4K Imatra & Finland Imatrankoski ilmasta - Иматранкоски
4K Imatra ilmasta nähtynä - Imatrankoski Finland - Bird`s Eye view DJI PHANTOM 3 Pro drone
Самая древняя достопримечательность Иматры – водопад Иматранкоски
more 4K Aerial videos Finland 2016 - DJI Phantom 3 Pro
Imatrankoski rapid
Imatrankoski (The Imatra Rapid) is a rapid on the Vuoksi River in Imatra, Finland. It has been a famous tourist attraction since the late 1700s. Imatrankoski is also one of the National landscapes of Finland.[1] Since 1929 the rapid has been blocked by a dam as the Imatra hydroelectric plant began operation. Today, the dam is opened daily between June and August, as well as on Christmas Day and New Year's Eve.
#Достопримечательности Иматры
Fluidscape - Kevin MacLeod
video © 1HarryH
???? ???? Imatrankoski, Imatra, Finland
Спуск воды с дамбы
Imatran koskinäytös 4K Imatra Rapids Show
Imatrankoski show 4K with drone scenery from the air
Imatrankoski is a rapid on the Vuoksi River in Imatra, Finland. It has been a famous tourist attraction since the late 1700s. Imatrankoski is also one of the National landscapes of Finland. Since 1929 the rapid has been blocked by a dam as the Imatra hydroelectric plant began operation.
Иматранкоски, Рапид Шоу
more 4K FINLAND Above
all content my own, all rights reserved
Video © Mraknup
Driving in Imatrankoski, Imatra, Finland.MP4
Sightseeingdrive in the city of Imatra, southeast of Finland
Imatrankoski is a rapid in Imatra Finland Иматра водопад Иматранкоски Вуокса Сайма Финляндия
Иматранкоски (Imatrankoski) — водоскат в Финляндии, на реке Вуокса, в 7 км от выхода её из озера Сайма. Находится в городе Иматра, район Иматранкоски. Высота падения воды 18 м (на протяжении 983 м). Расход воды ок. 600 м³/с. После постройки ГЭС в 1920-е гг. существовавший ранее водопад был перекрыт. В настоящее время пуски воды на искусственном водоскате производятся в летнее время, это один из главных аттракционов для туристов не только Иматры, но и Юго-Восточной Финляндии вообще. Вода сбрасывается через плотину под музыку Сибелиуса, Darude и Nightwish. Это происходит с середины июня до середины августа ежедневно по расписанию, 25 декабря (Рождество) и 31-го декабря (Новый год) в полночь. В остальное время года пуски воды не производятся
Водопад Иматры в национальном парке Kruununpuisto — главная достопримечательность города. Поглядеть на него в свое время приезжали сама императрица Екатерина II и ее свита. О популярности этого чуда природы говорит то, что по приказу императрицы на берегу реки Вуокса, как раз в том месте, где она впадает в гранитный каньон, образуя водопад, была построена гостиница.
Сегодня на водопаде Иматры можно видеть красивейшие фейерверки во время празднования каких-либо событий.
В августе для гостей города организуется интересное шоу: плот, на котором разведен большой костер, спускают вниз по течению реки к водопаду.
Если вы ищете острых ощущений, то можете спуститься над порогом на канате. Такое приключение в Иматре вы запомните на всю жизнь.
Imatrankoski on Imatralla Vuoksessa sijaitseva Suomen suurin koski.
Imatrankoski syntyi noin 4000--5000 vuotta sitten Saimaan vesimassojen murtautuessa Salpausselän läpi. Salpausselkä muodosti kauan tehokkaan esteen veden virtaamiselle Laatokkaan, mutta maan kohoaminen lännempänä sai veden purkautumaan kaakkoon. Kosken voimasta kertovat lukuisat hiidenkirnut ja muut kovertumat. Koski pauhasi vuolaana kesät talvet ja sen vakaa vesimäärä kautta vuoden takasi ajankohdasta riippumatta vaikuttavan näyn. Tulvilta se ei kuitenkaan välttynyt. Suurin tulva sattui vuodelle 1899, jolloin kosken kautta virtasi 1160 m³ vettä sekunnissa, normaaliin verrattuna reilusti kaksinkertainen määrä.
Imatrankoski on Suomen vanhin matkailunähtävyys, kansallismaisema jota on käyty ihastelemassa jo 1700-luvulla. Vuonna 1772 jopa Venäjän keisarinna Katariina II seurueineen kävi ihmettelemässä kosken voimaa. 1800-luvun lopulla se oli Eiffel-tornin lisäksi suuri nähtävyys koko Euroopassa ja kosken kuohuja saavuttiin katselemaan kaukaa ulkomailta saakka. Vetovoimalla oli synkkäkin puolensa. Itsemurhakandidaatteja on riittänyt. Varmuudella tiedetään kosken vaatineen ainakin 94 uhria.lähde? 1800-luvulla venäläiset kirjoittivat Imatrankosken kallioihin graffiteja, ja saman vuosisadan puolivälissä kosken ympärille perustettiin Suomen vanhin luonnonpuisto, Kruununpuisto.
