【K】Uzbekistan Travel-Bukhara[우즈베키스탄 여행-부하라]굼바스 공예품 거리/Handicraft/Street/Gumbaz/Blacksmiths/Doll
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[한국어 정보]
여러 지붕을 합쳐 놓은 듯한 전통 건물. 낙타의 이동을 위한 높은 문을 통해 안으로 들어가보니 아기자기한 수공예품 거리가 이방인의 시선을 잡는다. 역시 가장 인기 있는 상품은 바로 호자 나스레딘이다. 그런데 이건 정체가 뭘까? 가위 같은데 새 모양이다. 안으로 들어가보니 한 대장장이가 용광로 앞에서 연신 쇠를 두드리고 있다. “저희 집안은 여기서 대를 이어 대장간을 합니다. 지금이 6대째입니다.” 대를 이어 전통을 지켜온 대장간. 수많은 철 제품엔 자부심이 가득하다. 그리고 이곳만의 특별한 철제 가위, 부하라 가위다. “이 가위의 새는 부하라의 상징입니다. 이 새 모양의 가위는 자르기 어려운 직물도 잘 자를 수 있게 되어 있습니다.” 이번 가게는 창가에 인형들이 가득하다. 안으로 들어가니 아이들이 뭔가를 기다리고 있다. 변사의 소리와 함께 장막 위로 인형이 등장한다. 바로 부하라 전통인형극이다. “그녀는 아버지를 찾을 수 없었답니다. ‘아빠! 아빠!’ 하고 울면서 달려갔습니다.” 늘 그렇듯 아이들은 금세 삼매경에 빠지고 어느새 연극은 막을 내린다. “연극은 다른 지역도 많이 있지만 이런 종류의 인형극은 오직 부하라에만 있고 전통인형도 우리가 직접 만들고 있습니다.” 나도 직접 부하라인형극의 한 대목을 배워본다. “압살람알레이쿰! 안녕하세요!” 전통이 서린 인형들 이제 그것은 또 다른 부하라의 역사다.
[English: Google Translator]
Traditional building that seemed to have combined various roofs. As we walk in through the high door for the camel 's movement, a charming handicraft street catches the attention of the stranger. The most popular product is HoJanas Redin. But what is this identity? It looks like a scissors bird. As I walked in, a blacksmith was knocking on a stretcher in front of the blast furnace. Our house is here for the blacksmith. Now this is the sixth generation. Many iron products are full of pride. And here is the special iron scissors, Bukhara Scissors. This scissor's bird is a symbol of Bukhara. This new shape of scissors makes it easy to cut fabrics that are difficult to cut. This shop is full of dolls in the window. The children are waiting for something. A doll appears on the tabernacle with the voice of the actor. It is Bukhara traditional puppet show. She could not find her father. 'Dad! Dad! 'As always, the children are falling into a frenzy, and the play is almost over. There are many other places in the theater, but this kind of puppet show is only in Bukhara, and we make our own doll. I also learn a part of Bukhara puppet theater. Absalam Aleikum! Hello! Traditional dolls are now another Bukhara history.
[Uzbekistan: Google Translator]
Turli uylarni birlashtirgan an'anaviy bino. Ular tuya dilbar hunarmandchilik masofada oliy bir harakat uchun eshikdan olish begona ko'z oldiriladi. Eng mashhur mahsulot - HoJanas Redin. Lekin bu kim? Bu qaychi qushiga o'xshaydi. Men o'choq oldida cho'zib temir yog'ayotgan bir temirchisiga uni qilish mumkin. Bizning uyimiz temirchi uchun. Bu oltinchi avlod. Ko'pgina temir mahsulotlari g'ururga to'la. Va bir maxsus po'lat qaychi, qaychi Buxoro Bu erda faqat. Qush qaychi Buxoro ramzidir. qaychi yangi shakli hamda matoni kesib ham qattiq kesib ega. do'kon oynasida qo'g'irchoqlar to'la. Bolalar nimadir kutmoqda. Qo'g'irchoq va byeonsa sadolari bilan chodirda ustidan paydo bo'ldi. Bu Buxoro an'anaviy qo'g'irchoq teatri. U otasini topa olmadi. - Otam! ! Daddy Va yig'lab yugurib ketdi. Sifatida har doim bolalar tez membranasini pastga o'yin to'satdan yoqtirgan ichiga tushib qoladi. Teatri turli sohalarda ko'p, lekin qo'g'irchoqboz bunday ham o'z qilish an'anaviy qo'g'irchoq faqat va faqat Buxoroda emas. Men to'g'ridan Buxoro qo'g'irchoq teatri yurishiga o'rganish qarash. Absalom Aleykum! Salom! Qo'g'irchoqlar an'anaga Seoulin endi u boshqa Buxoro tarixi bo'ldi.
