Petroglif Müzesi | Cholpon-Ata | Kırgızistan
Orta Asya turu kapsamında Kırgızistan Cholpon-Ata şehri yakınlarında bir Petroglif Müzesi ziyaret ettim. Petroglif Müzesi 4000 yıllık tarihi ve harika kaya resimleri ile büyülüyor. Issık Göl kıyısındaki Cholpon-Ata Kırgızistan coğrafyasından toplanan birçok Kaya Resmi Petroglif ile turist çekmeye devam ediyor. Taş üzerine yapılan oyma resimlere Kırgızistan’da Issık Göl, Narın ve Talas illerinin dağlık ilçelerinde sıkça rastlanılıyor. Issy-Kul State Historical and Cultural Museum and Reserve olarak geçen bu bölge Issyk-Kul Tarih ve Kültür Müzesi, Cholpon-Ata’nın merkezinde bulunuyor. Kaya resimleri üzerinde keçi, yaban keçisi, dağ keçisi, domuz, köpek, av köpeği, avcı, geyik, çoban ve at gibi hayvan ve insan motifleri ve o döneme ait araçlar resmedilmiş.
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Merhaba, ben Anıl Erdemir.
Haziran 2017'de yolda olmak güzel diyerek yola çıkan, az para ve çok otostopla seyahat eden bir gencim. Bu kanalda otostop, kamp ve ekonomik tavsiyelerle birlikte genel olarak gezdiğim yerleri anlatıyor, başımdan geçenleri aktarmaya çalışıyorum.
İzlediğiniz için teşekkürler!
Kyrgyzstan, Cholpon Ata Prehistoric site
Photographer:Samuel Magal (
Old petroglyphs, highest peaks of this part of Tian-Shan. The petroglyphs are located up from the old airport in Cholpon-Ata. A taxi from the center to the petroglyphs should cost 200 som, including one hour waiting time.
IAF 2017' Cholpon-Ata, Kyrguzstan
The 48th IAF Council of Delegates Meeting, 3~9 September, 2017 Cholpon-Ata, Kyrguzstan
(Produced by Hwang, Korea)
Материял взят из канала Азаттык!
Большое спасибо за предоставленый материял!.
Петроглифы урочища Чолпон-Атарасположены между северной, западной и северо-западной окраинами города Чолпон-Ата и южным подножием хребта Кунгей Ала-Тоо, распространяясь зачастую и по склонам отрогов этого хребта. На площади длиной с востока на запад 4 километра и шириной 0,6-2 км лежат десятки тысяч камней (валунов), вынесенных селевыми потоками из горных ущелий хребта Кунгей Ала-Тоо.
Камни составляют как сплошные массивы скоплений значительных размеров, так и небольшие скопления. Поверхность валунов под воздействием солнечных лучей за многие тысячелетия покрылась «пустынным загаром» – патиной блестяще-черного и коричневого цветов с различными оттенками. Загарные камни служили своего рода «полотном» для древних художников. Рисунки выбивались орудиями из металла или твердых пород камня на загарной поверхности валунов. Размеры камней от 0,5 х 0,8 до 3х6 метров. Скол неглубокий 0,2-1 см.
Сюжеты и образы рисунков разнообразны, но в основном преобладают изображения животных: козлов, архаров, оленей, быков, лошадей, собак, волков и др. Встречаются сцены нападения хищников на животных, сцены пешей и конной охоты, всадников на лошадях и верблюдов, многочисленные изображения людей. На камнях редко выбит один, а большей частью два-три и более двадцати рисунков. Не редкость, когда встречаются два-три слоя рисунков различных эпох, перекрывающих друг друга (палимсесты).
Многие рисунки высокохудожественны, реалистичны и отличаются тщательностью проработки фигур животных и людей.
