The Inquisitor's Palace aka sacred palace in Malta (4k)
The Inquisitor's Palace, also known as the Sacred Palace, is a palace in Birgu, Malta. It was the seat of the Maltese Inquisition from 1574 to 1798, under the name Palazzo del Sant'Officio.
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The Inquisitor’s Palace and Torture chamber, MALTA
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The Inquisitor’s Palace, situated in the heart of Vittoriosa, is one of the very few surviving palaces of its kind which, in the early modern period could be found all over Europe and South America. Many of these palaces simply succumbed to the ravages of time or were victims of the anti-reactionary power unleashed by the French Revolution. Fortunately, the Maltese Inquisitor’s Palace, throughout its five centuries of history, always hosted high-ranking officials representing the main powers on the island, who therefore ensured its survival.
The Inquisitors Palace Vittoriosa
Exploring the Inquisitor's palace in Birgu Malta
Inquisitor's Palace.
These Photos were shot at the Inquisitor's Palace in Vittoriosa - Malta
Vittoriosa Birgu (English Version) DVD
This interactive cd allows you to experience the history enchanted by this magnificent city. Birgu Citta Nuova was the site where the Knights of Malta decided to biuld their Auberges, Hospital, Inquisitor Palace, Universita etc. They fortified the city and its surroundings areas also known as Cottonera Lines. After you watch the cd you could then upload the mp3 files into your Mp3 player and visit Birgu, leaving nothing unfolded, exploring all details and doing it at your own time at your own pace. Roam around the city as if you were a local.
The Inquisitor's Home in Malta Birgu + Cospicua | Malta Vlog
Just a ferry ride (or 20 min bus ride) away from Valletta in #Malta, the towns of Cospicua and Birgu have quite the intriguing history to offer.
For one, there is the largest and most important fort ???? of Malta - commanding it basically assured control over the Mediterranean Sea.
Then, there is the famous Inquisitor's Palace, offering a glimpse into a dark past of witch trials.
Check the previous videos I made about Malta as well. There's an entire playlist. And don't forget to tag a friend who is visiting Malta (or might want to). ✈️
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#Malta #travelonthebrain
The Inquisitors Palace Malta
Malta Tour Guide - for more information visit us at -
The Inquisitor’s Palace
The Inquisitor’s Palace, situated in the heart of Vittoriosa, is one of the very few surviving palaces of its kind which, in the early modern period could be found all over Europe and South America. Many of these palaces simply succumbed to the ravages of time or were victims of the anti-reactionary power unleashed by the French Revolution. Fortunately, the Maltese Inquisitor’s Palace, throughout its five centuries of history, always hosted high-ranking officials representing the main powers on the island, who therefore ensured its survival.
Mgr Pietro Dusina arrived in Malta in 1574 as the first general inquisitor and apostolic delegate of the Maltese Islands. The Grand Master offered him the unused palace as an official residence. Almost all successive inquisitors sought to transform the palace into a decent mansion. They all shared the same cultural values of clerical baroque Roman society, and by the mid-18th century they had managed successfully to transform the building into a typical Roman palace. The palace also managed to survive through the bombings of the Second World War and the threat of modern development.
It is today the only Inquisitor’s Place open to the public in the world and an architectural gem, representative of the chequered history and European heritage of the Maltese islands.
Malta Maritime Museum - Vittoriosa - Malta
Malta - Urlaub
April 2018 - Tag 06 - Film 99
Malta Maritime Museum - Vittoriosa - Malta
Show of power at the Inquisitor's Palace in Birgu
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Inquisitor Palace Malta
Inquisitor Palace Malta
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Vittoriosa Birgu (English Version) DVD
This interactive cd allows you to experience the history enchanted by this magnificent city. Birgu Citta Nuova was the site where the Knights of Malta decided to biuld their Auberges, Hospital, Inquisitor Palace, Universita etc. They fortified the city and its surroundings areas also known as Cottonera Lines. After you watch the cd you could then upload the mp3 files into your Mp3 player and visit Birgu, leaving nothing unfolded, exploring all details and doing it at your own time at your own pace. Roam around the city as if you were a local.
