Procesión del Silencio/Iglesia de San Lorenzo/ Murcia/2017
La Cofradía del Santísimo Cristo del Refugio es una cofradía de culto católico de la Semana Santa de Murcia (Región de Murcia, España) que desfila todos los Jueves Santo, siendo la decana dentro del estilo de Silencio de la ciudad, ya que fue fundada en 1942. Popularmente se la conoce como la Procesión del Silencio.
Murcia, the Cathedral - Spain 4K Travel Channel
The Cathedral of Murcia, its full name is Catedral de Santa María (Iglesia Catedral de Santa María en Murcia), was built between the 13th and the 15th century. Its bell tower is 95 m high. After the bell tower - La Giralda in Seville, it is the second highest in Spain. The bell tower has five levels, with 25 bells in the top level.
The facade was built on the initiative of the administrative body, the so-called Cabildo with the support of Cardinal Belluga. Jaime Bort built the cathedral on the foundations of the great mosque of the Moors, that once stood on this site.
In 1263, James I of Aragon decided on a campaign against the Moors after they rebelled against the Castilian rule to support his son-in-law Alfonso X of Castile. After the conquest the city, he had the Moorish mosque converted into a Christian cathedral and consecrated. Then he handed the city over to his son-in-law.
Alfonso X united Murcia with Castile. In 1282, he wanted to divide the empire for the benefit of his grandchildren. Resulting in that he was formally deprived of power but was allowed to retain his royal title. He spent the rest of his life as a lonely refugee in Seville. In his will he ordered that one keeps his heart and his entrails in the Cathedral of Murcia. They are in a sarcophagus on the side of the main altar. The other mortal remains are buried in the Cathedral of Seville.
The construction of the Cathedral of Murcia started in 1385. It was not finished until 1467.
The interior is mainly Gothic, while the facade is Baroque. 23 chapels surround the three-nave main room. These are the last resting places of the dignitaries, bishops, and noblemen, who participated in the construction of the cathedral.
Under the organ, you see the impressive chairs of the choir, dating from the 16th century, a donation of Queen Isabel II. The Plateresque chairs were originally in the Monastery of Santa Maria de Valdeiglesias.
A special feature is the chapel of Los Vélez. We have already written about it in our article First Steps in Murcia.
After the Cathedral, we visit the Real Casino Murcia.
please read more:
Die Kathedrale von Murcia, mit vollem Namen Kathedrale de Santa María (Iglesia Catedral de Santa María en Murcia), wurde vom 13. bis zum 15 Jahrhundert erbaut. Ihr Glockenturm ist mit 95 m, nach dem Glockenturm - La Giralda in Sevilla, der zweithöchste in ganz Spanien. Er wurde in fünf Stufen erbaut und im Kopfteil sind 25 Glocken installiert.
Die Fassade wurde auf Initiative des Verwaltungsorgans, der sogenannten Cabildo mit der Unterstützung von Kardinal Belluga gebaut und von Jaime Bort errichtet.
Die Kathedrale wurde auf den Fundamenten der großen Moschee der Mauren errichtet, die ursprünglich an dieser Stelle stand.
Jakob I von Aragon entschloss sich 1263 zu einem Feldzug gegen die Mauren, nachdem diese gegen die kastilische Herrschaft rebellierten, um seinem Schwiegersohn Alfons X. von Kastilien zu unterstützen. Nach der Eroberung der Stadt lies er die maurische Moschee in eine christliche Kathedrale umwandeln und weihen. Danach übergab der die Stadt seinem Schwiegersohn.
Alfons X. vereinigte Murcia mit Kastilien. Als er das Reich 1282 zugunsten seiner Enkel teilen wollte wurde er entmachtet durfte formell aber seinen Königstitel behalten. Seine restlichen Lebensjahre verbrachte er als Flüchtling einsam in Sevilla. Er hinterließ ein Testament in dem er verfügte, dass sein Herz und seine Eingeweide in der Kathedrale von Murcia aufbewahrt werden. Sie befinden sich in einem Sarkophag an der Seite des Hauptaltars. Die weiteren sterblichen Überreste liegen in der Kathedrale von Sevilla.