Imatrankoski is a rapid in Imatra Finland Иматра водопад водоспуск водосброс водоскат Иматранкоски Вуокса Сайма
Imatrankoski, Imatra, Finland 2013 07 20
Imatrankoski, Imatra, Finland
Imatrankoski, Vuoksi river, Imatra, Finland
May 2014.
Imatra, Finland
Видео фильм Полет над рекой Вуокса / Video film Flying over River Vuoksa
Music by Jean Michel Jarre Oxigene (mix)
Aerial video drone 4K
Uusivuosi 2016 Imatra Finland
Uusivuosi 2016 (New Year)
Ilotulitus ja koskinäytös
Cheek in Imatra Express / Imatrankoski
Cheek heitti vettä myllyyn 26.07.2008 ylittämällä Imatrankosken vaijerinvarassa pääalaspäin roikkuen.
Imatra Express ja kuohuva Imatrankoski, joka päivä 28.06. - 15.08.2010 klo:18.00 imatraexpress.fi
Darude @ Imatra Koskinäytös 30.05.2009
The rapids are a great tourist attraction in the city of Imatra in the eastern Finland. Experience company Taikuri ja Teräsmies have created a show where the dam is opened and the water masses are let loose to create an amazing sight over the dam and the rocky terrain throughout the summer. The night time shows are especially spectacular! I was extremely honoured when I was asked to do the music for the show for the summer 2009 because of the nature of the thing alone, but at least as much because before summer 2009 they used the great Finnish composer Jean Sibelius' music, and just recently one of the biggest Finnish (goth) rockband Nightwish's music, too, so that means that I was in truly great company!
I made a brand new original Darude track, a chillout piece, for the purpose, and special remixes of 'In The Darkness', 'Ranta' and an up'n'coming Darude Records Digital / DRD Music release 'Weirdness - Morning After'. 'Ranta' and 'Morning After' will get their official releases at a later date some time in the future, as well as the chillout track, but I'll info about those when it's time.
I got a chance to witness the power of the rapids and my music combined in the show first hand in a preview run before the actual season started. I also got to try the zipline they have across the water, and I did it head down, how else, to maximize the thrill... ;) The speed, the rush, the roar of the rapids, the mist on my face, the music, it was a great experience, followed by a great gig at a local club, Onnela. All in all it was a very successful visit to Imatra I'd say! :)
For more info on Imatra and Imatrankoski (the rapids) and the zipline, check out and
Video: Janne Hinkkanen (present at the shoot PSRmedia and Filmedia Oy).
Music: Darude - In The Darkness (Trance Mix) of the album 'Label This! (available in iTunes and other good music stores).
imatran koski kuohuu
imatran koski kuohuu
Imatran koskinäytös 22.6.2019
Juhannuksena Imatralla
Floating in Vuoksi river - Imatra, Finland
Floating. As plain as it sounds. More or less...
Special thanks to Waterskizoo and Go Saimaa for hosting us!
Imatrankoski Rapids Finland, Imatrankoski rapid show, Imatrankoski koskinäytös, Kari Gröhn, karigroh
Imatrankoski Rapids Finland, Imatrankoski rapid show, Imatrankoski koskinäytös, Kari Gröhn, karigrohncom
The Imatrankoski Rapids was once one of the largest free-flowing waterfalls in Scandinavia. At the end of the 19th century it was one of the best known nature attractions in Europe. Imatrankoski is one of the National landscapes of Finland.
Many famous people visited Imatrankoski, the Russian Empress Catherine II in 1772. The oldest nature park in Finland was established at Imatrankoski in 1842 by the Emperor Nicholas I. Pedro II, the Emperor of Brazil, had his name engraved to a stone while visiting the Imatrankoski Rapids in 1876.
The rapids were blocked for hydroelectric production in 1929. The total drop height is 18m, and length 1300m. Imatrankoski is still allowed to flow free in rapid shows. During the shows the water is allowed to run in the old, narrow stream bed of the Vuoksi River.
Jean Sibelius (1865-1957) Andante festivo, Turku Philharmonic Orchestra, Jorma Panula b 1930
Uudenvuodenpäivän koskinäytös 1.1.2019
Imatrankoski kuohuu klo 14.00 - 14.20
(Rapids show in Imatra)
Imatran koski pauhaa
Päivittäinen luukkujen avaus klo 18,
Boring 2004 OTIS GeN2 MRL Traction Lift at ToriGalleria Mall, Imatrankoski, Imatra, Finland
Next time we see in Mikkeli :)
Brand: OTIS
Year: 2004
Floors: 1, 2
Type: GeN2 MRL Traction
Capacity: 8 Persons or 630 of
Serial: B1NE3789
Very awesome quality, when I filmed it with Samsung Galaxy Tab 3, it shows dark, but I dont have money to by new camera, I filmed this with J5 with 13MP Camera
Imatran koski Suomen satavuotispäivänä 6.12.2017
Imatran koski kuohui komeasti Suomen kunniaksi valaistuna sinisin värein.
Taustalla soi Sibeliuksen Finlandia.