mihhi's japan vlog: on my way to horyu-ji
on my day off i made a trip to horyuu-ji, wich is near nara. the temple was (re)built in the 8th century and has loads of national treasures in it... it's really an amazing site!
i had to walk about 20 minutes from the station to the temple and inbetween i got into this beautiful alley... a nice enjoyable walk if not for the heat! ^^
Země vycházejícího slunce poprvé. |Japan - Mt. Fuji, Kyoto & Nara|
První díl z našeho zatím nejdelšího výletu po Japonsku. Naše zastávky byly:
Poprvé hora Fudži vybuchla někdy před 8–10 tisíci lety a naposledy soptila v roce 1707. Tehdy sopečný prach pokryl i více než sto kilometrů vzdálené město Edo, dnešní Tokio. Japonci věří, že v sobě ukrývá skrytou sílu a uctívají ji už od prehistorických dob.
Výška: 3776 m n. m
Trek: Subashiri trail (ke konci i Yoshida trail)
Délka: 6,8 km
Náš čas: 4h30min (bez pauzy na spaní)
Vstupné: 1000 yen (dobrovolné)
Bylo dříve hlavním městem celého Japonska a HLAVNĚ sídlí tu NINTENDO (: Noční život v Kjótu se točí spíše okolo večeří v restauracích a malých hospůdkách.
Doprava: Nejvýhodněji vyšel 1day pass na autobusy (okolo 500 jpy), plus jsme používali JR vlaky z našeho 14tidenního rail passu
nenaštívili jsme - Katsura Imperial Villa, Saiho-ji, Ninnaji
nestálo za to - Nijo castle (vstup do hradu se musel koupit i se zahradou, která za to moc nestála. Jinak samotný hrad byl docela hezký. Můžete tu vidět japonský interiér).
Fushimi Inari Taisha - Svatyně je zasvěcena božstvu, která je patronem obchodníků, podnikatelů a výrobců. Díky tomu, že toto božstvo přináší všeobecný úspěch a blahobyt, je jedním z předních a nejoblíbenějších šintoistických božstev. Právě podniky a firmy udržují tuto tradici a božstvo naživu, protože věří, že jim přinese prosperitu a úspěch v podnikání.
Červené brány, které jsou důležitým symbolem šintoismu, každým rokem přibývají. Je to hlavně díky velkým společnostem, firmám a někdy i soukromníkům, kteří každý rok investují do jedné nové brány, aby si naklonili bohy a jejich obchod prosperoval.
Otowasan Kijomizudera - chrám je spolu s několika dalšími památkami v Kjótu zapsán na seznam UNESCO pod názvem „Památky na starobylé Kjóto“. Během období Edo zde bylo zaznamenáno 234 skokanů, z nichž 85,4% přežilo. Výška pádu je „jen“ 13 metrů, ale i to je na dřevěnou konstrukci značná hodnota.
Džišu-džindža vlastní dva „kameny lásky“, které jsou od sebe vzdáleny 18 metrů. Návštěvníci se snaží přejít od jednoho kamene ke druhému se zavřenýma očima, pokud se jim to podaří, znamená to, že v budoucnu najdou svou lásku. Pokud potřebují pomoc, budou potřebovat pomoc i při hledání své lásky.
V tomto rozsáhlém areálu můžete navštívit i třípatrovou pagodu Koyasu, která je hned naproti hlavnímu chrámu. Její návštěva má zajistit snadný a bezpečný porod nenarozeného dítěte.
Kousek od pagody se nachází více jak 200 kamenných sošek Jizo. Ty můžete poznat podle červeného bryndáčku, jsou přítomné skoro všude po celém Japonsku. Bůh Jizo opatruje děti, jejich matky a také cestovatele.
Kodaiji temple
Yasaka shrine
Gion - V uličce Šimbaši se nachází mnoho tradičních čajoven, kde gejši nadále dělají společnost politikům, ředitelům různých společností a jiným osobám.