В целом петроглифы Чолпон-Ата датируются в пределах II тысячелетия до нашей эры – VIII в. нашей эры. Однако большая часть относится к периоду VII-III в.в. до н.э. По общему мнению исследователей – это время расцвета скифо-сакского звериного стиля, который получил особо широкое отражение в наскальном изобразительном искусстве. Насколько распространенным это искусство было в среде ранних кочевников (саков) можно судить на примере Иссык-Кульской котловины, где ни одно из скоплений камней не оставлено без внимания древних художников. В каждом из них встречается то или иное количество рисунков.
К числу особенностей петроглифов Чолпон-Ата, как и всей Иссык-Кульской котловины, следует отнести то, что на месте их нахождения или вблизи расположены древние захоронения. Материалы из раскопок этих захоронений могут помочь в уточнении датировок наскальных изображений и определении их этно-культурной принадлежности.
Петроглифы Чолпон-Ата представляют собой грандиозный храм под открытым небом, где совершались культовые обряды, связанные с духовным миром и жизнью кочевого населения Иссык-Куля.
#Ыссыккуль #Petroglyphs #Kyrgyzstan #Cholponata #YssykKyl #museum
1. BURANA TOWER 42°44'47.19N 75°15'0.70E
2. JENGISH CHOKUSU MOUNTAIN (24,406 FT) 42° 1'59.74N 80° 7'37.24E
3. TARGET CITY 42°51'31.31N 74°34'12.11E
4. SONG KUL 41°51'52.87N 75° 8'19.81E
5. KSUCTA BUILDING 42°50'19.75N 74°36'7.41E
6. KUMTOR GOLD MINE 41°51'48.30N 78°12'14.30E
7. SULAYMAN MOUNTAIN (UNESCO) 40°31'52.41N 72°47'2.13E
8. ISSYK KUL 42°27'25.07N 77°18'58.02E
9. KYRGYZ NATIONAL MUSEUM 42°52'39.91N 74°36'13.91E
10. CHATYR KOL 40°38'53.96N 75°17'20.01E
11. SKALISTIY MOUNTAIN (18,441 FT) 39°37'24.94N 70°42'39.01E
12. FLAG 42°52'35.76N 74°36'11.43E
13. PETROV LAKE 41°54'35.07N 78°14'10.04E
14. SAIMALUU TASH MOUNTAIN (UNESCO) 41°10'18.33N 73°48'40.39E
15. CLOCK TOWER 42°52'30.96N 74°36'45.60E
16. CHOLPON-ATA (ANCIENT) 42°39'38.70N 77° 3'21.17E
17. ANCIENT MINARET & MAUSOLEUM,UZGEN 40°46'5.21N 73°17'56.50E
18. PRESIDENCIA 42°52'42.02N 74°35'16.19E
2010 08 02B Mongolia Hoton nuur Petroglyphs
Mongolia Bayan-Olgii aimak Hoton nuur 2084 m
Petroglyphs rotstekeningen
Iron age?
10 Things To Do in Cholpon-Ata / Čolponata Off-Season
Cholpon-Ata. The place to be when you want to swim in the beautiful Issyk Kul-lake. But what if it is a bit too cold to swim in the lake yet? Too cold to hang on the beach? Here are 10 reasons why you still should visit Cholpon-Ata in the 'off-season'.
This video is produced by Ruben de Theije, in collaboration with Apple Hostel Cholpon-Ata and Untold Wanderlust.
