Plovdiv: Old town /Пловдив Стария град / Bulgaria (2018)
Old town:
Hisar Kapia:
Plovdiv Roman theatre:
Nebet Tepe:
Eastern gate of Philippopolis:
Plovdiv Roman Stadium:
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Hisar Kapısı Plovdiv gezisi ; Bir Çift Bilet
Hisar kapısını nöbet tepeyi ziyaret ediyoruz ve Ayseye kalenin anahtarlarını veriyorum Bir Çift Bilet
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Plovdiv Old Town in Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Ancient Plovdiv Architectural Reserve is a well-preserved complex where on a relatively small area visitors can take walks through different historical ages, see ancient buildings adapted to the modern way of life and feel the spirit of the town from the Bulgarian Revival Period.
The Old Town, as the complex is known, lies on a natural elevation – the three hills (the closely situated Dzhambaz Hill, Nebet Hill, and Taksim Hill). Many peoples have inhabited this place through the centuries. And all of them have left traces of their cultures and also the different names they gave to the town. Plovdiv is one of the oldest towns in Europe – it dates back to 4000 years BC. During Antiquity the Thracians came to the hill and set up a fortified settlement that was conquered by Philip of Macedon in the 2nd century BC. He gave one of the many names of the town - Philipopolis, and surrounded it with thick fortification walls. Later the Thracians regained control over the town, but after a series of battles they lost it to the Romans in the 1st century. A fortress from Thracian times is preserved on the very summit of Nebet Hill.
During the reign of the Roman Empire Plovdiv (then called Trimontium) was an important district centre. The town flourished and there was a construction boom of buildings, equipment and roads.
Many well-preserved remains have survived from the prospering town, such as paved streets, fortification walls, buildings, water-supply system and sewerage. Trimontium expanded so much that it grew out of its walls and this called for the construction of new ones. Many parts of the town were located at the foot of the hill rather than on it.
Some of the more interesting sites from the Roman Period are the Roman Theatre, the Roman Stadium, the Ancient Forum, and Irene Residential House.
The Roman Theatre (the Amphitheatre) lies in a natural depression between Taksim and Dzhambaz Hills. It was constructed during the rule of Emperor Trajan (beginning of the 2nd century). It is extremely well-preserved. It used to have rich decoration and could seat up to seven thousand spectators. After it has been thoroughly restored, today performances can once again be staged at the ancient theatre.
The Roman Stadium is located beneath Dzhumayata Square where only part of it is visible. It was built in the 2nd century and was designed after the Stadium at Delphi – there are only 12 such stadiums in the world.
The Ancient Forum lies near Tsentralen Square, in close proximity to the Central Post Office. It was built in the 1st century during the reign of Emperor Vespasian. It is a complex comprising buildings, a library, a mint, an odeon, etc.
Irene Residential House can be seen in the Archaeological Underpass on Tsar Boris III Blvd. It has very rich mosaic decoration which includes a portrait of a woman signed with the name Irene and dates back to the 3rd – 4th centuries.
This was followed by the Byzantine period of the town – end of the 4th century. Not long after that the Slavs also came to this place – they named the town Paldin.
When the First Bulgarian Empire was established (7th century) Paldin was left outside of its borders. Khan Krum (who reigned in the period 803 – 814) was the first to conquer the town in 812, and it became official part of the state under Khan Malamir (who ruled in the period 831 – 836). The Byzantines managed to conquer it back, but with a varying success. In the course of time the control over the town switched many times, and there was even a brief period when it was governed by the knights of the Fourth Crusade. In 1344 the Bulgarians eventually gained control over the town.
The popular eastern fortress gate Hisar Kapia (Fortress Gate) is a remnant from the Middle Ages.
The Ottoman army conquered Plovdiv in 1364 and gave new direction to the development of the town. The Byzantine architecture was succeeded by a completely new construction style with typical Oriental features. The new name of the town was Filibe. Dzhumaya Mosque (located in the centre of the town, next to the Ancient Stadium), Chifte Bath (built in 1582 and transformed into a centre for modern arts), and the 16th century Clock Tower on the summit of Sahat Hill are all surviving examples from this period.
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Plovdiv Bulgaria
???? Plovdiv (în bulgară Пловдив) este al doilea oraș ca mărime din Bulgaria după Sofia, cu o populație în anul 2011 de 338.153 de locuitori. Este centrul administrativ al Provinciei Plovdiv din sudul Bulgariei și al trei obștine (Plovdiv, Marița și Rodopi), precum și cel mai mare și mai important oraș din regiunea istorică Tracia.
Unul din cele mai vechi orașe ale Europei, a fost inițial o așezare tracică înainte de a deveni un important oraș grecesc și roman în antichitate. În Evul Mediu, și-a păstrat importanța strategică regională, aparținând periodic Imperiului Bizantin și celui Bulgar. A intrat sub dominație otomană în timpul secolului al XIV-lea. În 1878, Plovdiv a devenit capitala regiunii autonome Rumelia Orientală din Imperiul Otoman; în 1885, a devenit parte a Bulgariei odată cu unifirea acelei regiuni cu Principatul Bulgariei.
Plovdiv se află în partea de sud a Câmpiei Plovdiv pe cele două maluri ale Râului Marița. Orașul s-a dezvoltat pe șapte dealuri, dintre care unele au aproximativ 250 m altitudine. Din cauza aceasta, Plovdiv este denumit uneori în Bulgaria „orașul celor șapte coline”.
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???? Filmat cu Sony AX100
???? Editat in Magix Vegas pro 17
???? Music:
Birds_in_Flight by Dan Lebowitz
Blue_Macaw by Quincas Moreira
Morning_Mandolin by Chris Haugen from YouTube Audio Library
Subscribe Button by MrNumber112
Inspired by LeBouseuh
& Liam
Mouse click (by THE_bizniss)
Unfa's Menu Sounds (by unfa)
BronzeBell2 (by Zabuhailo)
Plovdiv Old Town
Hisar Kapia Old Plovdiv
Влог 1–Разходка в стария град( Пловдив) Deposit 1-Walk in the Old Town (Plovdiv)
Здравейте! Аз съм Божидар .Днес ще се разходим из Стария град в Пловдив.Ще видите :Старинни къщи , Небет тепе ,далечен кадър на Альоша,Eтнографския музей ,Античния театър и Хисар капия .Надявам се разходката да ви хареса!
Социални мрежи
Hello! I am Bojidar. Today we will walk through the Old town of Plovdiv. You will see: Ancient houses, Nebet tepe, Alyosha distant frame, Ethnographic Museum ,Ancient theater and Hisar kapia. I hope the walk you like!
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Plovdiv, Bulgaria 普羅夫迪夫/保加利亞
Не питай (Океан Ельзи cover)
Дуже радий що можу поділитися з вами цією піснею на рідній мові. Скориставшись можливістю, хочу передати привіт всім друзям з країни цієї красивої мови.
Кавер був записаний в старій частині міста Пловдив (Болгарія) біля брами з одинадцятого віку яка називається Хісар Капія.
I'm really glad that I can share with you this song which is in my mother language - Ukrainian. Taking advantage of the opportunity I want to send greetings for all my friends from the country
of this beautiful language.
The cover was recorded in the Plovdiv old city (Bulgaria) next to the 11th century gate called Hisar Kapia.
Guitar: Dowina Puella 12 in open D tuning
Microphone: Zoom h2n