Simar Nature Reserve under threat?
This is a video edit about Simar Nature Reserve with beautiful aerial footage of our reserve in Xemxija and also of birds in the habitat which it provides.
BirdLife Malta is seriously concerned about the future of this reserve as it seems that plans to allow building development in the surrounding area could materialise in the near future.
This would have a negative impact on the habitats which make the reserve a protected bird sanctuary and a unique Natura 2000 site.
Footage by BirdLife Malta, editing by Iryna Lukashuk.
Christmas Nature Fair at Simar Nature Reserve
For the first time BirdLife Malta will be organising a Christmas Nature Fair at one of its nature reserves.
Is-Simar Nature Reserve in Xemxija will be hosting stands from different organisations and sustainable enterprises…there will also be workshops, games and activities especially for families and children, and a food stall with delicious Christmas treats!
We have teamed up with a number of other like-minded organisations to share the festivities. Simar will be decorated for the occasion and showcasing the work of the organisations below with different exhibits, activities and installations:
* Malta National Aquarium
* Wasteserv Malta
* Koperattiva Kummerċ Ġust
* Higher Youths Malta (Giovanni Curmi Higher Secondary)
* Simply Organic
Our education team will also have seasonal craft activities and games for children including Christmas crafts and tree decorations.
At the reserve’s bird hides, expert reserve wardens will be running bird ringing demonstrations and they will assist you in birdwatching. The Visitors’ Centre will also be open for the day.
We shall also have a storytelling session jointly organised with the National Literacy Agency, with whom we hold a special relationship thanks to our weekly ‘Magic of Stories’ sessions held every Thursday at Simar.
During the event we shall also be offering the BirdLife Malta Christmas pack with our latest membership package offers which include books, magazines, pin badges, key chains and other souvenirs for those who join us before the end of the year.
The Christmas Nature Fair is an opportunity to enjoy the outdoors and get closer to nature and wildlife during the winter season! At the same time those attending will be engaged with fun-filled activities and games related to the festive period.
Entrance is free and there is no need for booking.
Simar Nature Reserve
Outing to Simar Nature Reserve in Pwales Valley near Xemxija Bay in Malta
First time ever record of Coots breeding in Malta
For the first time ever on record, a pair of Coots has bred at Is-Simar Nature Reserve in Xemxija, Malta run by BirdLife Malta. See footage of the pair and their chicks.
Little Grebe breeds at Simar Nature Reserve
For only the second time on record in the Maltese islands, a Little Grebe (Blongun zgħir) has been confirmed breeding within the refuge of Simar Nature Reserve in Xemxija.
Spring 2018 at BirdLife Malta's nature reserves
The unstable weather last week, and more specifically a storm which hit the Maltese Islands overnight, landed a few interesting species sheltering at the nature reserves.
A flock of 12 Garganeys (Maltese Name: Sarsella Ħamra) were at Simar Nature Reserve. The flock composed of ten males birds and two female birds spent most of the day dabbling in the water searching for food and later taking a well deserved rest before continuing their journey north. It is not uncommon to see flocks of Garganeys at sea at this time of the year but they do not commonly venture inland. At one point in time a flock of Black-winged Stilts also joined the flock.
Simultaneously at Għadira Nature Reserve four rare Ferruginous Ducks (Maltese Name: Brajmla Ħamra) made a welcome appearance. These birds are quite unmistakable in terms of identification with their characteristic brick red plumage and a white underbelly.
Footage by BirdLife Malta, editing by Nathaniel Attard.
Rehabilitated birds released on Comino and at Simar Nature Reserve
Last week, two Common Kestrels and a Turtle Dove were released by BirdLife Malta after months of rehabilitation by members of our conservation and injured birds teams.
The two Common Kestrels (Spanjuletti in Maltese) were released on Comino which is a protected bird sanctuary, whilst the Turtle Dove (Gamiema) was released at our Simar Nature Reserve in Xemxija on the same day – Tuesday the 10th of July 2018.
Both kestrels, found in Ta’ Qali and Marsaskala, had broken wings as a result of illegal hunting during this year’s spring hunting season. The Common Kestrel recovered from Ta’ Qali was retrieved by police on 22nd April and it had a pellet in its body together with a broken wing. The second Common Kestrel recovered from Marsasakala was found on 6th May and the vet also confirmed it as having been shot.
On the other hand, the Turtle Dove was a victim of illegal trapping in Santa Katerina. The protected bird was used as a live decoy to trap other Turtle Doves illegally and sustained injuries as a result of being kept in a cage for a long time. It was rescued in April by members of one of our Spring Watch teams who were monitoring the spring hunting season in this area, in the limits of Rabat. All three birds were ringed before being released.
Footage by Sandra Maria Cuevas, Antony Luque and Kinga Kupska. Music by Bensound ( Editing by Kinga Kupska.
Little Grebe at Simar Nature Reserve
Further footage of the Little Grebe chick at the Simar Nature Reserve.
