Mestni muzej Idrija (The Idrija Municipal Museum)
Idrija Municipal Museum - The Best in Heritage 2010
The Best in Heritage 2010: Project No.6 - Idrija Municipal Museum
Idrija Lace, a history written in thread
Filmed in Dubrovnik, Croatia on 24th September 2010
Eric Clark's Travel Videos - Idrija Slovenia - Full Mercury Mine Tour! Watch the entire Tour!
Eric Clark's Travel Videos - Idrija Slovenia - Full Mercury Mine Tour! Watch the entire Tour!
From web site
Thanks to having the second largest mercury mine in the world the town of Idrija was for centuries considered to be the centre of scientific and technological progress in the region. The administration of the Idrija Mercury Mine was housed in the Gewerkenegg Castle (16th century) which dominates the town. Today it houses the Idrija Municipal Museum, which together with the Idrija Mine Museum takes care of the region's rich technical, geological, technological, ethnological, and cultural heritage. The Idrija Mine Museum is managed by THE Idrija Mercury Heritage Management Centre.
In 2012 the Heritage of Mercury. Almadén and Idrija project was submitted to UNESCO and both cities entered its World Heritage List.
Mercury mining in Idrija
The history of mining in Idrija dates back to 1490. Only the Almadén mercury mine in Spain was bigger and dates back to the Roman times. Both towns were so famous that their names were used in North America for the mining towns of New Idria and New Almadén. Until World War I the Idrija Mercury Mine was one of the best technically equipped mines in Europe. By burning cinnabar ore, the mercury miners of Idrija mined over 13 per cent of the world production of this ore. In 500 years Idrija exported 107,700 tons of this liquid metal.
In 1986 the decision was made to close the mine for commercial, geological, and ecological reasons. It finally closed in 1995 but some of its shafts and facilities have remained open for tourists. Today the company's main task is to close down the mine and to manage the consequences of 500 year mining, that is to secure the shafts and to monitor the pollution of the environment.
UNESCO World Heritage List
The mercury mining heritage in Idrija (together with the oldest theatre house in Slovenia, the warehouse, the city hall, the old town square, the science secondary school, the Gewerkenegg Castle, etc.) was successfully nominated to become a UNESCO world heritage protected site in 2012.
The first project for the candidature was prepared in 2007 under the title Idrija on the Mercury Route of the Intercontinental Camino Real together with Almadén (Spain) and San Luis Potosí (Mexico). The development of the Mercury Route as part of the Intercontinental Camino Real was greatly influenced by the 1554 discovery of amalgamation in America. The process used mercury in acquiring silver and gold from ore and sparked a major increase in the demand for mercury (Idrija, Almadén). The metal was foremost exported to Mexico where it was used in silver mines. This discovery influenced the global development of manufacture, technology, and trade in mercury as well as facilitated an intensive transfer of technological knowledge and changes in the global economy, social relations, science, and culture.
Museum sites
The Idrija mine ore deposit is unique on the world. Quoting a Soviet geologist Vladimir Ivanovich Smirnov (1910–1988): I have seen many ore deposits in different parts of the world and some of them quite complex. But I openly admit that such a complex geological structure as in Idrija, I haven't yet seen. Without any doubt this is structurally one of the most complex endogenous ore deposits in the world. The Mine Museum has a rich geological collection with more than 800 different samples of ore and mineral from Idrija mercury ore deposit on display at the Idrija Municipal Museum.
Anthony's Shaft is the oldest part of the mine, today also one of the oldest preserved mine entrances in Europe. Named after Anthony of Padua, a patron saint of miners and protector from mine accidents, the shaft was dug back in 1500, soon after mercury was first discovered. The museum tour is 1,300 metres long in an authentically preserved mine. It starts in the 18th-century Šelštev House where miners used to take the equipment early in the morning before entering the mine. Here visitors to the mine watch a multivision show in the former call-in room, than professional guides take them through shafts and illuminated galleries with life-size mannequins which illustrate the various mining jobs to the unique underground Chapel of the Holy Trinity, dating from the mid-18th century, the time of the greatest prosperity for the Idrija mine. The shaft was opened for the public in 1994. At the entrance, visitors are given raincoats to wear during the tour and are greeted with the typical miner's greeting srečno (good luck), which gets its true meaning when entering the shaft.
Francis's Shaft was sinked 1792 and is named after the Roman-German Emperor Franz Joseph the Second (1792–1806). It is a big transport shaft with the only preserved huge exporting machine Siemens-Stuckert, still in operating condition.