Birgu, Malta
Birgu occupies one side of the Grand Harbor on the island of Malta. Within this fortified city are the Grand Inquisitors Palace, as well a wonderful maritime history museum. Enjoy
【K】Malta Travel-Birgu[몰타 여행-비르구]성 안젤로 요새/Fort Saint Angelo/Knights/Vittoriosa/Reenact
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[한국어 정보]
몰타기사단이 오기 전에도, 이곳엔 사람이 살았다. 수 천 년 동안, 지중해에서 어부의 삶을 이어가던 몰타인들이다. 끊이지 않는 전쟁 속에서 삶은 달라졌지만, 그들은 제자리를 지키고 있다. 변화 속에서도, 과거를 잊지 않으려 노력한다. 그 정신이 이어져 오는 곳이 있다해서 찾아가봤다. 빅토리오사 지역에 자리한 성 안젤로 요새다. 빅토리오사는 기사단이 가장 먼저 정착했던 지역으로, 이 성 안젤로 요새는 기사단 최초의 본부 역할을 했다. 중세 복장을 한 사람들이 뭔가를 열심히 준비하고 있다. “몰타기사단 대 집행관은 모든 요새와 성채를 방문하곤 했습니다. 그게 집행관의 의무이기 때문이죠. 수비대가 최상의 컨디션을 유지하고 요새가 좋은 상태를 유지하는 것이 그의 임무였습니다.” 당시 대 집행관이 요새와 수비대를 점검하는 모습을 재연한다. 대 집행관이 등장하면서 시작하는 재연은 사뭇 진지하다. 요새를 지키는 수비대원들이 ‘이상 없음’을 신고한다. 이렇게 마무리. 오늘도 요새는, 무사하다.
[English: Google Translator]
Even before the Knights of Malta came, people lived here. For thousands of years, they were Maltese who lived fisherman lives in the Mediterranean. Life has changed in a never-ending war, but they are keeping their place. In the midst of change, we try not to forget the past. I went there because there is a place where the spirit is connected. It is a fortress of St. Angelo in Victory Osa area. Victory was the first settlement of the Knights Templar, which served as the first headquarters of the Knights. People in medieval costumes are preparing something hard. The Knights of Malta vs. the officers used to visit all the fortifications and citadels. Because that's the duty of the bailiff. His job was to keep the garrison in excellent condition and to keep the fort in good condition. At that time, the executive recreates the fortress and garrison check. The reenactment that begins with the appearance of the executive branch is serious. Defendants guarding the fort declare 'no abnormality'. Finish like this. The fortress is still safe today.
[Malta: Google Translator]
Anki qabel ma daħlu l-Kavallieri ta 'Malta, in-nies għexu hawn. Għal eluf ta 'snin, kienu Maltin li għexu ħajja tas-sajjied fil-Mediterran. Il-ħajja nbidlet f'gwerra li qatt ma tispiċċa, iżda qegħdin iżommu posthom. Fil-qalba tal-bidla, nippruvaw ma ninsewx il-passat. I marru hemm għax hemm post fejn l-ispirtu huwa konness. Huwa fortizza ta 'San Angelo fiż-żona ta' Victory Osa. Il-Vitorja kienet l-ewwel soluzzjoni tal-Knights Templar, li serviet bħala l-ewwel kwartieri ġenerali tal-Kavallieri. In-nies fil-kostumi medjevali qed iħejju xi ħaġa iebsa. Il-Kavallieri ta 'Malta kontra l-uffiċjali kienu jżuru l-fortifikazzjonijiet u ċ-cittadelli kollha. Minħabba li dak huwa d-dmir tal-marixxall. Ix-xogħol tiegħu kien li jżomm il-garrison f'kondizzjoni eċċellenti u biex iżomm il-fort f'kondizzjoni tajba. F'dak iż-żmien, l-eżekuttiv jerġa 'jikseb il-kontroll tal-fortizza u l-garrison. Ir-retenzjoni li tibda bid-dehra tal-fergħa eżekuttiva hija serja. Il-konvenuti li jħarsu l-qawwa jiddikjaraw 'l-ebda anormalità'. Tispiċċa bħal dan. Il-fortizza għadha sikura llum.