Nishiki market - trh
Arashiyama (Bamboo forest) - doporučujeme si přivstat aspon na 6:00(7:00max)
Kinkakuji - Chrám byl několikrát vypálen během války Ónin.
Ginkakuji - Napodobenina zlatého pavilonu. Pro Japonce je považován za krásnější než zlatý.
Starověké město, které se stalo kolébkou japonského buddhismu, kde vládly ženy. Mezy lety 710 - 749 (období Nara) bylo hlavním městem Japonska. Poté založil císař nové, a potom známé Kyoto. Přezdívá se jelení - podle pověstí jsou to právě posvátní jelínci šika, kteří slouží jako poslové bohů a přináší štěstí.
nenaštívili jsme - Yoshikien, Horyu-ji
Todaiji temple - Kolem roku 740 lidé v Japonsku trpěli souběhem přírodních katastrof a epidemií. Císař Šómu vydal nařízení o stavbě velké sochy, která měla pomoci. Spotřeboval většinu japonské produkce Bronzu za několik let a nechal zemi na pokraji bankrotu.
Park Nara (Kasuga Taisha)
(určitě doporučuju!)
více info: @shinygirln
#japonsko #trip #mtfuji #nara #travel #fushimiinari #ginkakuji #kinkakuji #narapark #todaiji #arashiyama #nishiki #japan #kyoto #nara #fuji
Ichigao yokoana. Aoba, Yokohama, Kanagawa Japan
Ichigao yokoana (burial catacombs)
The Ichigao burial tumuli in Aoba, Yokohama, Kanagawa prefecture were discovered in 1933. Consisting of 19 burial holes carved into the rock face, they once served as the burial chambers of wealthy and important village chieftains and clan leaders. All throughout Japan's feudal past the tumuli had remained hidden on the side of the mountain in thick forest.
Very little is actually known about them other than that they were carved between the late Kofun period (250 - 538) and late 8th century. Most are around 2 metres in height which allowed families to enter to pay their respects. They have anterior chambers which were used for religious observances, probably to pay respects to the dead and these are separated from the burial area by a step.
Facing west, the tumuli once had an unobstructed view of the sacred Mount Õyama and the Tanzawa mountains, as well as the sacred Mount Fuji. Much of the view is now obstructed by trees and buildings, but it would have been a grand view from this position in those ancient times.
Artefacts have been excavated from the tumuli consisting of an early straight single edged iron sword, human remains, jade magatama beads, copper rings from horse harnesses, and lots of pieces of haji pottery. It is the haji pottery that forms part of the basis of dating archaeological sites all over Japan and gives us a better idea of who may be buried there.
The large number of jade magatama beads (coma shaped beads) shows that the persons buried here were chieftains. Magatama were brought to Japan by Korean immigrants who saw these as magical items. They were worn predominantly by shamans who were believed to have sacred or magical powers and also on the crowns and necklaces of Korean kings. They were also given to chieftains by shamans to ward of evil and for protection. In the shape of a bear's claw, magatama are representative of the Celestial Bear or the seven stars of the north.
All of the artefacts that were uncovered from the tumuli have been removed and are at various museums. In the tomb numbered A-12 there are some artefacts that can be seen looking in from a heavy glass window, but the lack of an interior light and the dirty glass makes it very hard to see much.
In 1957 the area was designated an historic site in Kanagawa Prefecture and after extensive excavations were carried out in the 1960's the area was concreted to protect it from erosion. In 1983 it was further developed as an archaeological park and signs were put in place.
Toshodaiji Temple, Nara, Japan
Toshodaiji-Temple was founded in 759 A.D. by Ganjin, a priest of the Tang Dynasty, as a place for teaching the Ritsu Sect of Buddhism. Ganjin underwent tremendous hardships in his attempts to visit Japan. After a period of 12 years, in which he failed five times to cross the Japan Sea, he was finally able to land in Japan, though he had, by that time, become totally blind due to the tough voyages. The Ganjin Wajo-zo (statue of the Priest Ganjin) is a national treasure, and is the oldest portrait sculpture in Japan. The Uchiwamaki ceremony takes place on May 19th, when heart shaped paper fans are scattered among the crowd to ward off bad luck.
