Hollókő Fort/Vár and Village - a UNESCO World Heritage Site - in 4K
Hollókő is a Palóc ethnographic village in Hungary and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Its name means Raven-stone in Hungarian.
Hollókő (Hungary) Vacation Travel Video Guide
Palóc ethnographic village.In the middle of the 13th century, in the aftermath of the Mongol invasion, construction of Hollókő castle first began as a means to protect the area against future attacks
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Hollókő folk village Hungary 4K
Hollókő is a Palóc ethnographic village in Hungary and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Its name means Raven-stone in Hungarian.
The village is located in Nógrád county, approximately 91.1 kilometres northeast from Budapest, the capital of Hungary. It lies in a valley of Cserhát Mountains, surrounded by low peaks. The natural environment is protected.
In the middle of the 13th century, in the aftermath of the Mongol invasion, construction of Hollókő castle first began as a means to protect the area against future attacks. At this time, the area around Hollókő was held by the Kacsics noble clan. The castle was first mentioned in records in 1310.[1] The original village was built just below the castle walls. The Ottomans captured the castle in 1552 and for the next 150 years, control alternated between Ottoman and Hungarian forces. At the end of the Ottoman era (1683) the castle and the village were finally abandoned and the present village grew up below.[2] Many of the existing houses were first built around this time. The houses, which contain wood in their structure, have had to be rebuilt many times throughout the years due to periodic fires, the last being in 1909. In 1987, the village, castle ruins, and surrounding area were inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
2016.08 Hungary 匈牙利-埃格爾城堡Eger Castle 霍爾洛克Holloko
Holloko Castle Hungary European Travel Destinations 4K
Holloku Castle Hungary European Travel Destinations Adventure Documentary filmed with 4K Mavic Pro exploring a Must See Place Europe. Great to visit if you live or are on holiday in Hungary. Enjoy seeing the views captured on the Mavic Pro with some history of the Castle to inform and entertain.
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Hollókő , Hungary
Hollókő is a Palóc ethnographic village in Hungary, part of the World Heritage. Its name means Raven-stone in Hungarian.
Castle Hollókő , Hungary ... ????????
From far the castle could disappear even from the tiniest fog as though our senses are playing with us. Perhaps it is true… According to the origin myth of the castle, once upon a time a lord named Andras, a member of the famous Kacsics family, lived here. Andras once kidnapped a neighbouring lord’s beautiful wife and closed her into one of the rooms of the castle that was being built that time. The masons were building the castle. The walls of the room was on its place by day, but they disappeared by night. The beautiful wife had a witch nurse who entered into an alliance with the devil. The devil’s sons in shape of ravens carried the stones away by night and they had done the same until the wife escaped. According to the tale, the village and the castle were named after the devil’s sons, the ravens.
Music : Tony Anderson - The King , ( The Heart of Man )
Holloko (Hungary) Vacation Travel Video Guide
Travel Video about Destination Holloko in Hungary.
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Expoza Travel is taking you on a journey to the earth's most beautiful and fascinating places. Get inspiration and essentials with our travel guide videos and documentaries for your next trip, holiday, vacation or simply enjoy and get tips about all the beauty in the world...
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4K Quik Clips - Holloko, Hungary - Medieval Castle Easter Fun - UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE SITE
Holloko, Hungary is pretty little traditional Palóc village in the north of Hungary close to the Slovakian border. The village comes alive every Easter weekend with it's festival full of food, dancing and plenty of traditional handicrafts for sale.
Holloko Castle was constructed during the 13th century to defend the area against the Mongol hordes terrorizing Europe at the time.
Holloko Castle and the village are listen UNESCO World Heritage sites.
A Walk Through Hollókő Hungary
Come along for a stroll down the main street of Hollókő Hungary, a village just north of Budapest. The village is considered the most photographed village in Hungary. The name means Raven Stone and legend has that the village was built stone by stone by ravens who were freeing a princess from a castle tower.
Holloko Hongarije de burcht
gerestaureerde 14e eeuwse ruine te Holloko Hongarije, ook wel ravenburcht genoemd.
