The ringing church bells of St. Leodegar Hofkirche in Luzern, Switzerland
Used to awake daily to these ringing church bells when I was in Luzern for a week during March. The streets were quiet except for an occasional footsteps of a passerby while in the background, the sound of the ringing bells would be echoing down the streets and against the mountains in the cold dawn.. Decided to go down to the church one day to just record the sound of the ringing bells and bring it home with me.
Organ tuning in Hofkirche, Lucerne, Switzerland
Grosse Hoforgel with 70 registers.
Die Hoforgel in Vollendung.mp4
Die Grosse Hoforgel der Hofkirche Luzern hatte Ihre Enstehungszeit in den Jahren 1648-1651; weitere Ergänzungsbauten fanden 1862 und 1972 statt. Gemessen an ihrem Alter, ist die Prospektpfeife, das 32'-C mit knapp 10m Länge und knapp 400 kp Gewicht, die schwerste und grösste der Welt. Bei früheren Renovationen wurden viele Pfeifen nicht mehr eingesetzt. Diese originalen Pfeifen sollen nun auf Initiative des Hoforganisten Wolfgang Sieber in einem neuen Echowerk im Chorbezirk wieder eingebaut werden.
Hofkirche St.Leodegar Luzern
Timelapse von den Arbeiten im Nordturm in der Hofkirche St.Leodegar in Luzern.
Sanierung der Glockenausrüstungen der:
Glocke 2 - a°
Glocke 4 - c'
Glocke 6 - dis'
Glocke 7 - f'
An der Glocke 5 im Südturm wurde das Stahljoch durch ein neues Holzjoch ersetzt.
Jonathan Scott perform's the Prelude to Act III of Lohengrin by Richard Wagner on the Great Organ of the Hofkirche (St. Leodegar) Lucerne, Switzerland. Full specification below.
Film & Sound by TOM SCOTT
Please visit
The Organ of Hofkirche - St. Leodegar, Lucerne, Switzerland
GEISLER 1648/51
HAAS 1859/62
KUHN 1972/77 & 2001/15
P. Pedal C–f '
Principal 32 '
Octave 16 '
Subbass 16 '
Gedackt 16 '
Octave 8 '
Flöte 8 '
Violon 8 '
Octave 4 '
Spillflöte 4 '
Quarte 5 1/3 ' + 4 '
Grossterz 3 1/5 '
Mixtur 4f. 2 2/3 '
Kontrafagott 32 '
Tuba 16 '
Posaune 16 '
Trompete 8 '
Clairon 4 '
I. Rückpositiv C–a '''
Rohrgedackt 8 '
Quintatön 8 '
Principal 4 '
Kleingedackt 4 '
Sesquialtera 2f. 2 2/3 '
Octave 2 '
Nachthorn 2 '
Quinte 1 1/3 '
Octave 1 '
Scharf 4f. 1 '
Rankett 16 '
Krummhorn 8 '
II. Hauptwerk C–a '''
Principal 16 '
Gambe 16 '
Octave 8 '
Hohlflöte 8 '
Gemshorn 8 '
Quinte 5 1/3 '
Octave 4 '
Koppelflöte 4 '
Viola di Gamba 4 '
Terz 3 1/5 '
Octave 2 '
Mixtur major 6f. 2 2/3 '
Mixtur minor 4f. 1 1/3 '
Cornett 3-5f. 8 '
Bombarde 16 '
Trompete 8 '
III. Oberwerk C–a '''
Pommer 16 '
Principal 8 '
Gedackt 8 '
Octave 4 '
Gemshorn 4 '
Quinte 2 2/3 '
Octave 2 '
Terz 1 3/5 '
Mixtur 5f. 1 1/3 '
Cymbel 3f. 1/2 '
Zinke 8 '
Schalmei 4 '
IV. Récit (ENCLOSED) C–a '''
Bourdon 16 '
Principal 8 '
Bourdon 8 '
Salicional 8 '
Voix céleste (ab A) 8 '
Octave 4 '
Flûte traversière 4 '
Nasard 2 2/3 '
Flageolet 2 '
Plein jeu 5-6f. 2 '
Basson 16 '
Trompette harm. 8 '
Hautbois 8 '
Clairon 4 '
V. Fernwerk C–f '''
(ENCLOSED in 2 Swell boxes in Roof of Church)
Bourdon 16 '
Principal 8 '
Bourdon 8 '
Spitzflöte 8 '
Octave 4 '
Spitzflöte 4 '
Quinte 2 2/3 '
Octave 2 '
Trompete 8 '
Vox humana 8 '
Fagott 16 '
Physharmonica 8'
Clarinette 8 '
ECHOWERK (2015 - Front of Church)
Violon 16 '
Bourdon 16 '
Gambe 8 '
Dulciana 8 '
Harmonica 8 '
Flûte harmonique 8 '
Flötenschwebung (ab c)8 '
Gedacktquinte 5 1/3 '
Violine 4 '
Holzflöte 4 '
Flautino 2 '
Piccolo 1 '
Harmonia aeth. 5-7f. 5 1/3 '
Alphorn 16 '
Alphorn 8 '
Alphorn 4 '
Streicherkornett 3-5f. 8 '
Tubular Bells
Pedal (ENCLOSED) C–f '
Violonbass 16 '
Echobass 16 '
Quinte 10 2/3 '
Violoncello 8 '
Flöte 8 '
Sousaphon 32 '
Euphonium 16 '
Tubular Bells
เที่ยว Luzern อนุสาวรีย์สิงโตสะอื้น โบสถ์ Hofkirche และ Chapel bridge
Jalan jalan di City Center Luzern Swiss April 2015
Selamat datang di Kota Luzern, disebut juga Lucerne. Luzern, salah satu kota turis utama di Negara Swiss.