Spoonbills at Simar Nature Reserve
Here is some footage of the two Eurasian Spoonbills which spent some days at BirdLife Malta’s Simar Nature Reserve earlier this week. Spoonbills are large, long-legged wading birds in the family Threskiornithidae, which also includes the ibises. The genus name platalea derives from Latin and means ‘broad’, referring to the distinctive shape of the bill. Six species are recognised, which are distributed over much of the world. The Eurasian Spoonbill is the most widespread species, which occurs in the northeast of Africa and much of Europe and Asia, across to Japan. It is considered as a very scarce migrant for Malta and most records are of singles resting at Għadira Nature Reserve, but occasionally they are seen in flocks, migrating. In 2003 a flock of 17 Spoonbills spent a morning at Għadira while in January 2004 two of them spent nearly a week at the reserve but poachers broke in at night and killed them both. An adult Spoonbill with a Spanish ring was at Għadira on 10th March 2009. While in 2011 a Hungarian-ringed Spoonbill landed in Salina, and which unfortunately was also shot. (Footage by Nick Piludu and Rachel Shepherd, editing by Iryna Lukashuk)
Night Heron released at Simar Nature Reserve
This Night Heron was recovered from the top of a hotel in Mellieħa on the 10th of April.
The bird was taken to a vet who diagnosed it as being weak and free from any shotgun injuries. This meant that following a few days of care the bird was ready for release.
It was ringed and released on Friday 14th April at Simar Nature Reserve, which shall provide the bird with an ideal habitat where it can refuel for some more days before it continues its migration north. The bird has been ringed so its migration can be followed should it turn up in another country.
Footage by BirdLife Malta, editing by Nathaniel Attard.
The Pilgrims' Way - Xemxija Heritage Trail
On the eastern edge of Bajda Ridge, overlooking Xemxija, are concentrated a wide variety of archaeological sites, within an area barely measuring half a, ranging from the neolithic age more than 5500 years ago, through Punic and Roman times. The area is well cared for and organised into an interesting heritage trail starting uphill along a road dating back to the Roman era that cuts across the ridge past ancient cave dwellings, tombs and apiaries, heading towards Mellieħa. In the Miżieb woodland to the west of the road are ruins of what may have been a megalthic temple.
To the east one can head towards punic tombs and more cave dwellings. Yet further east one comes across a prehistoric grain silo and a cluster of six rock-cut neolithic tombs dating from the early temple period, 5500 years ago. In the northeast, overlooking Mistra Valley and Mistra Gate, beneath the cart ruts, one can find the Roman baths in an evocative setting on the cliff face.
Bajda Ridge is bound to the south by Pwales Valley and to the north by Miżieb and Mistra Valleys. From the top of this ridge one can enjoy views of Xemxija Bay and St. Paul's Bay in the distance, Is-Simar Nature Reserve in Pwales Valley and Mellieħa Ridge and Selmun Palace to the north.
Proset lill-voluntiera kollha li jieħdu ħsieb dan il-post, b'mod speċjali lis-Sur Frans Scerri li ltqajt miegħu ħdejn il-banjijiet Rumani ftit qabel ġbidt dan il-video.
Music: Cantiga de Santa María 241, Parade mentes ora [Nigra Sum Sed Formosa: Il Culto Di Maria Tra Monastero E Corte] Alfonso X
Squacco Heron at Simar Nature Reserve
An Adult Squacco Heron in breeding plumage, preening at Simar Nature Reserve, malta.
Chadwick Lakes - Malta
A short ten minute documentary on the Chadwick Lakes/Wied il-Qlejgha area of Malta, home to a unique set of nineteenth century dams which retain fresh water for about seven months of the year, feeding a natural watercourse and supporting a rare habitat in the Maltese Islands
#malta #xemxija #stpaulsbay A LOVELY EXPLORE FINDING
COASTAL WALK – Mġiebaħ ∙ Selmun ∙ Mistra
Lets walk along another stretch of pristine coastline between Mellieħa Bay and Xemxija, Malta.
Follow my photography on:
Nature Reserve Malta
a visit to Malta's nature reserve parks located in the north of the Island called Ghadira (Mellieha) and Simar nature reserve in Spring 2008
Simar & Għadira Nature Reserves Open Days 2017
This weekend BirdLife Malta's nature reserves reopened to the public after the summer break. Simar Nature Reserve is now open every Sunday between 10am and 4pm whilst Għadira will be open on both Saturdays and Sundays between 10am and 4pm.
In preparation for the reopening of both reserves, last Saturday and Sunday lots of families and children attended the special Open Days which were organised at both sites - Għadira on Saturday and Simar on Sunday.
The events were a huge success with lots of children and families joining in to take part in the activities which were prepared for the day.
Footage by Veerle van Werde and Pascale Kouassigan. Editing by Veerle van Werde.
L-ILLUM iżżur ir-Riserva Naturali tas-Simar
L-ILLUM iżżur ir-Riserva tal-BirdLife tas-Simar
(filmat ta' Ivan Consiglio)
Xogħol il-BirdLife mhux biss li jipproteġu l-ħajja tal-għasafar…
Ħafna nies għandom l-idea li l-BirdLife teżisti purament biex topponi l-kaċċa u tagħmel kampanji il-protezzjoni tal-għasafar. Minkejja li l-għasafar huma fiċ-ċentru ta’ kull ma tagħmel il-BirdLife, xogħol l-organizzazzjoni jkopri l-ekosistema kollha u kull aspett tal-ambjent li jeffetwa l-għasafar.
Infatti, fir-riservi naturali tal-BirdLife, bħall ma hi dik tas-Simar fix-Xemxija, jintlaħqu tliet aspetti li huma l-bażi tax-xogħol ta’ din l-organizzazzjoni
Aqra rapport shih fuq weblink
9 T'OTTUBRU 2016, at 18:46 hrs.
San Pawls Bay
my balcony, overlooking Xemxija and San Pawl Island. MALTA