My first Matsuri in small town Kanagawa of Japan
Kofuku-ji Temple in Nara, Japan- A Sakura Delight!
Kofukuji is a Buddhist temple, and is located about 1km southwest of Todaiji emple.It is at the west end of Nara Park. This temple is one of 9 constructions of Historic Monuments of Ancient Nara designated as a World Heritage Site. This temple was founded in 669 by Kamatari Fujiwara (614-669), who was the ancestor of Fujiwara Clan which had been a noble family from ancient times to medieval times. The original temple was built in Kyoto, but Fuhito Fujiwara (659-720), Kamatari's son, moved to the current place in 710, because Nara became the capital of Japan.
Fujiwara Clan had power and position, so this temple was enlarged by not only the clan but also the government.
And this temple had been the center of power through ancient and medieval times.
But this temple became a normal temple after the foundation of Edo government in the early 17th century.
The Earthquake-Proof Tower in Japan - Secret Revealed
Next in Tokyo, Japan, we'll take a look at the construction site of Tokyo Sky Tree, the tallest broadcasting tower in the world. Our correspondent spoke with the designer of Tokyo Sky Tree on how it was built to resist even the strongest earthquake in the country.
Tokyo Sky Tree will become the world's tallest free standing broadcast tower, and is revealing its secret in overcoming earthquakes in quake-prone Japan.
Standing over 630 meters high, Tokyo Sky Tree was designed by Nikken Sekkei, a Japanese architecture firm experienced in building quake-resistant, high-rise buildings in Japan.
The company developed a system of adding mass as a balancing weight to buildings, to control how they sway during an earthquake.
For the Tokyo Sky Tree project, the emergency staircase, situated in the core of the tower, acts as the mass, controlling sway during an earthquake.
According to Nikken Sekkei, it's the first in the world.
[Eizo Toyoda, P.R Manager, Nikken Sekkei]:
The core column and the surrounding steel frame are constructed separately. Therefore, when it shakes from an earthquake, they will shake in different ways. The system works by utilizing their different ways of shaking to repress the overall sway.
Along the core, oil dampers are also installed to absorb shock. These act as cushions and are able to absorb swaying up to 50 percent.
[Eizo Toyoda, P.R Manager, Nikken Sekkei]:
In the middle there's a space of about a meter, and from the height of 125 to 375 meters, we put six oil dampers. This is to control swaying so that the core column won't hit the inner part of the tower. They also serve to absorb the energy from an earthquake.
The concept of using a central mass for the Tokyo Sky Tree was borrowed from traditional Japanese wisdom of building five-story pagodas.
The longest standing pagoda in Japan is regarded to be at Horyu-ji Temple in Nara Prefecture, built in the 7th century.
Tokyo Sky Tree will be opened to the public in May 2012 as Tokyo's newest landmark and popular tourist attraction.
Liliana Yap, NTD, Tokyo, Japan
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Japan Vlog 11 | Nara deers, Todai-ji Temple & Umeda Sky Building
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Last days in Japan. On the second last day we go to Nara to play with the deer and visit the beautiful Todai-ji and Nigatsu-do Temples. On the last day we go up to The Sky Garden of the Umeda Sky Building.
???? Adriano:
???? Julia:
???? CAMERA: GoPro Hero5
Wings to Japan 1/3 - 220426-01X | Footage Farm
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Tokyo Tower. Japanese Mothers & child. Street scene. Bullet train. Bamboo forest. Barley field w/ plastic sheets over watermelon plants. Peasants harvesting. Green tea field. Mother & two children in field.
