Russia in Pre-Revolutionary photographa - Irkutsk
Дореволюционная Россия на фотографиях - Иркутск
Here I present an album of Pre-Revolutionary photographs of the Siberian city of Irkutsk.
In the early 19th century, many Russian artists, officers, and nobles were sent into exile in Siberia for their part in the Decembrist revolt against Tsar Nicholas I. Irkutsk became the major centre of intellectual and social life for these exiles, and much of the city's cultural heritage comes from them; many of their wooden houses, adorned with ornate, hand-carved decorations, survive today, in stark contrast with the standard Soviet apartment blocks that surround them..... I was here in 2008 and was surprised to see how much of the pre-revolutionary buildings survive to this day.
Russia's Irkutsk region underwater after heavy floods, at least 5 people killed
Five people died and several others are missing after heavy floods in Russia's Irkutsk region on Saturday.
Over 4000 homes & 10 thousand people have been affected, according to Russian authorities.
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【K】Russia Travel-Irkutsk[러시아 여행-이르쿠츠크]시베리아 원주민 박물관/Irkutsk Museum of Regional Studies/Native
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
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[한국어 정보]
나는 1883년에 지어졌다는 향토박물관을 찾았다. 1층 전시실에는 시베리아에 거주했던 소수민족인 야쿠트, 에벤키, 브리야트 인들의 생활용품이 전시돼 있었는데 원래 이곳은 바이칼을 무대로 살았던 알타이족의 땅이었다고 한다. 이르쿠츠쿠는 1652년 모피를 구하기 위해 이곳을 찾은 코사크 족들이 정착하면서 세워진 도시다. 17세기 말에는 유럽지역으로부터 농가 500여 가구가 이주해 오면서 이 도시는 농업과 상업이 조화롭게 발달하기 시작한다. 풍부한 자원을 바탕으로 시베리아 개발의 중심지가 된 이르쿠츠쿠는 러시아 근대사에 있어 또 하나의 중요한 무대가 된다. 1825년 12월에 데카브리스트의 난, 서유럽에서 자유주의 사상을 경험한 러시아의 청년 장교들이 제정 러시아황실의 부패에 대항해 일으킨 쿠데타. 그러나 실패로 끝난 혁명이다.
[English: Google Translator]
I visited the local museum jyeotdaneun built in 1883. The first floor exhibition hall was a Yakut ethnic groups who live in Siberia, Eben key, Brie dairy products are of the yateu on display here is the original land of Altai, Baikal was a family that lived on the stage. Koo said cheuku the Cossacks built a city and find a place to save the group in 1652 to settle fur. The 17th century farmhouse has over 500 households moved from Europe coming in this city will begin to harmonize the development of agriculture and commerce. Koo said that the center of Siberia cheuku is developed based on the rich resources become another important stage in Russia's modern history. 1825 Cobb list for the month of December I, Western Europe, Russia experienced in the liberal ideology that caused a coup against the corrupt youth officers of the Russian imperial establishment. But the revolution ended in failure.
[Russian: Google Translator]
Я посетил местный музей, построенный в jyeotdaneun 1883 Первая выставка этаж зал был якутский этнические группы, которые живут в Сибири, ключ Эбен, Бри молочные продукты имеют yateu на дисплее здесь оригинальное земля Алтая, Байкала был семья, жили на сцене. Ку заявил, cheuku казаки построили город и найти место, чтобы спасти группу в 1652 году, чтобы поселиться мех.Дом 17-го века имеет более 500 семей, переехали из Европы приходит в этом городе начнут согласовывать развитие сельского хозяйства и торговли. Ку заявил, что центр Сибири cheuku разработана на основе богатых ресурсов становятся еще одним важным этапом в современной истории России. 1825 Кобб список в течение месяца декабря I, Западная Европа, Россия пережила в либеральной идеологии, что вызвало переворот против коррумпированных офицеров молодежных российской императорской учреждения. Но революция закончилась неудачей.
