OVERNIGHT in World's Most HAUNTED FOREST | Hoia Baciu Forest Romania - Part 2
Paranormal activity, ghost and UFO sightings and strange growing vegetation are just the beginning for what makes Hoia Baciu Forest the World's Most Haunted Forest. In this scary video (part II) I explore the supernatural legends of the forest at night, share some ghost stories and set up camp in the famed DEAD ZONE, a small clearing in the forest in which nothing ever grows. Learn more about this Haunted Forest:
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Backwards Souls Sound by Mike Koenig:
Drone Horror Music 02 By Magmusus:
Horror-Suspense Drone Texture By Hybrid_V
Distant Orchestra Crescendo and Diminuendo By Humanoide9000
Sound effect violin
License: Terms:
Suspense sound effect by Caroline Ford
Hidden Agenda by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
#Halloween #HauntedForest #HoiaBaciu
Hoia Baciu - 'nrădăcinat (Full Album)
Buy the album here:
0:00 - Hoia Baciu
4:06 - Răzvrătirea
7:27 - Jalea
12:26 - Cărare
14:02 - Valea (Ft. Andrei Oltean)
18:18 - Sătesc
23:10 - A Uitării
34:12 - Apus
38:43 - Zgriminţeş (Martolea Cover)
Romanian Folk Black Metal solo project from Timisoara. Hoia Baciu is the name of a Forest (One of world’s most haunted forests) situated near Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Covers an area of over 250 hectares and is often referred to as the Bermuda Triangle of the country. Hoia Baciu has a reputation for intense paranormal activity and unexplained events. Reports have included, ghost sightings, unexplained apparitions, faces appearing in photographs that were not visible with the naked eye, and in the 1970s. This represents the project's all-around atmosphere and mistery left from the lost touch of nature on the man that used to live in harmony.
Giurgeca (Halbe Pline) Alexandru - Guitars, Bass, Blockflute, Caval, Drum Programming
Guest Artist: Andrei Oltean - Bagpipe, Keyboards, ethnic wind instruments, Vocals.
Mix and mastering Andrei Oltean.
Video edited by Giurgeca Alexandru.
Artwork edited by Sărăcel
Top 10 Facts about Cluj-Napoca
Cluj-Napoca is one of the most important cities in Romania and in Europe. This 2000 year old city has a vibrant present, an interesting past, and a promising future. In this video, I am going to tell you guys top 10 interesting facts about Cluj.
And we are starting Right Now!!
Before we start with top 10 facts, let me tell you some basic facts about Cluj.
Cluj-Napoca is situated in the northwest part of Romania. In the heart of the Transylvanian region. It is also called the unofficial capital of Transylvania, treasure city of Transylvania. Cluj is second highest populated city in Romania after Bucharest with a population of around 3,25,000 people. Cluj is a rising city in education, industry, and business. Cluj is famous for its vibrant nightlife, street food festival, music festivals such as the Untold and Electric castle. So, let's begin with the top 10 interesting
1. European Youth Forum awarded Cluj-Napoca the
title of the European Youth Capital and why not, there is a reason behind this which brings us to
Point no 2. There are 100,000 students studying in 11 different universities in Cluj-Napoca. Babes Boyai university is one of the highest ranked Romanian higher institutions in the world.
3. A survey published by the Office for National Statistics in Romania in 2014 shows that Cluj is the most tolerant city when it comes to welcoming foreigners. Cluj is the most foreigner friendly city so if you are considering relocating to a new city in Europe, consider Cluj.
4. Cluj is equidistant from Bucharest, Budapest,
and Belgrade. It is equidistant from all these three places
around 450km from these places. Such a nice location for a city.
5. Cluj has the best air quality in Europe. It has freshest air in whole of Europe. Can you believe that!
6. This one is interesting, no this one is scary. Cluj has, in the northwestern part of Cluj, a haunted forest. it is called Hoia-Baciu. this haunted forest is also called Bermuda Triangle of Romania . Legend has that there was a shepherd. He went to the forest with 200 sheep and never came back again. People have reocrded photos of flying saucers from this forest, people have heard bizarre voices of men and women. They have seen unusual shaped trees and stuff like that. It has called so much attention in the world
that famous celebrities such as Nicolas Cage visited this haunted forest. Don't worry nothing happened to him. But if you are someone who is looking for thrill and adventure, consider visiting this haunted forest in Romania. Romania has no dearth of haunted places where its haunted and this Hoia-Baciu forest is one of them.