Untold Wanderlust:
Apple Hostel Cholpon-Ata:
【K】Kyrgyzstan Travel-Issyk Kul[키르기스스탄 여행-이식쿨]이식쿨 호수 주변 볼거리/Lake/Brezhnev/Hot spring/Ruins/Jeti-Ogyz
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촐폰 아타에 있는 한 국영 휴양소. 이 휴양소에는 작은 박물관이 하나 있다. 소련의 지도자였던 브레즈네프를 기념하는 박물관이다. 흐루시초프에 이어 소련공산당 서기장이 된 브레즈네프는 1970년 키르기스스탄을 방문했는데, 그때 이식쿨 호수에서 머물렀다. 이 박물관에는 그가 쓰던 의자와 시계, 주판이 남아있다. 소련 붕괴 전까지 이곳은 고위직과 외국 귀빈들의 휴양소로 사용됐다. 그만큼 유서가 깊은 곳이라 1970년대 구소련 시절의 모습을 그대로 보존하고 있다. 피서객들은 휴양소에 머물며 여러 가지 치료를 받을 수 있다. 가장 많이 하는 것 중 하나는 온천수를 이용한 물치료다. “소금물을 사용하는데 피부염이나 관절염에 효과가 있습니다. 또 심리적으로 편안함을 주고 신경치료에도 도움이 됩니다.” 보통 물치료를 받은 다음에는 진흙 찜질을 한다. 이식쿨 호수 주변에는 고고학 유적지들도 있다. 강 하구였던 이곳에는 큰 바위들이 가득 널려 있다. 그런데 이 바위들에 선사시대의 암각화가 새겨져 있다. “이것이 유명한 암각화 유적입니다. 눈표범을 이용한 사냥이죠. 이것은 산양. 사냥꾼. 이것은 눈표범입니다.” 중앙아시아의 산악지대에는 하얀색 눈표범이 서식한다. 이 그림을 통해 선사시대에 이곳에서는 눈표범을 개처럼 길들여 사냥에 이용했다는 것을 알 수 있다. 사냥에서 하나라도 더 많은 동물을 잡기를 기원하며 바위에 암각화를 새겼을 선사시대 사람들의 소박한 바람이 느껴졌다. 나는 마지막으로 이식쿨 호수 동쪽에 있는 제티 오구스를 찾았다. 제티 오구스는 일곱 마리의 황소라는 뜻이다. 붉은색 바위들이 우뚝 솟아 있어 신비감을 자아낸다. 그러고 보니 바위들이 우람한 황소를 닮은 것 같다.
[English: Google Translator]
A state-owned resorts in cholpon Ata. This small museum has one of the resorts. A museum commemorating the former leader Brezhnev of the Soviet Union. Following Khrushchev Brezhnev was General Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party had visited Kyrgyzstan in 1970, then I stayed in the cool lake transplant. The museum has left the chair and clock, he sseudeon abacus. Until the collapse of the Soviet Union, there was used as a sanitarium of high-ranking foreign guests. The historic depths much as it preserves the look of the 1970s as the Soviet era. Vacationers can receive different treatment stays in resorts. One of the most common is the water treatment using hot water. It is effective in dermatitis and arthritis to use salt water. In addition to giving a psychological comfort, it will also help treat nervous. Usually after I received the water treatment and mud poultice. Cool implanted around the lake there are also archaeological sites. There was a river estuary has littered full of big rocks. But it becomes a prehistoric petroglyphs carved in the rock. This is the famous rock art sites. Using the snow leopard's hunting. This goat. Hunter. This is a snow leopard, the mountains of central Asia, snow leopards inhabit the white. In the prehistoric times through the picture where it can be seen that the domesticated dog was used for hunting snow leopards. One in hunting any animal origin to catch more rustic and felt the wind of prehistoric people carved the petroglyphs on the rock. I found a jetty in the last five Goose transplanted cool lake east. Jetty is a five seuneun means of seven bulls. There are towering red rock strike a mystery. Speaking rocks seems to resemble a bull wooramhan.
[Kyrgyzstan : Google Translator]
Чолпон-Ата шаарындагы мамлекеттик менчиктеги курорттук. Бул чакан музей курорттордун бири бар. СССРдин мурдагы лидери июнуна эстелик музей. Сталин жылдын июнуна чейин СССР коммунисттик партиясынын Генералдык катчысы 1970-жылы Кыргызстанга келген эле төмөнкү, анда мен муздак көл трансплантолог калды. Музейдин отургуч жана саатты калтырды, ал abacus sseudeon. СССР кулагандан чейин, жогорку даражалуу чет өлкөлүк коноктордун Санаторий катары колдонулуп калган. СССР доорунда эле тарыхый түбүнө ал 1970-көрүнүшүн сактап көп эле. Туристтери курорттук ар башкача дарылоону жүрө ала аласыз. таралган бир ысык суу менен суу менен дарылоо болуп саналат. «Бул, дерматит жана туздуу суу пайдаланууга артрит натыйжалуу болуп саналат...
