Ilisu Azerbaijan waterfall
Nature waterfall
Ilisu, Azerbaijan Waterfall
Ilisu waterfall, Qakh, Azerbaijan
İLİSU Şəlaləsi BUZ Bağlayıb. Görənlər VALEH Olur | QAX Rayonu _ Full-HD.mp4
Azerbaijan/Ilisu Shepherd's tea (Çoban çayı) Part 32
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Ilisu village:
357 km from Baku, 1600 m above sealevel
Famous for: Thermal springs, breathtaking nature of the Greater Caucasian mountains
Ilisu was a famous resort area during the Soviet times. The name of this village might come from “Ilig Su”, which means “warm water” due to its hot, mineral springs. Multiple sulfur springs are said to be around the village. Our driver and tour guide suggested taking us to one of the “hamams” but we decided not to visit other sight. Therefore, I cannot tell where it exactly is or how to get there. Additional attractions are the 19th century Galaja tower and a well preserved 18th century mosque. The ruins of the 16th century Sumuggala (Sumuq Qala) tower is the emblem of Ilisu and served as filming location for the Russian movie “Don’t be afraid, I am with you”.
The Ilisu Sultanate (late 16th century to 19th century) was noted for its autonomous governance system. It was inhabited by the Avars, Sakhurs, Ingiloys, Mugas (Azerbaijanis) and Lezghins. The Sultanate was established in 1563. The present-day village was the capital of the Ilisu Sultanate, which was part of the Jar-Balakan region.
In 1830 it is said that the last Ilisu Sultan Daniyal Bay was a brave man who resisted to surrender to the Russian army and even fought against them.
The Uludag resort complex in Ilisu village is a reasonably priced accommodation (25 – 30 AZN per night/per guest) with a picturesque view of the Caucasian Mountains. Guests of the resort are only a short hike away from a nearby waterfall.
Many local cab drivers usually park near the resort offering their services as tour guides. Make sure the driver is confident about how to get to the sights you want to see. If he hesitates or just offers to take you to a place with a “nice view” ask somebody else.Wikipedia
Azerbaijan , Qakh Ilisu waterfall
Ramrama waterfall
Qax Ilisu Waterfall Azerbaijan #Azerbaian #Travel #Nature
ilisu is a village and municipality in the Qakh Rayon of Azerbaijan. It has a population of 1,370. It was the capital of the Elisu Sultanate.
The area of the region occupies 1,494 km2 (577 sq mi) and borders Russia (Dagestan) on the north, Georgia (Kakheti) on the west. It also shares the internal boundaries with Zaqatala Rayon in the northwest, Yevlakh and Samukh regions in the south and Shaki region in the east.
Azerbaijan/Ilisu (Shepherds,sheep and dogs) Part 30
Welcome to my travelchannel.On my channel you can find almost 1000 films of more than 70 countries.
See the playlist on my youtube channel.Enjoy!
Ilisu village:
357 km from Baku, 1600 m above sealevel
Famous for: Thermal springs, breathtaking nature of the Greater Caucasian mountains
Ilisu was a famous resort area during the Soviet times. The name of this village might come from “Ilig Su”, which means “warm water” due to its hot, mineral springs. Multiple sulfur springs are said to be around the village. Our driver and tour guide suggested taking us to one of the “hamams” but we decided not to visit other sight. Therefore, I cannot tell where it exactly is or how to get there. Additional attractions are the 19th century Galaja tower and a well preserved 18th century mosque. The ruins of the 16th century Sumuggala (Sumuq Qala) tower is the emblem of Ilisu and served as filming location for the Russian movie “Don’t be afraid, I am with you”.
The Ilisu Sultanate (late 16th century to 19th century) was noted for its autonomous governance system. It was inhabited by the Avars, Sakhurs, Ingiloys, Mugas (Azerbaijanis) and Lezghins. The Sultanate was established in 1563. The present-day village was the capital of the Ilisu Sultanate, which was part of the Jar-Balakan region.
In 1830 it is said that the last Ilisu Sultan Daniyal Bay was a brave man who resisted to surrender to the Russian army and even fought against them.
The Uludag resort complex in Ilisu village is a reasonably priced accommodation (25 – 30 AZN per night/per guest) with a picturesque view of the Caucasian Mountains. Guests of the resort are only a short hike away from a nearby waterfall.
Many local cab drivers usually park near the resort offering their services as tour guides. Make sure the driver is confident about how to get to the sights you want to see. If he hesitates or just offers to take you to a place with a “nice view” ask somebody else.Wikipedia
Dji Azerbaijan Ilisu waterfall
İlisu Şəlaləsi, Qax, Azərbaycan 2019 (Yaxından Görünüş)
Bu gün sizlərə Azərbaycanın məhşur şəlalərindən biri olan İlisu(Ram Ramay) şəlaləsi haqqında danışacam.Çoxları eşidib bu şəlalə haqqında.Və bəlkədə çoxlarınız burada olub.Amma gəlin birdə mən sizə danışım.