Man begann erst 1385 mit dem Bau der Kathedrale von Murcia. Er wurde erst 1467 beendet.
Der Innenraum ist weitestgehend gotisch, während die Fassade barock gestaltet wurde. 23 Kapellen umgeben den dreischiffigen Hauptraum, in denen Würdenträger (Bischöfe und Adelige) bestattet sind, die beim Bau der Kathedrale mitgewirkt haben.
Unter der Orgel sehen Sie das Chorgestühl aus dem 16. Jahrhundert, eine Schenkung von Königin Isabel II. Die Stühle im plateresken Stil befanden sich ursprünglich im Kloster Santa Maria de Valdeiglesias.
Eine Besonderheit ist die Kapelle de Los Vélez. Wir haben bereits in unserem Artikel Erste Schritte in Murcia darüber berichtet.
Nach dem Besuch der Kathedrale besichtigen wir noch das Real Casino Murcia.
weitere Infos im Reisevideoblog:
Catedral de Murcia Santa Maria - Murcia - Spain
Catedral de Murcia em Espanha
Cathedral of Murcia - Spain
Die Kathedrale von Murcia in Spanien
Canal Da Gleice
Construida sobre otro del s. XV de estilo gótico, en la que fue bautizado Jovellanos. Está en el confín norte de la playa de San Lorenzo (Campo Valdés). Reemplazó a otra anterior, de inicios del XV, consagrada también a San Pedro, a la que se equiparía en los dos siglos siguientes con capillas y torre. Hasta 1893 fue el único templo parroquial de la villa de Jovellanos, ilustre personaje de la Ilustración bautizado en él. La guerra civil (1936) acabó por arruinar la primitiva iglesia, cuyo solar fue utilizado para levantar una nueva, basándose en el proyecto de los hermanos Somolinos, Francisco y Federico, ganadores del concurso convocado al efecto en 1945. Los trabajos concluyeron en 1955. Ambos arquitectos pretenden darle monumentalidad al edificio; para ello recurren al prerrománico asturiano (los estilizados contrafuertes de Santa María del Naranco, las bóvedas perpendicularmente sobrepuestas de San Miguel de Lillo, el crucero alto de la iglesia de San Julián o Santullano de los Prados...) y de su predecesora aprovechan la torre central y el pórtico de corte neoclásico.
Hasta 1893 fue el único templo parroquial de la villa de Jovellanos, ilustre personaje de la Ilustración bautizado en él. La guerra civil (1936) acabó por arruinar la primitiva iglesia, cuyo solar fue utilizado para levantar una nueva.
Si quieres saber más sobre esta preciosa iglesia pincha en el siguiente enlace
Semana Santa de Murcia 2018 - Procesión del Silencio
Salida desde la Iglesia de San Lorenzo Mártir. 29 de marzo de 2018.
Semana Santa en Murcia. Jueves Santo. Procesión del Santísimo Cristo del Refugio
Procesión de La Cofradía del Santísimo Cristo del Refugio con sede en la Iglesia Parroquial de San Lorenzo Mártir de Murcia en la jornada de Jueves Santo.
Salida MTB por la sierra del Gigante, Fontanares y La Parroquia, Lorca.
16th Annual Inti Raymi Festival • June 2013
16th Annual Inti Raymi Festival
Toronto, Ontario • June 22-23, 2013
Festival organizado por El Centro Comunitario San Lorenzo, Iglesia San Lorenzo y CHHA 1610AM Radio Voces Latinas en Toronto, Canada.
Produced by JMP Creations
The best cathedrals in Spain
List about the best cathedrals in Spain
You are looking for the best cathedral in Spain and I need your help. You only have to choose between the options that I put on the List and Vote for your Favorites ...
