House on the Hill - Höfn - Iceland
House on the Hill hotel city: Höfn - Country: Iceland
Address: Fiskhóll 11; zip code: 780
Located in Höfn, House on the Hill offers free parking and free high-speed WiFi access. Höfn Swimming Pool is 3 minutes’ walk away. The property features both mountain and glacier views, and guest rooms are spread over 2 buildings.
-- Situé à Höfn, à 3 minutes à pied de la piscine de la ville, le House on the Hill propose gratuitement une connexion Wi-Fi haut débit et un espace de stationnement. L'établissement offre une une sur la montagne et le glacier.
-- El House on the Hill está ubicado en Höfn y ofrece aparcamiento gratuito y WiFi gratuita de alta velocidad. La piscina de Höfn se encuentra a 3 minutos a pie.
-- Das House on the Hill liegt in Höfn und bietet kostenlose Parkplätze sowie kostenloses Highspeed-WLAN. Den Pool von Höfn erreichen Sie nach einem 3-minütigen Spaziergang. Die Unterkunft bietet sowohl Berg- als auch Gletscherblick.
-- House on the Hill in Höfn biedt kamers in 2 gebouwen met gratis razendsnelle WiFi en uitzicht op de bergen en de gletsjer. De accommodatie ligt op minder dan 5 minuten lopen van het zwembad van Höfn. Er is gratis parkeergelegenheid.
-- Situata a Höfn, a 3 minuti a piedi dalla piscina della città, la House on the Hill offre una vista sui monti e sul ghiacciaio, sistemazioni dislocate in 2 edifici, il WiFi gratuito ad alta velocità e un parcheggio senza costi aggiuntivi.
-- House on the Hillはホプンに位置し、無料で駐車場と高速Wi-Fi回線を利用できます。ヘプン・スイミングプールまで徒歩で3分です。山と氷河を望む宿泊施設で、客室は2棟の建物に分かれて位置しています。 明るい内装の客室には薄型テレビが備わり、バスルームは共用です。共用ラウンジに電子レンジ、電気ポットを用意しています。 周辺エリアにレストランが数軒あります。House on the Hillから、ホルナフジュール空港まで7.5km、ヨークルスアゥルロゥン氷河湖まで車で1時間です。
-- House on the Hill旅馆位于霍芬(Höfn),提供免费停车场和免费高速WiFi,距离霍芬游泳池(Höfn Swimming Pool)有3分钟步行路程,享有山脉和冰川的美景,其客房分布在2栋大楼内。 装饰明亮的客房设有平板电视和共用浴室。公共休息室配备了微波炉和电水壶。 旅馆周边分布着数间餐馆。House on the Hill旅馆距离Hornafjördur airport机场7.
-- Отель House on the Hill находится в городе Хёбне. К услугам гостей бесплатная парковка и бесплатный высокоскоростной Wi-Fi. До плавательного бассейна Хёбна можно дойти за 3 минуты. Номера отеля расположены в 2 зданиях.
Mývatn mud pools - Iceland
Matarsmiðja Matís á Höfn í Hornafirði
Matís - öflugt þekkingarfyrirtæki sem sinnir fjölbreyttu rannsókna- þjónustu- og nýsköpunarstarfi í matvæla- og líftækniiðnaði
Matís er þekkingar- og rannsóknafyrirtæki sem vinnur að þróun og nýsköpun i matvælaiðnaði, líftækni og matvælaöryggi. Matís veitir ráðgjöf og þjónustu til fyrirtækja í sjávarútvegi og landbúnaði, sem og íslenska ríkinu. Sem dæmi kemur Matís að þróun á nýjum vörum og ferlum fyrir fyrirtæki og hefur mikilvægu hlutverki að gegna varðandi gæði og öryggi matvæla.
Á Hornafirði hefur Matís haft starfsstöð frá 2006. Starfstöðin er í þekkingarsetrinu Nýheimum sem er vettvangur skapandi samvinnu á svæðinu. Helstu áherslur í starfseminni á svæðinu felast í uppbyggingu á smáframleiðslu matvæla, útflutning á lifandi skel og krabbadýrum og rannsóknir á leturhumri.