Partisan Printery Slovenia in Idrija
Partizanska tiskarna Slovenija, Idrija
Penzion Rožica Idrija
Rooms and apartments***
This printing press is part of the Slovenia Printing Shop, which was the largest and best equipped Partisan printing shop in the western part of Slovenia. It operated from September 1944 to May 1945. The print shop produced newspapers, brochures, leaflets, booklets and other such printed material, and special mention should be made of the Partisan Daily - the only daily newspaper in occupied Europe printed by a resistance movement. The printing shop which is today under the auspices of the Idrija Municipal Museum has been fully preserved and the print machinery is still operational. As part of our cultural and historical heritage it has been open to the public since 1947.
The printing press was manufactured by Turin-based company Rapida di Lusso, Italy, in the 1930’s. It is in very good condition and can still be operated for printing demonstrations. Its capacity is between 800 to 1,000 copies per hour.
The story about the 'arrival' of this printing press during wartime, after a journey from Italy to Vojsko, which is a hilly and remote place in Slovenia at 800m above sea level, is quite amazing. The German armed forces controlled and checked all transport, and so the press was disassembled and its parts hidden among condensed milk packaging. The Germans pulled over the truck carrying all this in Padua, but air raid sirens sounding at that moment prevented them from undertaking a thorough inspection of the cargo. Amidst the general confusion of the air raid the truck was able to proceed, transporting the printing press safely to Gorizia from where it was carried, part by part, over 50km to the distant printing shop in Vojsko.
Eric Clark's Travel Videos - Idrija Slovenia - Gewerenegg Castle with Tour Guide. Lace and Mercury!
Eric Clark's Travel Videos - Idrija Slovenia - Gewerenegg Castle with Tour Guide. AMAZING!!!
Eric Clark's Travel Videos - Idrija Slovenia - Gewerenegg Castle with Tour Guide. Lace and Mercury!
From Wikipedia
Idrija (pronounced [ˈiːdɾija] (listen), in older sources Zgornja Idrija;[2] German: (Ober)idria,[2][3] Italian: Idria) is a town in western Slovenia. It is the seat of the Municipality of Idrija. It is located in the traditional region of the Slovenian Littoral and is in the Gorizia Statistical Region. It is notable for its mercury mine with stores and infrastructure, as well as miners' living quarters, and a miners' theatre. Together with the Spanish mine at Almadén, it has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2012.[4] In 2011, Idrija was given the Alpine Town of the Year award.
The town of Idrija lies in the Idrija Basin, surrounded by the Idrija Hills. It is traversed by the Idrijca River, which is joined there by Nikova Creek. It includes the hamlets of Brusovše, Cegovnica, Prenjuta, and Žabja Vas close to the town center, as well as the more outlying hamlets of Češnjice, Ljubevč, Kovačev Rovt, Marof, Mokraška Vas, Podroteja, Razpotje, Staje, and Zahoda. The Marof hydroelectric plant is located on the Idrijca River on the northern outskirts of Idrija, between Marof and Mokraška Vas.
Mercury was discovered in Idrija (known as Idria under Austrian rule) in the late 15th century (various sources cite 1490,[5][6][7] 1492,[8][9] and 1497[5][7]). Mining operations were taken over by the government in 1580. The mineral idrialite, discovered here in 1832, is named after the town.
According to legend, a bucket maker working in a local spring spotted a small amount of liquid mercury over 500 years ago. Idrija is one of the few places in the world where mercury occurs in both its elemental liquid state and as cinnabar (mercury sulfide) ore. The subterranean shaft mine entrance known as Anthony's Shaft (Antonijev rov) is used today for tours of the upper levels, complete with life-sized depictions of workers over the ages. The lower levels, which extend to almost 400 meters below the surface and are no longer being actively mined, are currently being cleaned up.
The parish church in the town is dedicated to Saint Joseph the Worker and belongs to the Diocese of Koper. There are three other churches in Idrija, dedicated to the Holy Trinity, Saint Anthony of Padua, and Our Lady of Sorrows.[10]
My name is Eric Clark and I am a world traveler. I have been around the world a few times and decided to help fund my travels by sharing my videos and pictures. I have been to almost every country and would be glad to give tips and pointers. Drop me a note. = )
Partizanska bolnica Franja / Franja Partisan Hospital
Partizanska bolnica Franja je enkraten primer zdravstvene oskrbe ljudi v izrednih razmerah in izjemen simbol človečnosti, solidarnosti in tovarištva med domačini, osebjem bolnišnice in ranjenimi vojaki različnih narodnosti, ki so se v času 2. svetovne vojne borili proti fašizmu in nacizmu.