20:02:32 Bullet train past field. Rice paddy. Waves crash on rocky shore. Diving for pearl oyster & making cultured pearl. Washing & drying silk outdoors.
20:04:37 Shinto temple grounds: temple gates, deer, schoolchildren, hanging wishing papers; purification wash. Nara Horyuji Temple. Japanese & Western tourists. Monks. Kids pose in front of Buddha statue at Kamakura. Paper carps (flags). Children’s day: families with well-dressed babies & kids visit. 20:07:08 Tokyo Imperial palace. Japanese take pictures. Imeiji Castle near Osaka.
20:07:51 Kyoto streets scenes; entire family on moped. Gion district & geishas. Star festival; jousting on horse; parade; majorettes. Yokohama parade commemorating arrival of Europeans w/ floats & costumes.
125. Entering Myoshinin Temple at Shintera in Sendai City - Japan
Entering Myoshinin Temple at Shintera in Sendai City - Japan. I invite you for a short walk through Myoshinin Temple in the center of Sendai City. This beautiful temple is situated almost in the center of the city of a million, but inside you totally did not feel that, if do not count the sounds coming from the busy street. The entrance to the temple is guarded by two wooden guards. A little scary. Let's go inside. In the midst waiting for us a typical Japanese garden captivating with its beauty. Beauty of this place captivated me totally. In the corner of the temple stands a small Shrine, which is keep by two stone foxes. This wooden Shrine also captivated me with its beauty and precision of execution by skilled Japanese artisans. See you in the next video.
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How to go From Tokyo to Nara | Japan Travel Guide
Nara ( 奈良 )
Japan Private Tours & Local Tour Guides:
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Top Sights in Nara:
Nara Park
Kasuga Taisha
Isuien Park
Yoshiki-en Garden
Nara National Museum
Horyuji Temple
Nara City Travel Guide:
- Nara
- Nara Itineraries:
- Nara Tours & Activities
All this and more at:
3126【02】 Eyes of Jesus were Red, Open Secret of Jesus イエスの目は赤かった+そしてそれは公然の秘密だったby Hiroshi Hayashi, J
3126(02)+ 2388(1)+ 2192+1715+1156+1071B(Important)【重J要】
Jesus Eye color is Red.
Revelation 1:14 (ヨハネの黙示録) writes as follows:
The hairs of his head were white, like white wool, like snow. His eyes were like a flame of fire,
Wikipedia writes as follows:
“The Book of Revelation, often called the Revelation to John, the Apocalypse of John, The Revelation, or simply Revelation or Apocalypse, is a book of the New Testament that occupies a central place in Christian eschatology. Its title is derived from the first word of the text, written in Koine Greek: apokalypsis, meaning unveiling or revelation (before title pages and titles, books were commonly known by their first words, as is also the case of the Hebrew Five Books of Moses(Torah)). The Book of Revelation is the only apocalyptic document in the New Testament canon(although there are short apocalyptic passages in various places in the Gospels and the Epistles).”
+Ceramic Figures in Horyu-ji Temple are Himiko. Herself?
Who is Himiko? Here is my answer. 卑弥呼の正体(卑弥呼とはいったいだれなのか?)
Jomon Venus, Amaterasu,Himiko,Ishtar(Innanna),Maria(Madonna) are the same same single Goddess and here you can see the Evidence to prove this Fact.
Wikipedia writes about Himiko as follows:
Himiko (卑弥呼, c. 170–248 CE) was a shaman queen of Yamataikoku in ancient Wa (or Japan).
Early Japanese histories do not mention Himiko, but historians associate her with legendary figures such as Empress Consort Jingū, who was Regent (c. 200–269) in roughly the same era as Himiko.
Scholarly debates over the identity of Himiko and the location of her domain Yamatai have raged since the late Edo period, with opinions divided between northern Kyūshū or traditional Yamato province in present-day Kinki.
Who was she?
What was she?