Í nóvember 2008 var Matarsmiðja Matís opnuð í tengslum við starfsstöðina á Höfn. Í Matarsmiðju Matís býðst frumkvöðlum og litlum fyrirtækjum tækifæri til að stunda vöruþróun og hefja smáframleiðslu á matvælum gegn vægu leigugjaldi. Þannig spara þeir sér fjárfestingu í dýrum tækjabúnaði strax í upphafi rekstrar. Með þessu gefst einstakt tækifæri til að prófa sig áfram bæði við framleiðsluna og á markaði. Sérstök áhersla er á uppbyggingu í tengslum við staðbundin matvæli og matarferðaþjónustu.
Aðstaðan er hugsuð til notkunar á landsvísu. Forsenda þess að komast í aðstöðuna er að kaupa ráðgjöf um góða framleiðsluhætti í upphafi. Þannig munu notendur læra rétt vinnubrögð frá upphafi. Með aðstöðunni í Matarsmiðjunni á Hornafirði gefst einstakt tækifæri til nýsköpunar í smáframleiðslu matvæla. Nú þegar er fjöldi verkefna komin í gang í Matarsmiðjunni og koma frumkvöðlar m.a. úr Reykjavík til vöruþróunar og smáframleiðslu.
Iceland Winter Trip - Drive from Vik To Hofn
For more details, please visit our blog
Vopnafjörður, Vopnafjordur, East Iceland
The village of Vopnafjörður is on Kolbeinstanga, with varied opportunities for relaxation and outdoor activities. Many marked walking trails lead through Vopnafjörður's natural pearls. One of them, the elephant, is a rock pillar on the east side of Vopnafjörður.
Two celebrations will be in Vopnafjörður in 2013: Vopnaskak, a family-oriented holiday with many activities, from 4.-7. July, and a cultural celebration, Once upon an August evening, in honor of the brothers Jónas and Jón Múla, held 5.-11. August.
Kaupvangur Cultural Center is worth a visit: visitor information, Kaupvangskaffi, Múlastofa (an exhibit about the life and music of two brothers, Jónas and Jón Múla), and East Iceland Emigration Center providing information about 19th century emigrants. The Kaupvangur is open 10:00 -- 18:00 daily in the summer.
In Hofsárdal is the old farm Bustarfell, one of Iceland's best-kept turf houses whose uniqueness lies in its clear image of farming practices and lifestyle from before 1770 until 1966. The museum is open daily through the summer, 10:00 -- 18:00. Café Croft is next door.
The golf course is nine holes whose layout is determined by its surroundings: steep hillside, diagonal layout and whimsical.
The Selárdal swimming pool, on the banks of the river where it runs through a shallow canyon, is famous for it's lovely surroundings. About 12 km. north of the village, open daily 7:00 -- 23:00.
Vopnafjörður's campground is small and peaceful, in a lovely setting overlooking the village. All basic services are available for vehicles, trailers and tenters.
Þéttbýlið Vopnafjörður stendur á Kolbeinstanga. Hér er fjöldi möguleika til afþreyingar og útivistar. Merktar gönguleiðar eru margar, fjölbreyttar og leiða á vit náttúruperla Vopnafjarðar. „Fíllinn, er ein þessara perla, steindrangur í austanverðum Vopnafirði.
Bæjarhátíðir Vopnafjarðar eru tvær sumarið 2013. Vopnaskak er fjölbreytt fjölskylduhátíð, haldinn dagana 4. -- 7. júlí. Menningarhátíðin „Einu sinni á ágústkveldi, er tileinkuð þeim bræðrum Jónasi og Jóni Múla og verður dagana 5.-11. ágúst.
Menningarsetur Vopnafjarðar, Kaupvangur, er áhugaverður staður að heimsækja. Þar má m.a. finna upplýsingamiðstöð ferðafólks, kaffihús og Múlastofu, safn um líf og list Jónasar og Jóns Múla. Þar er Vestufaramiðstöðin starfrækt sem veitir upplýsingar um tengsl og ættir Íslendinga við Vesturfara síns tíma. Húsið er opið frá kl. 10:00 -- 18:00 alla daga sumarsins.