Franja Partisan Hospital is a unique example of medical care in extreme conditions and an outstanding symbol of humanity, solidarity and companionship between local people, staff and wounded soldiers of various nationalities, who fought against Fascism and Nazism in World War II.
Idrija: Unesco bestemming in Slovenië
Idrija is een nog onbekende bestemming die, als mensen het al kennen, bekend is om de op een na grootste kwikmijn ter wereld. Maar wellicht nog veel specialer dan de tot het Unesco werelderfgoed behorende mijn, is de natuur rond het stadje dat behoort tot het Unesco Geopark Idrija.
Wilde Meer (Divje jezero), een kleine meertje in het bos is op zijn minst 160 meter diep. Het meertje was het eerste Sloveense natuurmuseum. Het water van het Wilde Meer komt van onder de grond. Het meer is bron van rivier Jezernica, de kortste rivier van Slovenië.
Partizanska bolnica Franja, obnova 2007-2010 / Franja Partisan Hospital, renovation 2007-2010
Partizanska bolnica Franja je spomenik iz časa 2. svetovne vojne. Bolnišnični kompleks vključuje 14 lesenih barak in 7 pomožnih objektov. Avtentična materialna dediščina spomenika je bila skoraj v celoti uničena v povodnji septembra 2007. Zaradi velike simbolne vrednosti tega prostora je bila kmalu po dogodku sprejeta odločitev o popolni rekonstrukciji spomenika. Obnovo so omogočila finančna sredstva Republike Slovenije ter prispevki organizacij in posameznikov, ki so pomagali tudi z materialom, nadomestnimi muzejskimi predmeti in prostovoljnim delom.
Skrite bolnišnice so bile posebnost slovenskega odporniškega gibanja. Zaradi varnosti so jih gradili v gozdovih, težko dostopnih grapah in podzemnih jamah. V letih 1942–1945 jih je delovalo okoli 120, v njih je našlo zatočišče več kot 15.000 ranjencev. Bolnico Franja so zgradili za potrebe ranjencev na območju severne Primorske in Gorenjske. Prostor zanjo so po nasvetu bližnjega kmeta Janeza Peternelja izbrali v soteski Pasice v Dolenjih Novakih. Pod vodstvom zdravnika Viktorja Volčjaka so tu decembra 1943 zgradili prvo barako. Njegovo delo je nadaljevala zdravnica Franja Bojc Bidovec. Bolnišnico so že med vojno poimenovali po njej. Od decembra 1943 do maja 1945 se je tu zdravilo okoli 600 ranjencev različnih narodnosti.
The Franja Partisan Hospital is a monument dating from the period of the Second World War. The hospital complex comprises 14 wooden cabins and 7 auxiliary facilities. The authentic tangible heritage of this monument was destroyed almost in its entirety in the flood of September 2007. Owing to the great symbolic value of this area, a decision on the complete reconstruction of the monument was adopted soon after the disaster. Its reconstruction was made possible with the financial support of the Republic of Slovenia and the contributions of organisations and individuals, who also donated materials and substitute museum specimens, and worked as volunteers.
Clandestine hospitals were a particularity of the Slovenian resistance movement. To ensure their safety, they were constructed in forests, barely accessible gorges, and underground caves. Around 120 such hospitals operated in the period from 1942–1945, providing shelter to more than 15,000 wounded soldiers. The Franja Hospital was built for the needs of wounded persons in the regions of northern Primorska and Gorenjska. Following the advice of a neighbouring farmer, Janez Peternelj, its location was selected in the Pasice Gorge in the village of Dolenji Novak. Under the guidance of Dr. Viktor Volčjak, the first cabin was constructed here in December 1943. His work was continued by another physician, Dr. Franja Bojc Bidovec, after whom the hospital was named already during the war. From December 1943 until May 1945, some 600 wounded persons of varying nationalities were treated here.
Mestni muzej
Mestni muzej
Idrija (CC: slovenski, srpski, English)
Idrija je mesto v Republiki Sloveniji, sedež istoimenske občine, in upravno središče. Leži v severozahodnem delu Slovenije, na stičišču predalpskega in dinarskega sveta.
Okolica Idrije je bila zaradi razgibanega površja, slabih naravnih možnosti in odročne lege zelo redko poseljena pokrajina. Za širšo okolico Idrije se časa naseljevanja ne more natančno datirati, je pa vendarle jasno, da se je močnejše priseljevanje na to območje začelo šele z odkritjem živega srebra v idrijski kotlini. Konec 15. stoletja, vsaj tako namreč pravi legenda, je škafar na območju današnje Idrije odkril živo srebro. To pa je imelo velik gospodarski, razvojni in poselitveni pomen. Rudnik v Idriji se je hitro širil in pridobival na pomenu, hkrati z njim je rasla tudi Idrija.