■클립명: 아시아142-키르기스스탄01-18 이식쿨 호수 주변 다양한 볼거리/Lake/Brezhnev/Hot spring/Ruins/Jeti-Ogyz
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 윤성도 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2016년 6월 June
도시,downtown,도심, 시가지, urban, city, metropolitan,박물관,museum,institution, gallery, relic, history,기타장소,place,place, resort, 리조트,유적지,historic site,monument, ruins, archaeological site, history,아시아,Asia,동북아시아,키르기스스탄,Kyrgyzstan,Кыргыз Республикасы,키르기스 공화국,윤성도,2016,6월 June,이식툴 주,Issyk-Kul Region,Ысык-Көл областы,Иссык-Кульская область
Soldiers, statue, History Museum, flag, stomping
Part of the preparation in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan for Independence Day (August 31) and the Second World Nomad Games (September 3-8). The Nomad Games will be in Cholpon-Ata.
Bishkek, City Walk - Kyrgyzstan 4K Travel Channel
We start our city walk in Bishkek at the city hall in Chuy Avenue. Chuy Avenue is the important cross connection from west to east in Bishkek. The blue gable of the town hall brings invigorating color to the cityscape. To the right is the National Bank. Opposite at the end of the alley is a building of the university. On the right side of a long parkway is the Philarmonic Hall, Toktogul Satylganov. In front of it is a monument of Manas, the Kyrgyz national hero. His stretched arm with the sword as an extension serves the birds as a preferred resting place.
The view back along Chuy Ave shows another building of the University, opposite the National Bank.
In the video, we make a virtual jump one kilometer to the east and are now in front of the White House, the parliament of Kyrgyzstan. The total number of representatives is 129. But, a regulation limits the number of representatives per party to 85. Thus a single party cannot become omnipotent. Despite all efforts to ensure the equal rights of the women, the women are under-represented in the parliament.
To the east of Parliament, the Stela of Nations Friendship stretches towards heaven.
We now reach the center of Bishkek with Ala-Too Square, which is bordered to the north by the National Historical Museum. On the open space in front of it is another monument to the national hero Manas, erected by German prisoners of war, most of whom did not survive. Here is also an impressive flagpole with the flag of Kyrgyzstan. At the roadside of Chuy Avenue, one set up flags and podiums for the upcoming Independence Day.
On the opposite side of Chuy Ave are two huge building blocks surrounded by tent city-like arcades. They house restaurants, shops, and banks. A similar building in the middle with a golden dome on the roof, a bit in the background, houses the Ministry of Agriculture. In front of it stands a monument of the most important Kyrgyz writer and politician Chingiz Aitmatov, whom we got to know already in Cholpon Ata.
The building to the east, the Ministry of Culture and Information, is built in the original architecture of the pre-Soviet era. In eastern direction follows a picture gallery.
please read more:
Wir beginnen unseren Stadtspaziergang in Bischkek beim Rathaus in der Chui Avenue. Die Chui Avenue ist die wichtigste Querverbindung von West nach Ost in Bischkek.
Der blaue Dachgiebel des Rathauses bringt eine erfrischende Farbe in das Stadtbild. Rechts daneben ist die Nationalbank untergebracht. Gegenüber ist am Ende einer langen Alle ein Gebäude der Universität erkennbar. Rechts von der Allee steht die Philharmonie (Philarmonic Hall Named Toktogul Satylganov). Davor befindet sich ein gewaltiges Denkmal von Manas, dem Kirgisischen Nationalhelden. Sein ausgestreckter Arm mit dem Schwert als Verlängerung dient den Vögeln als bevorzugter Rastplatz.
Der Blick zurück entlang der Chui Avenue zeigt ein weiteres Gebäude der Universität, gegenüber der Nationalbank.