Í Hofsárdal, stendur gamla ættarsetrið Bustarfell, einn af best varðveittu torfbæjum Íslands. Sérstaða safnsins felst í því glöggri miðlun breyttra búskapar- og lifnaðarhátta fólks allt frá því fyrir 1770 til þess er hætt var að búa í bænum árið 1966. Safnið er opið alla daga sumarsins frá 10:00 -- 18:00 sem og kaffihúsið Hjáleigan.
Golfvöllurinn er 9 holu völlur, sem legu sinna vegna hefur ákveðna sérstöðu - hæðótt landslag, skásneitt í tilfellum og fjölbreytt.
Selárdalslaug stendur við bakka Selár þar sem hún rennur í grunnu gljúfri. Leitun er að jafn fagurri staðsetningu fyrir sundlaug enda laugin rómuð fyrir umhverfi sitt. Laugin er um 12 km frá Vopnafjarðarkaupstað. Opnunartími er frá 07:00 -- 23:00.
Tjaldsvæði Vopnafjarðar er lítið en huggulegt, staðsett á fallegum stað ofarlega í þéttbýlinu norðanverðu. Öll grunnþjónusta við húsbíla og hverskonar tjöld.
Boiling pool, Hveravellir, Iceland
Hot Pools,Laugafell,Iceland
Larking about in a hot pool on the side of a mountain in the middle of nowhere in Iceland (Temp:4oC out,40oC in).It doesn't get much better (mind,a bar would have been good...)
Driving in Djúpivogur Iceland + Turist taking a bath
Im back on my bike after long time away from it.
2016 Iceland Roadtrip
9 days Iceland Road trip. During summer solstice. Waterfalls, Glaciers, Eurocup 2016.
- Snafaellsnad Penninsula
- Esja hike + Althingi
- Gullfloss, Guysir, Fontana Hot Springs
- Kerio Volcano, Seljalandsfoss, Skagafoss
- Vik, Skaftafell glacier to Hofn stopping at Lagoons
- Hofn, Hoffell Glacier Hike
- back to to Vik, Fjaorarglibjufur Canyon, Dyrholaey Outcrop
- Rekjavik, Seljavallalaug Pool
Axel Flovent - Forest Fires
Junius Meyvant - Hailslide
Kaleo - Vor Vaglaskogi
Mani Orrason - Fed All My Days
Vok - Waterfall
Way Down We Go - Kaleo.mp3
Eg er komin heim.mp3
Jon Jonsson - Ljuft aÐ vera til
Iceland Myvatn - Akureyri
Day 3 in Iceland and Day 2 of driving the ring road Hofn - Akureyri.
This was the most challenging driving day!! I don't recommend the driving route that the GPS took us purely due to the severity of the gravel roads which including driving up a mountain but I will admit it was the quickest route. Hofn - Djupivogur drive was good but Djupivogur - Egilsstaðir was the worst gravel road in the whole of Iceland & it was for the whole 90km! Google maps predicted an hour and a half drive... It took me 3 in my tiny Chevrolet. I was quicker driving Egilsstaðir - Myvatn which was 170km.
Stop 1: Myvatn Mud Pools
Stop 2: Myvatn Nature Baths (we did not pay to go in as we pre-booked the blue lagoon which was £20 more expensive)
Stop 3: Viti Crater (we had to drive back 9km from Myvatn Baths)
Stop 4: Godafoss Waterfall
Stop 5: Akureyri
Myvatn mud pools smelt of Sulphur & rotten eggs; this smell stuck with me the rest of the trip smelling it in the showers & tasting it in the tap water whilst brushing my teeth!
Accommodation: Akureyri Backpackers Hostel. This was the best hostel we stayed in! Great cooking & shower facilities. We stayed in a twin private room with shared bathroom - it was the cleanest place I have ever stayed in!! Full of life staying with 66 acapella singing Germans with a 6:00am shower sing a long. There free parking is on the street until 10am & we arrived at 8pm.