City centernya yang sebagian didominasi wilayah kota tua juga seru kok buat jalan-jalan.
Kemarin pas ke Luzern juga sempat ketemu teman yang dulu bareng-bareng di Jeddah. Mereka sekeluarga masih di Jeddah.
Janjian di sekitaran CHapel Bridge. Jembatan beratap kayu yang keunikannya menjadi ciri khas Kota Luzern ini, terbentang secara diagonal di atas permukaan Danau Luzern. Ada lebih dari 100 lukisan dari abad ke-17 dipamerkan di sepanjang badan jembatan yang menunjukkan aktivitas kota Luzern di masa tersebut.
Penting banget foto-foto di Chapel Bridge ini kalau ke Luzern :D.
Geser dikit, kita memasuki wilayah kota tua. Yang bisa kita lihat-lihat di sini :
1. Hofkirche
Menara kembar, khas bangunan gereja dari masa Renaissance. Kami masuk ke dalam, melihat-lihat peninggalan bangunan masa lalu yang masih berdiri kokoh sampai sekarang.
2. Lion Monument
Ukiran seekor singa dalam keadaan sekarat, yang terpahat di dinding batu ini merupakan monumen dari masa Revolusi Perancis. Untuk mengenang meninggalnya ratusan serdadu yang membela Raja Louis ke-16 dalam sebuah serangan.
3. Town Walls
Dinding kota ini dibangun di sebelah utara wilayah Kota Tua, Luzern. Ada 9 menara dengan bentuk berbeda-beda melengkapi bangunan dinding peninggalan abad ke-14 ini.
Top 15. Best Tourist Attractions in Lucerne - Travel Switzerland
Top 15. Best Tourist Attractions and Beautiful Places in Lucerne - Travel Switzerland:
Mount Pilatus, Lake Luzern, Chapel Bridge, Old Town Lucerne, Swiss Museum of Transport, The Rosengart Collection, Dying Lion of Lucerne Monument, Spreuer Bridge, The Nine Towers, Glacier Garden, Jesuitenkirche, Hofkirche, KKL Luzern, Kornmarkt
Hofkirche Luzern
St. Leodegar im Hof
Die Hofkirche St. Leodegar ist eines der Wahrzeichen der Stadt Luzern in der Schweiz. Die Hofkirche ist die Hauptkirche der römisch-katholischen Pfarrei St. Leodegar im Hof, einer der acht katholischen Stadtpfarreien Luzerns und sie ist zugleich die Stiftskirche des Kollegiat-Stifts St. Leodegar. Die Hofkirche wurde von 1633 bis 1639 teilweise auf den Fundamenten der 1633 abgebrannten romanischen Basilika gebaut und ist eine der wenigen Kirchen, die während des Dreissigjährigen Kriegs nördlich der Alpen gebaut wurden und eine der grössten und kunsthistorisch wertvollsten Kirchen der deutschen Spätrenaissance.
Lucerne Switzerland beautiful town, friendly people and one of the central tourist attractions.With its famous Kapellbrücke originally built c. 1365.
Choir rehearsal @ the beautiful Hofkirsche in Lucerne, Switzerland.
I visited the St. Leodegar im Hof in June, 2011. Luckily for me, the choir was rehearsing that day and I just had to sit and listen to their wonderful singing.
Switzerland Travel―Visiting Church of St. Leodegar in Lucerne
Monumental 17th-century church featuring a vaulted, white stone interior & twin Gothic belltowers. Visited on 06/28/2019 (a hot summer day).