HOLLOKO is a Paloc ethnographic village in Hungary/Europe, part of the WORLD HERITAGE. It's name means 'RAVEN STONE' in Hungarian. The village considered the MOST photographed village in Hungary, located approximately 57 miles from Budapest, the capital of Hungary. This remarkable place has traditionally been in habited by PALOC people. PALOC speak an old dialect of Hungarian and have preserved their characteristic architecture and their fold costumes. Recognition of the cultural significance of the settlement was given in 1987 when Holloko was the first village in the WORLD to be added to UNESCO's world Heritage List. The village, which lies in a small valley, has burned down several times ( the last time was back in 1909 ) but each time the inhabitants rebuilt their houses in almost the same shape and forms. Of the nearly 60 houses around the originally 14 century wooden-towered church a museum village has been made. Several of the buildings, some of which have traditional carved wooden porticoes, serve some kind of public function. On traditional holidays, notably at Easter and Corpus Christi, the villagers wear their local folk custumes and there are various festivities and activities. Graded with FilmConvert, the best coloring tool on the market today....
Hollókő Magyarország egyetlen faluja, amely az UNESCO világörökségi listán szerepel, és így világszerte ismert. A Világörökség Bizottság 1987-ben a magyarországi várományos helyszínek közül Budapest mellett elsőként a Nógrád megyei palóc falut, Hollókőt vette fel a Világörökségi Listára. A legfontosabb feltételnek, azaz az egyedi és egyetemes jelentőségnek Hollókő azzal tesz eleget, hogy a 17-18. században kialakított falu a hagyományos településformáját, a tradicionális építészet és a 20. századot megelőző falusi élet páratlan példája, melyet sikerült eredeti állapotában megőrizni. Hollókő szelíd és harmonikus szimbiózisban fejlődött a természettel és napjainkra sem vált Szabadtéri Múzeummá: mindmáig élő, lakott település. Hagyományőrző lakói az épületek nagy részét jelenleg is rendeltetésszerűen használják. Kiss József volt az a műemlékvédő építész, aki kezdeményezte Hollókő azon belül is Ófalu műemlékké nyilvánítását.
Boldogkő Castle / Boldogkői Vár - Hungary 4K
Boldogkő Castle towers above the village atop a north-south elongated and irregularly oval-shaped andesite mountain top. The history of the castle is quite complex and, even according to the surviving charters, difficult to follow. The exact time of its construction is unknown, but it is certain that it was built after the Mongol invasion. The stronghold, designed with an interior turret, defended the road to Košice (Kassa) and the Hernad Valley.
- archaeology
- military history
- tin/lead soldiers and dioramas
- coats of arms and flags
- prison and torture chamber
- smithy and forge
- mint and numismatic exhibit
- rocks and minerals
- sculptures and statues
A boldogkői vár a Hernád folyó völgyének keleti oldalán, Boldogkőváralja közvetlen közelében emelkedő sziklaszirten álló középkori vár. A miocénben keletkezett andezittufa Bodókő-hegy, melyen a vár áll, a Zempléni Tájvédelmi Körzet része. A táj szépsége, illetve a vár viszonylagosan jó állapota miatt kedvelt túracélpont, mely az Országos Kéktúra egyik állomása.
A vár legkorábbi része (egy védművel körülvett öregtorony) valószínűleg a tatárjárás után keletkezett, és vagy a Tomaj nemzetségbeli Jaak fia Tyba ispán, vagy Aba Amadé országbíró emelte. Amikor Anjou Károly Róbert elkergette az Abákat, a vár a hozzá hű Drugeth családhoz, majd később Czudar Péter korábbi bánhoz került. A 15. században István és György szerb fejedelmek tulajdona, majd a Szapolyai-családé lett. A török időkben a császár és a király közti intenzív csatározások egyik színhelyeként gyakran cserélt gazdát. 1666-ban a hódító Rákóczi György szerezte meg, később a kuruc időkben is több ízben fontos szerephez jutott, de még a Rákóczi-szabadságharc előtt, 1701-ben lakhatatlanná tették a császáriak. A romot a 18. században a jezsuiták vették birtokba, akik gabonaraktárnak alkalmazták. Később a Péchy, majd a Zichy családé lett, akik azonban már nem laktak a kényelmetlenné vált erődben, helyette a jobbágyfalu területén épült barokk kastélyt használták. A császári katonák robbantása és az azt követő pusztító századok ellenére egyik legjobb állapotban fennmaradt középkori váraink egyike.