Wir machen im Video nun einen virtuellen Sprung um einen Kilometer nach Osten und befinden uns nun vor dem Weißen Haus, dem Parlament von Kirgisistan. Die Zahl der Abgeordneten beträgt 129. Eine interessante Regelung ist aber, dass die Zahl der Abgeordneten pro Partei auf 85 beschränkt ist. Somit kann eine einzelne Partei nicht allmächtig werden. Allerdings sind trotz aller Bemühungen zur Gleichberechtigung der Frauen die Frauen im Parlament unterrepräsentiert.
Östlich des Parlaments streckt sich die Stele für die Freundschaft der Völker gen Himmel.
Wir erreichen jetzt das Zentrum von Bischkek mit dem Ala Too Platz, der im Norden durch das National Historische Museum begrenzt wird. Auf der Freifläche davor befindet sich ein weiteres Denkmal des Nationalhelden Manas, das von deutschen Kriegsgefangenen errichtet wurde, von denen die meisten nicht überlebten. Außerdem steht hier eine beeindruckende Fahne Kirgisistans. Am Straßenrand zur Chuy Ave werden gerade Flaggen und Podien für den bevorstehenden Unabhängigkeitstag aufgestellt.
Auf der gegenüber liegenden Seite der Chuy Ave befinden sich zwei riesige Gebäudeblöcke, die von Zeltstadt - artigen Arkaden umgeben sind. In ihnen sind Restaurants, Geschäfte und Banken untergebracht. Ein ähnliches Gebäude in der Mitte, aber etwas in den Hintergrund versetzt, mit einer goldenen Kuppel auf dem Dach beherbergt das Landwirtschaftsministerium. Davor steht ein Denkmal des bedeutendsten Kirgisischen Schriftstellers und Politikers Chingiz Aitmatov, den wir bereits in Cholpon Ata kennengelernt haben.
In östlicher Richtung schließt ein Gebäude in der original Architektur der pre-sowjetischen Ära an. Es ist das Ministerium für Kultur und Information. Noch einmal östlich ist eine Bildergalerie.
weitere Infos im Reisevideoblog:
#DiscoverKyrgyzstan #VisitKyrgyzstan
Olorgesailie Prehistoric Site 19 November 2017
A day out of Nairobi to Olorgesailie prehistoric site for bird watching.
If you want to know how our ancestors lived 1.2 million years ago, all you got to do is follow the happenings at Olorgesailie prehistoric site, for it is the best dated prehistoric site in the world for that period. The 300-square-kilometer site lying in the Great Rift Valley, an hour’s drive south of Nairobi, has an in-situ museum with prehistoric hand axes and of sites like the butchery, which was the scene of a hunting expedition executed by the Homo erectus.
Prehistoric sites in Serbia
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The best known cultural archaeological discoveries from the prehistoric period on the territory of modern-day Serbia are the Starčevo and Vinča cultures dating back to 6400–6200 BC.Serbia's strategic location between two continents has subjected it to invasions by many nations.
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PETROGLYPHS - Ancient Rock Drawings from Kyrgyzstan
An opportunity to inspect some of the examples of rock drawings from the Lake Issyk-Kol area of Kyrgyzstan. These drawings date from 1500 BC to the 10th century AD
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Episode 12. Kyrgyzstan. Osh, Arslanbob, Bishkek, Issyk-Kul
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# 14 Zijderoute - Kyrgyzstan (Chuy Valley)- Burana Tower - Mountains - Guesthouse (Kochkor)
-- Autoreis Zijderoute In de voetsporen van Marco Polo --
Visiting Burana Tower (Minaret) in Chuy Valley.
Than…going into the beautiful mountains, visit there a man with his horses, buying dry fish…and finaly arrive in Kochkor in a local guesthouse to have some food and sleep.
Burana Tower
The Burana Tower is a large minaret in the Chuy Valley in northern Kyrgyzstan.
It is located about 80 km east of the country's capital Bishkek, near the town of Tokmok.