I, Hiroshi Hayashi, claim that Jomon dogus are Inanna/Ishtar herself along with Himiko was Inanna/Ishtar herself.
In Sumerian Mythology the Anunnaki were a pantheon of good and evil gods and goddesses who came to Earth to create the human race.
According to the some resources, these gods came from Nibiru - 'Planet of the Crossing.'
Among Anunnaki, Inanna or another name of Inanna, Ishtar in Methopotamia is the Goddess of all Gods, the Queen of Anunnaki.
Inanna was also here in Japan with a name of Himiko around 200 AD.
Yokohama Minato Mirai district superb view Landmark Tower
Yokohama Minato Mirai district superb view Landmark Tower
Miyajima’s Senjokaku & Pagoda
Senjokaku, 1,000 tatami mats is size, is on the top of a hill commanding Itsukushima Shrine. A comfortable breeze blows through this hall.
Read more from Tomoko Kamishima:
Music: Cute/ Bensound (Creative Commons License)
Top 10 Best Cities To Live In Japan
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Top 10 Best Cities To Live In Japan
Japan is the 8th most peaceful nation in the World. It is very advanced and has a strong economy. If you see the global peace index chart, you will find Japan at the 9th position as measured in 2016. Advancement in technologies can easily be seen as the country has a lot of research centers in different fields and industry. Also, Japan is searching and manufacturing robots to ease people’s life.
Is it a great idea to move your family to Japan. You can only know that if you measure the advantage of living in any of the different cities of Japan. Besides that, you can also measure the cost of living in the cities of Japan as compared to the other major cities of the developed nations in the World.
Despite of being a populous country, there are still many places in Japan that are best for people to live in. Below is the list of top 10 best cities to live in Japan:
1. Fukuoka
2. Kyoto
3. Sapporo
4. Tokyo
5. Yokohama
6. Okinawa
7. Kobe
8. Nagoya
9. Nara
10. Chiba
Thanks for watching!
Metropolitan expressway Kanagawa Yokohama north line
Metropolitan expressway Kanagawa Yokohama north line is in service from Mar. 18th 2017.
奈良観光 Sightseeing in Nara 나라 관광
Camera:CANON iVIS HF M43
~奈良市(Nara City)~
0:00 JR奈良駅(JR Nara Sta.)
1:34 三条通り(Sanjo St.)
4:27 三重塔(Three-story pagoda)
5:09 南円堂(Nan-en-do)
5:38 興福寺五重塔(Kofuku-ji five-story pagoda)*world Heritage
6:29 カフェクルール(Cafe Couleur)
8:43 浮見堂(Ukimi-do Gazebo )
9:17片岡梅林(Kataoka Plum grove)
9:49鹿寄せ(Shikayose (deer calling))
15:11 東大寺(Todai-ji Temple)*world Heritage
29:01 東大寺鐘楼(Todai-ji Temple bell tower)
30:22 二月堂(Nigatsu-do Hall)
35:55 三月堂(Sangatsu-do Hall)
39:24 春日大社(Kasuga Taisha Shrine)*world Heritage
43:09 ~ならまち(Naramachi)~ Old Town
44:05 奈良町資料館(Naramachi Museum)
46:30 ならまち格子の家(Naramachi Lattice House)
50:02 奈良町賑わいの家(Naramachi Townhouse of Traditional Lifestyle)
52:54 猿沢池(Sarusawa Pond)
53:51 餅飯殿センター街(Mochiidono center Shopping Street )
59:47 東向商店街(Higashimuki Shopping Street)
1:00:34 近鉄奈良駅(Kintetsu Nara Sta.)
1:03:22 小西さくら通り商店街(Konishi-sakura-dori shopping street)
1:08:44 奈良市総合観光案内所(Nara City Tourist Information Center)
《釈迦三尊像》と《動植綵絵》 生誕300年記念「若冲展」
東京都美術館 生誕300年記念「若冲展」
取材 2016.4.21