Az 1945-től állami tulajdonban levő épületegyüttesen 1963-ban Végh Katalin régész vezetésével kutatás indult, melyet a következő évtizedek során több ízben folytattak. Az értékmentés is több ütemben zajlott, a tornyok védőtetőt kaptak, 2009 után pedig európai uniós támogatással több épületrészt helyreállítottak. Korszerűsítették a kiállítótereket, így ma megtekinthető többek között a vár egyedülálló ipartörténeti jelentőségű emléke, a 16. századi kohó, melyet egykor pénzhamisításhoz szükséges bronz előállítására használtak.
World Heritage Hungary - Világörökség Hollókő
IOBC 7th Meeting Cultural Program in Hollókő, Hungary - 2
20-23 September 2010:
IOBC Working Group Integrated Protection of Fruit Crops, Sub Group Soft Fruits, Workshop on Integrated Soft Fruit Production, 7th Meeting, Budapest, Hungary.
Muzsikás: Repülj madár, repülj (Fly Bird, fly) + pics of Hollókő (read the info)
Music: Muzsikás & Sebestyén Márta (Hungarian folk group)
I dedicate this song to my Kurdish friends with all my respect and love. First of all to DisaROTIN who taught me many things about Kurdish history. Thank you.
Pics: flowers of Hungarian Folk Art, and some pics of a village called Hollókő (Raven-stone).
Hollókő is an Palóc ethnographic village in Hungary, Part of the World Heritage. It's located in a picturesque hilly surrounding, in a valley
of Cserhát Mountains. The castle of Hollókő was built in the 13th century. This castle on top of the neighboring hill determined the life of the villagers for a long time. The Kacsics family built the pentagonal tower in the middle of the XIII c. which was continuously rebuilt and enlarged. Today a legend is connected to the name of the Kacsics family. Apparently a member of the family, Andras (Andrew) kidnapped the daughter of the neighbor nobleman and had her closed into a room of the castle. The nanny of the girl who was a witch called for the evils to help. They turned into ravens and carried the stones of the castle away. That is where the name of Holloko (Ravenstone) might derive from. The panorama of the Cserhat is breathtaking from the nicely renewed castle.
Translation of the song something like:
Fly bird, fly,
fly to Menaság (hungarian region)
Sit on the shoulder
of my sweetheart.
Take my letter, bird, and carry it
to my father and my mother
and to my promised spouse.
If they ask you how I am
tell them I am a prisoner
in the prison of love
I'm knee deep in iron.
Tell her, It was me who sent you
Then say that I am a prisoner,
In a foreign prison
I'm knee-deep in iron.
Fly bird, fly,
fly to Menaság (hungarian region)
Sit on the shoulder
of my sweetheart.
You're a prisoner my rose
While I am ill
When you come to me
I'll be healed.
Csókakő Castle - Hungary - 4K
This relatively small but impressive Fort/Castle is located between Győr and Székesfehérvár. It was recently renovated but from the aerial video, it looks like there are still plenty of details and mysteries that they can uncover as they are digging!
IOBC 7th Meeting Cultural Program in Hollókő, Hungary - 1
20-23 September 2010:
IOBC Working Group Integrated Protection of Fruit Crops, Sub Group Soft Fruits, Workshop on Integrated Soft Fruit Production, 7th Meeting, Budapest, Hungary.
Visegrád castle | Hungary #4
A visit to Visegrád castle. This imposing ruin towers high above a bend in the Danube, providing spectacular views in all directions. The castle and town of Visegrád have played an important role in the history of Hungary. King Charles I (d. 1342) made it the kingdom's capital in 1325 until the royal seat was moved back to Buda in the early fifteenth century.
Old town Szentendre, Hungary ... ????????
Szentendre is a riverside town in Pest county, Hungary, near the capital city Budapest. It is known for its museums (most notably the Open-Air Ethnographic Museum), galleries, and artists.
Town centre in January
Due to its historic architecture and easy rail and river access, it has become a popular destination for tourists staying in Budapest. There are many facilities, including souvenir shops and restaurants, catering to these visitors.
Zdroj :
Music : James Joshua Otto -Transcend