For more information on
Akureyri Backpackers visit:
SIXT Iceland:
Secret Hotpot & Nacreous Clouds in the East Fjords | Iceland Road Trip Adventure | Day 5 Travel Vlog
Adventuring through the East Fjords from Hofn to Seyðisfjörður, we discover a hidden geothermal hotpot paradise, witness Nacreous Clouds (a beautiful natural phenomenon also known as rainbow clouds or Polar Stratospheric clouds), and explore the charming town of Seyðisfjörður, where we settle for a night in the gorgeous Við Lónið guesthouse.
To find out more about Nacreous Clouds read my new blog post:
Be sure to subscribe so you don't miss day 6's blog & vlog about the Dimmuborgir Lava Fields, and the amazing Myvatn Nature Baths!
If you're interested visitng the luxurious Við Lónið Guesthouse, be sure to visit their website for more details *Though we are of course very grateful to Við Lónið for inviting us to stay, I'd like to remind you that all opinions are honest, and our own!*
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Music: Will Mckeown, 2018 ©
Kia Marie Hunt
Dr Kevin Soh. 3 Mount Elizabeth, #07-02, Mount Elizabeth Medical Centre, Singapore 228510
8 days around Iceland - Mountains, Waterfalls, Fjords
If you have any comments, PLEASE do not be afraid to ask. Please SUBSCRIBE, SHARE, and COMMENT on this video.
If you prefer to read, rather than watch the video, here’s the transcript.
0:51 – Day 1: Arrive in Reykjavik. Visit Blue Lagoon. Stay in Hilton Hotel Nordica.
1:33 – Day 2: Reykjavik to Vik. Hverageroi, a shopping center built on 2 continents. Geysir Geothermal Area. Gulfoss Golden Waterfall. Seljalandsfoss Waterfall, the waterfall that you can walk behind. Eyjafjallajokull (Eyjafjalla Glacier). Skogafoss Waterfall. Dyrholaey basalt columns. Hotel at Vik (the Southernmost town in Iceland).
4:49 – Day 3: Vik to Hofn. Laufskalavarda (Laufskala farm) – add a stone. Eldhraun Lava Field formed from the Laki Eruption 1783. Vatnajokull glacier – the largest ice cap in Europe. Cruise among the floating icebergs on Jokulsarlon Glacier Lagoon. Suck on 1,000 year old ice. Snowmobile on Vatnajokull Glacier. Hotel at Hofn.
7:32 – Day 4: Hofn, East Fjords, Egilsstadir. East Fjords – the oldest parts of Iceland with the most diverse rocks and minerals. Almannaskaro coastline. Petra’s Stone Collection. Military hospital at Faskrudsfjordur. Hotel at Egilsstadir.
12:22 – Day 5: Egilsstadir to Lake Myvatn area. Detifoss Waterfall – the largest waterfall in Iceland. Lake Myvatn – entrance to hell. Namafjall geothermal area with fumaroles and mud pots. Sigurgeir Bird Museum. Horse riding on the lava plains. Hotel at Myvatn area.
13:00 – Day 6: Lake Myrvatn to Akureyri. Godafoss waterfall – the waterfall of God. Laufas farm and village – ancient Icelandic buildings. The eiderduck pads her eggs with down feathers plucked from her breast. Whale watching. Hotel Kea in Akureyri (second largest town in Iceland).
15:50 – Day 7: Skagafjorour to Borgarnes. Unique Icelandic Viking horse. The Icelandic horse has a fifth gait – the tolt. Walk along the stepped boardwalk around Volcano Gabrok. Hotel Hamar in Borgarnes area.
17:54 – Day 8 – Borgarfjorour – Thingvellir National Park. Deildartunguhver – world’s largest hot spring. Hraunfossar waterfall. Barnafoss (Children’s Falls). Town of Reykholt. Thingvellir National Park (UNESCO) – the rift valley of Iceland, site of mid-Atlantic ridge. Back to Reykjavik.
Iceland 20150725.3 Overlook on 62 to Birkimelur Swimming Pool
Drive day #3 of our two week road trip around Iceland. This is Mobius ActionCam wide angle video of the drive from the overlook on 62 to Birkimelur Swimming Pool along 62 in the Westfjords. We are driving a 2014 Kia Sorento Diesel.
Magical Westfjords of Iceland - Wim Hof Retreat
When you plan something with all your heart, you can only have intentions towards the outcome.