The tower, along with grave markers, some earthworks and the remnants of a castle and three mausoleums, is all that remains of the ancient city of Balasagun, which was established by the Karakhanids at the end of the 9th century.
An external staircase and steep, winding stairway inside the tower enables visitors to climb to the top.
The tower was originally 45 m (148 ft) high. However, over the centuries a number of earthquakes caused significant damage to the structure.
The last major earthquake in the 15th century destroyed the top half of the tower, reducing it to its current height of 25m (82 ft).
In the early 1900s, Russian immigrants to the area used some of the bricks from the tower for new building projects.
A renovation project was carried out in the 1970s to restore its foundation and repair the west-facing side of the tower, which was in danger of collapse.
The winding stairway inside the Burana Tower
The entire site, including the mausoleums, castle foundations and grave markers, now functions as museum and there is a small building on the site containing historical information as well as artifacts found at the site and in the surrounding region.
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A legend connected with the tower says that a witch warned a local king that his newly-born daughter would die once she reached the age of eighteen.
To protect her, he built a tall tower where he sequestered his daughter. No one entered the tower, except the daughter's servant who brought her food. The daughter grew up alone and became a beautiful young lady. One day, however, a poisonous spider was hiding in the food brought by the servant. The spider bit the girl, and she died in the tower, at the age of eighteen.
Kochkor is a town in Kyrgyzstan's Issyk-Kul and the Tian Shan region.
Kochkor has recently built a new taxi stand / bus station on the main road.
There you can negotiate shared taxi rides to Bishkek, Naryn City, Balykchi, Cholpon Ata, Kara Kol, and sometimes At Bashi or Jumgal.
If you are looking for a cheap ride, try one of the minivan taxis (also known as mashrutkas) or (if you have lots of time on your hands) one of the buses that runs from Bishkek to At Bashi.
-Get around.
Kochkor is a large village, but can be easily explored on foot.
if you want to visit a nearby village, finding a taxi might be difficult. The best thing to do is walk in the direction you want to go and wave at a passing car if you want them to stop.
If they do give you a ride, it is polite to offer them money for petrol.
There are mashrutkas that run east / west on the main road from one end of the town to the other. But they keep irregular schedules.
Every Saturday, Kochkor holds it Animal Bazaar. There you can view Kyrgyz livestock and observe local farmers buying and selling their animals. The bazaar is also a good place to stock up on any essentials that you might be running low on.
Kochkor's park is a haven of greenery just south of the taxi stand. Within the park are various Soviet era structures in various stages of use. There you will find the Kochkor museum (which may or may not be open), the Wedding Palace, the cinema (now closed), the Cultural Hall (still open and working, inside you will find a billiard hall, library, performance hall, and antique Soviet video games), the Sports Hall, and the famous Men Disco.
Although Kochkor is best described as a gateway community, there is still much to do during your visit.
The best is just to explore. The people are very friendly and willing to strike up a conversation with visitors. If you are looking for more standard tourism fare, visit the CBT office and arrange for one of the local tours.
If purchasing sheep isn't what you came for, Kochkor still can offer the shopping traveler a variety of experiences.
In the center, there are two bazaars, one for food and the other for
But what Kochkor is truely known for is the women's handicraft cooperative, Altyn Kol (Kyrgyz for 'golden hand').
Founded in the mid-90's as a way to provide an alternate source of income for struggling rural families,
Altyn Kol has become world known for its handmade felt carpets (shyrdaks).
Found an ancient city under water. 2,500 years. Finds discoveries travel.
Divers of the SKAT club at the Tomsk State University (TSU) returned from the Issyk-Kul lake, where they participated in the archaeological expedition of the National Academy of Sciences of Kyrgyzstan. This year they discovered a previously unknown Scythian city, which existed about 2-2,5 thousand years ago.
Geography Now! Kyrgyzstan
Snow leopards, shoulder jerking, and controversial marriage customs. Welcome to Kazakhstan's party animal little brother Kyrgyzstan.
Thanks to some wonderful images from our Aussie friends, travel writers Alesha and Jarryd! They've got amazing pics and footage at
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