■클립명: 아시아033-우즈베키스탄-03-19 굼바스 안 공예품 거리
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 신주호 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2019년 2월February
시장/상점,market,공장/작업장,factory,공연,축제,,performance,아시아Asia우즈베키스탄UzbekistanOzbekiston우즈베키스탄 공화국신주호20192월부하라BukharaBuxoro viloyatiFebruary걸어서 세계속으로
Bukhara Caravanserai
Archaeologist Bekhruz Kurbanov discusses the Central Asian Caravanserai and it's role on the Great Silk Road. This video was recorded in a 19th century Caravanserai in Bukhara, Uzbekistan.
Puppet Theater, Central Asia
A history of the puppet theater of Central Asia.
Starting in TASHKENT, the capital of UZBEKISTAN, we tour the whole country. SAMARKAND is next , and BUKHARA to see amazing ARCHITECTURAL ancient PERSIAN designs, and on to KHIVA.
The Persians first came to UZBEKISTAN in 560 BC.
Uzbek puppet show in Ichon-Qala, Khiva, Uzbekistan
I have no idea what copyright has supposedly been infringed upon. Notice the clouds? The music was coming from a cd. Taken on Wednesday 28/September/2016.
תיאטרון בובות בבוכרה PUPET SHOW AT BUKHARA
תיאור תיאטרון בובות בבוכרה בחנות של איסקנדאר חקימוב
Globe Shopper - Bazaars of Bukhara
Khiva, Uzbekistan, today, 27 April 2012
Khiva, Uzbekistan
puppets, sheep, chicken, music. It's all in Ichon-Qala, Khiva, Uzbekistan
Simply by luck, Liza and I just stumbled upon this event. Taken on Wednesday 28/September/2016.
Turkmenistan (Most Populated place of Ashgabat) Part 10
Welcome to my travelchannel. ☛☛☞☛
On my channel you can find more than 1000 films of almost 80 countries. See the playlist on my youtube channel.Enjoy!
Ashgabat – the capital of Neutral and Independent Turkmenistan considered as an administrative, cultural and business centre of the country since the declaration of Independence of the country on 27th of October in 1991.
The fate of Ashgabat is wonderful and unique. With its name, tracing back into centuries, and being wiped off the face of the earth in the middle of the XX century, this city has become an embodiment of immortality, the most everlasting soul of the Turkmen nation.
This nation has passed a historical way equal to the history of the whole human civilization. Having taken upon itself the world joy and miseries, having introduced its inexhaustible spiritual donation and constructive energy, this nation has not worn out in soul and talent, and its today revival witness thereof.
Being founded in 1881 the city was given the name of the adjacent village – Asgabat. The name of the rapidly built, buried in verdure Caspian oblast was translated as “city of love, fertility, welfare”. Hence became the custom: Ashgabat is a city of love. A sunny cosy oasis, protected by the Karakum desert in the north and by the Kopet - Dag ridge in the south, has aroused in its citizens bright and warm feelings towards their native city, and it has become a sing of Ashgabat, its essential peculiarity.
Having been newly built after the earthquake (6th of October in 1948), Ashgabat has preserved this peculiarity.
Day by day the capital of our motherland become more and more beautiful and gladdens the eye with its new appearance. Constellation of unique architectural buildings, lots of museums, exhibition halls and theatres attract the guests of our capital.