In this list about the best cathedrals in Spain you can find:
50. Cathedral of La Magdalena de Getafe
49. Cathedral of San Juan Bautista de Badajoz
48. Cathedral of Santa María de Tuy
47. Cathedral of Mondoñedo
46. Co-Cathedral of Baza
Procathedral of Santa María la Mayor (Mérida)
Cathedral of Santa María de la Asunción de Coria
Cathedral of Our Lady of the Assumption of Santander
San Pedro de Soria Cathedral
Cathedral of Huelva
Cathedral of the Santos Niños Justo y Pastor of Alcalá de Henares
Procathedral of Santa María de Cáceres
New Cathedral of Plasencia
Cathedral of Jerez de la Frontera
Cathedral of the Incarnation of Almería
Cathedral of the Assumption of El Burgo de Osma
Cathedral of the Savior of Zaragoza
Cathedral of Santa Eulalia of Barcelona
Cathedral of Guadix
Cathedral of Santa María la Real de la Almudena in Madrid
Cathedral of San Antolín de Palencia
Cathedral of Santa María and San Julián de Cuenca
Cathedral of San Salvador de Oviedo
Cathedral of Murcia
Cathedral of the Savior of Ávila
Cathedral of Malaga
Cathedral of Santa María de Segovia
Cathedral of the Nativity of Our Lady of Baeza
Cathedral of Santa María in Palma de Mallorca
Astorga Cathedral
Granada Cathedral
New Cathedral of Salamanca
Cathedral-Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar of Zaragoza
Cathedral of Santa María de Toledo
Cathedral of Santa María de la Sede de Sevilla
Cathedral of Zamora
the Cathedral of Santiago of Compostela
Cathedral of Santo Domingo de la Calzada
Cathedral of Santa María de Valencia
Cathedral of San Pedro de Jaca
Cathedral of Santa María de Tudela
Cathedral of Santa María de Vitoria
Cathedral of Mary Immaculate of Vitoria
Cathedral of Santa María la Real de Pamplona
Burgos cathedral
Cathedral of the Good Shepherd of San Sebastián
Cathedral of León (Spain)
Cathedral of Santiago de Bilbao
Mosque-cathedral of Córdoba
Cathedral of the Assumption of Jaén
50. Cathedral of La Magdalena de Getafe
The Cathedral of Santa María Magdalena is the cathedral of the city of Getafe and headquarters of the Diocese of Getafe (Community of Madrid, Spain). The church is located in the Centro de Getafe neighborhood, specifically in the Plaza de La Magdalena. Its architects were Alonso de Covarrubias and Juan Gómez de Mora. It began its construction in 1549 and was completed in 1770. The predominant styles are the Renaissance, the Baroque and the Mudéjar of its tower, corresponding to a previous temple. It is considered one of the best examples of Renaissance architecture in the Community of Madrid.
49. Cathedral of San Juan Bautista de Badajoz
The SI Cathedral of Badajoz (or Cathedral of San Juan Bautista), which has metropolitan rank, is located in the Plaza de España, in the center of Badajoz (Spain). It is the seat of the archbishops of Extremadura, forming the archdiocese Mérida-Badajoz.2 It is also, together with the cathedrals of Coria and Plasencia, founding partner of the Association of Cathedral Cities, to which fifteen other Spanish cathedrals belong.
48. Cathedral of Santa María de Tuy
The cathedral of Santa María de Tuy is located in the province of Pontevedra, at its southern end, in the city of Tuy, through which the Miño river passes. Since 1959 it belongs to the Diocese of Tuy-Vigo. The cathedral is the maximum artistic exponent of the city of Tuy, is located in the highest part of the city in a fort (Tude) on a hill. Its construction began in 1120 and was completed in 1180 in full style of Romanesque architecture, as it happens in most of the cathedrals, had important reforms in other times mainly in Gothic style that among other things was made the main facade dated approximately year 1225.