■클립명: 유럽082-러시아02-03 시베리아 원주민 향토 박물관/Regional Museum/Irkutsk Museum of Regional Studies/Native of Siberia
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 현상용 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2006년 12월 December
유럽,Europe,,러시아,Russia,,Russian Federation,현상용,2006,12월 December
Exhibit in the Decembrists Museum in Chita. Autumn 2018
In dec. 1825 a group of nobel officers in russian military started a coup attempt against the tzar. They were defeated and condemned to exile and forced labour in Siberia. This part of the exhibition shows the impressions of their life before and during the coup (as the big battle on Senate Place in Petersburg on dec 26, 1825 where tzarist troops defeated them) and in the second part their life afterwards in Siberia.
Coming up next: Reisepostillen, vol.7: RUSSLAND - Notizen zu einer Reise im Herbst 2018 by Katharina Füllenbach
NATO LEAKS! 150 Nuclear Bombs Secretly Being Deployed Along Russia’s Borders!
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We'll tell you a very simple and seemingly funny story today. About nuclear bombs. We learned that by accident. There was a leak from NATO that they deployed 150 nuclear bombs on Russian borders. This must not be against us. This is against somebody else. It's by accident. We learned that from leaks from NATO.
【K】Russia Travel-Irkutsk[몽골 여행-이르쿠츠크]데카브리스트의 지도자 볼콘스키/Dekabrist/Volkonsky/Museum
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
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■ '구독' 버튼을 누르고 10,000여 개의 생생한 【HD】영상을 공유 해 보세요! (Click on 'setting'-'quality'- 【1080P HD】 ! / 더보기 SHOW MORE ↓↓↓)
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[한국어 정보]
즈나멘스키 수도원 마당 한 쪽에는 오래된 무덤이 몇 개 있다. 이곳 이르쿠츠크에서 유배생활을 하다 사망한 ‘데카브리스트’. 즉 ‘12월당원’들의 무덤이다. 데카브리스트의 지도자 볼콘스키 공작이 살던 가옥 박물관을 찾았다. “이곳은 볼콘스키 공작이 사용하던 집무실입니다” 황제와 어렸을 때부터 친구였고 육군 장성이었던 볼콘스키 공작은 데카브리스트의 지도자 중 한 명이었다. 그는 유배가 끝날 때까지 10년 동안 이 집에서 살았다. 1812년, 나폴레옹을 물리치고 프랑스로 진격했던 러시아 장교들은 프랑스의 자유사상에 매료됐다. 청년장교들은 러시아의 전제정치를 타파하기 위해 상트페테르부르크에서 반란을 일으켰다. 하지만 반란은 실패해 곧 진압됐다. 반란의 주모자들은 처형되거나 시베리아에서 혹독한 유배 생활을 했다. 주모자들 중 유일한 장성이었던 볼콘스키 공작은 농민처럼 직접 농사를 지으며 30년 동안 시베리아에서 살았다. 부인 마리아는 그를 따라 이곳 이르쿠츠크로 왔다. 황제는 마리아에게 이곳에 오면 귀족의 지위를 박탈하겠다고 경고했다. 하지만 마리아는 끝내 포기각서에 서명을 하고 시베리아횡단열차에 몸을 실었다. “여기로 올 때는 반역자의 부인으로 따라가는 것이기 때문에 작위와 귀족 신분이 박탈됐습니다. 여기 온 부인들은 대부분 귀족 자녀들이었고, 마리아는 공작부인이었죠. 하지만 여기로 오면서 반역자 볼콘스키의 부인 신분으로 바뀌었죠.” 인간의 신념과 사랑이 얼마나 크고 강한지, 이들의 선택이 말해주고 있다.
