Het werk van de Igreja Evangélica Reformada in Carambeí, opgenomen januari 1991
De integrale oorspronkelijke opname, die bijna 58 minuten duurt. Een sterk ingekorte versie vindt u op . De opname gemaakt op 1-3-2013 over de Escolar: . Die van crèche Betel van 1-3-2013 op: .
Little Dutch Village Teambrazil6950's photos around Carambeí, Brazil
Preview of Teambrazil6950's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here:
This blog preview was made by TravelPod using the TripAdvisor™ TripWow slideshow creator.
Entry from: Carambeí, Brazil
Entry Title: Little Dutch Village
Today we drove north of Ponta Grossa to a village of Dutch immigrants that have maintained their heritage for several generations. The area is surrounded by farms: dairy, soybean, corn. After an informal rotary meeting where we introduced ourselves and answered questions, we headed to a waste processing plant. Here they transformed animal waste from the slaughterhouse into animal feed. While we were there a large truck of feathers were delivered to be, processed into feed. We visited the water treatment facility where we were told the water returned to the river cleaner than when it was received. It was interesting, but the smell was terrible...especially when we had to eat right after visiting it.
After lunch we went to a beautiful home built on a hilltop rock, surrounded by rolling hills and gorgeous landscaping, complete with orchid and bromeliad houses. Check out the photos, as the flowers were spectacular. Following that visit, we went to a Dutch facility where we had coffee and delicious cake and our team was asked questions by a group of adult English students. A great experience!
Read and see more at:
Photos from this trip:
1. Dumping feathers at theFOCAM plant
2. Our group at the FOCAM plant
3. The house of flowers
4. A group photo
5. Orchid
6. Flowers
7. Sarah and Denise
See this TripWow and more at
Brazilië, januari 1991, fragmenten uit toenmalige video over het werk daar
De integrale versie van deze video: .
Parque temático em Carambeí será inaugurado amanhã
1 abr. 2011
Braziliëreis feb./mrt. 2013, totaalvideo korte versie (28:42 min.)
Costelada em Carambei
Costelada carambei
Banda Jovens de Carambei - 2º Igreja O Brasil Para Cristo - 30/04/2016
Banda Jovens de Carambei - 2º Igreja O Brasil Para Cristo - Ponta Grossa
retiro igreja baatista carambei
Primeiro retiro realizado pela Igreja Batista de Carambeí, na chácara Santana em Ponta Grossa.
Parque histórico de Carambeí
Oi pessoal , tudo bem? Bem vindos ao Soso conectada. Hoje estou aqui para gravar o Parque histórico de Carambeí, então bora lá!
Neve em Carambeí
Neve em Carambeí
Créditos ao Sr. Toninho
IPB Carambeí
Igreja Presbiteriana de Carambeí - Leva - me alem Grupo de louvor
Wees stil... Grupo de Mulheres da IER Carambeí
Escola Evangélica de Carambeí completa 40 anos em 2019
Instituição de ensino organiza ações voltadas a vários áreas do conhecimento, atuando através de projetos como Zoom Education e o Estender as Mãos Faz Bem. Diretora destaca atuação de alunos, professores e equipe escolar
Bezoek aan Escolar Carambeí, 1 maart 2013
Video 1991:
GPTV: Brazilliaanse hangbrug in Harlingen gemaakt
Bij aannemingsbedrijf De Boer en De Groot in Harlingen is donderdag de ophaalbrug voor de Hollands-Friese kolonie Carambei in Brazilië voor het laatst gemonteerd en getest. De bij De Boer en De Groot geproduceerde brug werd daarna weer ingepakt en in een container geladen. Per schip gaat het dan naar Paraqua, een reis van 25 dagen. Vanuit Paraqua wordt de brug vervoerd naar de plaats van bestemming, het Parque Historico in Carambei, Brazilië. Dit park wordt gerealiseerd door de Hollands-Friese kolonisten die daar vanaf 1912 voet aan wat zetten. In april en juli van het volgend jaar viert de kolonie het 100-jarig jubileum en dan moet het park grotendeels klaar zijn. De Boer en De Groot hoopt de komende tijd nog meer ophaalbruggen voor het park te mogen maken.
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Documentário da Festa do Centenário - Parte 2
Documentário da Festa do Centenário, produzido pela Aurora Vídeos para a Associação do Parque Histórico de Carambeí.
Feira Medieval - Parque Histórico de Carambeí 2019
Jogo Brasil x Holanda em Carambeí - Paraná Educativa
Moradores de Carambeí, cidade com forte imigração holandesa, viveram um dilema na copa de 2010: pra quem torcer na partida entre Brasil x Holanda?
Matéria veiculada no dia 2 de julho, no Jornal Educativa 2ª edição, da emissora Paraná Educativa.