For the last years Ashgabat completely changed it’s former appearance. The present Ashgabat distinguishes itself with its own style, combining the best traditions of national architecture and the achievements of modern town-building such as “Arch of Neutrality”, “Museum and the monument for the victims of the Ashgabat earthquake in1948”, “National Museum”, “Monument and the park of Independence”, “Ice Palace”, “Cable Cars”, “Path of health”, “The fairy tale world of Turkmenbashy”, “Olympic swimming complex”, “Puppet theatre”, “Park of 10 Akhaltekin horses” and many others.
Fresh climatic air, clean and wide streets, new parks with majestic fountains and originality of the capital keep unforgettable impressions.
For the guest services there are lots of luxury hotels with high class services and modern design of International standard satisfy every guest of the capital.
Puppets of Khiva - Uzbekistan 2011
Khiva in Uzbekistan is a treasure trove of arts and crafts , one of them being Puppet Making.
The Koryazov Family specialize in Puppet making , their charming puppets are showcased in Museums around the world. The Master , and head of the family , Rustam Koryazov is also the Director of the Craft Center in Khiva.
360 Bujará - Los secretos del Taller de Marionetas más famoso de Bujará, Uzbekistán.
Hola viajeros!!
Hoy visitamos un lugar muy especial en Bujará, una ciudad histórica de Uzbekistán.
Aquí existe una tradición desde tiempos remotos hasta nuestros dias. El teatro de títeres. Asique vamos a visitar un taller de marionetas que desde el primer momento me cautivó.
Este taller pertenece a un artista bastante famoso que nació aquí, Iskandar Khakimov. Y uno de los maestros artesanos del local nos contará los secretos de la fábricacion de los muñecos
El teatro surgio en Asia Central en el siglo IV AC (conocido como Maskara), ya que los artistas utilizaban máscaras
Las actuaciones de marionetas desde el siglo I DC fueron muy populares hasta que pasó algo... ¿Quieres saber qué es? No te pierdas el siguiente video en @3sixtyxelmundo
Aquí os dejo en link con la información del taller: bukharapuppets.net
#360videos #VR360 #VRvideos
more puppets and music in Ichon-Qala, Khiva, Uzbekistan
Apparently, EuroNews had asked the organisers of this sort of thing to put on a special performance, simply so that they could film it. Taken on Wednesday 28/September/2016.
Afghanistan vs Babacracy
Afghanistan vs Babacracy. While democracy is spreading in most parts of the world and indivdual rights are given more attention by the governments, tribalism and babacracy has paralyzed progess in Afghanistan... afghanistani afghani afghan pakhto pushto pukhtun pushtoon pashtun pashtoon tajik tajiki tajikistan iran persian khurasan khorasan khorasani pakistan peshawar india islamabad lahore karchi, united kingdom london australia united states new york california dc toronto ontario canada kabul balkh mazar salang panjshir massoud kapisa parwan kunduz takhar badakhshan baghlan kandahar laghman massoud karzai taliban mullah omar gulboddin zahir shah nashinas ahmad wali ehsan aman habib qadiri arab arabic ariana aryana tv tolo malalai joya nashinas dostum ahmad zahir zahir hoviada uzbek uzbekistan nato united nations afghanistani kabul farsi parsi persian english khorasan tajik london canada pashto afghan usa un uk karzai nato human rights taliban terrorism khost paktia paktika laghman asadabad kunar helmand nemroz helmand zabul herat ghor badghis faryab jawozjan shiberghan mazar i sharif oxus islam muslim kabul balkh herat mazar afghan afghanistani panjshir kandahar farsi khorasan tajik hazara pashto pashtun hamid karzai ahmad shah masood massoud iran tajikistan tajik parwan kapisa helmand kandahar khost paktia paktika ghazni ghor badakhshan kunduz kabuli khurasani tolo tv ariana tv khorasan tv hamid qaderi habib qaderi ehsan aman farhad darya wahid qasimi wahid saberi naghma mangal nashinas gul zaman peshawar