[English: Google Translator]
Namen side's ski monastery yard has a few pieces of old graves. This is one of exile in Irkutsk to carve list 'death. That is the grave of May '12 members'. The leader of Cobb to list bolkon ski Duke visited the museum houses lived. This is an office that used bolkon ski Duke was a friend of the Emperor's army generals since I was a kid and was bolkon ski Duke to list Cobb was one of the leaders. He lived in this house for 10 years until the end of exile. In 1812, Russian officers had defeated Napoleon marched into France they were fascinated by the idea of freedom in France. Young officers revolted in St. Petersburg in order to break the tyranny of Russia. But the revolt failed soon became repression. The ringleader of the rebellion were executed or the rigors of exile in Siberia. Wall was the only one of the ringleaders bolkon ski Duke lived in Siberia for 30 years as farmers farming directly smiled. Mrs. Mary came here to Irkutsk with him. The emperor comes to Mary here has threatened to deprive the peerage. But Mary signed a memorandum finish up and carried the body to the Trans-Siberian train. When you come here, because along with the wife of a traitor acts and aristocratic status was forfeited. I came here was the most aristocratic wife have children, Mary was a Duchess. But it ended up coming here changed to deny the identity of the rebels ski bolkon not human faith and love how big and strong, give them a say in the selection.
[Russia : Google Translator]
лыжный Монастырский двор Намюра Side имеет несколько кусков старых могил. Это одна из ссылки в Иркутске , чтобы вырезать список смерть. То есть могила Май '12 членов. Лидер Кобб в список bolkon лыжах герцог посетил музей дома жил. Это офис, который используется bolkon лыжах Duke был другом армейских генералов Императора, так как я был ребенком и был bolkon лыжах герцога в список Кобб был одним из лидеров. Он жил в этом доме в течение 10 лет до конца изгнания. В 1812 году русские офицеры победили Наполеона прошли во Францию был очарован идеей свободы во Франции. Молодые офицеры взбунтовались в Санкт-Петербурге, чтобы разрушить тиранию России. Но восстание не удалось вскоре стали репрессии. Главарь восстания были казнены или суровость ссылке в Сибири. Стена была лишь одним из главарей bolkon лыжный герцог жил в Сибири в течение 30 лет, как фермеры напрямую посудомоечные улыбнулся. Г-жа Мэри приехала сюда в Иркутск с ним. Император приходит к Марии здесь пригрозил лишить пэра. Но Мэри подписали меморандум закончить и понес тело к Транссибирской поезда. Когда вы пришли сюда, потому что вместе с женой предателя актов и аристократического статуса был аннулирован. Я приехал сюда, был самым аристократическим жена есть дети, Мария была герцогиня. Но в конечном итоге прийти сюда изменилось отрицать идентичность повстанцев на лыжах bolkon не человеческой веры и любви, как большой и сильный, дать им право голоса в выборе.
■클립명: 아시아037-중국24-16 데카브리스트의 지도자 볼콘스키/Dekabrist/Volkonsky/Museum
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 윤성도 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2016년 8월 August
생가,birthplace,author, writer, painter, artist, king, queen, musician,박물관,museum,institution, gallery, relic, history,사람,man,person, character, 위인, 유명인 author, writer, painter, artist, king, queen, musician,유럽,Europe,,러시아,Russia,,Russian Federation,윤성도,2016,8월 August,이르쿠츠크 주,Irkutsk province,Иркутская область,Irkutsk Oblast
Amazing Fake? Video of 'Dead Alien' after Siberia crash-landing
A video of what was claimed to be a mutilated alien corpse is said to be fake. The tiny dead alien is just skin from chicken filled with bread, reports the website Police questioned the men who claimed to have found the body and they allegedly confessed to creating it themselves. The chief editor of the local Kabansk-Info newspaper initially thought that it was the body of an infant in the video and alerted the police. Officers immediately started the investigation and identified the alleged author. They went to his house and asked him about the infant's body. The scared man reportedly showed a fake alien corpse. It was even painted in alien colors. Scolding is the only possible punishment for such a stunt as it cannot be considered a crime, the report says. The footage was taken near the village of Kamensk in the Russian republic Buryatia, just north of Lake Baikal. It showed what appeared to be a humanoid body less than a meter high with a skeletal big-eyed head and thin naked body. One of its legs was missing. Emotional off-screen comments said the body was found a couple of hours before and was clearly very dead. Local media reported there were numerous reports of UFO sightings in the area in March, some of them later attributed to bombing training at a nearby military range.
