the gay community can network - and talk to health workers about treatment.
Taung Byone Nat Festival (Episode 1) (I)