Intermiel - Union des producteurs agricoles
Intermiel - WorldsGreatest
#WorldsGreatestTV.- Nous sommes la meilleure entreprise apicole au monde ! World’s Greatest est une émission américaine diffusée à travers les États-Unis. Cette prestigieuse émission sélectionne les meilleurs entreprises au monde dans leur secteur d’activité afin de présenter leur histoire au grand public. En nomination avec une entreprise apicole de l’Australie et des États-Unis, nous avons remporté le titre de la meilleure entreprise apicole au monde ! Quelle expérience ce fut de recevoir l’équipe de tournage et leur faire découvrir les différents aspects de l’entreprise. #intermiel #miel #honey #hydromel #mead
# WorldsGreatestTV.- We are the best beekeeping company in the world!
The American show World's Greatest is aired across the United States. World’s Greatest is a TV show dedicated to highlight the world’s greatest companies. This TV show selects companies from different industries, the best in the world, and presents their story to the public. In nomination with beekeeping businesses from Australia and the US, Intermiel won the title of THE World’s Greatest. What an experience it was to receive the film crew and introduce them to different aspects of the business. #intermiel #miel #honey #hydromel #mead
Visit To Intermiel Honey Farm
The weather has been so nice this week! So after we finished our schoolwork, we took and impromptu trip to the countryside for lunch and a visit to Intermiel, a beautiful honey farm. We have been reading about bees, so this was a wonderful way to expand our learning in a hands on way.
Kiddo had so much fun exploring the educational room with the huge active hive wall and interesting activities about bee life and anatomy. We took the guided tour that was lead by a beekeeper, which I would highly recommend if you have the opportunity. The fee was $10 for adults and $5 for children, and included a honey and mead tasting. It is a beautiful site, and we will definitely do more exploring of the St-Eustache area!
If you like my videos, please do subscribe and also follow along on our social media accounts:
Mead tasting at Intermiel Quebec, Canada
Various kind of mead are checked by a group of apitherapists at INTERMIEL, the largest Canadian producer of mead
اكتشفوا معي أكبر مزرعة و متجر لتربية النحل و بيع العسل بكل أنواعه تسمى mirabel intermiel
Intermiel 7 Septembre 2014
Dans le cadre de la journée de l'UPA, Intermiel faisait porte ouverte et voici un petit moment intéressant de la visite.
جولة في معرض ابيمونديا كندا 2019
جولة جميلة جداً في معرض مستلزمات النحل ومنتجاته من ابيمونديا كندا 2019 بعدسة الأخ العزيز احمد فايز القثامي
شاهد نظام البيع في أسواق كندا كيف؟ ......والله الامان اكثر من ما اعتقد
اشترك معنا ليصلك كل جديد
شاهد كيف يباع العسل في كندا
Dégustation d'hydromel Médiéval Intermiel
Pour + de rigolades avec les frères Atman:
L'hydromel est-il une simple nostalgie passagère parmis les produits du terroir québécois, ou mérite-il sa place sur l'étagère du haut? Les frères Atman goute au nouvel hydromel Intermiel tant célébré dit 'Médiéval.'
Nobodies Are Somebodies Podcast - ROADTRIP JUNE 22, 2019 COMPILATION
Chad Vice and Unpaid Promoter Maryse Delorme took a road trip through rural Ontario and Quebec regions for content for the podcast. Here is a compilation of videos originally released on Nobodies Are Somebodies Podcast Facebook Page
Road-trip video # 2 taken from a stop at Intermiel located in Mirabel, Quebec, near Grenville, here Maryse Delorme forces Chad Vice to get up close and personal with the bees on site in a how it's made type little video. Chad Vice is not the biggest consumer of honey and not a fan of bees at all!
WARNING: Content may be disturbing to those with bee/honey allergies
Road trip video # 3, when Chad Vice and Unpaid Promoter Maryse were on their way to Oka, QC to check out the native reserves and smoke shops and try to speak to some people about the shops and how they have evolved over the new Canadian laws passed this year. But it was a bit of a slooowwww riiiide! to get there...
Road trip video # 4, when Chad Vice and Unpaid Promoter Maryse were in Oka, QC to check out the native owned smoke shops and try to speak to some people about the shops and how they have evolved and grown over the new Canadian laws passed this year. This video features a trip down the main road in Oka where all the shops line the streets on both sides. We visited a couple of the shops - video and audio devices were not permitted inside, but we left our calling card and hopefully we can speak with someone soon on the Nobodies Are Somebodies Podcast. Got some info to share? Please comment in the section below, we would love to hear from you!
رحلة لمزرعة خلايا النحل وشجر التفاح في مقاطعة اونتاريو كندا -اشتري العسل الطبيعي !!
رحلة لمزرعة خلايا النحل وشجر التفاح في مقاطعة اونتاريو كندا -اشتري العسل الطبيعي !!
هيا بنا في رحلة شيقة في كندا ????????
نزور مزارع التفاح وخلايا النحل واشتري العسل الطبيعي في كندا أونتاريو !!
مزارع التفاح مزرعة النحل عسل طبيعي عسل كندا رحلة للمزرعة الحياة مع سام خلايا النحل في كندا عسل أصلي في كندا اونتاريو مغامرت شيقة كندا مغامرت شيقة
أكبر متجر و مزرعة لإنتاج العسل و تربية النحل في مدينة كيبيك
ONE ROOT HONEY APIARIES مناحل عسل ون رووت
حدائق صنوان
كلنا نحب المذاق الحلو للعسل. ولكن هل تعرف من أين يأتي عسلك وكيف تتم معالجته؟ يتم خلط معظم العسل في السوق مع العسل أرخص حيث تكون ملوثة وأحيانا وحتى مختلطة مع شراب صناعي. توجد لوائح للحد من أو حظر العسل الملوث ، ولكن الشركات الكبرى تجد طرق لتوصلها في أسواقنا.
لدينا العسل الطبيعي الذي يتم حصاده باستخدام طرق تربية النحل الأخلاقية والعضوية فقط. سافرنا عبر كندا ، نبحث عن أنظف أرض لنحل العسل. ونحن على ثقة بأن لدينا أفضل عسل في كندا