Ob izrazito moškem delu v rudniku so ženske doma razvijale svoje ročne spretnosti in kulinariko. Danes so poleg rudnika svetovno znane tudi idrijske čipke in idrijski žlikrofi, ki so tudi evropsko zaščiteni.
Geopark Idrija, ki zaradi izjemne naravne dediščine sodi med najzanimivejše parke v Evropi, obsega celotno območje občine Idrija.
Idrija se ponaša z nazivoma Alpsko mesto leta 2011 in Evropska destinacija odličnosti za leto 2011(EDEN). Poznana je po drugem največjem rudniku živega srebra na svetu, takoj za španskim Almadenom. Bogata dediščina obeh rudnikov je od 30. junija 2012 umeščena na UNESCOV seznam svetovne dediščine. (Wikipedia)
Vacation Guest House Rozica in Idrija
Apartma Rožica stands for family-run accomodation provider with pension possibilities, tour guidance and sports activities.
Welcome to Apartma Rožica! Dobrodošli!
We are providing an exclusive accommodation for tourists and other guests interested in the unexplored area of high biodiversity and rich technical, cultural heritage located between the Alps and the Adriatic Sea. Warmly welcomed all of you! You will be guided in the undergrounds and in the fascinating surroundings by a well-known local guide if interested. A help from a family member 24/7 is at your service. Apart from that, you will be able to get the rare insights into local life by staying the nights at Apartma Rožica in the city centre. For all those, who like to stay in an accomodation that is not a hotel, but rather a more-connected to the ground and local environment.
All Facebook friends or fans get a special price discount on our offer in the town of Idrija, Slovenia.
You can choose among several daily trips, dedicated to different topics important in the history of Idrija and the area.
We can arrange you the whole programme according to your wishes and demands. For your help, some hints what is worth seeing in our area:
-The town of Idrija and it's history
-The technical heritage of the mercury mine
-Cultural heritage and bobbin lace
-The natural area of Idrija and Cerkno, sports activities
-Heritage of World War II.
In Idrija you can see the tourist mine Antonijev Rov (Anthony's Shaft), the exhibitions at the Municipal museum Idrija in the castle Gewerkenegg, numerous sights in the town centre, the lace exhibitions at the Lace School Idrija and much much more.
The vicinity of Idrija offers many possibilities to relax, enjoy the peace and quiet of the unspoilt nature, do different sports and more.
The best way is to browse our website, find out what the region offers and then contact us for help if you will need it.
Welcome to Idrija and the region!
Trailer Idrija Lace Festival 2013
Zanimiv privat muzej ... tudi poučen.
Podizanjem festivalske zastave jučer je u Lepoglavi počeo 15. međunarodni festival čipke.
Antonijev rov
Ogled je sestavljen iz uvodne videopredstavitve in krajšega ogleda najstarejšega dela rudnika. Čeprav skrajšan, vam ogled omogoča strnjeno odkrivanje vseh najpomembnejših zanimivosti podzemnega sveta živosrebrovega rudnika. Zaščitene s čelado in površnikom vas vodnik vodi skozi Antonijev rov, do edinstvene podzemne kapele svete Trojice in znamenitega Attemsovega vpadnika. Pot je lepo urejena, varna in primerna za invalide, starejše obiskovalce...
Tekmovanje v slalomu na divjih vodah (1968) - Tacen, Slovenija
Arhivski posnetki tekmovanja v slalomu na divjih vodah v Tacnu (leto 1968). / Archive footage of the canoe slalom competition in Tacen (year 1968).
Kamera in režija: Janez Lampič
Montaža: Primož Lampič
Glasba: Youtube Audio Library
Bottomless Cup - Silent Partner
Wishing Well - Bird Creek
Believer - Silent Partner
Golden Days - Topher Mohr & Alex Elena
Until We Meet Again - Joe Bagale
Over the Time - Vibe Tracks
zagreb 112, part6 Vojni muzej
3D point cloud generated from ground and aerial imagery (UAV AIBOT) of the Castle Gewerkenegg in Idrija. For information on aerial mapping solutions/services please visit us at
Kolekcija Tatoo z Idrijsko čipko - Modni spektakel Idrija 2011
Tina Koder predstavlja svojo novo kolekcijo Tatoo z ročno izdelano Idrijsko čipko.