7. Astro-Hungarian empire ruled Cluj for more than 100 years and that's the reason there are 19% ethnic Hungarians living in Transylvania and out of which 50,000 ethnic Hungarians are living in Cluj.
8. Cluj-Napoca is included in the art cities of the future as one of the 12 cities to shake up the art world in 21st century.
9. Cluj has been ranked 2 in 2016 by Forbes magazine
in doing business in Romania. So it is the second most favored city in Romania for business. There are even Indians doing business in Cluj-Napoca. So, if you are someone considering doing business
in Romania, Cluj is one of the best cities to consider.
Last but not the least, 10. Cluj-Napoca is a candidate for European Cultural Capital in 2021 and people believe that it has fair chances to win.
And this brings us to the end of our video If you enjoyed watching this video, share it with your friends who might benefit from it. Like, comment, and subscribe to the channel
if you care about traveling. This channel is all about Budget traveling
and exploring cheaper ways to travel. Thank you for watching. Bye-Bye!!
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Lansare documentar The Hoia-Baciu Project - Truth or Legend?
21 decembrie 2016, Cinema Dacia
Pădurea Hoia-Baciu lânga Cluj-Napoca. Poiana Rotunda.
Лес Хойя-Бачу около Клуж-Напока. Круглая Поляна. Одна из аномальных зон румынского Бермудского треугольника. Поляна имеет абсолютно круглую форму (этого не видно на данном ролике, но отлично видно, если смотреть сверху, например с воздушного шара). Вблизи этого места здесь множество раз фиксировали появление НЛО.
Ни сегодня, ни год назад, ни двадцать или более лет раньше в данном круге никогда не росло ни единого, даже самого маленького деревца или кустика. В пределы этого заколдованного круга попадают семена от обильно и густо растущих вокруг этого места растений. Но они никогда не прорастают в этой зоне.
На поляне следы колеи мотоциклов - это молодёжь, которая любит экстрим, специально приезжает сюда в поисках приключений и нарезает круги на поляне, пока не почувствуют резкую боль в голове или тошноту...
Hoia Baciu
A composition I made in a few hours. Recorded block flute, vocals, claps, acoustic guitar and improvised toaca/talanton with a wooden closet door and some EQ. All with a Shure sm57 Microphone.
The Hoia-Baciu Forest ( World’s Most Haunted Forest ) is situated near Cluj-Napoca, Romania covers an area of over 250 hectares and is often referred to as the Bermuda Triangle of the country. Hoia Baciu has a reputation for intense paranormal activity and unexplained events. Reports have included, ghost sightings, unexplained apparitions, faces appearing in photographs that were not visible with the naked eye, and in the 1970s, UFO sightings were reported.
Visitors to the forest often report intense feelings of anxiety and the feeling of being constantly watched. Moreover, the local vegetation is somehow bizarre in appearance, like something out of a make-believe story with strangely shaped trees, and unexplained charring on tree stumps and branches.
More details here:
OVERNIGHT in World's Most HAUNTED FOREST | Hoia Baciu Forest Romania - Part 1
Hoia Baciu Forest has a reputation for being the World's Most Haunted Forest. In this video series, I explore the supernatural legends of the forest and camp overnight in the famed DEAD ZONE, a small clearing in the forest in which nothing ever grows. Light anomalies, apparitions, poltergeist activity, and UFO sightings are common. This forest is also home to notorious trees that bend and twist in unexplainable ways. Learn more about this Haunted Forest:
Watch part 2:
Subscribe to Amy's Crypt for more videos from haunted Romania:
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Backwards Souls Sound by Mike Koenig:
Digital Bark by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
Drone Horror Music 02 By Magmusus:
Horror-Suspense Drone Texture By Hybrid_V
Distant Orchestra Crescendo and Diminuendo By Humanoide9000
Sound effect violin
License: Terms:
Suspense sound effect by Caroline Ford
Photo Credits:
Hoia Baciu UFO photo
The Hoia Baciu Forest - Truth or Legend / Padurea Hoia-Baciu trailer
The Hoia-Baciu Forest - Truth or Legend - Official Trailer
In the mythical land of Transylvania, there’s only one place that challenges all your senses. Is it possible to feel trapped in an almost 300 hectares forest? Is there any supernatural activity that makes you experience some inexplicable visions? Or is it all in your tricky subconscious? Tens of legends, myths and stories have been told about this mysterious forest. For over 50 years, scientists have been struggling to explain the strange phenomena that occur here.Skeptics say it’s just in your mind. Most trees here are bended, twisted, scabby and bizarre. This place gives you the shivers. It feels like it’s alive. You are free to convince yourself! The Hoia-Baciu Forest! truth or legend? The documentary will be released at the end of this year (2016), during the days of Saturnalia.