Read below companion article for more details:
Windowzoo - Luzern - Switzerland
habakuk El chriso and ill - Luzern City
music: Ghost Town The Specials
Hofkirche, Switzerland
For more info about the Church please visit:
Hofkirche, Luzern
Diese Dokumentation beleuchtet die Hofkirche und ihre Verbindung zur Stadt Luzern. Speziell wird hierbei die historische Entwicklung der Kirche und des Stadtgefüges aufgezeigt.
Lucerne 2 93A
Lion Monument, Hofkirche, lakeside stroll, street performers, chocolate shop, sunrise walk.
Lucerne - a gem in the heart of Switzerland
Goethe described Switzerland as a combination of the colossal and the well-ordered. One is always sure that the trains and letters will be on time. The tidy, just-so precision of Swiss towns is tempered by the lofty splendor of the landscapes that surround them. Fresh mountain air, clear blue lakes and clean cultured cities make Switzerland a dream come true.
A gem at the heart of Switzerland is Lucerne, lapped by scenic Lake Lucerne and surrounded by majestic snow-capped mountains - its striking skyline epitomizes the very essence of Switzerland. It is often considered to be the true Swiss capital. Charming Lucerne has an 'Old Town' center of 15th-century buildings with painted facades, towers, a 17th-century Renaissance town hall, old squares and picture-perfect medieval bridges adorned with rooftop art.
Any tour of Lucerne must begin with the 14th-century covered Kapellbrücke (Chapel Bridge), the oldest road bridge in Europe, angled around the octagonal mid-river Wasserturm (water tower). Constructed in 1333 as a part of the city's fortifications and named after St. Peterskapelle (St. Peter's Chapel), which is located nearby, the wooden bridge has come to stand as the symbol of Lucerne. The principal historical interest of the bridge lay in its collection of double-sided triangular roof ceiling panels, painted by Heinrich Wägmann in 1614 with scenes from the city's historical past and mythological events, including the biographies of the city's patron saints, St. Leodegar and St. Maurice. Each is numbered, and captioned with rhyming couplets, the idiosyncratic local dialect written out in obscure medieval gothic script. The most distinctive image is panel no. 31, which shows William Tell shooting the apple from his son's head.
The water tower - over 34 meters high - was built around 1300 as part of the city wall and used as an archive, treasury, prison and torture chamber. It is Lucerne's landmark and the most frequently photographed monument in Switzerland. Kapellplatz, at the bridgehead of the Kapellbrücke, encircles the tiny 18th-century St. Peter's Chapel, built over a predecessor dating from as early as 1178. Some 150m west is Kornmarkt, site of the medieval public marketplace. On one side, overlooking the riverside market area of Unter der Egg, is the huge Rathaus, completed in 1606 in Italian Renaissance style but crowned with an oddly incongruous Emmentaler-style roof.
The twin needle towers of the church of St. Leodegar, which was named after the city's patron saint, sit on a small hill just above the lakefront. Originally built as a Benedictine monastery in 735, the present structure was erected in 1633 in the late Renaissance style. It is the most important Renaissance church in Switzerland. Especially noteworthy are the façade, Mary's altar (with a relief panel dating from 1500), and the souls' altar. The interior is richly decorated. The church is popularly called the Hofkirche (Hof Church).
Not far from the city center is is one of the world's most famous monuments, the dying Lion of Lucerne (Löwendenkmal), done by Danish artist Bertel Thorvaldsen) in 1819-21. It was carved out of natural rock in memory of the heroic deaths of some 800 Swiss guards who were massacred in 1792 during the French Revolution, when the mob stormed the Tuileries Palace in Paris, where King Louis XVI, Marie-Antoinette and their children took refuge. Mark Twain described the Lion of Lucerne as the saddest and most moving piece of rock in the world.
Church of St Leodegar Lucerne) Luzern Swiss
LUZERN TRAVEL GUIDE // Switzerland 2019
Here's what we ate, saw, and did in Luzern!
So happy to be here- it's a lot more crowded compared to Zurich but it's nice to be back in the city again. We were so exhausted but only had today to explore the city before heading back to Zurich tomorrow for our flight so we tried to make the most of it. Enjoy enjoy!! ????????
???? WE STAYED AT ????
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???? FOOD ????
- Migros
- Bachmann
- Äss Bar
- Luzern
- Kapellbrücke
- Hofkirche St. Leodegar [idk why the video exported the text weird]
- Lion Monument
- Deer Park
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Fender Bender - Bad Snacks
Longing - Joakim Karud
Take It Easy
Say Good Night
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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Disclaimer: I do not own this music. No copyright intended.