Şəlalə yerləşir Qax rayonunun İlisu kəndində və kənd dəniz səviyyəsindən təxminən 1200 metr yüksəklikdə yerləşir.Elə buna görədə yayın oğlan çağında gecələr burda yorğanla yatırlar.Kəndin təmiz havası gözəl mənzərəsinə heyran qalmamaq mümkün deyil.Hər nəysə İlisu kəndi haqqında başqa bir yazımda ətraflı danışacam.İndisə keçək şəlaləyə.
Şəxsi maşınınızla və ya tur avtobusuyla şəlalənin 2 kilometrliyinə qədər gələ bilərsiniz.Amma burdan sonra təxminən 40 dəqiqəlik yolu piyada qət eləməlisiniz.Tənbəllər qorxmayın :) Buradan şəlalənin yanına Niva,Vilis maşınlarıyla da çıxa bilərsiniz.Gedib gəlmək 15 manat.Beş nəfər minsəniz adambaşı üç manat düşür.Birdə var Yük maşını.Hansıki 20-25 nəfər minir maşının yük hissəsinə.Taxtadan oturacaqlar düzəldiblər.Kim yer tutsa oturacaq.Gecikdizsə...(çalışın gecikməyin).Böyük qrupla gedəndə əsasən bununla getməyi məsləhət görürəm,çünki daha əyləncəlidir həmdə adrenalin dolu.Şəlalənin yolu çox kələ-kötürlüdür.Elə buna görədə bu yolu qalxıb düşəndən sonra böyrək daşlarındanda azad olacaqsınız. günəşli havalarda şəlalənin töküldüyü yerdə göy qurşağı əmələ gəlir.Yol boyu çoxlu bulaqlara rast gəlmək olur.Və əgər piyada qalxsanız su qablarınızı götürməyi unutmayın.Şəlalədən qayıdanda ordakı çayxanalarda oturub somavar çayı içməyi unutmayın.Düzdü arılar imkan verməyəcək amma onunda ayrı yeri var...
Natural bath in Ilisu, Qakh, Azerbaijan
This ancient bath is located in Ilisu village. The construction period goes to the era of Ilisu sultanate. Thermal, sulfuric hot water, which comes out of the bathroom, has a great therapeutic significance. The bath is made up of two parts: Boy Spring and Girl Spring. This area has a huge tourism potential. There is an hour drive from the village bathing machine.
Ilisu - Qakh travel. Azerbaijan
Ilisu travel, trip
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AZERBAIJAN - Ilisu ( Village of Qakh )
Azerbaijani hiking enthusiast comes up against bear...
It took Alexander and Yevgeniya Najafov two years to dig out a 25km trail on the mountain slopes near Ilisu village in Azerbaijan. They didn’t have to dig everywhere as there were many places where the trail joined livestock routes. They also didn’t always do the digging themselves. They were assisted by personnel from the Ilisu Tourist Recreation Centre where the trail actually starts, and where the whole concept ‘is based’. The idea is to turn the tourist trail into a type of useful recreational activity for visitors of all ages.
Xüsusi Mühafizə Olunan Təbiət Ərazilərinin təşkili və mühafizəsi, heyvanat aləminin eləcə də, ümumilikdə landşaftların insanlardan qorunması üçün yaradılıb.. yəni bizdən, ancaq bizim əlimizdən qurtulmaları üçün zərurət yarandığı üçün təklil edilmişdir !!!...
Özümüzü Faunaya aid etməkdən utanırıq (ki, bu belədir) heç olmasa, Adam olmağa çalışaq !
Photo by Azerchin Muradov
Azerbaijan/Ilisu (Hidden diamond of the Caucasus) Part 29
Welcome to my travelchannel.On my channel you can find almost 1000 films of more than 70 countries.
See the playlist on my youtube channel.Enjoy!
Ilisu:Great Caucasian Village
357 km from Baku, 1600 m above sealevel
Famous for: Thermal springs, breathtaking nature of the Greater Caucasian mountains
Ilisu was a famous resort area during the Soviet times. The name of this village might come from “Ilig Su”, which means “warm water” due to its hot, mineral springs. Multiple sulfur springs are said to be around the village. Our driver and tour guide suggested taking us to one of the “hamams” but we decided not to visit other sight. Therefore, I cannot tell where it exactly is or how to get there. Additional attractions are the 19th century Galaja tower and a well preserved 18th century mosque. The ruins of the 16th century Sumuggala (Sumuq Qala) tower is the emblem of Ilisu and served as filming location for the Russian movie “Don’t be afraid, I am with you”.