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Early Russian 220503-03 | Footage Farm
Footage Farm is a historical audio-visual library. The footage in this video constitutes an unedited historical document and has been uploaded for research purposes. Some viewers may find the archive material upsetting. Footage Farm does not condone the views expressed in this video.
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[1911 - Grape Harvest; Russia Cavalry; German Celebration; Italian-Turkish War; Train Wreck; Spanish Diplomats; French Military Skiing; Storms; NYC Fire]
Russian Main title & inter-title: Bessarabia, Moldavia - October, 1911 - collecting grapes in Vineyards of French colony.
09:10:17 Pan grape pickers & farmer in field. MCU woman picking large bunch of grapes; eating & laughing.
09:10:55 Russian inter-title: Irkutsk, Siberia - Exercises of the garrison troops.
09:10:59 Russian Cavalry riding up road past camera looking out over valley; firing artillery. MS officers standing watching or ??
09:11:27 Russian inter-title: Trier, Germany Procession commemorating 100th anniversary of Empress Augustine.
09:11:33 High angle of parade past crowd, troops in historical costumes; current, 1910s military units.
09:12:07 Russian inter-title: Italian-Turkish war - unloading artillery. Ships in Libya harbor. Soldiers move wagons over floating bridge or pier, horses wade ashore & on beach.
09:12:34 Russian inter-title: Arrival of General Caneva & Rear Admiral Borea Ricci.
09:12:38 Riding thru Tripoli, Libya North African Arab street in carriages & passing camera.
09:12:49 Russian main title & text title: Home of poet Shevchenko.
09:12:55 CU Ukrainian poet Taras Shevchenko (1814 - 1861) painting w/ imposing eyes. Pan thatched cottage to large mound w/ ornate memorial cross on top. CU of base w/ carving.
09:13:21 Russian inter-title: Mail train crashes on Rimskaya railway 9Feb1911.
09:13:29 Men, women & military beside heavily burned railroad car in snow.
09:13:35 Title: People load their goods on train heading for Perm. Frozen bundles loaded into box car.
09:13:57 Russian inter-title: Paris - The Marques Soreno & Spanish diplomats ride in a water taxi.
09:14:01 Men on boat leaving past houses along Seine riverbank, towards bridge; view of fast motorboat towards camera & past up-river several times w/ much exhaust smoke. Arrival. GOOD.
09:14:25 Russian inter-title: France - Ski exercises by 152nd division.
09:14:29 Officers on horseback past troops lining street in rain. Civilian & military VIPs pose outside large building. Troops ski down hill from camera. VIPs arrive railroad station platform (brief).
09:14:53 Russian inter-title: Italy- Salerno? - Results of terrible storms. Large waves break on stone wall.
09:15:13 Russian inter-title: Fire in New York. Firemen hose smoking rubble of large brick building. People running along railroad tracks toward wall of heavy black smoke.
1911; 1910s; Agriculture Harvest; Military Ceremony; Transportation; Fires; Weather; Pre-WWI; Pre-WW1;
NOTE: NOT Triangle Shirtwaist fire. Italian-Turkish War 29Sep11 - 18Oct12.
Natural Sound
Russian President Vladimir Putin and Japanese Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori opened talks on Monday to work on a peace treaty delayed for decades by a territorial dispute.
The talks were expected to include a discussion of Tokyo's claims on Russian-controlled islands north of Japan.
Tokyo has insisted on a deal on the islands as a condition for concluding a peace treaty.
Yoshiro Mori welcomed Vladimir Putin at the Geihinkan Government Guest House on Monday.
The meeting is Putin's third with Mori this year and his second visit to Japan as president.
The two leaders are set to discuss a territorial dispute over islands in the north of Japan, working on a peace treaty they both hope to conclude by the end of the year.
Tokyo and Moscow established diplomatic relations in 1956, but have never signed a treaty ending World War II hostilities.
The main obstacle has been the dispute over the four Kuril Islands, known in Japan as the Northern Territories, which Soviet troops occupied in the closing days of the war.
The two sides are still far apart on the issue.