47. Cathedral of Mondoñedo
The cathedral of Mondoñedo is, together with the Ferrol concatedral, one of the episcopal sees of the diocese of Mondoñedo-Ferrol, in Galicia (Spain). It receives the nickname of the 'Cathedral kneeling' for its perfect proportions and low height. It was declared a National Monument in 1902. Pope John XXIII, through a bull dated March 9, 1959, named it a basilica. In its interior is the cathedral and diocesan museum 'Santos San Cristóbal', founded in 1969, which has important works of religious art, being one of the most important in Galicia in its genre.
46. Co-Cathedral of Baza
The Collegiate Church of Our Lady Santa María de la Encarnación, Concatedral de Baza or Iglesia Mayor de Baza (Province of Granada, Spain) is a Renaissance style church built in the sixteenth century that was built on the remains of the Muslim aljama mosque. Initially, it was opened to Christian worship after its sacralization maintaining its structure as a mosque. It has the rank of concathedral of the diocese of Guadix-Baza.
The images you can find in this video are property of 20 minutos
Tuna España honra a la Virgen de San Lorenzo, patrona de Valladolid
30-9-2017 - Tuna España celebró su VI Juntamento en Valladolid y los participantes no quisieron perder la oprtunidad de honrar a la patrona de la ciudad, Nuestra Señora de San Lorenzo con versos, canciones, ofrenda floral y la imposición de la Beca Tuna España.
Murcia que hermosa eres
Basura, bichos y gatos en Murcia
La Catedral de Huesca (España)
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Places to see in ( Murcia - Spain ) San Pedro del Pinatar
Places to see in ( Murcia - Spain ) San Pedro del Pinatar
San Pedro del Pinatar is a small town and municipality in the autonomous community and province of Murcia, southeastern Spain. The municipality is situated at the northern end of Murcia's Mediterranean coastline, the Costa Cálida, and borders with the province of Alicante. It has an area of almost 22 km², and a population (2008) of 23,738.
San Pedro del Pinatar (Saint Peter of the Pinewoods) is about 49 km from the provincial capital, Murcia. The municipality is situated between the Mediterranean Sea coast and the Mar Menor (Little Sea), a coastal saltwater lagoon which is the largest in Europe. The Mar Menor coast belongs to other three municipalities: San Javier, Los Alcázares and Cartagena. The latter is not by the Mar Menor itself, but in the Mediterranean. San Pedro del Pinatar occupies a small peninsula with 14 km of coastline between the two seas. The terrain is a mostly low-lying littoral depression, with an average elevation of only 13 m above mean sea level.
San Pedro del Pinatar continues to be a very popular Spanish holiday destination and the population increases during the summer months as people from Madrid (and other Spaniards) with second homes descend on the area. Lots of free entertainment is provided by the council.
Alot to see in San Pedro del Pinatar such as :
Ethnographic Archaeological museum (Calle Dr. Mirón de Castro: It contains paleontological fossils, objects, etc. It has an exclusive room for submarine archaeology and another one for the ethnographic type dedicated to the last centuries (from the 18th century).
Museum of the Sea (Calle Ingeniero Lorenzo Morales, 2.): marine and marine article collections.
Conservation and research center of the Humedales Las Salinas (Avda. de las salinas): it offers interesting exhibitions on the natural park and the work in the salt mines.
Casa del reloj or Villa of San Sebastian (Avda. Artero Guirao): an example of modernist architecture. The Spanish president, Emilio Castelar y Ripoll, died here in 1899. Since the end of the 20th century it has been reconstructed and turned into a restaurant.
Church of San Pedro Apostle (Plaza de la Constitucion): it is a temple that became a Franciscan hermitage in the 17th century.
Palace of counts Villar de Felices or Casa of the Russian (C/ Victor Pradera s/n): building in neo-mudéjar style constructed in the 19th century by order of Baron de Benifalló.
