Places to see in ( Cassino - Italy )
Places to see in ( Cassino - Italy )
Cassino is a comune in the province of Frosinone, Italy, at the southern end of the region of Lazio, the last City of the Latin Valley. Cassino is located at the foot of Monte Cairo near the confluence of the Gari and Liri rivers. The city is best known as the site of the Abbey of Montecassino and the Battle of Monte Cassino during World War II, which resulted in huge Allied and German casualties as well as the near total destruction of the town itself. It is also home to the University of Cassino. Cassino has a population of 35,860 As of August 2015, making it the second largest town in the province.
Cassino's origins lie in the Volscan settlement of Casinum, sited atop the hill of Cassino near Monte Cairo, five kilometres to the north. Casinum passed under the control of the Samnites, but the Romans eventually gained control of Casinum, establishing a fortified colony there in 312 BC. During the Roman era the most venerated god was Apollo, whose temple rose up on Monte Cassino, where today stands the abbey. At least once during Punic Wars, Hannibal passed near Casinum. Casinum was also the site of a villa presumed to belong to Marcus Terentius Varro.
Cassino is located at the southern end of the region of Lazio and at the northern end of the historical region called Terra di Lavoro. The city centre is set in a valley at the foot of Monte Cassino and Monte Cairo. Cassino is distant 123 km (76 mi) from Rome, 101 km (63 mi) from Naples, 28 km (17 mi) from the coast (Gulf of Gaeta) and 24 km (15 mi) from the Parco nazionale d'Abruzzo, Lazio e Molise. The town is crossed by the rivers Gari and Rapido that join themselves in the area of the Varronian Thermal Baths; forward, in the frazione of Sant'Angelo in Theodice, the Gari joins the Liri, becoming Garigliano, the river that marks the border between the regions Lazio and Campania.
Alot to see in Cassino such as :
Abbey of Monte Cassino Founded by St. Benedict in 529, the Abbey of Monte Cassino is one of the most famous monasteries in the world and is the source of the Benedictine Order.
Casinum Roman city
Roman theatre: still used in the summer for events, shows and concerts.
Roman amphitheatre
Part of the historical Via Latina
Mausoleum of Ummidia Quadratilla
Rocca Janula: a castle overlooking the city, which was one of Abbey's historical strongholds. Recently restored, it is not visitable.
Cassino War Cemetery
German War Cemetery
Polish Cemetery
Villa Comunale: it is the main public park in the town.
Baden Powell Park: second public park, that host the main non profit associations and clubs in the town.
Varronian Thermal Baths: thermal area located where there used to be Marcus Terentius Varro's villa.
Historiale: Second World War multimedial museum, created by Carlo Rambaldi.
National Archaeological Museum G.Carrettoni
CAMUSAC: museum of contemporary art.
( Cassino - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Cassino . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Cassino - Italy
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Wyprawa Monte Cassino 2014 - wizyta w Muzeum Historiale di Cassino
Wyprawa Łączymy pokolenia - Monte Cassino 2014
udział reprezentacji z Hufca ZHP Mielec
14 - 21 maja 2014r.
przejazd z Fiugi do Cassino
wizyta w Muzeum Historiale di Cassino
16 maja 2014r.
Cassino, Italy, May 2014
We włoskim mieście Cassino, leżącym u stóp słynnej góry Monte Cassino, po długotrwałych staraniach Okręgu 2. Stowarzyszenia Weteranów Armii Polskiej w Ameryce, 17 maja 2014 r. odsłonięty i poświęcony został pomnik gen. Władysława Andersa - zwycięskiego dowódcy 2 Korpusu Polskiego, którego oddziały 70 lat temu, 18 maja 1944 roku zdobyły silnie broniony przez Niemców masyw górski rozciągający się od szczytów Monte Cassino po Monte Cairo, otwierając tym samym alianckim wojskom wolną drogę na Rzym.
Pomnik na zamówienie Okręgu 2. SWAP w ekspresowym tempie wykonał na początku bieżącego roku mistrz Andrzej Pityński najbardziej znany polski rzeźbiarz w Stanach Zjednoczonych, komendant Placówki 123 SWAP w Nowym Jorku.
W porozumieniu z władzami miasta Cassino pomnik gen. Andersa stanął na placu sąsiadującym z miejscowym Muzeum Historiale. Bohaterów Monte Cassino w Złocieńcu, której wyjazd do Włoch sponsorował Okręg 2. SWAP. Władze miasta Cassino reprezentowała delegacja na czele z burmistrzem Giuseppe Golini Petrarcone.
Po przemówieniach wręczono odznaczenia SWAP burmistrzowi miasta Cassino i p. Jolancie Grunert - dyrektorce Muzeum Historiale. Burmistrz Giuseppe G. Petrarcone otrzymał też dokument - akt ofiarowania pomnika gen. Andersa, jako dar Okręgu 2. SWAP dla miasta Cassino. W zamian burmistrz Giuseppe G. Petrarcone wręczył Antoniemu Chrościelewskiemu medal miasta Cassino.
Monument ufundowany przez Okręg 2. SWAP i przekazany w darze dla miasta Cassino, jest pierwszym pomnikiem generała Władysława Andersa we Włoszech. Plac, na którym stoi pomnik, otrzymał miano: Largo Wladyslaw Anders (Comandante del II Corpo d' Armata Polacco, 1944).
Teofil Lachowicz( )
Tekst: Teofil Lachowicz
La battaglia di Cassino 1944
Cassino Battaglia di Montecassino Cimitero Militare Germanico Deutscher Soldaten Friedhof Cassino
Ho creato questo video con YouTube Slideshow Creator (
Destruction of the Abbey of Monte Cassino at the Second World War
Visiting the Historiale Museo in Cassino - Italy 2019
Historiale of Cassino has been created firstly thanks to the City of Cassino, to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the battle of Montecassino, with the participation of the Italian Ministry of Heritage and Culture and the Ministry of Defence . HISTORIALE was born to honour all victims of all nationalities that lost their life for peace and freedom.
Historiale di Cassino
Trailer dell'Historiale di Cassino
Distruzione di Cassino e Montecassino la riconsacrazione di Montecassino 1964
Cassino 1944-1954
La settimana Incom 01080 del 09/04/1954
Cassino 1944-1954
Descrizione sequenze:marcia dei bersaglieri per le strade di Cassino ; Einaudi saluta dalla tribuna d'onore ; la folla acclama ; discorso del sen. Restagno sindaco della città, segue quello di Campilli ; i nuovi palazzi della Poste e degli Uffici, gente ai balconi e sulle terrazze ; immagini di repertorio: l'abbazia di Montecassino sotto i bombardamenti ; distintivi militari dei vari eserciti alleati che combatterono a Montecassino ; l'abbazia distrutta dai bombardamenti ; pietra migliare del km. 141 a 2 km da Cassino ; epigrafe su lapide: Gesù abbi pietà di noi ; le rovine dell'abbazia ; l'abbazia restaurata e un abate che mostra il portale ; l'abbazia restaurata che domina la valle e il paese ;
Archivio Storico Luce .
Istituto Luce Cinecittà: tutte le immagini e i fotogrammi più belli di come eravamo, rivissuti attraverso i film, i documentari e i video che hanno fatto la storia del nostro Paese.
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