■클립명: 유럽088-몰타02-12 기사단 최초의 본부 성 안젤로 요새
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 하용일 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2018년 6월June
섬,island,cliff,성/궁전,palace,전통의식/기타풍습,풍습,,traditional ceremony,유럽Europe몰타MaltaRepubblika ta' MaltaRepublic of Malta하용일20186월몰타섬Malta IslandJune걸어서 세계속으로
Everyone bows to the Inquisitor, Palace at Birgu
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Birgu - Vittoriosa Open Market - CSD afterclean
No infringement intended. Infotainment purposes only.
Music: Freeplay Music:
Hateful Arrow Nothing Is Right
RM Jackson and Rod Weinstein
Freephone: 1718
Source filming and editing by CSD
No one expects the Roman Inquisition, Birgu's Inquisitor's Palace Tribunal room
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Scenes from the Three Cities: Cospicua, Vittoriosa and Senglea, Valletta, Malta
Scenes from the Three Cities: Cospicua (Bormla), Vittoriosa (Birgu)
and Senglea (Isla), Valletta, Malta.
The Three Cities offer an intriguing insight into Malta and its history. Left largely unvisited, these cities are a slice of authentic life as well as a glimpse into Malta’s maritime fortunes. The Three Cities can rightly claim to be the cradle of Maltese history, as Vittoriosa, Senglea and Cospicua have provided a home and fortress to almost every people who settled on the Islands. Their harbour inlets have been in use since Phoenician times: the docks always providing a living for local people, but also leaving them vulnerable when Malta’s rulers were at war. As the first home to the Knights of St. John, the Cities’ palaces, churches, forts and bastions are far older than Valletta’s. The local communities here celebrate holy days and festas as nowhere else on the Islands. The most spectacular events are the Easter processions when statues of the “Risen Christ” are carried at a run throughout crowded streets.
Cospicua is the largest of the Three Cities on Grand Harbour opposite Valletta. It is known to many by its earlier name, Bormla. The city was renamed by the Knights of St John because of the brave role played by its people during the Great Siege of 1565. Most of Cospicua's shoreline is taken up by the older dockyard - an area now being restored, and developed as a marina. The city suffered extensive damage during World War II and although rebuilt, it has fewer inhabitants than in the pre-war years. Modern Cospicua is an important market centre in the heart of the docklands. The main building of cultural interest is the Collegiate Church of the Immaculate Conception, which is rich in exquisite works of art. The Firenzuola Fortifications, built in 1638, and Margherita Lines, part of the inland defences the Three Cities, are major landmarks. The Margherita Lines are in fact the only part of old Cospicua which survived World War II.
Vittoriosa, or Birgu, one of the Three Cities, lies on one of the promontories jutting into Grand Harbour, opposite Valletta. At its tip is Fort St Angelo, perhaps the oldest fortification on the Islands. The strategic position of both fort and city over the millennia has led some to call this area `the cradle of Maltese history'. Certainly settlers and rulers from the Phoenicians to the British all made use of the defences here. To honour the part played by the city of Birgu, Grand Master La Valette renamed it Civitas Vittoriosa, `Victorious Town'. Vittoriosa was the first home of the Knights when they arrived in 1530. As such, it contains many important architectural riches. The Knights `auberges' (inns of residence), palaces and churches here are older than those in Valletta. Highlights include the Church of San Lawrenz, designed by Malta's most prominent baroque architect, Lorenzo Gafa', the Inquisitor's Palace, Fort St Angelo and the Maritime Museum.
Senglea, stands on a narrow promontory jutting into Grand Harbour. The land was fortified in 1551 by Grand Master Claude de la Sengle. The Maltese often use the area's earlier name, L-Isla, meaning the island or perhaps short for `peninsula'. During the Great Siege of 1565, Senglea was protected by Fort St Michael on its landward side and by Fort St Angelo on the tip of Vittoriosa across the creek. The heroic role played by its people led Grand Master Jean de la Valette to give the city the title of Citta' Invicta, the invincible city. Like its sister cities, Senglea suffered heavy damage during World War II. More than 75 percent of its buildings were destroyed. The parish church dedicated to the Nativity of the Madonna was rebuilt and retains its artistic heritage. The city is noted for its superb harbour views across to Valletta from Safe Haven Gardens at Senglea Point. The stone vedette, known as il-Gardjola, on the bastion-point served as a look-out post to guard the harbour entrance. The sculptured eye and ear above its windows are symbols of vigilance.
Inquisitor's Palace
Three Cities