Fish Market in Lo Pagán (Explanada of Lo Pagán): a traditional fish auction can be seen here.
The Salinas y Arenales natural park.
In the Mar Menor:
La Puntica
La Mota
In the Mediterranean Sea:
Beach El Mojón
Beach of La Torre Derribada Playa
Beach of Las Salinas
Beach Punta de Algas
Beach of La Barraca Quemada
( Murcia - Spain ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Murcia . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Murcia - Spain
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Places to see in ( Andalusia - Spain ) Guadix Cathedral
Places to see in ( Andalusia - Spain ) Guadix Cathedral
The Guadix Cathedral, Cathedral of Guadix, or Cathedral of the Incarnation is a Roman Catholic church in Guadix, province of Granada, Spain. Construction of the building began in the 16th century and was completed in the mid-18th century.
Guadix is believed to be one of the oldest diocesan seats in Spain; tradition has it that the diocese was founded by Saint Torquatus of Acci in the first century A.D. The cathedral sits on the site of an earlier Hispano-Visigothic church extant in the 10th century, and which functioned during the Islamic period as a mosque.
During the Reconquista, Guadix was captured by the Christian forces in 1489, and the Hispano-Visigothic church was reestablished as the seat of a bishopric. It was given the name of the Church of Saint Mary of the Incarnation (Iglesia de Santa María de la Encarnación), was made a cathedral by a bull of Pope Innocent VIII, and was somewhat expanded under the direction of Pedro de Morales.
Plans were made to replace the old church with a Gothic cathedral as a symbol of the Reconquista, but by the time construction began, that style was already considered antiquated. Cardinal Ávalos and others wanted a cathedral more in accord with the style of the times. Diego de Siloé was commissioned in 1549 to develop a design reflecting the influence of the cathedrals of Málaga and Granada. The apse, part of the crossing, the chapel of Don Tadeo and parte part of the sacristy were completed according to Siloé's plan.
The chapel of Don Tadeo shows strong Italian structural influences in its solution to the problem of vaulting arches within a cylindrical structure. Another notable element is the front of the sacristy, with its Renaissance pediment, its entablature, and the arch between Corinthian columns with the coats of arms of the bishops of the city.
The façade is a splendid example of the Baroque architecture, with two massed bodies and a pinnacle, with alternating concave and convex lines; the large central span, flanked by two lintels composed of groups of broad-based columns. The upper part was realized by Fernández Pachote and Domingo Thomas; Antonio Valeriano Moyano sculpted the marble Incarnation.
( Andalusia - Spain ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Andalusia . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Andalusia - Spain
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MURCIA - Procesión del SILENCIO Semana Santa 2017
La procesión del Silencio, que es como se conoce la procesión del Refugio, es sin duda una de las más destacadas de la Semana Santa de Murcia, discurriendo con gran recogimiento por el centro de la ciudad, cuyas calles tienen las luces apagadas, y solo iluminada por las luces de la velas que llevan los nazarenos
Discurrir la actualidad en lo propio
Conferencia “Discurrir la actualidad en lo propio. Imágenes y comentarios en torno a la arquitectura valenciana de la primera mitad del siglo XVIII”, impartida por Joaquín Bérchez el 18 de diciembre de 2018, dentro del ciclo de conferencias “Los vínculos del arte valenciano a lo largo de la historia”, organizado por la Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Carlos de Valencia.