Tokyo is demanding recognition of its territorial claims, but Putin was quoted by the Interfax news agency as suggesting before leaving Russia that he would not bargain the islands away.
Meanwhile, Japanese right-wing groups protested outside the Geihinkan using large trucks equipped with powerful loudspeaker systems.
Police mounted road blocks at all junctions approaching the Guest House and the Japanese Foreign Ministry building to stop the right-wingers.
Protestors also object to a possible warming of the economic relationship between the two countries.
Russian and Japanese officials plan to sign a dozen agreements, including a program on developing trade and economic relations.
There is also a separate document on joint efforts to aid the economic development of the Kurils.
Putin and Mori are also expected to sign agreements on cooperation in energy, as well as Japanese assistance in dismantling Russian nuclear arsenals.
Putin arrived in Japan on Sunday.
He attended the Group of Eight summit of world leaders in July.
Talks were expected to continue on Tuesday.
SOUNDBITE: (JAPANESE): I'm against Putin's visit. They won't give us our islands back and he comes here wanting to blackmail us for our money.
SUPER CAPTION Right-wing Group Member
I think Russia should return those islands so I agree with the right-wingers. However there are more issues than this to solve.
SUPER CAPTION Japanese Citizen
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Russian servicewomen slap on war paint as part of military competition
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Servicewomen in the Russian Armed Forces took part in a military face-painting competition, as part of a competition in the city of Pereslavl on Tuesday.
Video ID: 20180307 006
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Nikolai Bestuzhev's portraits of Decembrists in Siberia
Bestuzhev, born 1791, was a russian officer, writer, inventer and portrait artist associated with the Decembrist revolt in 1825. Sentenced for that to lifelong kartoga (hard work) in Siberia he lived there at different places from 1827 to 1855 when he died in Novosenlenginsk. Despite the hard conditions in Siberia he painted numerous portraits of his fellow decembrists to be seen in the Volkonsky house museum in Irkutsk.
Read more on the decembrists and the whole journey from Vladivostok to Moscow in Reisepostillen Band 7: RUSSLAND - Notizen zu einer Reise im Herbst 2018 by Katharina Füllenbach
Irkutsk Spasenie lyudey iz goryashtego avto sinhron sotrudnikov OVD
The transsiberian railway, from Irkutsk to Beijing
'In the sky and on the ground' Nils Frahm, from the album 'The Bells'
'Tatlaghiin Kolboo' by Domog from the album 'Folk Band'
'Fernleaf Hedge Bamboos in the moonlight' by South China Music Troupe from the album 'Music from Yunnan'
Taking the transsiberian railway is SUCH a different experience from taking a plane, which feels like being dropped into an alterate reality, whereas travelling by train gives you a true feel of the sheer vastness of the land. One might not realise it when watching a ten minute clip, but the landscapes you see gliding past behind dirty windows stays like that for literally hours. The Burjatian steppe just plods on and on and on and the lopsided, battered wooden villages dotting it form time to time make me despair for the teens growing up there -undoubtedly with large amounts of vodka. The mongolian steppe is superb, the rolling hils almost like suede. Mongolia was the undisputed highlight of the trip, and so vast, so beautiful, that one simply stops speaking. Though,indeed, lake Baikal comes in a close second. The Gobi is a stretch of dry sandy grasslands, flat, monotonous, and incredibly hot. it is incrompihensible to my european mind that still there, there are yurts, and people walking about herding their flock. Of course, there are the mines too, the Mongolian wealth being dug out faster then we can imagine. And then onto China. Which, after the Gobi, feels like a relief. Water! Rivers! Mountains! Houses! The ride is to end at long last in Beijing, with all its endless and endless dusty flats, coal heating factories, building cranes, glitzy skyscrapers, seas of people.
My tips for taking the transmongolian:
Irkutsk is not worth the trouble of more then a day out. Go to lake Baikal instead. In summer, rent a boat there.
Be sure to take the stretch between Irkutsk and Ulan Ude by daylight, it is said to be one of the most beautiful stretches of the transsiberian, so I was told. Unfortunately, I had the nighttime train.