Time passes and the magical event takes place, you go through it like a floating cloud, observing everything with eagle eyes, yet flashing through each moment, trying to download every second into the deepest part of your memory.
As the event passes, you relive it in multiple ways, bringing flashes into your present, making even your heart pause for a moment.
Then, you have the opportunity to watch a video that keeps it all SO MUCH alive. Capturing not only the scenery, the people, the space and time; but also the energy of how each moment felt: A total unique connection to ourselves, nature and the group throughout a whole week.
We are deeply grateful for this unforgettable experience teaching alongside Douwe. And also for the magical touch of this video by Frank Frames Things.
If this experience resonates with you, our next adventure takes us to the Glacier Nature of Iceland this September:
Lots of love,
Andri & Tanit
Javier swims full length of the pool
Javier finally did it. He managed to swim the full length of the pool without the help of the swim board for the very first time. Well done, Javier!
Jökulsárlón Glaciar Lagoon- Iceland with a Toddler
This video was filmed with this camera
and (at times) this microphone
This book was an excellent resource to have on our Iceland trip. I highly recommend it:
When I was planning our Iceland adventure, Jökulsárlón Glaciar lagoon was one of the things I was most excited about. The images I saw online jumped out at me, and I was ready to have my mind blown.
That was probably where things went wrong. My expectations were too unrealistic, and I would advise anyone who is tempted to share my enthusiasm to temper those expectations and go with the flow.
I had expected to be drifting through giant floating icebergs so close that I could sweep them with my hand, and feel transported to an arctic world. That’s not what happened.
I should say, very clearly, that this is a place worth visiting. It is beautiful, and unlike anything else you’ll find in most parts of the world.
If you have never been on an amphibious boat, you’ll think this is neat. If you didn’t stop at Sólheimajökull Glacier, you’ll probably love this.
The reality is that ultimately it’s a boat ride in a lake, at a quite reasonable and safe distance from small icebergs that are floating in the water. There is a guide, who provides some insight into the history and current status of the glacier and lagoon, and they give you a chip of glacier ice (which could be tens of thousands of years old) to suck on.
Spoiler: it tastes like clean water.
I really hate to be a downer about it, but the experience of going on the boat is not too different from the experience you have standing on the shore at the side of the lagoon. The price of boarding the boat isn’t terribly expensive, but it’s not cheap either. If you’re travelling on a budget, you may be better to save your money for other activities and view the lagoon from the shore.
If you want to have the experience of riding an amphibious boat in a glacier lagoon, then there probably isn’t a better place in the world to do that. The service is good, the boat seemed safe, and it really is beautiful. I believe the company running the tour did all they could to make it enjoyable.
Up next: Höfn
My wife Christina wrote a blog about our Iceland adventure:
Hotel Örk
Hotel Örk has 76 spacious and well furnished standard rooms and 9 larger and more comfortable rooms. We have an outdoor swimming pool that features a water slide, hot tubs and geothermal sauna. Enjoy the hot tubs on a cold winter nights and enjoy the stars and the northern lights.
Hver restaurant offers good quality food for a good price for the whole family. Even if you are not staying with Hotel Örk the restaurant is in an ideal location after a whole day of excursions.
Middle of May in the Beautiful Town Eskifjörður in Austurland, East Iceland
Eskifjörður is a charming seaside village in the middle of the Eastern Fjords. Eskifjörður became an official trading post in 1789 and has been a commercial centre ever since.
This video is taken in the middle of May.
Two mountains, Eskja and Hólmatindur, dominate the fjord. Hólmatindur - 985 meters above sea level - is the pride and joy of the locals.
#eskifjordur #iceland #austurland
Visit Eskifjordur - Iceland
Seltún Geothermal Area (Krýsuvík) - Iceland
Coordonnées: 63° 53' 49.064N 22° 3' 17.117W
Durée de l'activité: 01h30
Coût: Gratuit
Seltún se situe en Islande.Sur le panneau indicatif à l'entrée du site, il est indiqué que cette zone géothermique comporte des bassins de boue en ébullition et des évents de vapeur. La chaleur de la terre dépasse 200°C à 1000 mètres de profondeur.
Des passerelles de bois ont été installées pour se balader sur le site et il y a des postes d'observation sur plusieurs niveaux.