Pe tãrâmul mitic al Transilvaniei, doar un singur loc îţi pune la încercare toate simţurile. E posibil sã te simţi captiv într-o pãdure de aproape 300 de hectare? Existã vreo activitate supranaturalã care sã te facã sã experimentezi fenomene inexplicabile? Sau îţi joacã feste subconştientul? Zeci de legende, mituri şi poveşti s-au spus despre aceastã pãdure misterioasã. De peste 50 de ani, oamenii de ştiinţã se zbat sã explice fenomenele stranii care se petrec aici. Scepticii spun cã e doar în mintea ta ! Cei mai mulţi copaci sunt îndoiţi, rãsuciţi, buboşi şi bizari. Acest loc îţi dã fiori ! Iti dã senzaţia cã e viu. Eşti liber sã te convingi singur! Pãdurea Hoia-Baciu. Adevãr sau legendã? Documentarul va fi lansat la sfârşitul acestui an (2016), de Saturnalia.
Narrated by: Peter Baker - BBC
Filmed by: Cosmin Giurgiu, Gabriel Dicu
Written by: Laura Călugăr
Researchers & Guides in the forest: Marius Lazin, Alexandru Surducan
Edited by: Cosmin Giurgiu
Photographers: Cristi Vescan (vescan.ro) , Camelia Giurgiu (kamyphotography.com)
Director of Photography: Cosmin Giurgiu
Special Effects: Florin Giurgiu
Camera Assistant: Dan Giurgiu
Webmaster: Horatiu Mărgăvan
Advertising materials: Alina Bondrea
Soundtracks: Audioblocks
Directed by: Cosmin Giurgiu, Laura Călugăr
Raul Păcurar
Răzvan Alistar
Adrian Şuteu
Anca Ghimpu
Oana Gheorghian
Ana Maria Pavel
Partners: Polus Center Cluj
Produced by: GVT Media
Associate Producer: Lara Media Production
Associate Producer: Hoia-Baciu Project (RYLEx Association)
©2016 GVT Media
Hoia Baciu - Mystérieuse forêt de Transylvanie (1/2)
Aujourd'hui je vous emmène dans une ville que je connais comme ma poche depuis plusieurs années, Cluj-Napoca. Non loin de lá, la forêt de Hoia Baciu regorge de mystères. Tantôt paranormaux, tantôt naturels, ces mystères se mêlent aux beautés de la nature. Avides de calme ou de frissons il y en pour tout le monde.
En fin de vidéo, ne ratez pas l'interview de Marius Lazin, membre
fondateur du Hoia Baciu Project.
Pour voir toutes les actus liées à la chaîne, projets, tournages, vidéos, photos, etc...c'est par ici!
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Stiri la TVR Cluj si TVR 1 21 dec 2013 ora 20
Expeditia a fost organizata de catre dl Marius Lazin , Presedintele Asociatiei Romania Your Lifetime Experience in cadrul proiectului Hoia-Baciu Project. Stiinta si Cunoastere live in fiecare sambata si duminica la ora 18.30 aici
O experienta inedita: Best of (motivational episode) Stiinta si Cunoastere la Best of (motivational episode) Stiinta si Cunoastere la
Com'on,Hoia-Baciu Project!