Prepare for a seven hours wait at the russian-mongolian border, especially f you have train 362. There are others, with a less long wait. Still, there will be a wait. Border control is oldfashioned here. Border control officers with enormous hats, flanked by army officers searching the cabin, all that.
When you want to have dinner in the restaurant wagon in the mongolian train from Ulaan Bataar to the border, be warned it closes at 7 as thats when it reaches the border and another long wait begins. The mongolian restaurant wagon is, by the way, a gem of a wagon, decorated with ornate hand carved woodwork. They have an impressive menu too, of which they'll have about four items, and the beer will be sold out by afternoon. Pack lots of snacks! Pack plenty thick books.
My Love Sakhalin,Russia eng
English Subtitle
April 5, 2012 Russia_Russian anti-drug forces seize large heroin stash in Siberia
Officers of Russian Federal Service for Drug Trafficking Control intercepted a drug smuggling operation in Siberia on Thursday, arresting three people and seizing 14 kilograms of heroin.
The drug traffickers, who were tracked down in the Irkutsk region, smuggled large amounts of heroin from Afghanistan via Central Asia to Russia.
The Great Day of Annihilation
Strange 'conehead' skeleton unearthed at Russia's Stonehenge:
Family Adopts Bear Cub: Bear's mother was likely killed by the poachers
A family in the Russian far eastern Irkutsk region has adopted a bear cub found wandering after its mother was likely killed by poachers.
The little bear took up residence with the Shcherbakov family in the town of Tulun, after he showed up at their house gate three weeks ago.
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Russia just launched three early warning missile radars within range of north korea | GLOBAL NEWS T
Russia just launched three early warning missile radars within range of north korea | GLOBAL NEWS TODAY
Russia has activated three new early-warning missile attack radars covering its southeastern frontiers, including its border with North Korea, after repeated missile tests by Pyongyang have raised fears of impending conflict. The deputy commander of Russia’s air force Alexander Golovko boasted that “for the first time in history” a trio of new Voronezh rocket attack detection radar stations have entered service in Krasnoyarsk, Altai and Orenburg regions, the Ministry of Defense’s Krasnaya Zvezda newspaper reported on Wednesday. Read More: North Korea’s neighbors Russia and China practice anti-missile defense on computers Keep up with this story and more by subscribing nowThe new radars all sit near Russia’s borders with Kazakhstan and Mongolia but with an operating range of 6,000km (3,730 miles) they have the Korean Peninsula and chunks of Russia’s Pacific coastline in range. The Kremlin activated its Voronezh-DM radar system covering its western borders in 2011, while a replacement programme for Russia’s Soviet-era radars has been in play since 2005. A picture taken on November 29, 2011, shows a Russian army officer, operator of the Voronezh-DM a radar warning system station in the exclave of Kaliningrad, taking salute during a visit of then-President Dmitry Medvedev (not pictured). AFP/Getty Images/Reuters The new additions improve Moscow’s radar coverage in its east, as previously only one of its systems, in Irkutsk, was located east of the Ural mountains. Two stations operated in the Leningrad and Kaliningrad regions, while one was based in Krasnodar, near Ukraine. A new radar station is also planned in Russia's high north during 2019.Moscow tested the new deployments earlier this year and in June the Ministry of Defense announced that its Krasnoyarsk-based system had detected six launches of ballistic missiles in the northeast Pacific. Golovko did not mention any specific country as a threat—the activation of the new radars has been since Russia’s Defense Minis...
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Irkutsk (Russian: Иркутск; IPA: [ɪrˈkutsk]) is a city and the administrative center of Irkutsk Oblast, Russia, and one of the largest cities in Siberia. Population: 587,891 (2010 Census); 593,604 (2002 Census); 622,301 (1989 Census).
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Russia: Group of women escort mother duck and her babies across busy road
A group of kindly women in the Russian city of Chelyabinsk did their good deed for the day on Friday by halting traffic to let a family of ducks cross safely.
The footage, shot on a dash-cam at the pedestrian crossing, shows the women, including one with a walking stick, pause heavy traffic so the duck and ducklings could cross.
Video ID: 20160722-042
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