Il ne faut pas surtout pas s'écarter du chemin balisé à cause des risques de brûlure.
Le sol présente des couleurs intenses qui font la beauté du site. On peut y observer des sources chaudes et des marmites de boue, le tout accompagné d'une forte odeur de soufre.
Il y a également un sentier qui mène au sommet de la montagne. La pente est assez abrupte, mais les efforts sont récompensés lorsque l'on atteint le sommet. Le panorama est magnifique.
D'un côté on aperçoit entre autres, le lac Grænavatn de couleur émeraude et, de l'autre côté, nous avons une vision globale du site géothermique avec l'océan en arrière-plan.
Music by Josh Woodward - Mona Lisa
Creative Commons Attribution music by Josh Woodward
Peter Diethelm Extreme trip around Iceland - Part II
Peter Diethelm from Switzerland is a volcano expert .
Peter Diethelm Extreme trip around Iceland - Part I
The video show a geological trip around Iceland.
Video made by Kjartan P Sigurdsson owner of
A 10 days trip around Iceland for Kuoni, Ananea Group
Peter is EXTREME
Hekla is a stratovolcano located in the south of Iceland with a height of 1,491 metres (4,892 ft). Hekla is Iceland's most active volcano; over 20 eruptions have occurred in and around the volcano since 874. During the Middle Ages, Icelanders called the volcano the Gateway to Hell.
Landmannalaugar (Flying over Landmannalaugar Highland Iceland):
Landmannalaugar (Icelandic, meaning the people's pools) is a region near the volcano Hekla in southern section of Iceland's highlands.
The Landmannalaugar area is a popular tourist destination and hiking hub in Iceland's highlands. The area displays a number of unusual geological elements, like the multicolored rhyolite mountains and expansive lava fields, not far from the service center.
Laki or Lakagígar (Craters of Laki) is a volcanic fissure situated in the south of Iceland, not far from the canyon of Eldgjá and the small town Kirkjubæjarklaustur, in Skaftafell National Park.
Flying over Glacier Lagoon - Vatnajökull - Jökulsárlón - Iceland
Glacier Vatnajökull - Ice cave
Skaftafell National Park is situated between Kirkjubæjarklaustur, typically referred to as Klaustur, and Höfn in the south of Iceland.
East fjord Iceland Lón, Lónsöræfi, Berufjord
Waterfall Hengifoss, Hengifossárgil
Laugarvallardalur, hot spring waterfall
Kreppa glacier river
Ice cave Kverkfjöll
The mountain range Kverkfjöll (1,764 m) is situated on the north-eastern border of the glacier Vatnajökull in Iceland. With their glacier Kverkjökull, they are to be found between the Vatnajökull and the Dyngjufjöll (s. Askja). The mountains are still active volcanoes. Especially around 1720, they were often erupting and causing glacier runs.
Under the mountains, there is a very big and hot magma chamber which lead to the originating of glacier caves. In the meantime, they cannot be visited any more because they could collapse.
Askja is a stratovolcano situated in a remote part of the central highlands of Iceland. The name Askja refers to a complex of nested calderas within the surrounding Dyngjufjöll mountains, which rise to 1,510 m (4,954 ft).
The region is only accessible for a few months of the year. Being situated in the rain-shadow to the NE of the Vatnajökull icecap, the area receives only about 450 mm of rainfall annually. The area was used during training for the Apollo program to prepare astronauts for potential lunar conditions.
Flying around Lake Mývatn in Iceland
Mývatn kúluskítur
Bird museum Myvatn lake
Hverarönd, Námaskard Myvatn
Mývatn is a shallow eutrophic lake situated in an area of active volcanism in the north of Iceland, not far from Krafla volcano. The lake and its surrounding wetlands have an exceptionally rich fauna of waterbirds, especially ducks.
Kerlingarfjöll (1,477 m (4,846 ft)) is a mountain range in Iceland situated in the Highlands of Iceland near the Kjölur highland road. The volcanic origin of these mountains is evidenced by the numerous hot springs and rivulets in the area. And indeed, they are part of a large volcano system of 100km² (38.6 square mile). The volcanoes of the range are tuyas.