Magong Walking Tour (Penghu, Taiwan)
Magong, sometimes Romanised as Makung, is Penghu's only city with around 60,000 residents.
Guanyin is a Buddhist temple named after and dedicated to the Goddess of Mercy. It sits on the west coast in downtown Magong facing Siyu Islet and is one of the oldest temples in Penghu. Over the years a large sea-side park called Guanyinting, which includes basketball and tennis courts, a playground and a sheltered bay for swimming, has been built around the temple.
Standing over the bay and joining the park’s ocean walkway is the Rainbow Bridge, probably one of the most iconic monuments in Penghu. The bridge lights up each night sending ripples of colour across the bay.
Magong City Tour / 馬公市 (Slideshow / 幻燈片), Penghu / Pescadores Islands / 澎湖, Taiwan / 臺灣 / 台灣 / 대만
Magong, sometimes Romanised as Makung, is Penghu's only city with around 60,000 residents.
Notable sites include Guanyin, a Buddhist temple named after and dedicated to the Goddess of Mercy. It sits on the west coast in downtown Magong facing Siyu Islet and is one of the oldest temples in Penghu. Over the years a large sea-side park called Guanyinting, which includes basketball and tennis courts, a playground and a sheltered bay for swimming, has been built around the temple.
Standing over the bay and joining the park’s ocean walkway is the Rainbow Bridge, probably one of the most iconic monuments in Penghu. The bridge lights up each night sending ripples of colour across the bay.
Closing ceremony firreworks at Penghu Islands,Magong,Taiwan
Fascinating fireworks at the closing ceremony of the season at the Penghu islands,Magong.Taiwan.
澎湖 馬公 虎井嶼( Hujingyu, Magong City, Penghu )
虎井嶼 (海上拍攝)
澎湖 馬公
Penghu-Magong City-Hujingyu
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澎湖 馬公 虎井嶼( Hujingyu, Magong City, Penghu )
虎井嶼 (海上拍攝)
澎湖 馬公
Penghu-Magong City-Hujingyu
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Return speedboat ride from Cimei back to Magong City, Penghu, Taiwan
Xiyu West Fort or or Xiyu Western Battery (Penghu, Taiwan)
Xiyu West Fort is located at Waian Village, Xiyu Township, Penghu County. It is one of the 4 naval defenses built by Wu Hongluo, commander of Penghu, in 1886, following the Sino-French War. Penghu is part of the sea transportation route between China and Taiwan and was a stopping point for early immigrants to Taiwan. In terms of military strategy, it serves as an outpost for Taiwan's defense and affects the security of China's southeast coast, making it a long-time strategic location for naval defense.
The fort occupies 8.15 hectares and is surrounded by a wall, inside of which is a stone platform bearing four main and supplementary cannons. Beneath the platform is a tunnel-style barracks 3.9 meters wide and 3.3 meters high, forming a triangular shape. It controls Xiyu, Tongpanyu, the inland mouth of Hujingyu, and the west side of the Penghu port, forming a fire net with Jinlongtou Fort. West Fort is slightly square in shape, surrounded by an earthen wall, and has four cannons, 2 circular and 2 semi-circular, facing the sea.
In front of the cannons is a smaller wall with shield-shaped openings to store cannonballs. Ammunition is stored between the cannons and underneath the surface. Behind this is a flat triangular-shaped arched stone fort. The central entrance has 2 arched gateways above which are an inscribed board reading Xiyu West Fort. Viewed from the entrance, the fort appears to protrude from the ground, but from the sea, it seems concave, submerged beneath the earthen wall. The barracks are made of thick load-bearing walls and solid arched roofs to protect from cannon fire.
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✩ Camera - SONY DSC-RX100 M4 / FDR-AX100 / Gopro Hero 4 / DJI PHANTOM 3 Pro
✩ Camera kit - Zhiyung智云三軸穩定器Z1 EVOLUTION
✩ Video Edit - Final Cut Pro
✩ Roadbike - Wilier Cento1Air, Specialized, new venge,
- Allen Lai
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澎湖 馬公 山水海灘 ( Shanshuei Beach, Magong City, Penghu )
澎湖 馬公
Penghu-Magong City-Shanshuei Beach
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此视频有关海洋文創論壇-沿著菊島旅行網站站長 高世澤(一筆)
澎湖 馬公 桶盤嶼( Port of Tongpan, Magong City, Penghu )
桶盤嶼 碼頭
澎湖 馬公
Penghu-Magong City-Port of Tongpan
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Cab ride from the beach to Magong city
Cab ride from the beach to Magong city
台灣心動線-澎湖南海逍遙遊-4 -七美 望安-台灣旅遊
望安舊稱八罩島,又稱網垵;早在三百多年前,已有人居,保存完整的花宅古厝,是認識望安歷史最好的地方。在望安生活,可以起個大早,泡杯咖啡,到 網垵口沙灘漫步迎接日出;中午跟著漁民摃魚,體會討海人的辛苦;下午學做爆米花球、要帶伴手禮自己DIY;傍晚沐浴在天台山的夕陽中,聽著充滿感情的褒 歌,充實的一天是最在地的享受。
: phsea
Penghu Bikepacking 3 - Island Hopping (Chimei, WangAn and Hunching)
Penghu Riding Trip - Island Hopping (Chimei, WangAn and Hunching)
故鄉之美,澎湖西嶼大菓葉柱狀玄武岩.....人山人海....(攝於2016/0626-0701) 原貌文化協會 ”用心看台灣”文化紮根
澎湖 part 3 /5