The Ilisu Sultanate (late 16th century to 19th century) was noted for its autonomous governance system. It was inhabited by the Avars, Sakhurs, Ingiloys, Mugas (Azerbaijanis) and Lezghins. The Sultanate was established in 1563. The present-day village was the capital of the Ilisu Sultanate, which was part of the Jar-Balakan region.
In 1830 it is said that the last Ilisu Sultan Daniyal Bay was a brave man who resisted to surrender to the Russian army and even fought against them.
The Uludag resort complex in Ilisu village is a reasonably priced accommodation (25 – 30 AZN per night/per guest) with a picturesque view of the Caucasian Mountains. Guests of the resort are only a short hike away from a nearby waterfall.
Many local cab drivers usually park near the resort offering their services as tour guides. Make sure the driver is confident about how to get to the sights you want to see. If he hesitates or just offers to take you to a place with a “nice view” ask somebody else.
Caucasus ,İlisu State Reserve, Gakh Azerbaijan
Azerbaijan/Ilisu (Shepherds of the Caucasian Mountains) Part 31
Welcome to my travelchannel.On my channel you can find almost 1000 films of more than 70 countries.
See the playlist on my youtube channel.Enjoy!
Ilisu village:
357 km from Baku, 1600 m above sealevel
Famous for: Thermal springs, breathtaking nature of the Greater Caucasian mountains
Ilisu was a famous resort area during the Soviet times. The name of this village might come from “Ilig Su”, which means “warm water” due to its hot, mineral springs. Multiple sulfur springs are said to be around the village. Our driver and tour guide suggested taking us to one of the “hamams” but we decided not to visit other sight. Therefore, I cannot tell where it exactly is or how to get there. Additional attractions are the 19th century Galaja tower and a well preserved 18th century mosque. The ruins of the 16th century Sumuggala (Sumuq Qala) tower is the emblem of Ilisu and served as filming location for the Russian movie “Don’t be afraid, I am with you”.
The Ilisu Sultanate (late 16th century to 19th century) was noted for its autonomous governance system. It was inhabited by the Avars, Sakhurs, Ingiloys, Mugas (Azerbaijanis) and Lezghins. The Sultanate was established in 1563. The present-day village was the capital of the Ilisu Sultanate, which was part of the Jar-Balakan region.
In 1830 it is said that the last Ilisu Sultan Daniyal Bay was a brave man who resisted to surrender to the Russian army and even fought against them.
The Uludag resort complex in Ilisu village is a reasonably priced accommodation (25 – 30 AZN per night/per guest) with a picturesque view of the Caucasian Mountains. Guests of the resort are only a short hike away from a nearby waterfall.
Many local cab drivers usually park near the resort offering their services as tour guides. Make sure the driver is confident about how to get to the sights you want to see. If he hesitates or just offers to take you to a place with a “nice view” ask somebody else.Wikipedia
Ram Ramay şəlaləsi--İlisu kəndi,Qax
Azerbaijan/Ilisu (Dancing Shepherds) Part 33
Welcome to my travelchannel.On my channel you can find almost 1000 films of more than 70 countries.
See the playlist on my youtube channel.Enjoy!
Ilisu village:
357 km from Baku, 1600 m above sealevel
Famous for: Thermal springs, breathtaking nature of the Greater Caucasian mountains
Ilisu was a famous resort area during the Soviet times. The name of this village might come from “Ilig Su”, which means “warm water” due to its hot, mineral springs. Multiple sulfur springs are said to be around the village. Our driver and tour guide suggested taking us to one of the “hamams” but we decided not to visit other sight. Therefore, I cannot tell where it exactly is or how to get there. Additional attractions are the 19th century Galaja tower and a well preserved 18th century mosque. The ruins of the 16th century Sumuggala (Sumuq Qala) tower is the emblem of Ilisu and served as filming location for the Russian movie “Don’t be afraid, I am with you”.
The Ilisu Sultanate (late 16th century to 19th century) was noted for its autonomous governance system. It was inhabited by the Avars, Sakhurs, Ingiloys, Mugas (Azerbaijanis) and Lezghins. The Sultanate was established in 1563. The present-day village was the capital of the Ilisu Sultanate, which was part of the Jar-Balakan region.
In 1830 it is said that the last Ilisu Sultan Daniyal Bay was a brave man who resisted to surrender to the Russian army and even fought against them.
The Uludag resort complex in Ilisu village is a reasonably priced accommodation (25 – 30 AZN per night/per guest) with a picturesque view of the Caucasian Mountains. Guests of the resort are only a short hike away from a nearby waterfall.
Many local cab drivers usually park near the resort offering their services as tour guides. Make sure the driver is confident about how to get to the sights you want to see. If he hesitates or just offers to take you to a place with a “nice view” ask somebody else.Wikipedia