Afghanistan afghan afghani afghanistani khorasan khorasani khurasan farsi parsi persian dari tajik tajiki tajikistani tajikistan uzbek uzbeki uzbekistani dostum karzai massoud herat kabul balkh mazar kunduz panjshir parwan kapisa kunduz
islam muslim kabul balkh herat mazar afghan afghanistani panjshir kandahar farsi khorasan tajik hazara pashto pashtun hamid karzai ahmad shah masood massoud iran tajikistan tajik parwan kapisa helmand kandahar khost paktia paktika ghazni ghor badakhshan kunduz kabuli khurasani tolo tv ariana tv khorasan tv hamid qaderi habib qaderi ehsan aman farhad darya wahid qasimi wahid saberi naghma mangal nashinas gul zaman peshawar
Afghanistan afghan afghani afghanistani khorasan khorasani khurasan farsi parsi persian dari tajik tajiki tajikistani tajikistan uzbek uzbeki uzbekistani dostum karzai massoud herat kabul balkh mazar kunduz panjshir parwan kapisa kunduz baghlan laghman logar ghazni kandahar helmand peshawar islam muslim wahhabi taliban mullah omar shia sunni (more)
afghan afghanistan tolotv iran kabul pashtun pashto farsi taliban karzai dari afghani tanweer786 tajik hazara khorasan
samangan bukhara samarqand russia germany england japan france turkey europe islam muslim arab saudi arabia palestine israel
puppets/algebra/algorithm at Ichon-Qala's west gate, Khiva, Uzbekistan
I forgot to mention algorithm as well. I think the bloke on the statue had something to do with that as well. I'm not sure that his name was actually Al Gebra (Muhammed ibn Musa Al-Khwarizmi to be precise), but he certainly had something to do with all of that sort of stuff. Taken on Wednesday 28/September/2016.
Бухарский кукольный театр. Бухара 2016
В мастерской бухарских кукол
Tashkent - Uzbekistan 2011
History lessons come alive .. Tashkent to me conjures up the city where our prime minister Lal Bahadur Shastri died under mysterious circumstances on 11th. January 1966 one day after the peace treaty was signed by India and Pakistan. What i found in post Russian Tashkent is a clean pretty city , with overbearing and sometimes much too grandeous architecture and monuments , what touched my heart completely are the warm and friendly people of Uzbekistan , the food , their markets , their culture which has survived despite dry , cold , successive and supressive regimes - even to date.
Delhi (/ˈdɛli/, Hindustani pronunciation: [d̪ɪlliː] Dilli ), also known as the National Capital Territory of India is a metropolitan region in India. It has a population of nearly 25 million residents as of 2014, and is the largest city in India by land area and population. The NCT and its urban region have been given the special status of National Capital Region (NCR) under the Constitution of India's 69th amendment act of 1991. The NCR includes the neighbouring cities of Gurgaon, Noida, Ghaziabad, Faridabad, Greater Noida, Sonepat, Panipat, Karnal, Rohtak, Rewari, Baghpat, Meerut, Alwar, Bharatpur and other nearby towns.
A union territory, the political administration of the NCT of Delhi today more closely resembles that of a state of India, with its own legislature, high court and an executive council of ministers headed by a Chief Minister. New Delhi is jointly administered by the federal government of India and the local government of Delhi, and is the capital of the NCT of Delhi.
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Bukhara | Eu IV Anglia | Gameplay PL| 19
Europa Universalis IV | ANGLIA |
Europa Universalis IV jest czwartą odsłoną niezwykle popularnego cyklu gier strategicznych, rozwijanego przez firmę Paradox Interactive. Gracze mają okazję pokierować rozwojem jednej z ponad 250 nacji na przestrzeni 300 lat. Tytuł oferuje rozbudowane mechanizmy związane m.in. z zarządzaniem polityką wewnętrzną, dyplomacją, gospodarką i wojskowością, a jednocześnie bazuje na bogatym zbiorze informacji o historycznych postaciach, wydarzeniach i miejscach.
jeszcze nie wiem
Nacja: Anglia
Poziom trudności: Normal, Iron man
Kolejne odcinki codziennie o 14:00
Patch. 1.19.2
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