Initiativa Hoia-Baciu Project Info are menirea de a creste notorietatea padurii Hoia-Baciu, de a oferi un spatiu de recreere si explorare accesibil atat comunitatii locale cat si potentialilor vizitatori ai municipiului Cluj-Napoca, prin montarea unor panouri informative cu harta atractiilor in zonele de interes, si marcarea unui traseu accesibil tuturor celor dornici de plimbari in aer liber si explorarea unui spatiu avand o istorie incarcata, marcata de multe intrebari fara raspuns. Introducerea padurii Hoia-Baciu intr-un circuit turistic, la nivelul destinatiei turistice Cluj-Napoca sau, de ce nu, a Transilvaniei, bine cunoscuta pe plan international datorita nuvelei “Dracula”, ar putea aduce atat un plus de valoare locului, cat si un plus de sanatate celor care isi dedica cele cateva ore necesare unei vizite rapide in padure.
Help us caption & translate this video!
Ghid practic pentru infractori (1): Cum sa distrugem padurile de protectie ale Clujului
Discutie cu Radu Mititean (CCN), despre planurile Primariei Cluj de a distruge padurile de protectie din jurul orasului, transformandu-le in parcuri.
Accident La Lidl Baciu Judetul Cluj Renault VS Peugeot
★★★ Sa fii norocos nu inseamna neaparat sa castigi la loto. Pentru unii poate insemna sa scapi cu viata dintr-un accident de masina sau sa nu provoci unul.
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♪ ♫♫ ♪ Muzica de obicei folosesc de aici:
· ,.-~*’¨¯¨’*·~-.¸-(_ ⒾⓁⒾⒺ ⒸⓄⓏⒶⓃⓊ _)-,.-~*’¨¯¨’*·~-.¸
Ziua Mortilor in Cimitirul Central, Cluj-Napoca
Eine Nacht im gruseligsten Wald der Welt - Hoia Baciu | Galileo | ProSieben
Wir übernachten im gruseligsten Wald der Welt. Unser Reporter Florian Aich verbringt eine Nacht im Hoia Baciu. Wird er es überleben? und wie ergeht es ihm dabei? Mehr Informationen und Bilder aus dem Wald gibt es hier:
Cary Kanno – Keep Driving
Cary Kanno – Running away
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Galileo ist die ProSieben Wissenssendung mit Aiman Abdallah, Stefan Gödde und Funda Vanroy. Täglich um 19.05 Uhr kannst Du auf ProSieben die Welt kennen und verstehen lernen. Galileo nimmt Dich mit auf eine Reise durch das Wissen: Physik, Geschichte, Natur und Internetphänomene, Gesellschaft, Politik und alltägliche Fragen. Die Hosts Harro Füllgrabe, Jan Schwiderek, Jumbo Schreiner, Klas Bömecke, Matthias Fiedler, Akif Aydin und Dionne Wudu nehmen dabei vollen Körpereinsatz in Kauf und gehen allem auf den Grund, was uns interessiert.
S-train (short horror from Transylvania)
A short horror movie from Transylvania...
The story takes place in the Hoia-Baciu Forest ( World’s Most Haunted Forest ) is situated near Cluj-Napoca, Romania covers an area of over 250 hectares and is often referred to as the Bermuda Triangle of the country.
The spoken language in film is Hungarian.
Actors Márk Kádár & Csongor György
Shadowman Hunor Ugri
Produced by - Márk Kádár
Writers - Arnold Bartos & Előd Török
Storyboard - Norbert Salamon
Directed by - Előd Török
Director of photography - Norbert Salamon
Sound technician - Dávid Rácz
Sound engineer - Arnold Bartos
Production manager - Csongor György
Lighting director - Csongor György
Script & VFX - Előd Török
SFX - Arnold Bartos
Edited by - Norbert Salamon & Csongor György
It was made just for a school project. The film contains some musics by Audiomachine.
We don't want to commit any copyright infringement!
Music © Audiomachine.
Youth Generation - Documentary about the European Youth Capital 2015
AIESEC Cluj-Napoca organized a project bringing 20 students from around the world to shoot and create a documentary about what the European Youth Capital meant to Cluj-Napoca in 2015.
The 20 international students came through AIESEC's Global Citizen program which enables youth to go and volunteer for 6 weeks around the world.
Youth@Cluj-Napoca 2015 - First meeting with the Volunteers
First meeting with the Volunteers
Unleash the Infinity- Misterele padurii Baciu (Intro)
Halloween Party Moving Club Cluj
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (
sorry for the video quality :)
***No copyright infringement intended. For promotion purposes only.******