Hydrangea (Ajisai in Japanese) is the sign of the rainy season in Japan. The flower is adored and honored by most of the Japanese like they do for ume, sakura and irises. Viewing hydrangea flower is a tradition here. Japanese absolutely respect this tradition!
Katahara Onsen is a scenic hot spring village in the coastal area of Mikawa Bay, considered as one of the larger Gamagori Onsen area. The area around the Hodagaike Pond, part of the Katahara Onsen, is highly regarded as Home Place of the Hydrangeas (Ajisai-no-sato), due to the 50,000 bushes of the exuberant flowers that proudly ornate the boardwalk around the water body when in their full bloom. When it happens, the Ajisai Matsuri (“Hydrangea Festival”) is held in order to celebrate them. It starts on June 1st and goes for a whole month until June 30th.
[4K] Katahara Onsen Ajisai No Sato | 片原温泉あじさいの里
DATE: June 29, 2019 LOCATION: Katahara Town, Gamagori City, Aichi Prefecture, Japan VIDEO CAMERA: iPhone Xs Max CAMERA SETTING: 4K 2160p 24fps VIDEO EDITING SOFTWARE: Davinci Resolve Studio 15 (Windows)
Ajisai no sato 2014/6/18 12.54-13.14 at Katahara Onsen(Aichi)【TopPopJapEpic】
Ajisai no sato: Hortensia's Village
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facebook page: twitter: ToshiyaXD
---Opening movie & logo by Emilio La Mura ( ---Music “Yoimatusri no kaze” (宵祭りの風) from H/MIX GALLERY (hmix.net/music_gallery/image/asian.htm) ---Sound Effect “Kabuki shout” from c-ongakudo (c-ongaku.com/ongaku2.html)
形原温泉・あじさいの里(愛知県蒲郡市)Hydrangea Festival
It is a hydrangea festival that has been planted in Katahara Ajisainosato hot springs, hydrangea of 50,000 shares bloom.
Date:2014.6.28 Shooting point:Aichi Gamagori Ajisainosato Recorded by SONY HDR-CX390
広大な水田地帯の中に、あじさいが5000株。 カタツムリになった気分でゆっくりと散策。
Kaisei-machi Ajisai (Hydrangea)Matsuri
Every June, the small town of Kaisei-machi holds a wonderful Ajisai Matsuri, or Hydrangea Festival. Located in the southern part of Kanagawa Prefecture, and surrounded by mountains on three sides, this countryside festival is a great choice for those who want to escape the bustle of the city without having to travel very far.
◎撮影機器 FDR-AX100 | ハンディカム | ソニー ◎編集アプリ Final Cut Pro X
One month of every year in June , it has been planted in the village of Katahara hot spring - hydrangea , Among the hydrangea of 50,000 shares bloom , hydrangea festival has been held Night is lit up , it is possible to enjoy with your different taste and daytime , If you are lucky you can also see the fireflies that live in the village of hydrangea . [ Period ] June 1st to June 30th , 2014 8:00 to 21:30
Bloom various colors of hydrangea It was very beautiful Many people who have no camera also had been visited in shooting
Since it becomes a large traffic jam in the afternoon Your time I go to play with care
Gamagori sauteed cho Ichinosawa 28-1 TEL.0533-57-0660 FAX.0533-57-0661 Mail.info@katahara-spa.jp
◎ shooting equipment FDR-AX100 | Handycam | Sony ◎ editing app Final Cut Pro X