Tokyo Talk Stories Issue12-2(Winter/Spring 2019) Shibuya, Inagi, etc.
'What's your favorite area of the city? Tokyo Talk Stories is a video project documenting daily life in the capital and shining a spotlight on superb spots all across town. Get an inside look at the lives of Tokyo's international residents.
【4K画質カーナビドライブ#2】夜の中央自動車道 永福~稲城大橋 | Japan Navi Drive #2 Chuo Expressway Eifuku ~ Inagi Ohashi
✅I taught driving to over 3,000 people and were published in Tokyo Newspaper for two consecutive years.Subscribe here.
✅It is a channel that verbalizes the driving theory that gets used up as accustomed and conveys it easily. If you have any questions please write in the comments.
✅Kentaro's operation youtube channel.
・Setsuko Otsuka's Gluten-Free Cooking(Gluten-free special channel)
・spoon(Managing dietitian cooking channel)
????コンテンツ | Contents
【0】超初心者向け | For beginners
【1】車の仕組みと交通ルール | Car mechanism and traffic rules
【2】車を動かす | Move the car
【3】右左折 | Turn right & Turn left
【4】優先道路と狭路 | Priority roads & Narrow roads
【5】駐車 | Parking
【5-1】世界一わかりやすい駐車シリーズ | The world's most intuitive parking series
【5-2】駐車の質問 | Parking questions
【06】車線変更&合流 | Lane change & merge
【7】カーナビ走行 | Car navigation
【8】高速道路 | Highway
【9】首都高速 | Metropolitan Expressway in Tokyo
【10】元レーサーの運転テクニック | Racer's driving technique
【11】360°VR映像 | 360 ° VR videos
【12】煽り運転対策 | Anti-driving measures
【13】車グッズ | Car items
【14】運転練習を兼ねて行きたいドライブスポット | Japanese drive spots
#元レーサーが教える優しいペーパードライバー講習 #駐車 #Parking
Bandit - Yomiuriland (POV)
--- Note: This video contains stong language----
Highlighted in this video is a forward POV of Bandit, the TOGO megacoaster at Yomiuriland in Japan. This coaster is credited for the large hypercoaster boom that is still going on in amusement parks today. It was because of this coaster that Magnum XL-200 at Cedar Point was built as Cedar Fair's Dick Kinzel saw this coaster on TV and knew he had to have something larger.
20190503 visiting sento (public bath)
Do you know a Japanese public bath?
Do you know a famous movie is called THERMAE ROMAE?
it is origin of sento.
I introduced a bit.
I'm glad to see a bit video^^;
Sento In Japan (Public Bathhouse)
Japanese Sento etiquette.
Taisho Dance
Dance in the street
Train spotting on the NR-Central Line!
Tokyo 東京と日本 Tour 2002
A tour of Central Tokyo's Shinjuku 新宿, Yoyogi/Harajuku 代々木/原宿、Shibuya City 渋谷氏; from cosplay コスプレイto comic shops, J-Rock to station buskers,
trains to giant video screens, this tours sees it all in hyper-urban Tokyo back in 2002
MTA Short Clip: 4 Train Operator HAULS SERIOUS ASS out of Franklin Avenue!
TOKYO2020 東京オリンピック パラリンピック ロードレースコース 【是政橋(オフィシャルスタート)〜稲城市内〜多摩市内】
TOKYO2020 東京オリンピック パラリンピック オリンピック競技 自転車競技 ロードレースコース
■ 稲城市内コース概要
1 オフィシャルスタート(是政橋)
2 新大丸交差点を直進し坂を登っていく
3 右手に城山公園、右奥にスーパ三和の交差点を左折
4 向陽台周辺を進み向陽台小学校南交差点を左折
5 稲城五中入り口交差点を右折
6 住宅地を走り、くじら橋信号を左折
7 稲城中央公園信号を左折
8 上谷戸大橋手前の信号を右折
9 長峰二丁目信号を左折
10 若葉台公園西を左折
11 250mほど登ったところでUターン
12 一つ目の角を左折
13 住宅街を通り、若葉台小学校西交差点を右折
14 250mほどで稲城市内のコースは終了
■ 多摩市内コース概要
1 稲城市内から多摩市内へ
2 多摩東公園交差点を右折
3 聖ヶ丘四丁目交差点を左折
4 多摩大学多摩キャンパス正門前の信号を左折
5 聖ヶ丘二丁目の信号を右折
6 聖ヶ丘一丁目交差点を左折
7 多摩馬引沢交差点を左折
8 多摩東公園交差点を右折
9 南豊ヶ丘フィールドの交差点を右折
10 豊ヶ丘小入口の交差点を左折
11 多摩青木葉交差点を右折
12 パルテノン多摩の下を通過
13 多摩地域南部病院交差点を右折
14 島田療育センター入口交差点を左折
15 松が谷トンネルを経て八王子市へ
World Over - 2016-08-25 – The Brief
Hillary Clinton ethics questions escalate, Trump softens rhetoric on immigration, burkini controversy in France, and FATHER CASSIAN FOLSOM of the Benedictine Monks of Norcia, Italy on the devastating earthquake that struck central Italy.
JS #545 - Hot Springs National Park: Visitor Center 溫泉國家公園
Missouri National Park Trip day 6
Hot Springs National Park
369 central avenue
Hot Springs, AR 71901
1910s Berlin, Reichspresident Ebert Snowy Forest Walk, Winter
1910s Berlin, Reichspresident Ebert Snowy Forest Walk, Winter from the Kinolibrary Archive Film Collections. To order the clip clean and high res or to find out more visit Clip ref LC45.
Subscribe for more high quality, rare and inspiring clips from our extensive archive of footage.
Reichspresident Ebert, Friedrich Ebert walks through snowy forest with his family, winter.
Kinolibrary is a commercial archive film agency supplying high quality, rare and inspiring footage to media professionals. Our collections cover a wealth of eclectic and intriguing themes, locations and eras. Visit for more info.