Indian River | Secret Bay Dominica
Take a guided boat ride up this magical river. A haven for birdwatchers, the river leads you deep into the forest, past mangroves and the amazing Bwa Mang trees; it was featured in the Pirates of the Caribbean films.
Exploring Indian River with Fire. Dominica Feb. 2016
A day trip on the Indian River in Portsmouth, Dominica, #outwiththewind
A unique experience in the settings of the ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’
#outwiththewind #sailing #cruising #OysterMariner35
Indian River, Dominica
A boat trip up the Indian River in Dominica. A worthwhile trip.
Bootsfahrt Indian River (Dominica) - ein Fluch der Karibik-Drehort
Ein langer Fluss, Mangroven-Bäume und ein Ruderboot. Vor dem inneren Auge kann man sich perfekt Kaptain Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp) vorstellen, wie er hier entlangfährt. Wir nehmen dich mit auf eine tolle Tour auf dem Indian River in der Karibik, genauer auf Dominica. Dominica hat 2017 einen schlimmen Wirbelsturm erlitten, seither fehlt dem Regenwald das Dach. Auch über dem Indian River war zuvor eine große Baumkrone. Die ist nun weg, der Fluss sieht dennoch nicht weniger spannend aus. Die Stimmung dort ist mysthisch und verwunschen. Und die Tierwelt ist einfach wunderschön. Viel Spaß bei unserem Video auf einem Boot auf dem Indian River auf Dominica.
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Dominique Route vers Indian River, Gopro / Dominica Road to Indian river, Gopro
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Mon tour du monde continue. Déjà plus de 120 pays visités. Et comme toujours, voici les vidéos complètes de cette formidable aventure humaine.
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My world tour continues . Already more than 120 countries visited. And as always, here is the full video of this great human adventure .
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Indian River tour, Dominica
Indian River Dominica
Production and Editing by Innov8m Directed by Ayo Green Sponsors Calabash Motors and Cobra Tours
Indian River - Dominica
Peaceful rowing boat ride up the Indian River in Portsmouth, Dominica....
Indian River Dominica
Row, row, row your boat, up the Indian River :-)
Indian River - Dominica
Caribbean Dream Destinations : The most important 4K & HD video platform about the Caribbean as an astounding tourism and cultural destination See our website
Dominique Indian river / Dominica Indian river
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Mon tour du monde continue. Déjà plus de 120 pays visités. Et comme toujours, voici les vidéos complètes de cette formidable aventure humaine.
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My world tour continues . Already more than 120 countries visited. And as always, here is the full video of this great human adventure .
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Dominique Indian river Bar / Dominica Indian river Bar
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Mon tour du monde continue. Déjà plus de 120 pays visités. Et comme toujours, voici les vidéos complètes de cette formidable aventure humaine.
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My world tour continues . Already more than 120 countries visited. And as always, here is the full video of this great human adventure .
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Indian River, Dominica
In het noorden van Dominica maken we een boat tour de Indian River op.i
Indian River Tour, Dominica
We were in Dominica a few weeks ago and really enjoyed our Indian River Tour. Such beautiful nature.
Indian River trip (Dominica)
Indian River, Dominica II
As part of its Tourism Road Tour, The Honorable Minister for Tourism and Urban Renewal Senator Robert Tonge, Director of Tourism Colin Piper and other officials and staff of the Discover Dominica Authority went on tour of the island's widest river, The Indian River.