Grabación y edición de vídeo: Juan Peiró
Fachada barroca o de los Hierros de la catedral de Valencia; Remodelación de la Iglesia de los Santos Juanes de Valencia; Iglesia de S. María in Vallicella de Roma; Chiesa di S. Maria in Vallicella; Remodelación de la iglesia de San Martín de Valencia; Fachada de la iglesia de Santo Tomás, antigua iglesia del Oratorio de San Felipe Neri de Valencia; Iglesia de Cheste (Valencia); Fachada de la iglesia de Chiva (Valencia); Fachada de la iglesia de Pedralba (Valencia); Capilla de San Vicente Ferrer en el convento de Santo Domingo de Valencia; Fachada de la iglesia arciprestal de Chelva (Valencia); Fachada de la iglesia parroquial Gestalgar (Valencia); Fachada de la Iglesia de la Natividad de Turís (Valencia); Capiteles del claustro de la Universidad en el convento Santo Domingo de Orihuela; Iglesia de San Martín de Tours en Molacillos (Zamora); Cimborrio catedral de Valencia; Antigua calle Zaragoza de Valencia; Plaza de las coles (les cols) o del Micalet; Capiteles de la capilla de San Francisco de Paula, en la iglesia de San Sebastián de Valencia; Revestimiento de la iglesia-catedral de Ibiza. Capilla Sforza (Roma); Plaza y entorno de Santa María della Pace (Roma); Fachada de la catedral de Murcia; Ciudad de México; Barroco ilustrado; Alegoría de la obra misionera de los jesuitas, iglesia de San Ignacio de Roma; Estilo de ciudad; Clasicismo moderno; Sotto in su arquitectónico; Neomiguelangelismo; Miguel Angelo; Chapiteaux symboliques; Capitel de Miguel Ángel para el Palazzo dei Conservatori del Campidoglio romano; Bastidores urbanos; Llenar los espacios de la vista; Friso con trofeos de la Iglesia. Columna trajana. Vedute per angolo. Salomonismo de cuño clasicista francés; Capitel simbólico. Segundo proyecto para las torres de S. Pedro del Vaticano; Archiduque Carlos; Tomás Vicente Tosca; Tratado XIV de la Architectura Civil, en el Compendio Mathemático; Francisco Guerrero y Torres; José Ignacio Bartolache; Juan Pérez Castiel; Fray Francisco de Santa Bárbara; Antonio Gilabert; José Vergara; Andrea Pozzo; Prospettiva de Pittori, et Architetti; Ferdinando Galli Bibiena; Hermanos Guilló; Antonio Palomino; Pietro da Cortona; Francesco Borromini; Gian Lorenzo Bernini; Jacobo Bertessi; Desgodetz; Conrad Rudolf; Conrrado Rodolfo; Guarino Guarini; C. F. Milliet Dechales; Idea de una Academia Mathemática; Agustín Bruno Zaragozá y Ebrí; Athanasio Genaro Brizguz y Bru; Escuela de Arquitectura Civil; Daviler; Augustin-Charles d'Aviler; Cours d’architecture qui comprend les ordres de Vignole, avec des commentaires...; Roland Fréar de Chambray; Parallèle de l’architecture antique et de la moderne...; Gian Giacomo de Rossi; Insignium Romae Templorum prospectus; Studio dell´architettura civile...; Felipe Seguer; Giovanni Pietro Bellori; Colonna Traiana eretta dal Senato e popolo romano all'imperatore Traiano Augusto nel suo foro in Roma…; Carlo Fontana; Il Tempio Vaticano; Nicolaus Goldmann; Leonhard Christoph Sturm; Vollständige Anweisung zu der Civil Bau-kunst; Alessandro Specchi; Arzobispo Andrés de Mayoral; Paolo Portoghesi; Dizionario Enciclopedico di Architettura e Urbanistica; George Kubler; Ars Hispaniae: Arquitectura de los siglos XVII y XVIII.
Ave Maria por Ditirambo
Encuentro de coros en la iglesia de San Lorenzo 2007/08.
Ave Mari de Julio Domínguez.Interpretada por la coral Ditirambo de Murcia.
La Puebla de Arganzón - Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción ONDARE IREKIA | PATRIMONIO ABIERTO
El templo de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción en La Puebla de Arganzón es un magnífico ejemplo de arquitectura religiosa tardogótica. En su interior, hallamos uno de los mejores retablos renacentistas de la zona. Una auténtica maravilla que merece la pena conocer en detalle.